Show elders correspondence we are much obliged to elder samuel W richards for the following extract extracts sot of late news from a letter written to him by elder james linforth Linfor tb of the millennial star office 36 Is lington liverpool march 2 1855 ED br franklin desires me to say gay for him that he be should have written you add and his frim frie friends ids thi thid mail but his health would not admit although up ul to within athin a few days past it was very good the weather having been exceedingly clear and ana frosty for tor about a month apropos of this frost the business of tile the town and port was nearly suspended the receipts at the custom house fell to fifty pounds one day a tiling thing never before known the river contained large pieces of floate floating ic ice e I 1 s saw iw some about as large as the he office I 1 desk k which you purchased vessels were kept oat until nearly 00 were due and the telegraph was vas al almost most moyt a blank sheet sheel the tiling thing was general throng throughout b the county the thames was again frozen over and a fair held upon it I 1 believe the depression exist excising ex ising liin liln itin in connection wih wi h this frost caused bread riots and other disturbances liverpool was shut up for ports of several days and the militia were under arms to assist the police I 1 ice the bread shop windows were lvere smashed and the shops am emptied pitied of their contents by the mob the ladin badin leading men took a wise step immediately dia dla tely and issued relief tickets and all the deserving poor were soon supplied with bread soup and coals much better than being left to starve with hunger or fired upon for taking what nature was craving for it was a sad sight around our office in il Is lington to see people arrested and carried off to the ike ibe police office in the tb midst of it all the militia mutinied mutinies muti nied led but were soon brought to terms by bv tile the heading of this letter you perceive a nevi new addres add res it I 1 is at the corner of Is lington opposite mrs kights s a splendid ill ILI house for fon an office for us the house at 15 wilton street cannot be given ap until the I 1 st of august but bul 1 we are now partially removed into Is lington add and br F and the rest of the stock ac will come I 1 presume when the through 1 emigration ii is closer please addres address s your voun future letters to 36 isling ton you would no doubt like a word about the emigration this year there are only two classes of through emir emigrants rants P E F and those who have their own teams fifteen pounds is the sum considered to 0 o be sufficient to cover the pense of one individual all who can pay twelve pounds rounds arp are ar being assisted to the other t three those awo who can only pay ten pounds each are being taken out on oil condition that they donate the money and repay the he full cost of their emigration after arriving arri ving virg out elder J S fullmer has been appointed the managing manam manan nig rig conductor of the P E F emigration thi this season he sailed with on the I eddons Sd dons 11 on the uit ulf the tiie first vessel for loaded entirely with saints about 1800 in all including the scandinavian emi emigration ratton ration have already left these sh hes nes tips this season and about 1300 more are on books fr far passage br W lillep from the E I 1 mission arrived yesterday brorn from in good health and fine spirits br bel bei Z from malta maita I 1 is in town to both are expecting to go to the the vally valley this se seaon senon aon ion i elder T williams late resident president of hull hill conference fer recently theoffice the office as a clerk he and the oth othar other r brethren desire their love to you I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 through the courtesy of elder william clayton we are arp enabled to furnish the fol foi following lowin 91 extract Extract 4 of a letter from rom elder thomas S wit iams lams ED I 1 f SANDY sanny POINT loist 7 miles mile s west of fort laramie I 1 A I 1 11 1 I arrived here berg yes yesterday biday alt all al well and prid found n all ali 11 our mules he here te as ward and gurrier ba had d rescued them front from the indians by ayin for foe or them costi costing ilg tig ten dollars per head lead they atso also 1 so re recovered covered mr El Eldred dredges gesin in the same ray way vay ouri ours mules are in fine fire 0 order der I 1 intend to reutti tho iho th rion frontier fier lier by the tiie ath cf of may if ir no accident happens I 1 leave here hero to 0 o day dav i I 1 have been very for fortunate since sinco I 1 started three or four tour days before I 1 got to devils devin gate a largo larga war party parly of india indiana I 1 a had driven off all of horses and all of Pap pans and the mail mules making makley a clean sweep of all the animals at that point also the very vers morning we got to the llie bridge on tiia ilia platte river liver they had llad taken 75 head from eau and the traders at that thit point I 1 saved myself by traveling ni nights gilts which I 1 shall do all the wily down the indian indans here beera seem to bf be quiet and brinn lest iest a desire desi reto 0 o remain so the indians and whites are involved in war on the llie arkansas river tile the smallpox small pox is iq causing great destruction among among tile liw utah indians Indi ars and bild among the cam cent anches on the arkansas th ill people here feel somewhat alarmed for they hear bear that tile tho indians indiana are moving this way with it I 1 think it would hould be well for the governor to know of ir it that the there ma may bo be lay formed and thus be beem beeh ambled bled to keep on their theil guard for their tribe east of the Wah wahsatch satch mountains have it very bad among them two hundred and eighty died in one village of the 1 by politeness of br dr isaac bowman we are enabled to make the following extracts of a letter ietter from elder milo audrus andrus dated at W weston eston missouri march 27 i ll 11 1 I have just counted well armed men passing the city hotel on their way to the ferry they are going to cross over to kausas kansas territory to be at the election which comes off on the insl the weather is very changeable and colds are very prevalent about 60 80 danish brethren have arrived here bere they have had bad some sickness and 5 have died A company of danish saints S are at fort leavenworth ven worth 3 of them have died the 40 who came up wi it me are ere all well and as the three companies are now off the river I 1 trust that all wil will soon regain their heir health great excitement prevails in regard to the in seem hosti leana leand on this account many families are moving from the northwestern part of iowa the pas past winter ha has s been very cold in in most of the sta es and this month has been unusually u ally aily cold for this latitude on oil the elder andrus int intended ended to go aboard ioard loard a steamer for tor st S louis il hs la health was 1 good tod lod t v by letter fro from m bishop N va jones dated in caie cale calcutta calcutti janys we wele learn arn arp that 04 gis dis is health bad had iten leen been I 1 anvari a liy lis ily liis lily glody glod and lips he expect expected edi edt to start for home about the of feby br pothering ham hara will return at the tiie adine same time and br dr I 1 toh will tarr tarry y until the saints in that region are I 1 prepared to emigrate m ignate oa tho 10 h abst geni charles f I 1 C rich on of the twelve started on his bis return to san bernardino accompanied by elders aggi gaorge george orge Q cannon joseppi dud bud and Mattli Alati liew cw F wilkie eylders Edl Ed Iders ders cannon bull and wilkie go from the deret deseret news cafice and will proceed to san francisco to assist elders parley P pratt i and orson hyde in ili establishing a p printing office in lit that city for ohp ohp purpose urt ose of publishing the book of mormon in thi havaran Un language guage a newspaper and s such tig teg h other publication publications sas as the cause of may mayl require quire elder cannon translated the book of mormon Nl ormon 41 into hawaiian Ha while mission to the sandwich islands and will attend attended 0 the tiie proofread proof read ing of that borki wor kand lland be the foreman in the new office with suil suii suca in an array of f ability judgment nt and skill the establishment oil on the tle pacific coast will ie be of vast correct principles i ir missionaries BI rou lou route roure rr dast EAST br leonard I 1 wines brings word that he met elder hector C haight co d this we sue of cache cave 4 th they I 1 U wre ro al al well weil well w th tile the exception cic eption of br dr so john bu lt smith and his ids health was improving dalf daify THE 16 I 1 13 s stilt very dry with frequent high winds |