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Show THE 0BRE60N FORCES KING OP GREECE STEADILY GAINING IN IS TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S. Our Pet Peeve 1 POLISH CABINET RATIFIES PACT S CROWN FIRST CARS OF WOUNDED SOLD. IERS HAVE REACHED CITY OF MEXICO GOVERNMENT TAKES ACTION IN VIEW OF CHANGE THAT ASSEMBLY WILL MAKE ACTION INVOLVES RECOGNITION OF SOVIET AND MAY LEAD TO RAPPROCHEMENT Federal Troops In Mexico Revolt Continue to March on Many Point; Victories Are Reported Becomes Tenth Deposed Royalist King to- Lose Crown In Sweep Towards Democracy Since War If The expulsion of King London, announced by George from Greece Tuesdays dispatches from Athens, Irew forth comment from diplomatists here upon the notable tendencies toward democracy manifested by the countries of Europe during the last six years. George of Greece represents the tenth king who has been forced to make his exit since the war, the monarchs previously affected being those of Russia, Germany, Australia, Bulgaria, (Ferdinand), Montenegro, Turkey, Egypt and the kings of the German federated states such as Announcement from Washington, Warsaw that the Polish government has ratified a treaty which involves the recognition of the soviet republic is one of the Hrst concrete evidences of the fact that with the coming of Dmowski, Poland has at last fallen into firm bands. No country has suffered more since the war; that Is, in the Polish case, since It recovered liberty and unity, than Poland. She has been attacked by enemies and a Russian invasion ' has almost reached her capital and not only demolished her independence, but brought Bolshevism to the confines of western She Europe. has also been crippled by steady hostility coming from countries like Britain from which she might have expected friendly support. Of all the countries which were created or expanded by the world war the problems of Poland have been the To reunite three fractions bravest. of the Polish patrimony, long held In subjection by three military empires, namely, Germany, Austria and Russia, to bring about any internal unity, this In a period of actual peace would have been a difficult task. But Poland has been threatened from with, out, threatened by Russia, perpetually menaced by Germany and at times an object of hostility both in London and in Rome. In the completion of the reunion of Polish lands there have been many With Czecho-Slovaklong disputes. there has been the debate over Tess-chewhich was settled, Hnd that of Javorina, which is still under disWith Lithuania there has cussion. been the long quarrel over Vilna, only recently settled by the council of ambassadors. With Russia there was the question of the whole eastern frontier, including the title to eastern Galicla. In the main this dispute was settled by treaty of Riga following the defeat of the Russian Invasion of Poland, but it is only in the current year that the eastern Gallclan mutter was disposed of by the great powers who ruled in Poland's favor. With Germany directly the question of Upper Silesia was long a cause of conflict and even of peril to "European peace.Settled at last by the league of nations, the settlement Las never been accepted In good faith by the Germans and the same Is true of the Danzig compromise of the treaty of Versailles. For the Poles, the Dunzlg problem has never been really adjusted and the German government of this town has sought in every way to hamper Polish access to the sea. Underneath all else in the Polish situation lies the peril that Germany and Russia, agreeing some day in the future may seek to repeat the partitions of the last cen- San Antonio, Tex., The first cars of wounded soldiers from the battlefields of San Marcos, Peuhla, have reached the city of Mexico and have been placed In the military hospitals for treatment, according to advices received here from Mexico City. The wounded men included both federal adn rebel Boldiers, the latter said to have been abandoned on the buttle, field by their comrades when the rebels withdrew after brisk advance The number of wounded was action. not given. In conformity with orders to maneuver so as to uttruct the main rebel force in Vera Cruz towards the foot of the 1'uebla mountains for an engagement, the federal troops have continued their march toward state of Tlaxcala. Lieutenant Colonel Guadlalupe Longora commander of the sixth regiment is reported to have made his way from the rebel camp and offered his services to the federal government by appearing before General Alamzan, chief of military operations, Colonel Samuel K. Kelley, going from Vera Cruz, similarly offered his services to General Francisco Urbalejo, chief of operations against the u forces. Whether either officer had a following was not apparent. Kstradistas have executed the members Of the agrarian commission at to brief Jammal, Jalisco, according dispatches reaching the capital, the advices to The Express said. General Juan Lechuga refused the invitation of General Cesareo Castro to turn against the Obregon government and in turn sent in similar invitation to Castro, inviting him to give bis forces back into the federal ranks. Marcelo Curaveo continues to be chief of operations In I'uebla. of the late Hipolito Villa, brother Francisco Villa, again is reported to hava appeared before I'resident Obregon and declared his fealty to the federal government. Hacienda Ganu-tillFrancisco Villa's estate on which several hundred of the picked troops of thfcj.former general are employed, was reportd by Hipolito to be quiet. Margarito Itamine commanding the repair train which has been mending the railway line between the City ol Mexico and Guadalajara, reported that the line has been repaired as far as Yurecuaro, where an advance guard under General Lnuro Cardenas Is stationed. The rebel advance has fallen back toward Ocotlan, where rebel commander, is Kstruda, the maintaining his general headquarters. Idaho Banker Killed Dnvls W. A. Idaho Falls, Ida. cashier of the First National bank of Itolterts, Ida., was instantly killed and lHan Whitman of Roberts was seriously injured when Davis' car skidded Into a ditch. The accident occurred near the Menan depot nt were en route avis and Whitman borne from Rexburg. A tire came off a rear wheel throwing the car into Whitman was taken to a the ditch. Rigby hospital, unconscious. Townsitet Bring Profit A profit of 15,329 Washington, lias been realized by the government in the sale ot seven townsites in Alaska along the Alaskan railroad, it was announced by the interior de one of these being partment, only The largest disposed of at a loss. profit. $13,I7'J, wai made In the sale of lots in the Seward tract. Anchorage sites brought a profit of $12,510 and Ncnana. $11,10. Leviathan Hits Bar New ork, The leviathan, queen the American merchant hip of marine. Inbound from Cherbourg Fri day grounded on Robins reef In New A call was sent for all ork harbor. The reef Is located available tugs. Just north of Tompkinsville. Staton Inland. The ship grounded after she had passed in quarantine on the way to her dock. Smoke Overcomes Firemen More than a Muskegon Mien.. score of firemen were overcome and damage estimated at approximately S100,"00 wan caused hern. The fire damaged the offices of the Western Telegraph company, lodgcrooms of n wholesale the Knights of I'ytbias, and a res plumbing establishment Huu-mantl- a, San-ehist- rd 1 taurant. Child Husband Has No Fear Determined J.. Jersey City, that points of law "hall not separate S. Tucker, and his them, I'.urton marriage wealthy wife, of principals, were wedded at Carthage, N. C, according to word reaching ofThe Tuckers are under ficials here. indictment for perjury, ba.ed on alleged misstatements made when so. to wed In ruling their first Ilcenie Hudson county. New Jersey, on OctoN". "O-o- ber 2. - Interest II Mill .l OFFICERS ON TRAIL PROBE IS ASKED OF PHILIPPINES OF OIL SWINDLER RavariaT" Several other have countries thrown off the yoke of royality, Poland, the Baltic states and Czechoslo- DIRECTORS IN "BAYANA RIVER CONGRESSMAN INTRODUCES RE. SOLUTION SEEKING METHODS TRUST" REPORT ONLY AL. vakia. OF GOVERNOR LIGATORS ARE FOUND GENERAL Those in touch with near eastern affairs point out that Tuesday's sensational events In Athens mean the of Island shattering of the queen of Rumania's Millions of Dollars are Taken From Sweeping Investigation Innocent Stockholders; Koretz Business Methods Is Desired in dream of a powerful Balkan federBelieved Resolution Submitted to to Be Hiding in ation whose members would be dominated by herself or her children. Congress Vicinity of Chicago . to the that King said George of Greece had departed, which was taken to mean that le had started on his Journey out of the country. The king has been staying at the summer palace at Tatolou, twenty miles from Athens and it was under stood that he would obey the command of an nrmy-nav- y committee which ordered him to leave Greece. He was planning to go to Constanza, in Kumanla. Paris, An Athens dispatch Fournier agency Crazed Pole Kills Six Christmas Copper Mills, Maine, happiness had been superseded by tragic sorrow In this little commun six persons lay ity, where Sunday dead, five murdered Saturday by a madman who then killed himself. In one little cottage lay the bodies of John Snow, who according to county authorities, murdered his wife. Mrs. Ida Snow ; her Aunt, Mrs. Eva Eaton, and his wife's mother Mrs. Ruth Brann, and then turned his revolver with fatal effect on himself. In the home of Deputy Sheriff Frank Jewett In North Whitefield, ten miles away, lay the bodies of Mrs. Jewett and her 15 year old son, Kenneth, killed, It was alleged, by 'Snow before be wrecked havoc in Cue Coopers Mills home. Claim Board Makes Awards Washington, Twelve awards total ing approximately $1,000,000 were announced by the mixed claims commission in favor of American claimants against Germany for property losses The largsustained during the war. est awards were to the Standard Oil company of New York, $!00,000. and the Itemington Typewriter company, The Tahltian Trading com$64,000. pany was allowed $41254. Release of I. W. W's. Asked Chicago, Appeal for the release of sentences in 119 prisoners serving Idaho and California. Washington, after conOklahoma penitentiaries anti syndicalism laws viction tinder was made to governors of those states by the Industrial Workers of the World, Harry Felnberg, secretary of that organization, announced. Champ Steer For President Chicago, Choice cuts from ISroadus White Sox, proclaimed the nation's champion steer at the recent International Livestock exposition, will be sent I'resident Coolldge. The animal M. 1. was butchered by Professor Helser of the Iowa State Agricultural The steer dressed 7.5l per college. cent. Secretary of Agriculture Wal lace and Julius Rosenwald, president of Sears Roebuck & Co., which pur chased the animal, also will receive cuts of the beef. Pope Delivers Allocution Home. In bis allocution delivered at the secret consistory. Pope Pius pointed out that peace conditions in Europe had not changed for the bet lie re ter since bin last consistory. of Klnjt Al called the recent visit of Spain, fonso and Queen Victoria tnd announced that the Irish ques tion was approaching a settlement. Hughes Turns Deaf Er Washington. Secretary Hughes re formed Husan soviet officials In a transmitted Statement through the American consul at Reval that "there would seem to lie at this time no roa $on for negotiations" with the soviet government such as suggested In the message from the soviet foreign min ister received Monday at the White The secretary 'a statement House. aid that the American government "1 not proposing to barter away Its f rlnclples." New Leader Returns Control Poland's Recovery. May Be Rapid; People Await Outcome With Two groups of officers, Chicago, each armed with warrants are on the trail of Leo Koretz, notorious oil swindler. While one group carried a federal warrant charging use of the mails to defraud, another bore a state warrant charging fraud and larceny. Authorities were interested In a report that Koretz is hiding in ChiAn apartment in which he is cago. said to have been seen as late as .Monday of this week is being watched by a squad of detectives. Still believing, however, that Koretz fled to some foreign port of refuge, the worldwide search continued. Meanwhile a committee of four imstockholders Koretz's in portant Hlver Trust if mythical "Bayano Panama" returned from an "inspecting expedition" to Panama. They had been sent by Koretz to "Inspect" the company's holdings and "report back" to the other stockholders. As they alighted from a train after a four weeks' trip, they said there was no Panama. "Bayano IUver Trust" in They said they found nothing but an "alligator swamp and none of the alligators spouted oil." Koretz is said to have cleared be tween $10,000,000 and $0,000,000 His through sale of his oil stock. victims include members of his own hundreds of friends and family, He disapwealthy business men. peared on December 6. Chicago To Have Expensive Hotel Chicago, The Congress hotel, first fair in opened during the World's 18i3 and the battleground of a host of national political conventions, is to be replaced by a $22,000,000 thirty- y structure which will make it one of the largest hostelries in the world. According to II. L. Kaufman, president, plans call for the erection next March of a $5,000,000 bachelor hotel on Congress street west of the present hotel. The next step will be the erection of a thirty two story, 700 room annex at and Harrison streets, and Wabash finally the prac tical demolition of the present structure, leaving Intact such and the features as Peacock alley Pompeiian room. two-stor- thirty-two-sto- Washington, Demand for r sweep ing investigation by the house rules committee of the administration in the Philippines of Governor General Leonard Wood was made in a resolu tion introduced by Representative Frear, Republican of Wisconsin. The should inquiry, he suggested, also seek to establish whether the time is ripe to grant the islands indepen dence. Referring to General Wood's campaign in 1920 for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr. Frear's resolution declared "it has been re peatedly and publicity alleged Governor Wood's selection for the post ot governor general would enable him to reciprocate extended to favors him in the political primary campaign of 1920 and that the alleged usurpation of authority and effort to extend would afford exploitation privileges obligarecognition of unprecedented tions incurred in the campaign." "Individual subscriptions," the re solution continued, "which went to make up the $1,773,000 expended by the Wood campaign committee in the presidential campaign included contributions from oil, tobacco, banking, railway and other Interests that have an Interest in the undeveloped re sources of the Philippines." The resolution proposed that "in justice to Governor Wood and those who contributed to his political campaign the investigation should be extended to include charges to the effect that rights In the Philippines given or proposed to private American interests are not unrelated to such contributions." Mr. Frear suggests that the investigating committee would do well to of Philippine look into the deposit A total of government funds. of such funds, he says, are in banks and trust companies in the United States. calls attention to The resolution dispatches published last May in various American newspaiers in which It wa declared "Governor Wood hail In his possession a list of names of senators, representatives and others prominent In Washington social life, who receive payment from the Philip It pine Independence commission." also refers to charges made In some Wood has quarters that Governor "usurped power and has assumed the role of dictator." $31,-449.2- 14 ia n, ever-prese- turies. No permanent nt adjustment with Germany has ever been possible because there is not the slightest chance that a strong Germany would ever endure the separation of Posen, West Prussia and Upper Gallcin, al though a majority of Poles Is disclosed in the census figures of all What has been de three regions. batable has been whether some adjustment were conceivable with Uua- ia. News Notes From All Part of UTAH I e Delta, Fire gutted the A. C. Nelson school, ten miles from this city, between Oasis and Deseret for a damage of several thousands ot dollars Wednesday morning. The school had: been unoccupied for the past two weeks, no school sessions being held because of the boiler plant being out of order. Origin of the blaze has not been determined. Fwvo, Utah county pea growers have determined to perfect a County CroD association, and to the neces sary formalities prior to incorporation are now being attended to under the direction of temporary officers. Logan, Final tryouts for debating teams at the Utah Agricultural college were held recently and students elected to represent the college la debates with the University ot Utah, and the Brigham Young college. Mantl, In pursuance of a plan set in operation a year ago at Ephraim. the livestock men have recently reor Livestock: ganized the Cooperative Marketing association. Salt Lake, Even if the state agri cultural inspection fund should rum low, agricultural Inspection work maystill be financed by contributions from the general fund of a county, It is held by Harvey H. Cluff, attorney-general- , in an opinion rendered at the request of A. A. Hinckley, com. missioner of agriculture. Salt Lake, Federal warrants total received by the state road commission in part pay ment of the government's share ot ing $30,440.09 were road work as follows Emery coun road, $12,589.-3- 1 ; bridge over Price river at Wood-sid- e $3343.82; Uintah county, $2345.20-SanpetJuab county-lin- e county Moroni $18,071.70. project Salt Lake Eighteen were admitted to practice nurses as a result of examinations conducted by the examin named ing eOmFi-"..t- e by James T. of regis Hammond, state director tration. Salt Lake, LeGrande Jensen, 22 years of age, was instantly killett when he fell from the tenth floor of' the Continental National bank building, now under construction. Jenson,. who was employed as a mason, on a beam when he slipped on an icy support He fell entirely clear ot the building. Ogden. A. R. Mclntyre of Ogden, formerly member of the Utah legis lature, who is going to St. Louis tolive, has presented to Governor Mabey his resignation from the board of trustees of the Utah Agricultural College. This will require an appoint ment by the governor for the remain der of the term, which expires in. 1927. The appointment will be sub ject to confirmation by the next- state senate. Moab. The board of commission ers of San Juan county has received a communication from the state road commission that bids for the construction of project No. 7, the high way from La Sal Junction south to- Monticello, will be let as soon as the survey of the project Is completed. Ogden. Dead since Sunday, the body of Mrs. Margaret Sage, 41, was found stretched across a washtub, In which she had been washing her hair, when taken with a stroke of apoplexy the police say. Salt Lake. From the bureau of public roads in Washington, ine state warrants on treasurer has received the treasury of the United States-the sum of $44,317.70 in payment of the government's portion of federal highway construction work done in Utah recently. Ogden. Ground was broken for the wholesale plant of the Texas Oil Company of Utah on a tract of land leased from the enver & Rio Grande-Westerrailroad. : Dale-Ferr- e was-workln- g - Action on Bonus Bill Deferred Washington, The house ways and means committee has decided to defer action on a soldier's bonus until after It has considered administrative features of the Mellon tax program. Griffls Sent Christmas Cheer Dr. James Whitney Hall, chairman of the national committee for the release f Lieutenant Corless II. Griffls, now confined In a German cell for the attempted Salt Lake. The board of directors capture of to Fight Obregon Has No Enemies Grover Cleveland P.ergdoll, Sunday of the Utah-Idah- o Sugar company Mexico City, "There are no enem cabled a message of Christmas cheer has announced resumption of diviin to Griffls. use to fight either ies for Kansas City, with a peti dends on common stock. The first Vera Cruz or Jalisco," President Ob tlon bearing 4t.K0 signatures head will be 1 per cent for the last quarregon told the foreign correspondents ed by the mayor and members of the ter of this year, and will mean the "because they refuse t give battle Judiciary led the country for the expenditure of approximately $140,-00- 0. anil retreat continually, tearing up week ending Sunday night, Dr. Hall pursuit and said. the tracks, preventing Denver was sixth and Seat Trice. The corner stone for th leaving prisoners and munitions be. tie, ninth. new Masonic Temple at Price was Relative to the situation in hind." laid December 15 under the direction the state of Jalisco on the west coast Soldiers Guard Railroads stated that of Most Worshipful Grand Master however, the president The government Leroy A. McGee. Havana, Cuba, lie expected a battle there shortly, 300 from soldiers perhaps before Friday. The situation has dispatched Salt Lake. Ileadqearters of the in Guerrero Is not serious, according Cmp Columbia to guard the property Western Tarrif association, ' formed on a which Cuba of gen the mark-i-d railroad, to the chief executive, although at of tariff propenents at a road In The Is meeting strike progress. first that of oral by two revolts, the and the Is operating a passenger train dally Denver last October, will be estabGeneral Romulo Flgueroa lished at Salt Lake within a short and each way preceded by detachments second that of the agrarians time. of the rural guard In motor cars. workers against Flgueroa. Tokio Accepts Reduction Toklo, Premier lnmamoto. In an address to the diet accepted the majority party's demand for a 20 per cent reduction in the reconstruction for the time budget, thus averting being the cabinet crisis threatened. demanded that The majority party 0 per rent the budget be slashed and that the restoration board be ot the The resignation abolished. cabinet or dissolution of parliament This has sow appeared Imminent apparently been averted. Reno Worthies to Quebec Montreal, Reno, Nev., divorce decrees are Invalid In Quebec In rases nnmiciied In where the parties are ot the I'.runeaii province, Justice superior court ruled in granting an application by Sydney Robert Carter annulment of his of Montreal for marriage to Marie I,uollle at Mount Vernon, N. Y.. in 1924. The woman bad obtained a Reno divorce the- previous year from Rosario Holland nervals, after both always Lad resided In Montreal. Carnarvon Widow Marries Ixindon. The. dowager countess of Carnarvon, widow of the carl of Car narvon, discoverer of the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutenkbamin, was marriSd Wednesday to Lieutenant Colonel Ian Onslaw Dennistoun, formerly an of The ficer of the grenadier guards. ceremony was performed at a regis try office here In the presence of a few friends." Colonel Dennistoun, 44 years old, served In the Mouth Afri0 can war, was made a captain In and a major in 11)15 during the European war. - "hicago, Conviction of Perez Upheld Manila, The supremo court of the Philippines lias upheld the conviction of Isaac Perez, municipal secretary of the town of Pilar In Sorsogon prov ince, who was f.otnd guilty of sedl months tlon and sentenced to two and one day in prison for saying In a conversation that the Fllipplnoi should use the bolo to rut oft the head of Governor General Wood in view of the executive's recommends, of antilndependenca measures. Salt Lake. Rapid progress is being made in the excavation of th dinosaur for the University of Utah, according to Dr. Earl Douglas, who is in charge of the work at the dinosaur quarry. Moab. The snowfall in Grand county so far this winter has been light, most of it disappearing soon after falling, except in the higher altitudes in the mountains. Fisher val ley, in the eastern part of the count ty, reported depth ot tight inch |