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Show uu TRAIN IN MEXICO IS WRECKED Washington, July 16. A train between be-tween Vera Cruz and Mexico City has been wrecked by a bomb near Ap-izaco. Ap-izaco. Tho explosion killed and wounded many persons. A cablegram cable-gram from Vera Cruz to the state department says It Is uncertain whether the train left Vera Cruz July 12 or July 13. The railroad has discontinued dis-continued selling tickets to Mexico City. Mexico City, freed of the perils of 3loge, and with prospects of food for the starving, now Is confronted with another famine a scarcity of money. mon-ey. Millions in currency, Issued by the various factions as control of the capital passed back aitd forth between be-tween them during the last year, have been repudiated by each succeeding government. Worthless Money. Although supported by decree while the Issuing faction remained In con trol, all such currency now In the Wands of the populace is of doubtful value. Villa Issued large amounts, as did Zapata, and when General Ob-regon Ob-regon first occupied the city for General Gen-eral Carranza he made a large issue. Now that food may come in many of the famished, although possessed of some kind of money, may be unable to buy it. Officials here have been expecting that the Carranza government govern-ment will net to regulate the situation. situa-tion. Travelers arriving yesterday at Vera Cruz reported Mexico City quiet and said foreigners were safe from molestation. The populace seemed indifferent to the shifting scenes of government. Heads City Government. Advices to the Carranza agencv said Colonel Ignacio Enriques, formerly consul at New York, had been appointed ap-pointed municipal president of Mexico Mexi-co City to have charge of the civil administration. Vera Cruz advices based on statements state-ments of persons who left Mexico City Saturday say some apprehension was felt that the Carranza forces would invalidate the currency A state department telegram received receiv-ed today, but dated Sunday, said a passenger train on the Tehuantepec railway, going south, was derailed bv bandits Three people were killed and eight others injured. nn |