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Show Citizen, Press. Review - Wed., Sept. 2, 1987 - 16 Page Deadline Deadline Mon., 2:00 p.m. Mon., 2:00 p.m. INSTRUCTION BUSINESS PERSONALS HELP WANTED Don't lose your diamonds. We check I clean free. Read's Jewelry & Gift-complete jewelry store. All work done on premises. 36 years in business. EARN EXCELLENT MONET in $100 DAYCAR- WILL for MURE AND DAY E- tender loving care in my home. All ages. Near PG High. N D & 24 hrs. EARN CAR POOLING E V Top candies, nuts, mints, gums, Toys machines, TODAY! etc. using advanced locators, training, merchandising Assembly work. Jewelry, Others. FT & PT avail. CALL A WANT TO Home highest return? Responsible, mature with car & $5,000? Call: RIDES LAKE. SALT TO at 6:30 a m. to 33rd South. 9th West. Returns 3:30. Leave CHILD CARE fenced chandise vestment. LOST AND FOUND More MINIATURE GREY BLACK Limps right back leg. to Fufu. Anyone knowing about whereabouts, anything Reward. please call Answer EVERGREEN AT to two small children. support work payroll, shipping-receivininspecting- - packaging on n Send product. resume' including work in educational along with a handletter detailing personal background and interests Box 701, Am. Fork, Utah 84003. Job starts end of Sept. to tend S home. AF my UIKM iniuMt. Pan-tim- e sales people wanted to sell athletic club memberships. Call for details. EARN LIKE PEOPLE? 's Represent 100 Guaranteed line of Christmas Merchandise, Gifts, Toys NEW and Home Decor. TWO Great new program for Hostesses and Sales Reps. No or investment, delivering, collections. Car and phone needed. CATALOGS! in & LIKE WOULD CHILDREN of Lots BALLOON BOUQUETS occasions. Special for all rates. We TEND TO Monday fun, TLC, Shelley deliver. HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS for CANDY occasion, birthdays, you's. We deliver, too. Helium tank rental for parties. any NURSES-NEE- GROWING TOO FAST. WANTED: OR PART- - HAIR- DRESSERS. e Progressive-Som- clientele Also preferred. experienced nail artist. Also e part-tim-e makeup-colo- r experienced consultant. Call Beauty Encounter. Ask for FEW A D REDUCE YOUR BICYCLE REPAIR Pick up a shift at Heritage Convalescent Center in AF. good benefits and flexible schedule. DOLLARS? You'll Competitive salary. here. Call working SCHWINN creosote lining reduce services all at the most consumption more CLOWN REMEMBER or Shirley MANAGEMENT TRAINEES: Specialty transportation company needs individuals with degree and willing to relocate to further career. Submit resume to Herman Bros., Inc. P.O. Box 189, Omaha, Nebraska 68101. Attention: Lyman Bell. THE FOR own your hours and earn Hawaii Jackie at trip. Call MACHINE SEWING wanted CAKES OPENINGS! (all Con- Drivers, phases), Welders, Mechanics, HEO, Electronics, Machinists, Assemblers. Some entry level. (Up to $6,000-month- ) Transcontinental Search (800) fee. CAKE- Sdesigned especially for you. Also birthday, anniversary, etc. Sheet cakes, party refreshments, candies. Annette's CELLO THE NOW I've PRODUCTS weight so can you. CARPET CLEANING hot water extraction. For cash or barter. lost plications only to Marc Haddock, P.O. Box 7, American Fork, Utah 84003. call CLEAN, BEAUTIFY, PROTECT LaRee, MONEY EXTRA NEED VACATION? CARPETS AND FURNITURE needed AGENTS the Alpine. American Fork, Pleasant Grove and Lehi areas for in this newspaper. Work your own neighborhood. Ideal for in Sell FOR Avon carpet. shrinkage. water removal, insurance MaryAnn Horsemen-sadd- ex- and in- le pads fc"" beginning and Linda Peck. Call Carl, 785-464- 9 experienced operators to help with increased production Trainee positions also load. HAIR CARE CHILD LICENSED available. Excellent benefits: up CUT SHAMPOO, & CARE. next to Fred discount. Good Ask Meyer. for Lisa Angie. or Jackie. and plastering of foundations fifteen years experience Call 768 4203 weeks paid vacation, 8 paid holidays, dental insurance and choice of 5 medical plans. Also profit sharing CHILD LICENSED CARE. Forbes CAPERS PRESCHOOL lei us free your chain build fence estimates. PYKE to One HOME. MANUFACTURING three children References Experienced. weekdays. (Pykettes) 380 E. Main Lehi IN SITTING BABY Need estimates. Guaranteed work Call 768 4015. Professional Free GROVE. Four bedroom, bath, family room, fenced No yard. smoking-pet- p.m., 22 EAST AMERICAN SOUTH, FORK. 7564025. or pets. THREE BATH TWO BEDROOM, HOME in Lehi to mature, capable couple or women, (One child OK) who will give TLC for 18 months. Price negotiable to right party. Start AF FOR RENT MY AF Ballet, baton, jazz tap. Tots, teens, and Western States Regional and HOME Champs. Join a winning USTA instructor. PRESCHOOL AUGUST STARTING 31. ONE No BEDROOM, drinking or 7564222 or animals. smoking, $190-m- t 4 AGES DISPOSAL? Curtis. Licensed Call a BATHTUB Ron replace Bathtubs Look REFINISHING. good and of selection antiques collectibles. We buy and sale. 120 West Main, Lehi. individual teacher. PRODUCE POTATOES, AND HAY. $4.00 bushel. containers. You pick. it' refinished Professional in ceramic your tile Ni' Call wonting 785 0416 oi estimate American Fork. After 2 p.m. lor free home 136 No plumbing needs West Slate Rd American Fork 756 5846 SERVICE NICE BARTLETT PEARS. $7 Com tiller, single or p.Cl jJjyp.,. A PM IN PIPES Plumbinp Repairs & Remodeling IMI.K Sllt'MWAY p,nnc; (XIII ) 756-305- 1.5 Exercycle. Call AMERICAN FORK DUPLEX, large yard, garage, included. No pets. DYAZIDE ATTENTION: USERS, a Paid 30 Save asking $1499. POTATOES. TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS AND TOMATOES for AND CORN SWEET 10585 North 6400 West, BEDROOM ready TONING TABLES. No FORK DUPLEX, fenced hookups. Great location. smoking, pets. A and COUPLE. Convenient location. One clean. attractive, bedroom, one study. Furnished or not. No drinking, smoking or pets. camera. $650. Also camper shell and carpet kit. Fits small All in excellent truck. $500. condition. (less for a year's lease) or 373- plus utilities. 5585. $200-m- WATERBED older (paid pickup, good running condition. ALPINE BEDROOM TWO evenings. BEDS, WHEELCHAIRS, commodes, oxygen, other hospital or supplies. Call can make your in nistnm reupholsteiy provirtc iimIphiiK loi the (lo ll I HI consultation and yoiicvlliM IKII and t!stmMt"s pickup specialii' m (IHi"v Also see us loi cat. Iiur.k RV uphnlsteiy i.anippi diul Alpinr UphulsWy I.IK N Wost St,ii' Rd AmmMii Inik 7S6 IhmI I" awn Expert of good Two . Saturday, & Monday. 1230 North 280 West. Pleasant and Shoe Repai Kids 19.95 & No Shop Boot 12 1. Mail V 1 -- I , 5, 1987 East, American 3 p m. All kinds of AKG SPACE Main, includes month, RENT FOR American 306 Fork. $150 utilities. Call JoAnn or Nancy FORK main street retail shops. One at 750 sq.ft. of space $275-mand one at 2,000 sq .ft. of space $550-mo- . Call Bank of American Fork at SPACE AVAILABLE at 405 State Road, Am. Fork. Call Stan Robinson, Century 21 Robinson and Wilson Realty, E. STORAGE UNITS SECURE tape integrated DUPLEX 115 TOWNHOUSE Ig bdrms. 1 SG evenings 756 2265 amplifier, IN WCAsFTwo Mike microphone. . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER new. GROVE SELF STORAGE. block, THE BEST FOR LESS AT storage special: 5' X 5' storage units, reg. now $7 50- - mo., 5' X 10' units, reg. now $15mo. Special offer ends Sept. 30. No deposit AMERICAN THREE FORK, furnished or nice clean unfurnished apartments. One child resident manager with complete electronic security system, 420 E. 620 S American Fork (near 115 interchange). Call now and smoking OK. No pets. You pay lights only Starting $200 to $250-mo- AMERICAN 6'X15'-$25- BASS GUITAR AND PEAVEY 100 STORAGE! $35; 12'x30'-$5- North, AMP. Excellent condition. 768 8320. WITH CASE, $275. 756 8343. FORK 9 X15 ; 32 West $100 deposit. Call days or 756 6440 after 6 p.m. 400 CONN TRUMPET or required. deck, Amp Post 13. WITH American Fork. GET ROOM, ONE BEDROOM, Fork. 8 a m. things. Don't miss this one! Sponsored by the Scouts from Pack 13. Troop 13. Team 13. and GARAGE BASEMENT. Smoking or pets. North 200 West. 2 EQUIPMENT equalizer, GUITAR, GIBSON stand. 168 North Ladies $35 Western Am. Fork DANCE 12' AMPEG Grove. I Realty, RENTALS bedroom, baths, fridge, range, disposal. Full bsmt for storage. $350-mo- . amplifier, turntable. W clean, 12 X 1.5 baths, carpets, drapes, fridge, 24. Household, RV, commercial. stove. No pets. $35. Advance payment discount: 12th month free; 6 months-- 2 AMERICAN FORK LARGE 3 weeks free. East of State Street BEDROOM DUPLEX, family room, 417 East 790 South. AF Friday. Boot We sell quality boot A Men's stuff. Labor Day weekend. & home AMERICAN SALE Mixer, R Cartwright, PLEASANT LEHI TOWNHOUSE basement, $350 mo INSTRUMENTS Lots apart- ment, hookups, AC. No pets. No more than two children. Usable condition. Call MOBILE 2 NICE TRADE MUSICAL SHOE REPAIR Well Neat, video for $275-m- WORKING insulated. WILL ETC., OFFICE FOR REMOTE HORSES, or 50 WITH WIRELESS FOR ponds, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Frame home, American Fork, No more than 2 children, Year lease. AMERICAN Save Call lor FREE Color Catalogue. to yard, Reasonable rates. D WITH location. utilities. Call Lehi plus now. Call Call Carl, GARAGE-YAR- DUPLEX good $8000. fuel PICKLING GROWN CUCUMBERS or Kent, r BEDROOM TWO on EARTH TOMATOES Rototilling PG. West Beds. Tanning Passive Exercisers. SlenderQuest HOSPITAL or remodeled. Carry contract. 14x70 mobile home. Own lot. OFFICE TWO TO COMMERCIAL washer-drye- Rexall Drug. OR OPTION baths, after 5 Call p.m. sale. plow, three bedroom home BEDROOM TWO hookups. DP Exercise set; AMF Jaguar 4000 PEDESTAL t LANDSCAPE double SALE BUY. Older Marvin or UPHOLSTERY lavonte furniture look like npw1 We ! LEHI Highland. NEW UPHOLSTERY 2a tiR. Rooter Service, a bushel. with 750 and 1530 John Deere with Rock Rake landscape roller, I REPAIR. Call or condition; VCR 50 to 90 cents a dozen. Young roosters. $2 each. Jersey cow pet milk, $1.70 a gallon. FRESH FERTILE FARM EGGS, WARNICK i AND NOW GRAPES and drying. Also taking orders for Concords. Kent Day, Lrek utility Lehi. AC, bill. Excellent for table use AVAILABLE. Call Roy ROOFING baths, large 1.5 room, AMERICAN TABLE UTAH your Two bedroom. 5 CLARINET in FLAT 1000 SUNBEDS, SWEET colors guaranteed available Call Perma Glaze at 756 0230. no 265 East 500 PEARS North, CORN, ROOFING TOWNHOUSE. excellent $1200) SONS B SOLAR UNIT. Moving. ROOFING it1 Perma-Gla- sinks, of harnesses, all leather, fits 1300-140- 0 lb horses. California king size bed, with two night stands, dresser 7 and mirror. 756- - ROTOTILLING & Set TREADMILL JOGGER CARPORT, PRUNING TREE FARMING included. Utilities deposit. plus Bring own team. FOR RENT, Also therapeutically equivalent generic will be available by September 8. Retail $18.98 per 100. Smith PEARS SERVICE $350. just FOURPLEX USED KING N 5 limited or Why WASHBURN new ONE BEDROOM Lehi. ANTIQUES 4 Haskell TREE large paint. Two small children OK. No smoking or with 25 ACRES OUTPOST Masters' degree Early childhood. 9 years experience TUESDAY Three bedroom. Fireplace. No smoking. Pets OK. Basement. PLEASANT GROVE. Extra or FOR SALE sessions. AM WESTERN AND REFIN ISHING 15 mare, TOWNHOUSE, Sharon BATON CORPS. hours. Call Marcy at after 6:30 p.m. a HOT WATER HEATER or GARBAGE CHlf i heating. LEHI. FORK AMERICAN THE BLUE CRYSTALS DANCE AND 8 Flexible Opportunity Employer I PAINTING, RENTALS the three and CHILD CARE IN MY CEDAR HILLS or INTERIOR. bath, water paid. one bedroom, Ideal for young marrieds. No smokers 11-- Mon.-Sa- hands. $400. BARTLETT Please apply in person: Reasonable prices, 756 7473 OUTSIDE Two IN AMERICAN FORK. HOME 100 We buy. sell or pawn computers, stereos. C.D.'s 7988 LONGER PAINTING or TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, 162 W. Main, Lehi bay FOUR FAMILY GARAGE SALE. wooden yards $50. Call APARTMENTS FARM-GARDE- NEW TRAINING Union. meicial and residential Build up 768 lawrence Butterfield 8243 link SOILS Lawrence Butterfield Loans & Antiques of manuscripts. editing Reasonable rates. Call ' Norma Penrod. a art, more enrollment, attention. Experienced INSTRUCTION area. Meals. Activities and games. Will consider any ages. School and Credit Call ANY 5.. word IBM NOOK October. neighborhood. Available Gas for fe)ced yar(Ji j(Jea includes water. Deposit and references required. After 5 ALPINE TOPSOIL. 8 MISCELLANEOUS THURSDAY FENCING IT OFF TOP Jones. r Pierpont. PRESCHOOL ROOFING DON'T PUT MOUNTAIN Terry M. Antiques'Finance GunsGoldDiamonds VCR'sSilverToolsTV's clean FORK, bedroom PLEASANT ALPINE Monday-Frida- TOMATOES, 4 DOUG'S WATERWORKS TYPES OF CEMENT WORK AMERICAN 1 STYLE. Women $8. men $6. Perm special $19.95, with cut & style $24.95. Every Wednesday. Senior Citizen 10 atmosphere, loving mother, neai Barratt Elementary. Call Dixie further loi plumbing supplies and service work. We can handle all ALL loaded. pets. 1075 North 100 West. literature. Music theory, keyboard, indeveloping imagination, strument voice, playing, per- FUR- Call CHILD CARE plumber. Reasonable rates 768 3330 CONCRETE deliver We SPECIALTIES. good topsoil, slag or fill. Daytime after 6 p.m. call or Pickup trucks before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m., or leave message on phone recorder. morning Quality session. afternoon CUSTOM concrete TOPSOIL LIVESTOCK forming opportunities and many more fun activities! Three years and up. PLUMBING building, remodeling needs, call are buying U.S. L unique way ol learning R's through music, industrial mowing PORCELAIN REPAIR all your business and residential windows; Phone Brian Mellor at ANTIQUES SERVICE DIRECTORY For 70. American Fork Alpine, Lehi, Pleasant Grove, and Orem. prices paid. Large Free needed. ap- Top DELIVERED TOPSOIL SCREENED praisals. COIN TRADE CENTER, 1102 South State, Orem, Ut 10 a.m.- - 5:30 84058. p.m. processing. Resumes, term papers, reports, letters, proofreading and Pruning, topping, & removing, also hedging & yard work. or for handmade items to sell on consignment basis. Jann, Hours: CANDY Post Large lot Need Equal CARPENTER? Huir''111"1' FORK BUSINESS NEW AMERICAN program including basic computer teacher. skills. Experienced Excellent facilities. Call Carilyn 'Marking Off hole digging Plowing (Especially Sergers) Dorothy. A L or LESSONS., CLEAN family room, fireplace with insert, neighborhood, close to quiet or school. Call FOn SALE Custom Farming Leveling claims. cleaned. AND CARPET CLEANERS. NITURE NEEDED least 12 years of age with two written personal references. NEED TOPSOIL-GRAVE- Collector's coins, U.S. coins, gold or silver in any form, used or scrap WASHING WINDOW GRANNY'S Kanno Wendy LEHI PRESCHOOL OPERATORS be at CARPENTRY HOMES FOR RENT or AF, Diana, PRESCHOOL WARNICK ; Emergency RAINBOW EXPERIENCED teenagers or adults. Generous commission, work your own hours, continual employment. We provide a complete list of contacts. Must Call years or YOUR with a cleaning job by the 'Steam Genie' professionals. Fast drying hours), safe on all types of No to SUBSCRIPTION cues, balls, wall 4 E- for everything. table top. $225. looking WORD PROCESSING my 3 FARM WORK good needed to cover general news assignments andor sports in Lehi area. skills and experience Writing needed, photography experience with camera but preferred, Send written apoptional. repair service. Sherwood's Office Supply. WEIGHT NEW SEWING MACHINE - Ten Beginning intermediate. Catering. TO SELL AVON please wood CORRESPONDENT Antique LESSONS PIANO or SERVICE LEHI and brass repairing LOSS LIVE-I- American Fork, Ut 84003 PRODUCTS, shop work, some local field work. Good ability to solve problems at Apply Alpine necessary. Fireplaces, 782 West State, Lehi. RESTORATION, perience. termediate. DIET-WEIGH- T ORDER aide, capable of supervising other domestic help. Send resume to P.O. Box 7, MARTIN STYLE ADDING and OPERATOR CHARGE FORK two bedroom condo townhouse. 80 North 400 East. No smoking, pets. $280-m- HOUSEKEEPER ANYONE WISHING WORKER WANTED for heat units. Needs to work well with people. Metal work and electrical knowledge helpful. Some AND RENTAL MACHINE BRIAN'S 5 WEDDING LOSS FULL No deposit. $150 pets. 70 pound pull with POOL TABL- WANTED inventories CLEAN YOUR TO 756-634- Monday-Frida- NEED BOW, mount Rocky CARPET CARE IMMEDIATE ENGLISH LONG MISCELLANEOUS jewelry. MUSIC LESSONS Alpine, struction OLD alfalfa also HAY, grass mix, call evenings, SERVICES efficiently. florals and Super magic show for parties. Fun 8 and laughs. & $300 plus Center E. string. CHOICE ALFALFA WINDOW WASHING by balloon Cakes Graded leafy. NEED CASH??? We MISCELLANEOUS stripping, refinishing. polished. ORIGINAL Work $9-- & premium. Will deliver. Morrey. CoCo for Call 255 Grove. 225-755- 0 TYPEWRITER ad- 30 magic vanced magic. $10 to book a minutes. Call party for 8 years and under, Steven Mountain Sweeps Christmas Around the World and earn with BACK FURNITURE BIRTHDAY CLOWN Green ALFALFA REPAIR, TYPING CHIMNEY BEFORE WINTER. Debbie, WORK IS lor chimney eliminates potential hazards such as chimney fires, and also reduces your most cases. FLASH JACK your your chimney can stove's heating efficiency by as much as 15. A clean makes and models reasonable price around. Free estimates. Same day service in BIRTHDAY PI. BEDROOM THREE AMERICAN Attorneys Associates, MAGIC SHOWS love Nadeen plants, trees.. ..gorgeous-loprices. Silk Impressions. ok SPORTING GOODS BILL! little as one millimeter As of operating EXTRA & laundry. can help! Silk I TLC, TYPEWRITER Lehi Drug. PRODUCTION Minimum wage. week. Benefits. Apply at 119 East 200 North, Alpine. WITHOUT PLANTS GREEN WANT LUSCIOUS smokers, Cal Valor Graft at 13 Victoria NEWLY REMODELED Lehi utilities. Citizen discounts Sr. back your it pets. apartments. Utilities paid- - Studio, Cable and 1 and 2 bedroom. Excellent workmanship Reasonable rates love niversaries, fuel WORKER. SILK PLANTS Prompt service in your home or our shop. Chapter through call Embry at an- (American Fork). MATURE Baskets, rugs, Nice CHURCH. AND dishAC. apartmenl W-garbage disposal, for hookups, storage shed, room ward. No smokers, Great garden. no 5 & TV REPAIR bankruptcy. FARMERS: Save your 12 farm Chapter through bankruptcy. For free information CLEANING six Certified technicians MONEY PROBLEMS: Pay debts CHIMNEY ADORABLE PUPPY 9 147 E. 600 N., Am. Fork GOODWILL Call Carl. 785 4649 or Kent, 785 2622 AN upstairs washer, country gifts "Leveling YOUR thru Friday. hot meals. Call HEATING finding for you. We negotiate for top pay and time off. Good standards. Must be good with 9 or children. Call (801) Sept. 4 Main, Lehi, mowing ELEMENTARY NEAR BEDROOM. THREE LEHI litter-bo- Call weeks old. $5 adoption fee. Call Fri. & Sat. only fast ELECTRONICS, Mercantile LEGAL SERVICES BALLOONS Starting salary: $4.50-hhrs. per week. No smokers. NANNIES U.SA High paying jobs available. Call us now. Agency fee paid. Family helpers needed in many exciting places. We do the ADOPT on all items! STAR MILL learning activities. All ages. Call TOLL FREE: CALL Job CARE Games and experience to P.O. NEED MATURE PERSON children area. seeks filing, background written HELP WANTED CHILD Fork FOR RENT trained. ut 756-322- 1 COUNTY firm who is willing to grow with the company Job includes: typing, PARK. Saturday morning, Aug. 29. Large amount of cash. Need desperately UTAH Close-o- service. Reasonable rates. service. Free pickup & delivery on WARNICK Final grading SUPPLIES KITTENS, Landscaping Large lot industrial mature phone, LOST: NO. MANUFACTURING TENDED CHILDREN SALE D APARTMENTS fast expert SERVICE, professional service. Color TV, video video disc. recorder, Authorized RCA & Zenith. No. 4 LANDSCAPING OR AFTER SCHOOL? Half DEPENDABLE SMALL St and activities YOUR American POODLE. large call Sheri, LOST HOME, block from Lehi Elementary. 5:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call Kathy SERVICES in- TV GARAGE-YAR- portables. LINDON MY MY IN yard, NEED Mer- information, HEALEY to West House toys and gifts. No sells itself. Lloyd openings for fall develop your talent Sl now Call meal, BEFORE of "ae LESSONS. PIONEER delivery of flyers e No exPart or perience required. Call 24 hours ext 600. LADIES NEEDED TO SHOW SIT IN BABY VOICE REPAIR O HOME Hand SHARE TRAINING CHILD CARE OPPORTUNITIES PETS AND TWO like BEDROOM DUPLEX, Highland Couple or small family. $295 plus utilities. No indoor petssmoking 225 8229 after 5. STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE 12 x 26' $44mo. $30 deposit. Call Stan Robinson, Century 21 Robinson A Wilson Realty. IV |