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Show Tllfi riMES-XMEW- A MEETING "HAPPY NEW YEAR" By DOROTHY 1NEPH1, S, UlAlL R. SCOVILLE Gerald Ord is down from I, LUNT PHARMACY CO. Salt Lake Nwpar Syndic.) ky MeClur this week spending: the holidays with a job and there his parents. SHE didn'tonehave in sight. Room rent due In two days, and her typewrttei Mrs. Alfred Lunt, is over from needed a new ribbon. The blue eyea Manti, spending the holidays with her were a bit discouraged and tho mouth hildren in this city. bad lost Its smile. Everything seemed so hopeless. The gray day just Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cowan of Ogden matched Kay Lena's mood. She) was spent Christmas Day with relatives in sitting on a bench near the river's this city. dge. A high hedge screened her from passersby and the traffic on the bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Tolboe of She sat staring at the swirling dead Provo, are spending the holidays in leaves and the muddy water of the this the guests of Mrs. M. T. city river. Suddenly a shadow fell across In expressing to our patrons and friends mother of Mrs. Tolboe. the leaves. A slender, youngish man Jennings, with confused brown syes stood by the hope that this may be the Happiest Miss Rosevelle Stalnaker of Salt the bench, swaying uncertainly, and Lake City, Is a guest this week at over ths with a hand tightly clasped Holiday Season You Have Ever Enjoyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Car bench back. "Do sou mind if I sit here?" ha ter. we are compelled to use cold type beQuestioned weakly. A baby boy was born Sunday to Before she could reply he sat down cause there is no other way to reach all. on the bencn Deaiaa ner wiu iunp Mr. and Mrs. Leone Christison,, former residents of this city, who are heaviness. "Excuse me for Intruding," he mur now living in Eureka. mured. "I didn't think there wouia But we wish we might walk up to each of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell, be anyone here." "You should be noma In bed. You Salt Lake were guests Christmas Day and everyone of you, take your hand, are HL" She said this impauenuy, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bailey Sr., parents of Mrs. Russell. look you in the eye, and say right to your frowning at him. "Yes, I agree with you." He gava a Mr. Lee Pitchforth, and Miss Luc- Uttla srrln. "But I don't own a noma face or a bed at present" ile Sorensen of Salt Lake, are guests "Oh." she said. "I'm sorry I cant during the holidays of Miss Athelia help you," she reSected, after a pause, Booth. "Please rm not a boMar yet," ha said auickly. Alvah Stout Jr, of Salt Lake City, "Then what are youf She faced spent Christmas with relatives in this him squarely. city. Mr. Stout will leave iai the A wanderer," ha said simply. near future on a mission for the L. 'Recently arrived on the freighter D. S. Church. Ac San Pedro from South America. quired malaria while there, and some Miss Ludean Lunt, was hostess yes one acquired all but a faw pesetas of mv money when I arrived here. Jobs terday afternoon to a number of her don't seem to be vary numerous, friends. The time was pleasantly spent and dainty refreshments served either." tooT" ahe to the following: Viola Worthington, a Are hunter, you job . .:.y .:. :.:r NOTICE TO WATER USERS asked, with a little laugh. "We seem Mrs. Alice Crapo, Mrs. Florence Ost ". : c:,ir-uIiorizoue Ir atiaent y to have that much In common, any ler, Genevieve Grover, Florence Cole c it, suits, galls, burns fyr ikh v. Clara Hobbs, Eva Tolley, Margaret way." effective ia stable is tiia a and Foote, Oneita Rees, Athelia Booth, Indies West to the a flush "I heals with may iu ship get t!ie Jlorso as State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake Nell Golden, Rosevelle Stalnaker, said. ha remurkaUe ;pee.l ur.dcr iU powerful City, Utah, Nov. 30th. 1923 tomorrow, though," T.:e treatment is the same for And I may get my story accepted Arvllla Lunt and the hostess Ludean Notice is herehy given that Ed animals as for humans. First wash out Lunt. tomorrow," aha said. infection i;;raj v.ith liquid Borozone, ward Kendall whose post office ad ha don't?" wa If And questioned a 'id tl.3 Twc?o.i3 P vdcr completes the dress is Nephi, Utah, has made ap 60c 30c, heilii 5 ir j"oss. i Frire (liquid) certified White Legnorn quality in accordance with the re cynically. 1 nr ci l "Don't think of It I" she begged. I'owacT ovjc ana ouc. noiu Dy plication ited "AA" grade chlckr at single "A" quirements of the Compiled Laws of The street lights twinkled on. The chicks from selected frje-ranLUNT PHARMACY CO. Utah, 1917, as amended by the Ses heavy darkness waa creeping in. sion Laws of Utah, 1919 to approlaying, utility hens mated to double I must be going now," aha aald. flocks are inspected and accredited priate Four (4) Sec. Ft. of water She with authentic from Four Mile Creek in Juab Coun "and I wish you luck, wanderer." bench pedigree cockerels held out her hand to her shabby Our breeding diverted be will water Said Utah. trapnest records. ty, at a point 1320 ft. east and 1320 ft. companion. by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau "But won't you tell me your name. Safe arrival and full count of live north of the S. W. corner of Section I not write to you If I do go vigorous chicks guaranteed. Accred- used in our 36, Township 13 South Range 1 West and may "A friend helps a Salt Lake Base and .Meridian and con awayr he pleaded. prices. Send for catalogue and at added ha wistfully. lot," 2640 of tractive Spring prices. MUST HATCI distance veyed in a ditch a CLEANING She looked at him with a steady INCUBATOR CO INC. The World's feet and there used from April 1st she nodded assent. largest Electric Hatchery, 478 Sev to September 30 inclusive of each keenness. Then DEPARTMENT sha produced a fountain pen enth St. Petaluma, Calif. Hastily land 100 of acres to year, irrigate and from a notebook tore a scribbled embraced in part of NKVSE. part name and address. have been gained thru Sec 35 part of W&Nof The next day a certain story was and range WV4 Sec. of 36, township for the munificent sum of (65. years of experience in Those who are In a "run down" conThis application i de accepted aforesaid. man In blue dun The youngish faboffice will notice that Catarrh bothers dition signated in the State Engineer's treating different garees on the deck of a squat tramp them much more than when they are 9376. No. as File steamer plowing out of the harbor in cood health. This fact proves that rics and garments. All All protests against the granting of looked wistfully back at the fading while Catarrh is a local disease, it is work guaranteed. said application stating the reasons city. "Nice girt," he sighed. And at ereatly Influenced by constitutional CATARRH HALL'S iherefor must be made by affidavit In ovary port he mailed a letter. conditions. A month later Kay Lane stories were MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Puriduplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00 and filed, in this office within appearing in nearly all the magazines. fier, and acts through the blood upon Success comes quickly when It does the mucous surfaces of the body, thus thirty (30) days after the complet reducing the inflammation and restor coma. ion of the publication of thU notice normal conditions. moved to a bettor neighborhood ing She All druggists. Circulars free. R.E. CALDWELL State Engineer three-rooa apartTAILORS and little Date of first publication Dec. 7, 123 mentacquired F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. a quiet UtUe place on the third of publication of Date completion was her -floor. from Across apartment 141 Deliver We Phone Jan. 4th, 1S24. aa empty one, whose tenants were a writer who waa away gathering material for his stories, and an actor, who SHOE REPAIR SERVICE waa also away much of the time on CmiDSEX'S I'.VTaI, tour. in t!i i;it .stiucs Than one day the apartment across ,. Worms and ai The difference in the price of a of children uiilTt:ii;.a loalth a:;d so hall waa opened. One of Its occuthe a Modern and new of Shoes High lli-v pair aro u'tablc weaken their vi:ality t!..it bad evidently returned, for there pants Shoe-RepaIs a Job Grade positive t'- resist the Uiscas o fatal t chiM life. a was banging of doors and heavy cent 100 Tho F:.fu cour o in to (rive a f "v doses of saving to you of over per walking. White's ( 'renin Vermii'uce. 1 destroys In wear, economy and comfort. That evening as aha was trying to and cvp U (ho wnrun without the nlii?ht-e- st One door South of Nephi Drug catch an elusive word needed In a story injury to the fcrallh or a.'t'vi y of the child. Price toe. rsild v aha waa working on she was startled C. O. IXMAX by a harsh voice in the neighboring LUNT PHARMACY CO. crying out In agony: apartment Oh, help aa I For tho love of "Help heaven, help na 1" She sat frosen for a moment. Then there cams a shrill scream of terror. A man's vole aald brutally, "Shut npT She flung open the door and looked serosa at tho door of the other apartment Sho waa about to turn Into her room, when again came that unnatural cry. Til choka you If you screech like that again !" threatened tho man's Cold Type And Warm Sunshine 1 Items of the WWTh QUEER "HAPPY NEW YEAR" "We wish to extend our appreciation of the Only Asset Money Cannot Buy: Your Good Will" AND WISHING YOU A Happy and Prosperous New Year LUNT PHARMACY CO. Nephi National Bank r stalls 1 1 ge The Methods ENE4 HairsCatarrhMedicine BOOTH & DORIUS , Ord and MangeUon Props. MONA WEEKLY NEWSIHAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kay and fam Zelraa Young is home from Provo, where she is attending school. ily are visiting in Salt Lake this week. Glen Hatton of Salt Lake City Lela Newell, who Is teaching school spent a few days in Mona this week visiting with friends and relatives. at Ogden, and Rulon Newell, who Is teaching at Elsinore are" visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Newton of Mon their parents Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. roe are spending the Christmas vac ation here visiting relatives Ernest Kay spent Christmas at Farren ChriBtensen of Moroni is home with his family. Mr. Kay is visiting with his sister here during the holidays. JAr. and Mrs. William Garfield and Oscar Newton, wo is employed at family spent Christmas at Eureka. Las Vegas, Nevada, is spending the Christmas was celebrated here Christmas holidays at home with his with a Community Christmas Tree family. Monday evening. After the program Eugene Newton was a Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus appeared and distributed candy and nuts to visitor last week. the children. A dance was given for Mrs. Ruth Love of Los Apgeles Is the children on Christmas day. here visiting with her parents Mr. A well attended boxing match proand Mrs. E. B. Roberts. moted by Mr. Stokes, was given here Rodney Rowe of Mt. Pleasant is last Friday night,, in which a bunch of novices from here and Nephi devisiting relatives In Mona. monstrated their lack of knowledge Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kay of Ironton, of the manly art of spent Christmas with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Peterson have from a short visit with relatireturned from home is Newton F. Joseph ves at Falrview. Salt Lake for the holidays. self-defens- e. 2a Venice Theatre ir MONDAY DECEMBER 31ST 1 To Our Friends voice. In this season of rejoicing; in this time of Good Will To Men; we think of you and the part you have had in our success of the year now almost gone. We sincerely thank you for your support during 1923 and hope for a continuance of same during the coming year. We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous Year. X. L. Bakery And Confectionery New- - r The r a Ml. C. M. DEVERE Presents sOl And Patrons "Why !" she exclaimed. There waa moment of surprised alienee. "Wanderer "Ton sold" Again that terrifying he scream. "Confound that parrot exclaimed angrily. "Tou aold your itory, didn't youT" "But you I thought you were really wanderer. Instead, I And you a writer with a perfectly nice apart ment." aha accused him "Junt Ilka you," ho laughed. "But I honestly wss out of a job that day I mat you. And this apartment la only half mine. A frWind shsres It, but he's away now. The day I met you ha had luat left on a short trip snd expected to bo back before me, so I was locked out of my own apartment. Tho land Isdy didn't recornlr-- m n' wuldn't let me in with her pass ey." Tva been having lurk lately, so that sccounts for my chsnge of addre,' she emlted. "But It's sll so queer and nnconvpntloTial," she added. ONE NIGHT ONLY .I s e quoted with a gay I A(n smile. Mt" Cowpuncher' A real Comedy With A Punch. A Western Swede Comedy in 3 Acts A Laugh A Scream A Yell. Specialties Between The Acts OLE'S SNAPPY ORCHESTRA prjccs Side Scats 35c, Center 55c. Reserved Scats on Sale Sat. at Nephi Drug. 23 |