Show y fw 5 punch says that the cloak 9 w religion I is tig tou tom t 1 known sometimes ly the jina naly na duning during ser a FOR sans SALE IF AN A N adebie house 16 15 by half XA a la tue the ath vard ward war waz 4 GS CY C VI cattle or wheat taken for tor py app apper to tolar mr james awa t council houe howe or lo 10 wm reevee centeralla Cente reit rAll cat caa it P house and nog kog C fc ephe dwelling hous and forge a JL for lor formerly merly occupy occupied ly W estrad on nigra tion st nearly apay aply nm ni II hward tr r authorized to for forr rk dona duna 9 git at tt k I 1 rp HUHE HE rrt ait will wil ap Y 0 at t tl A JL next county court of areat great silt courlis coun fo 0 11 grant grani grated th center of h ab ibbe be the tiki salt pond near the mand road aili alik about onit loi IGI ailes Alles of this city D WOOL LY 9 at ut affy orry L 0 sen son A A av i OW 7 years bid bli red rea mixed with A a tier bler and wida ca honi borns vast brand br brandied anted led P oo 00 the nett teft mr thanas of the ift wards wardi near bridge wah reward the fedder on thee thes pow raw being restored 7 1 9 G D WA trait tt alt air ATT T 71 BISHOP tak TAKE C NOTICE noty aph HAT A T there will be an election 0 of f JL Trustee in the leverdi wards yards of this city clr cli on or before the I 1 glrst saturday in June next agreeable to an in ordinance in relation to schools p passed ased may fth 1855 1865 the trus trustees tees when hen ben elected w will 11 g give I 1 ve bonds at my 0 effice ROBERT KOBERT CAMPBELL 9 at city recorder OLIPHANT WILLIAMS null nUIL DERS AND contractors JL 5 respectfully tender their serviced iceo 0 o the citizens of G S L city te liss ilis confident from mg experience ili iti the basinets babinets bm basi giness siness ness nets that th erwill be t ahle able abreo to and respectfully a share bhare of patronage xa SO xao O W 7 can cau be found I 1 the ward next nest ra aati 00 S arol roli fouse ronse 9 at STRAYED oyt STOLEN nn ON or about the gah of april from kj near ensign peat peak 9 span oad orbay bay spanish one la Is about 5 and the other 1 7 years old brandelik brand branded eLIV TV 11 II on the left thigh one has ha a star tn in his bis fore beadi both have bave heavy black manes and tails any person giving diving information where they can be found will ba be rewarded by 9 aw WILLIAM willlam WILLI UI D ward WATER EXCURSION tto HE sail boat deseret is now ready a take bartles out on water for fog pleasure ex cur cursons cu bons rions sons either eithen on jordan or salt blakej lafke on reasonable reason ati all tenn terms inquire of 0 the under undersigned undersigner signed halt half a block west of the ward school house 9 at af jo J B the above alove boat hoat alii wiil nill n lii ill ie be let or sold on reasonable le terms to any person who would like to embark la in such a busA business ness nebs J C NOTICE OF OV REMOVAL WILLIAM willlam HOWARD begs leave to inform the public that be he has purchased the I 1 large and e X of 0 goods belonging C A E 11 renny penny and ft ill fhi have the whole removed to his NEW storey STORE east of branham norris on thursday the loth inot it would be too tedious to mention the items ot of slach stach a stock astock suffice it tosy toty to say that it will w ill ili he be found on inspection spec tion well asbor assorted ted in eve every article suitable to this market be e re remarked marked rued aked and the prices re id i d 9 tl tf FOR salley AT the salt sait lake cit olty Gity Post office ajl L 3 envelopes at the following rates three cent letter size at per 00 Is six i do do six cent official size at d dp post and others other in this ibis ter territory tory can be furnished with any ol 01 the above by the cash 9 at E SMITH PM M 1 50 RE neward REWARD from the pasture of josiah S STRAYED miles allesi 12 miles north korth of this thia city in the month of august tast last two american clorse saules Sl ules medium ize bize four and six sti years old one dark bay or browns brown the other a light mouse moose color with a black fi triple tripe down the backy both hara hava been branded on the houldey hould My but perhaps grov brownout Krown 0 oat apt out whoever will bring ohp above to dr will receive the above aboe reward or oraby any anfor mallori leading to the of them thema will lii III be liberally rewarded also on oni ona small blac utie tile with white spot of hip his back ysmall mane roa coed ed faint brand on th the tha hip up lately owned by J A feltin Kel kei tin of 61 provo anyone den deneering yering vering the same to D r hurt ol 01 this city will ten dollars for tor his hl tir tit troubie trouble 3 lucin LUCIL ft bedua WOOL CARDING Y cardin carding machine is is how ilov in sue suo MY M cei stcl stul opera sod lod at the sagar sonar S r Works Bg kanyid creel creek all Ail those who have wool to card can be accommodated A I 1 i str 8 tr t youn TOUN q I 1 I 1 I 1 W L zolly JOLLY ft T UMBER MERCHANT is prepare prepared d a A to purchase good lumber number for which he b well will lil lii ill pay t parl part rt cash V L J caa cak cabbe be found d ditty datty at God gog darls dards A store storey iest tempia sf 83 8 3 U NOTICE ALL LL I 1 foriNe lave fee due them as s be beto raUie raule V U S district couris courts for utah wiil will please ril rii at 0 ace in the lith acs art G S ty and retelle the same samo i i ai JOSEPH L is U S ma iuah a t B t ter eams CAMS INTO yato M lit liw I 1 Y HERD in the sprin spring of 1854 1864 a I 1 4 lark ark wate cipot ta in the fone fore forebear head beAd 1 some 10 e hike 1 in tb anks and under the belly telly no brands ar I 1 wm yeara yeata ow ave th 0 owyter in is requested to prove property py pay hagy bagy and away CHARLES greux 8 at south C ott onwood w waid roid fois AIE AI are E THE HE subscriber offers for sale salci elgood consi of 2 ro rooms 0 I 1 hir bir bi r agh tri twi for tor either one or two farnill tAm fam lues lUts c sll eil I 1 leas cave C port rat or eity elty garden and arala c 0 attach mit mih sit v alsea aisola farm fann ot of 2 ac acres otwood 0 laralle iad lad ab iu allt lit a mile mlle I 1 wili will id ses hes cattle or sh or hez two pwe OB the perpetual 14 rating tind iland oom com aliat s office beep taki take on shaws jahn JQHN R G felp frap rax TAX NOTICE ALL A LL PERSONS OWING territorial M inel county taxes in utah county that I 1 will win benu ahny abny office OG opposite DOSite ITol Irol daway simkins mach rna ina cUtna shop or fe 6 saturday oj ox each week ka ni of alay may till the first of september for the pt iose of receiving the same saine ten per ceat and cost cust of collection will be added to all taxes remaining on the mot tot i day of september t 0 I 1 law a rhal thal owing ing tases taxes had better letter pay nay f forthwith and gike sike costs as I 1 do nol not notto intend tend to wait tili tin september for tor such taxes B K BULLOC BULLOCK assessor and aud utah county peorl city 1 1855 1856 1 8 at r for FOB OP SA SALE sane LE few good american horses and amulis A eso a few prime ri MI ful head neat for particulars at thi the the wirt witt sire or to E Z IV van eta lath ottaw t 7 olf lf tf STOLEN OR m strayed D A WHITE COV coy red ears branded jaa jam on the bo homa bora a small bell hall on hr I 1 v tiffy the tha alader finder 7 tf tt SAMUEL WAG V A ao ONS vis IV d ag yg v W E have for sale a number of excellent fagons stable for gen trill vi use also ox flutes chains lle ble fee whim we wo offer low for tor flour wheat sats oats ats anuj annj lumber lu niber sac alc 5 tf I 1 T TS S VS C r y f ddn HE big collinwood coli Coll onwoOd calla calir canah canal to be JL desfor for the purpose of gnit grit eite elte e balad the ike temple Is being beins beeve feeve cd and the a abl n that tl at north ot 0 i P uttie atle kam raw kawon n cawi cr lk betwee bawn pA if t and its firmi firfintis in ireat sal lake ke otty coty I 1 ty lr br da wilkin hs has been appointed to superintend and to dispose ot of the lands adjoining antt 7 tf YOUNG SP V ans INS I 1 N IV WEAVING E 1 V I 1 N G dyeing ac done at jor F A 0 J B elan clan 1 WO wooi wool ol 01 liken taken to ma inke kle kie ahw ciotha clothe jeans Fl flannel annely Sat Sa of or blankets on shares stores br ot otherwise hervi se f WOO woot grease flour urup borki or k ac ac taken in change exchange Pt for cloth blanket Blan bian iret lEet LI at at the tbt jordan woollen factory carding done on terms by 6 cm cia M tru TSU EW GAUNT J V ilon llon reporter 9 I 1 IS S osband on charul hairl to take verbatim reports of lawyers pleis ples aa atts court fro pro weding la irl tre lie inaldo prepared to take down ordination of children and arid ble bie lial ilal q atan iten down and arid at 25 5 cant t wr hurled In indred wor word d s mes bbs sings one dollar each af J V L may mav be bero beto found sound unil at the council lousa louse or at a hil his lesl lesi residence dence third house east of T 0 ang angel its ibs 6 at STRAYED mei 01 OR L 1 EN nor or about the I 1 st of february a 0 ON dark brindle cow line hack back some white on belly and bush of or tali tail one horn larger anu the other please to return the same and be rewarded AL my possession a dark red v hite lite belly hind bind leg legs and rump point points of horns horris bavie savi t i oitt oil bral ural branda dh the owner can have the above described animal by pros prot ing property and pa pay ing charges 62 52 tt tf ALEXAN alexander deit OBIt HILL pound keeper EVERY VERY body in utah who is expect in to use brooms we ard preparing to plant thirty acres or of broom corn which we ewe intend to manufacture into brooms next nest fall dil and ani winter dur our brooms we will sell low lows and warrant them to do goote goold service tre vve we IVe wish to supply ga G 3 1 L city and the other settlements tle in the territory and we ire solicit the patronage of the public we hereby notify the people that they may way expect to be furnished with brooms without their raisins raising broom broomcorn com tor for or their own use WM wit IT 11 2 lot B S K R A aykik I 1 elk KIN IVINS County survey ai residence pard noth of pt tul tui B biocic ock 4 am t I 1 11 F on SA AT A T salt lake city post office dal a large arge of 3 and atad 12 cent stam stamps recel red Ted lua luu california E TO 0 O EMIGRANTS if 4 K f kil kli christopher RI S T 0 P H ER ARTHUR sen bread and cracker baker will have au on handor bandor make to order bread and crackers which traveling south to california Call okli tornia fornia will win find advantage advantageous gus and economie econ economic omil cai cal cil in their store of provI provisions SiLlaS cedar city iron county 3 am rath BATH BATHHOUSE HOUSE TANNERY nihei subscribers wih to say to the B public that they desiro design keeping constantly on hana hanl hand a supply of sole sule and upper leather of the tha best beat quality also ready made boots and shoes and are prepared to make to order boots hoots shoes ac at the shor thor shortest test notice from hoine home manufactured or imported leather and add will receive in exchange most kinds of produce dark bark hides cattle or cash an assortment of Clogg son on hanz hany hand also a few first quality horse collars the highest price paid for hides and bark dark 4 GOLDING COLDING RALE foti toli J HAT 1 CS THE subscriber has established tha thet JS above business on his premises iq 01 the war one block lock north of temple tempie block brock Q S I 1 olty city b rahe b to execute for such qualities bait hall olti ad and sayi N as ulay miny 1 be del dei delred delreo roo rod J L HEYWOOD t WANTED i t in exchange for hats otter beaver rox ros mink mini and raa rap eap bit pelts ri ALSO pire FIre firewood woody dutter butter eggs rork pori lardi lard wheat lumber etc i 3 tf tt J LH DRILL IMPORTANT TO ALL the und una under q B signed are prepared to commence schools tor for it tarr instruction in the various carious wara ward of of a S E L citi city ort orr wherein will be taught the different branches of discipline in Caval cavalry and infantry drill namely the use ol 01 the he sword tai musket and rifle also company troop aregim tal battalion and movements on the latest and most improved in riding aad I aging horses and the usual gymnast ta exercises so bioly to health will be included parents AW daid guardians would do well to send theiry their south youth th to thie these e school terms terns for each pupil in advance 2 pe per 1 ter for further fur lur liter titer 1 P ay to D J eods rods 1 ROBERTS ward robery ROBERT SMITH 1 1 TIT 1 firt I 1 wn D rill maters DAVI J russ ross tue THE MEAT AT arv lE provision ision tem heple Z pie street hitherto earned on bv by V W alft liuia birvin bia hia bla time be carried earned on by W jenni jennings gs 1 J K U tc der dw who hope bv by an increased effort elfort to a I ibi the lug luj II 11 habitant kam haM lanta tantA 6 generally that they may rna ina conti hebe feBe to cajio thag that bhare ot of patron patrone patrene pair patr cde ode cne aige sige hitherto so liberally we vre toh tob to have ave are alavata on hand bud the th iest tnt jest quality ot of beef pork lurk ilams hams nadon badon Sat sages saget dried beef Tn tongues gues tallow Lard Butter cheese eggs zet fet kc to ba bet sold told at lair prices exo bits ancl aad quick Ue turus turps being our rautio in addition to the aboa ewe have e celi celd DuB tannei n TV T in all its branches and arpi shall sharl rt a quantity 0 bahk bark sati lati sm other tanning materials amo aho nidea sm S sensor chiep we will pay cash or its equivalent to suit bult the glun tomer N NB B cash paid for fat fat rat callej cattle sheep negi bulter buller 1 cheese eggs ac ac 1 i I q A fri fit five rive thousand pounds of 0 dried dacon bacon sc fog tor sais sale low for casni wllliam WILLIAX jena JENI jenings XI G 1 itt I 1 jonn JOHN it I p 1 S t lil lit 1 i tors WARD AVARD Ss gatli GUERRIER EP at sandy point 1 7 miles west of fort rort laramie larmi Lar ml a M dhe the lom roq rom W emigration road would ouid inform travelers to 0 o and f from the states and the public generally that the they will cor tantia keep on hard hand bard at their station a goike odd supply of fl fresh treat grote proter fles lM provisions and ter Tet general gentral leral i goor assorted merchandise va aich they will I 1 turnip urnis ia lin term taws they will alao alio trade trado for cattle mules mule and ana hories ivald ga R united ci ii t e i i states LM 46 aug alg THE subscriber begs 0 leave to inform the thi citizens of uta butali b that tha theoal uni eni ted states maii mail coach for passengers and ani parcels will vi ill fil leave p hotel great salt lake city every evea at 6 a am ni and arrive at fantl every ivery stueday at 9 ap p in will leave wave mand menta every e ery cry monday at ig a inand arrive eita elta lita S B I 1 L city e every ery wednesday Wed nesda at 6 p m i t i passengers passenger or parcels to union Dra persi nie ican foric forir pleasant grova grove brovo rai aai payson son gon eahl port and mantly will win be on reasonable terms milr adlin palla ff iolj bwl ceacil A k 4 w BETWEEN B G S L city and independence euce cuce will fave eave notel in G S L city ezi izi and the noland house hi in denci denchio xo io 0 on the oay oar of each month at 8 am a in iq ping a r hart time at the following wry ak fort port t BrId bridger gery green gren river devil gate fort rort ash ath II ollon 9 rort rott kearney and big bip blue line L f every facility auti aud attention ot will trul ls be extender extended passe passengers to render their trip s beedy and comfor comfortable tatie i I nur luz por par or further part melar kular 5 apply to time tire J M HOCKADAY nr r G S L city utah ulah aaa ISAAC ota cea acta ay iy 1 an anekt caf ai t ly in independence epe nt mb 0 adans ADAMS coi koi 0 ir lamew 4 I 1 FI G S L CITY a I 1 express iii lii ba ed 0 on or about the thi first of every abr california tuh sl d |