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Show Free Press - Wednesday. Sept. 2, 1987 - Page 4 A- - o Scott Greenwood to recite temple Gina Bussio to become bride of Kurt Robert Johnson Sept. 3 Gina Bussio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Bussio., Provo, will marry Kurt Robert Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Johson of Lehi, on Thursday, Sept. 3, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. A reception will honor the couple the same evening from 9 at the home of the bride's parents, 3995 N. 480 East, Provo. The event is open to all friends and relatives. Bridal attendants are: Anne Hickman, Teri Wheelwright and Keri Klug as flower girl. Best men are Brent Johnson and Robert Johnson, brothers of the groom. Honored guests are "Cy" and Margret Foote, Sybil Johnson, 7-- vows with Rebecca L Willma Wootton and Teresa Bussio. The bride-elegraduted from TimpView High and LDS Seminary. She studied in London, England, with the BYU Study Abroad Program. She has an Associate of Applied Science degree in Fashion Merchandising and will further her eduction in Business Management. Her fiance graduated from Lehi High and LDS Seminary. He was executive vice president at Utah Technical College in 1984. He served a mission in Independence, Missouri. Kurt is employed at Four Seasons Temperature Control in Lehi. The couple will live in Qrem. Lehi Stake choir program set for Sept. 20 features Constitution theme Lehi Stake will present a special choir program in celebration of the 200th birthday of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 20 at 7 30 p. m An invitation is extended to all members of Lehi Stake and anyone else who would like to participate to attend or participate. The next practice will be held this Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Lehi Stake Center Chapel, or Sunday night at 8 : p.m. Rita Felt will be the conductor and Norene Kopinsky the accompanist. Also being planned is an Adult Dance on Friday, Sept. 25. The dance is also to celebrate the birthday of the Constitution. A live orchestra will furnish the music for the dance. Plan on participating and celebrating this week of freedom Style. The activities of Lehi Stake are under the direction of Stan Lewis. Michelle Holbrook, John and Cheryl Haws, Merrill and Glenda Carson and Lynette Harris. Rebecca Lynn Durfey and Scott Greenwood have chosen to wed in the Los Angeles LDS Temple on Sept. 26. is the daughter of The bride-to-b- e Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durfey of California. The prospective groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Greenwood, Lehi. An informal open house will honor them on Saturday, Sept. 12, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Greenwood residence, 9880 N. 7800 West, Lehi. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend. Becky graduated from Loveland High School in Ohio. She received her R.N. degree from San Antonio -- -- 7-- SA 3 ST SeptemDer 12 - 8 a.m. Registration; 8 - 8:50 a.m., Continental Breakfast, Morning Session 9 a.m. - noon, ($9). Speakers: Orson Scott Card, Science FictionFantasyHistorical Novels; Dr. La Von B. Carrol, Poetry; Karen Stocker, editor of Harlequin Books, Canada. Lunch on your own. Afternoon Session -- 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., ($9). Speakers: Clark Caras, journalismpublic relations; Doris Buchanan Smith, novels for young people; panel discussionall par- -- - Du University and is currently employed as a visiting nurse in California. She served a mission for the LDS South Church in Columbia, America. Scott graduated from Lehi High School and BYU. He has a degree in design engineering technology. He as a is currently employed manufacturing engineer associate in at Northrup Corporation California. Scott served as an LDS missionary in Finland. The couple plan to make their first home, in Rowland Heights, children of the bride and 12 of her 14 grandchildren. Donna's eight children include Mrs. Joseph (Diane) Friend, West Valley City; Mrs. LeEugene (Linda) Olsen, Bennion; Mrs. Jerry (Karen) Rankin, Paula Eldora, Iowa; Greaves, Pleasant Grove; Mrs. Robert (Dixie) Campbell, Robert Ross Greaves, and Gary Neil Greaves, all of Orem; and Jody Greaves, Lindon. Children of the groom are Mrs. Lorenzo (Mary) Rosas, Kathy Donovan, and Mrs. Shane (Maria) Johnson, and Frank Burgess, all of Ogden; Mrs. Roger (Gerry) Haven, Pocatello, Idaho; and Terry Dean Burgess, Centerville. He has 18 grandchildren. Boyd is retired from Hill Air Force Base. The couple will be living in Lindon at the present time. SMITH DRUG CO. And Your Sommerville, Krista Peterson, and Natalie Devey. Best man duties will be performed Derek is a graduate of Pleasant Grove High School where he was active in baseball. He is currently employed in Salt Lake City. Bridal showers have been given by Mary Peterson, Shauna Peterson, MaraDee Hansen, Melody Sommerville, Carol Yates and Stephany Draney. The couple will make their first home in Pleasant Grove. Members of Lehi's Civic Improvement Association enjoyed a delicious steak barabecue recently h at the Wards' Picnic Area. Following the dinner, a delightful program was furnished by Lehi's Amy Revill and Jeff Kirkpatrick with Wendy Revill and Johnny Revill prooviding the backup har Second-Ninth-Fift- mony. LaVere Downs, C.I.A. president, C.I.A. welcomed the faithful workers who are already planning for next year's Lehi Roundup Rodeo. The dinner is a traditional event plaanned to celebrate a successful rodeo and roundup, and to thank all those who helped make the occasion a successs. We're looking for the perfect Lehi correspondent Am. Fork 756-356- 9 I ticipating speakers, 4:45 - 5:45 p.m., Autograph Party. 7:30 p.m., Awards Banquet ($14), Address: Orson Scott Card. Late Night Read Around to follow. September 13 - 9:30 a.m., Poets Dr. Breakfast ($12), Speaker: LaVon N. Carrol, Utah State Poet of the Year. Those desiring to attend only the Awards Banquet or the Poets Breakfast must notify Abbie Francom, the Roundup chairman, before Sept. 10 at 0 This Stage is Waiting for Your Child v jpy XT Craig Thomas Of all headache types, migraine is often the most excruciating. The word migraine comes from the French derivative of a Greek word meaning "half of the head" - the typical pain location in most persons. Most physicians agree that a diagnosis of migraine includes acute head pain associated with gastrointestinal symptoms In 1 f. 1 LfJM Migraine Treatment Momn irr . EAR 1 I v I V l .M yzrZ in,,. GHDUHU f CHIN nauseu, (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, bloating). Migraine headaches women notice - y may y r , Beginning classes Intermediate in Am. Fork & 4:45-5:3- 0 Tues., yrs. old), Advanced Classes in Am. Fork Tues., Sept. (6-- 8 (9-u- 1 or 8, Call Call 756-499- 756-499- constraceptives I 2 2 H 4 A t 776-CLO- (2564), Am. Pork studio after li Even if you don't have all of the above qualifications, please apply anyway. If you have adequate writing skills and would like to help cover general news assignments and sports in Lehi, please apply in writing to Marc Haddock, P.O. Box 7, American Fork, Utah 84003. Any photography skills would also be preferred (Imitation Lou Grant hair style not necessary for women. ) sometimes worsen symptoms. is Touring Team. Cost is SI per person. Registration at the door or call Special workshop for doggers who want to om an Exhibition. Competition Studio address is same If you cannot make the workshop but would like to join a team, please call us. For more information call relief menopause or during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Estrogens and oral JOIN one of the largest and most successful performing youth put it off any longer - take advantage of this opportunity before it's too late! programs in the country, the three time Hee Haw International Champion WILD WEST CL0GGERS. lhmli of all the fun yout child will have enjoying many exciting opImagine your child becoming an exciting and talented performer. portunities. Feel the pride as you watch the rapid progress your child will make, "Visualize the confidence of your child growing and character developing setting and achieving challenging goals. by associating with great kids in a wholesome positive environment. Don't Xt Lindon. The couple will exchange vows Thursday, Sept. 3. A reception will honor the newlyweds the same evening from 7 until 9 p.m. at the Lehi North Stake Center, 1200 E. 900 North. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Attending the bride will be Melody Lehi High School. She has been active in the drill team organization. Health begin during early childhood and almost always before age 40. Headaches occur less frequently with age. Women experience this headache type more frequently than men and usually near the time of the menstruation. Many NEW daughter, Katrese, to Derek Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright, of by Mike Jensen, Brett Lloyd and Jared Peterson. Katrese will be graduating from 24 W. Main 3 'A Mr. and Mrs. LaMont Peterson, Lehi, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their CIA members enjoy dinner Donna Graves, Boyd ' Burgess marry Donna Greaves of Lindon and Boyd Burgess of Centerville were married Wednesday, Aug. 26, in Lindon by Bishop James Hacking of the Lindon Eighth Ward. Attending the wedding were the Katrese Peterson, Derek Wright announce Sept. marriage plans California. Writers to gather at Excelsior Hotel Writers from throughout Utah will gather at the Excelsior Hotel, Provo, for the 52nd Annual Writer's Roundup, to be held Sept. 11, 12 and 13, according to Wanda Petersen, American Fork, state president of the League of Utah Writers organization. Those interested in writing are invited to attend any or all of the following events, Petersen said: 6 September 11 p.m. Registration; 9 p.m., Reception, buffet, program (Cost, $6). Katrese Peterson, Derek Wright Rebecca Lynn Durfey, Scott Greenwood Kurt Robert Johnson, Gina Bussio There is no one medicine that universally effective in preventing or relieving migraine "attacks." Many medicines have been used to help prevent migraine including ergot calcium alkaloids, antagonists, agents and antidepressants. and nonMost prescription prescription pain killers have been used in attempts to relieve migraine pain. (Tup PLEASANT (JROVK REVIKW I.EM FREE PRESS NO. I TAH C(). SHOPPER P.O. Box 7, 59 West Main, American Fork 756-766- 9 |