Show published by request of it the deseret society ESSAY ON MUSIC by inn jon illian Grims grimshaw haw baw delivered before the iral society at elder lorenzo snow fc on monday evening april 16 ma brethren AND it is not my idt lot intention eliton at tile the present time to enter into all an clabor ti to esay essay on oil the science of music or to explain irs rules nor yet to expatiate on oil the delights of harmony barm ony oay theoretical works on the subject ara are extent which you can con consult sut at your convenience and dad ther thereby v arm f arii yourselves our of the and pill phi ID colw v of til tit UP e sa s i ence enoe historical arks on oil the su so i I 1 amov n iv ulo ulso uio hi he procured th toe tor history ano pr lr m s of music musie from the time thop M when hen heu old old fall oan r jubak jubal jub 11 girst fust cover coved d and taug tang it aitor it or ia in the si i pie ile clr t langua language ye of script ul became tilo taw father oather of all till suea suen as lis handle the flit harp and org 1 in n d down own to the days of those giants glants in in music mutie hindel bindel mozart haydn beethoven and last list althou although gli not least I 1 mend mendi ishon whose memory will be perpetuated by the production of his i oratorio of eligih you I 1 i vay ity liy rio hio rho tin your researches the h story ot of musical it and their i not ig the jew sharp until you are lot lot lo t in in admiration of the tile power and beautis s now i produced trod into info that tint most imi magnificent ent of imal imai ins ini li the argio combining as some do the s of all oti oll r uni ente ti well as those ot of ilie liu human YOU vou in all il its varie valie tie lie I 1 r mav may 1 v refa vou you for instance dinst ince to fhe the nohle nome organ at tit haarlem in nul hul md ind with its 3 ta 0 ples pipes somme of them clem of sw syi li i tir lir kr dime isi sious blous oits a ai to produce a sound ilke like hk tl 6 it of r md nid some so so small as to inita the llie of a liale ildie bi inra ard since tiie the of the tile it at lidd flad flem it h has is been sur sut passe passi I 1 in tile simi kite s ot is ils pipes it if not oot in lit qu bv thoe those of york md did in england and soine gome are of opinion these surpass it in tit the or of its tone be this tins as it m mii mio iv tiley are i d noble achieve ments of art and in iv be d to hav ilav formed an era in ili the I 1 history of munif murld il ments meats as munh much so as the erelt wor worthies this I 1 hav nann named d form an era in the histo v of and by bv a coincident 0 somewhat rem rk irk ible tile tiie one era alts w S contemporaneous or nearly so with the othi 0 tho r W with ith respect to he the practical pirt of the science teachers are among us ft aiom om whom you can learn the ral rols s ther thereof eor oid mid thus enable you ou to acquire an accomplishment so universally admitted to be ks 3 to the pleasures of or harmony poets hav hai sung orators hive bave h ive do declaimed claimed tind and esa esq ests have aril written ien ten in praise thereof one of tile litter latter havi I 1 ing exercised his talents on that subject lately for your especial benefit so that I 1 intend to confine myself to a few gheral remar hs s which I 1 will mil endeavor to is interesting lute resting and useful as I 1 am ahie ahle andev and mv brief limits will wili allow me meto to both musician is and othi rs 11 13 i oile olie oiw of the creations creat ions rons of our almighty parent P arent the tha same all att powerful hand which organized the cements de ments and formed the earth appointing it an orbit and giving it a name and a place among its sister planets launching it 4 on the sea of space s P ace with its powers of production and re reproduction production and peopling it with ith of various grades to carry out his de designs sigus signs this same almighty power al ulso 0 organ iced the mysterious principle by bi which a 1 sion of sounds und and ind certain corchin irions thereof produce a to the ear and in some circumstances call cill forth the most lively emotions of tile soul of or man this principle is governed by certain axed laws a as a much so sn us the rest of the creations of or go god and ought to claim clabin its share of attention from the philosopher and inquirer into natu nataie ies tes s laws lans I 1 it may be interesting int iut resting briefly tari lari efly to c ill ili your attention ta too one curious fad in natural philosophy connected with the tile science of music namely that the sime note or sound or to rivine m ike myself better bettor understood the same finger key of up the piano or string of the harp barp when used in var varied 1 ed bombin eions will produce different mental effects and ili in fact drav draw forth alff rent emotions I 1 from tile llie performer or li listener stener slener look at ut that row of k ys s upon unon the piano there is oil only ly one note ta to i aitch each performers in ili nearly every piece of music they play pils plis pi ay iy use the majority majoria v of them and yet et with what various effects S betimes me ime times they 1 will make you feel inclined inci ined to and some ome timis ti sing mug at other tinli s your our rt lle lie i ile ae faculties I 1 i will be excited while under the influence nce of some pit plies es s of music you eel fei feel fel inclined to weep whitis wh wb itis r is the cause of this tsa isa Is it as some imag I 1 1 lie ile lle frely because one hiepe is pined quick and a iotha slow one loud load and abiather soft soot ohe one I 1 lih aih ulab ulah and aud another low lo 10 f these contribute their i I 1 portion towards varv vary ng tg the eggert but are by no means meang the he elp cip pd il reasons these effects principally pall pilly front foni f oni the fact that euch ench note im lips a net nei uliar ullar ment il fleet consequent upon its association clation ath w th othe other notes in in tile the same came scale and va riua r tile the kind of or effect with tile the va rution of the key orade or cle cde I 1 ba wiil endeavor to make myself understood by reference to 10 one noto on oil the piano many miny characters it is is capable of assuming I 1 v vili ill choos for that purpose puri ose oge the note G natural and you re aw re tit ti tu t on oil the plino the tiie note ili in all of these chir chit u will ill iii preserve exactly the same samp pitch or eil cil v thun idun of sound and yet etin in each ewh caiar cedrict act r int ing a dif dlf lerent elect this note ID ia the tb natural se s HP op vou you x il i i find to be a cheerful and bom bold sound a alewal regular care for gothing if I 1 may UP use the expression la ia faa fad almost I 1 ent of th iha governing gover ping note of the key which is C i nu I 1 I 1 in n th key of p Q this note is ls technically c e ie the tiie minanA dominant do and bv singers sin ers SOL intro lutto d ta i i same lote note into fhe the he key of B flat ard 0 baut wn wait it a change instead of bernz agayby a gay joy au fita lis as ili in the key of C it is now a doleful complaining and weeping note I 1 0 tue the various nientai mental effects of the note in a all ali I 1 IN its characters were alln grated on the plano piano in fil a very satisfactory manner by mr 0 pratt jr among theoretical leal musicians the note isi isy cnown in this ky k y by its technical name of and by singers LA now try it in ili its own key let us inquire into its clia cila character racier when ruling ili in its own kingdom called after us its own name G we now find it to be or a boid sold self seif dependent being presiding fil iii ofer its subject it in a dignified manner they being dependent upon him to put the ther finish to all they do eo it is now called technically the tonic or key note and by singers fingers do now transfer it to the tile key of F natural and it is then tilen anything but gut e aut t leave lenive off with sou sounding anding that diat note when you have been in the key of off F natural and your eart edir is not not satisfied with it you bite your lips and are ready to kich kick the tile presumptuous note out of f existence you long lorig for the presiding note in that rebion of sounds F natural to put in its claim and when this is accomplished your ear is sat its technical name naine in this key is the eu su pei pel and culled called by singers fingers rr ry now examine our old friend G while figuring in 11 uie hie key of D there lie he is a wid somewhat s OT I 1 I 1 t hurll huril and rest reft restless less being but willing to mail maia make himself agreeable by putting pulling forward liis his sister F harp upon reputation for sweetness lie he leans and who 2301 t cizes for the rudeness 0 of f her brother and pays pas for or it by her ber own seel song in this its lis technical name ia is the subdominant and d FA by singers now introduce our friend into the key of E flat and we find it cha chanced tiLed to a sweet and somewhat plaint wo note with which tile the ear of its listener is never t r tired the ear is satisfied with it even if sound rd d list but not so sa perfectly as when followed by tie cie tle nister dister spirit it of the tile key E flat our ou it old friend is 11 now low so tender and soothing that we must remove i ove it from the masculine the feln dein ain fein anine anine in in fact it is now in the same character as I 1 r represented ep resented F slurp to sustain in the apy li aej goj of D namely a elv ely that of sister to friend G P who baits in its turn jurn urn in it w sustains the bame mame relation towards ur A flat tind find nd thai that thit of wife to Pres president dent E flat flit ard aud I 1 may fil fit further arther remark that she slip is in that capacity like lika our own noble nobly lidies ladies able to sustain herself in the tise eibsen absence e of ir lord and master but not lotau a i pe iring aing to that advantage as wll wit en I 1 n associated asso clat ed 11 with wilh IT t I 1 llin liin li ii it is no now technically citi called led mhd bediant of the tiie key of E olaf flat oot and by singers ME we will now i introduce itro duee duce it il 1 into the key ke Y of A 4 flat and we find its lis character is now chanced changed to that of a sharp piercing the performer either immediately to ascend to A flat orto or to dl dulscena descend scena to F natural baor beford tile the ear is at all ali 11 satisfied tt it is technically tech n icalla called by musicians the leading llod i ni it note ote from its immediate proximity to the aey bey iek note and 1 n d from its pointing or lead leading 1119 ilig 0 o it it is hamed si by singers I 1 have now shown one note in recep seven different characters arid and each character producing a different mental effect As each bomil notera th escale can be transformed iu in tile tiie same way and ta the same extent yon you may realize why so many effects can be produce dand daud in fact why wl the mine lillne of I 1 harmony a mo y has not yet been exha exhausted uste or ever wil will be while vh ii eternity lasts ever sinde since the days of jubal jueal tunes in their melodies have been com coed new tunes or pieces of music are being continually watten and may bs be written worlds without end I 1 without plagiarism or copying the work of another but I 1 have not yet done aih lih hilll our old moud mond G it has certain almost worthless characters which I 1 wish to mention jf if we carelessly introduce it into tile the keys 0 of A or R d thatis that is ill in those of three or four sharps we find it to be a harsh and discordant sound in fact it has no business jn in either of these kingdoms unless by special and under extreme circumstances certain careful preparations very mysterious loffie to the uninitiated lil lit trus thus gitig been previously made i for its thus our friend changes its c character with its company As I 1 said before this variation of character belongs to every note in lit tile tle scale as welt well as to G and the same remarks will apply to each ach by varying var ing the tile key to suit this js is a great and curious fact in natural philosophy 4 but the kno kuo knowledge Medge of with its c cupo u 0 51 sity Y every composer of music must knowd 1 fact tact jact and be intimately y acquainted I 1 ted with the character I 1 har acter and mental effect of each note fil in whatever company it appears before he can ca sit down and ai nd commit his ideas to writing just as ah 6 architect can 1 git sit I t down in liis his study ad avd draw out the plan of a b bi dutiful structure which has ilas heretofore had no existence except in his own brain and where probably ba bly it won voula ia ever have llave remained possession of the tile knowledge tedge ledge of certain facts loats aj rules by the tile aid of which aich he can turn his lis ids id to tu account every singer ought to acquire tse the same knowledge of mental ta enable him nim oi or lier her to read correctly and aud at sight th the musical ideas ot of another with proper essect effect aarl end in fact i 1 l t is much to acquire tho th art of f ringing at tit first sight by ci obtaining a knowledge or pereT perception tion 0 of f the mental effect of each note ia tire lire scale all scales being exactly alike in their construction only of pitch llian it is by measuring intervals oi or distances in fl degrees fram from one note to another does afriat a artl ti singer in earning tunes lunes by the ear acquire them by in distances no verily but by tho the meneal ef fact of each note as they occur to the ear many who do not nol know a note in written musie music to say nothing of intervals are so quick ut at catching a new tune that they have biily 0 uly to ilear heir it once and they are able to sing it and by taking nature for their guide scientific singers would do much better at sight r singing trail trall they are aatto apt to do generally it is the want of this knowledge of mental effects that so many are discouraged in learning to read music yet the knowledge may muy be easily acquired and all ail 11 players upon instruments should have this knowledge before they call cau appreciate pre preci clata ciata ate or take tako that deep interest or pleasure plea sura in the music they themselves perform so beautifully by the aid of this knowledge a person call can sit dowl down and scan the works of another mentally describing tile the various effects intended by the author without making a single sound either by voice or inspru ment and never having heard the work performed by others hence its usefulness as well as tile the curiosity of the fact itself my limits will not allow me even if I 1 felt myself capable to examine emmine into the cause of this fact this properly belo beio belongs rigs to the lecturer on allt tilt natural philosophy I 1 shall tin th lewe leme ie ive this pirt of my thy subject not however without wiLli ont out a hope abit it T I 1 may have some of my brethren and sisters to dive below the sut sui surface face of tile the refreshing stream of harmony and discover its hidden treas ures music ii not only dl ode tir tle for recreation and amusement but hut it is a so an auxilia auxiliary rv in tile the wor slip of the supreme beisig baing and end I 1 shah be able to show that it is piea pleasing sing to him hlin before I 1 sit down we find f from ron what little has lias been revealed unto us of or tile the of the th just behind tile the vail that they are possessed of goliti gol eal iii tit lo 10 irps arid acid that they nube nuke melody and eftig sing the praises of him who sits upon the throne we also find that music occupied a prominent part in the service of the the tabernacle Taber nacie acte of the jews and the tempie temple at jerusalem musicians I 1 being appointed from among oe the levite who eiffe were exempt irom from from any auy af derrice service der ger viete being as the sacred in |