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Show I'HE NEPHI, UlAlL TIMKH-NEYY- S, The The Best Resolution s Times-New- rubllxhed every Friday by The Times News Publishing Company DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON Editor ... Subscription Kate- Manager - One Tear Si MonHu 8.0U 11.00 LOCAL. NEWS i euryear Mrs. Albert Edwards and children of Logan, Utah, are spending the holl days with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Mil ler parents of Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Myrtle McOmle and family of Salt Lake City, are the guests this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth, parents of Mrs. McOmie As A New Year's Resolution What Could Be More Sensible or more profitable for every member of the family, than the Arthur D. Ellison ot Butte County, South Dakota, is spending the week in this city the guest of relatives. Mr. Ellison is the County and Government Agricultural Agent in the above county and has held this position for the past four years. following: I Resolve to A Savings Account and Start Save Systematically A good place to start your Thrift Account is this strong Bank, where every convenience for saving is at your command. Mrs. iMarion Wilkinson, and children of Salt Lake City, Mrs. L. W. Evans and children, ot Idaho Falls, Idaho, Mr. Byron Foote qf Holden, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foote of Provo, were guests Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foote. First National Bank a "He Build Insoluble C!u3. In order m icikK r tiiue insoluble In water, even l:ot water, it is only necessary when dissolving the glue for use to add a little potassium bichromate to the water and to expose the glued part to the li,'ht. The proportion of potassium bichromate will vary with the circumstances, but for most purposes about one to fifty of the amount of glue used will sultice. Charles H. Dunn Wisely Who Bnltrtt Well" DENTIST 503 Felt Building Opposite Post Office Salt Lake City Scientific Platework, Practice Inclusive of Gum Diseases TO BUILD WELL USB X-r- Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL Small anj .oet.. It Is a small thin;; to die, hut treat thing to be depraved. Horace. The Lrgat And Purest Natural Depvetr of Gpysam la the World. Rchiller. COMTANY WILL L. HOYT Notary Pablto iurJjntura system INaAt frmmft 1 A promote kindly feelings. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" LADIES FLORAL CO Provo Oadm Serrtos HmO CWf . Proa Utah LUN'T PHARMACY AGENTS WOMEN ONLY KNEW It' .... . - v, . - ; I NOTK'K Wishes For A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Nephi Drug Co. We Are Here To Serve A. B. GIBSON THE Colors Worn by Coupe-Seda- n Deluxe Weary of folding scats and the public has literally flocked to scat-climbin- g, the ' . i Willys-Knig- ht Coupe-Sedan- ! Doors front and rear. You enter and leave without awkward contortions. And it has the wonderful Willys-Knigsleeve-valvengine same ht e type as Panhard, Daimler, and others of Europe's finest cars. See it! Try it! 3-- Kon-ytlu- Toledo The National Favorite Other Willy,. KniMhl rnadrlm HiHitltter SII7S: $tl7St 1 Tnurlng Tnurint 9 .12S; Standard' J450; .N. i.irt Sedan $17S: , Luxe S1H95: Sedan $ I .!; all privet f. n. b. Tnlrdn. We rr verve ths Tight (uchatme pricetand tpecilLjititmt without turtle. CnuM-Sedii- -- 1 . KNIGHT .,:..: l Jcckr)-j- Residence Phone 82 There are records io"l.ou ihai King POULTRYMEN .. :n dressed Henry VIII as earij a his jockeys In colors, but nothing to prove that the colors were always the same. In 17G2 the Jockey ciiib posted WANT THE BEST a notice to the effect tied several own ers of racing horses had selected colors to be worn by their joc!,cys. Some of the colors chosen tlien are siil! In use Buy direct from our hatchery. We by the sutue. families. guarantee safe delivery and full Earth's Many Changes. count of live thicks, no agent's comThe great changes that the earth mission. Member of Accredited Hat nndergoes may be Judged f.tuii the cheries Sonoma County. We sell "A-A- " fact that four times sine geological grade chicks for the poultrymen history began new genera Hons of who wants the best. Special prices on mountains have arisen In Europe, and our "AA" stock for early orders. Our there is no reason to suppose that catalog will explain. Write for it. there will not be another. White Hatchery, Petaluma, Calif. FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. LAND OFFICE, at Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 15, 19 23 NOTICE is hereby given that Henry A. Barker of Pocatello. Idaho, who on . a ""XL" .r.'JT . D December 11th, 1917, made Homestead Entry No. 015696. for SE U Tww,lrth Century (ram on ...... Nc York hi M'ZSlu!". WT.k f N. v. in bl,h n,e per 8Wli ; Lot 4 Section 30 ,T 12 S., 4 BCre De 8CC,l0n f the 'rUln bU at au,,I,oblle and lDjUr,d' 12 mahldtato K tectlort E, SE'4 Section 25, Township South. Range 3 East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Threo-Yea- r Proof, to establish Secrets of the Earth's Crust. Wanted to Know. Simplicity. Tb poet mutt put far from him the claim to the land above described, A very delicate- piece of apparatus Headlight Rill uas n riiin.cii criMc I. which can be used for divining the before Register and Receiver t, S. mazing word, the learned allusion, man of sporting proi livli ic. tot facial Invention, the clever twist got his nuiiie from u hirv presence of metals under the ground Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, f thought, for all these thing will which he wore us a stud, lie b id " has been Invented. A muss of heavy on the 11th day of February, 1924. blur his poem anil distract his render. caslon to consult n doctor nioiii h ore. even If hurled, nffectg the pull of Claimant names as witnesses: II moit not overcrowd bis linen with "misery In his cbi sl." 'I lie i Mrs. Henry A. Barker of Pocatello. gravity on the Instrument. Made figure of speech, because pilinif these man eyed the stud kccul.,. i Idaho, Wm. H. Terry of Falrvlew, one upon another, he defeats bis own Headlight somewhat un. asy. A Tier Power of Hydrogen Atoms. Utah. Joseph Oarlick of Salt Lake Knei-jfset free by the tisnstnilta-tloThe poet slmnlil tr purpose. . , asking a number of quesiions ti e docCity, Utah, A. J. Mclff of Indlanola. of the hvdroiren stoins contained Utah. lo give his Metn the quiet wlftne of tor produced stethoscope uiel placed It squarely over the stud. flame, ao thai the remler stmll Finishing In n tumblerful of liter would be sufELI F. TAYLOR, Register his exHinlnatlon the doctor looked ficient to drive the ittot powerful First and not think vMIp be Is Dec. 2Sth, 1923. publication, oleum. So did the patient. "Ain't It steamship afloat from America to EuRut the thitikli g a ill colut; uftei wards Last pub. Jan. 25, 1924. back. and doctah?" asked Ksrs Teos.liile. genuwtne, Ueudlight rope .-- OFFICE TIMES-NEW- S Office Phone 196. (Publisher) ,. Best patrons, Were Killed S' .!' and JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. s, ft We extend to our friends IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Wreck of the Twentieth Century in Which - and mutual helpfulness. State Game Warden D. H. JVIadsen, and Deputy Game Warden John W. Tingey of Salt Lake, were in Nephi yesterday, being guests at the Kiwan-i- s Club luncheon during their stay in the city. Mr. Madsen, stated that if the club would with his office our canyon stream could have practically all the young trout needed the coming year for planting. st Utah May we continue to serve you in a sincere spirit of The following guests day evening. were present: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Tolboe of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer E. Forrest, Mr. and. Airs. Clarence Warner, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Booth. to-w- it: SEND flowers to her or to him and the recipient will know that you are sincere. Buy flowers for your home and Office at County Court House gratitude to our friends for their loyalty. Mrs. Paul E. Both, entertained at dinner party at her home Wednes- In the Matter of the Estate of RICHARD H. SUDWEEKS, Dece What A Heap of Happiness It Would ased ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE To Xeplii Homes Bring Marie iM. Sudweeks, Hard to do housework with an achof the estate of Richard H. Sud ing back. deceased, having filed herein weeks, of hours at Brings you misery her Account and Petition for an orleisure or at work. der of sale of the following describIf women only knew the cause ed real estate situate in Juab Counthat Backache pains often come from ty, State of Utah, The South half of the south-ea- st weak kidneys. south-eaquarter 'Twould save much needless woe. quarter, and the the South West Quarter Doan's Pills are for weak kidneys. of Read what a Nephi citizen says: of Section 14 in Township 14 South Mrs. J. Jones, Fourth North Sec- of Range one West of Salt Lake Merond West St., says: "Several years idian, in all containing 120 acres, ago I used Doan's Pills when my kid- six acres of said land being waste, the same being occupied by the neys were weak and disordered. My back felt lame and sore and while County Road and Railroad; 114 acabout my housework, sharp pains res appraised at 1,710.00 IT IS ORDERED that all persons took me. I used a box of Doan's Pills from the Nephi Drug Co. and interested in said estate appear before this Court on Saturday the 12th they cured me of all kidney weakness. of January, A. D. 19 24, at ten day I haven't had a recurrence of the A. M. at the Court House In o'clock trouble since." the court room of said Court at Ne60c at all dealers. Foster-Milbur- n phi, Juab County, State of Utah, and o., .Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. W. then and there show cause if any they have why said Accounts should not be approved and said Petition 9 for Order ot Sale of real estate gran ted. IT IS FURTHER ORDKRED that all heirs named in the Petition be notified of said hearing by mailing and by posting notices in three public places in Juab County, and by publication In three successive issues of said notice in the Times-Newa newspaper published and printed at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, at least 43 ten days prior to the said 12th day -- ...rt of January, A. D. 1924. ' " is WITNESS Thomas II. Burton, r' . Judge of the above entitled Court 4 this 22nd day of December, A. D. 1923. THOMAS II. BURTON. Judge W. A. C. Bryan. Atty for Petitioner. s Nephi City, Utah. First publication, Dec. 28lh. 1923. Last publication January 11th, 1924 Says the Sunflower LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OF TITLES Utah NrpU SHOE IF Accompany your kind thoughts with a gift of flowers. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR With the dawn of a bright New Year we feel a FIFTH Wm NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. GOMYMAJt Takes Point From Jest. A Jest loses its point when he who makes It Is the first to laugh. a KAAAAA n ' : CENTRmi. MOTOR CO. NEPHI, UTAH in-n- i n THE PY OF THE KNIGHT IS IIEHeI |