Show 10' ' - r - ' - - ' II"' ' ' 2i I State Charges Violation of - ' I ' - ''7777-1- 1 '' P " - 'A' -- ' - A ':''''- ' i'l:te i :' -i d ''vt -i I 1o AO' AA' e '' ' - : ) ' ' Au ' Jo A iti I 14 ' Nstk) ' '' - :tir"- (''' rk" ir4'' - ' "00'e:9011 ' - 1 t X ' ''''' - - 3 r t s " -- - 114 - - '' ' : :'- - )' ! "s- 't t tit l'1' '' dr 1' Á ':' r1 N - " It ' t :' 4 4 '' - '':' 14--- tv ' r ""'":''''''''') ' !I - ? ' :'':s - '4' ' : 1 ' -- ‘ A Jensen takes C of job distribution supervising 4 ' - ' t R '' 'r Alt ' ' : ' - ''" - - ' '' - - 4 books of distriets Granite is completed but will be used as much as pos sible reported J Easton Pat- ray Neither have 8200 and Murray Is a 5 1 ' 4 2-1i OP 3 ' ' - ' ' A i :'' 7 ' '' e 4 1 1':- ' 4- p ' 4° ' It' ' -' 4 '‘' ' Sugar ' HOI4JS 1:41 ri) ‘'' - g - - - - - - - - - ) i - ' - 14a 'N'"' s It 000 mon MEE moo lim 0 WO UM iMm domb ma moo ima on m ilim KEITH O'BRIEN ' Please Hind mu - Quantity I tho following Jumper Delights' — Color 2not I Color Size ' I I I l Noma Address i lens 17 --- 00±titi 10 0101 City 00 State El COD Charge state tax plus 25c postage Cash El Please include 2 dila city k ? ‘ ton moo Elmo mem 000 ow m moo amp e' ban 4r2I (p NIP' : criv -- !$ 't ‘ t ' tions ' '' Chairman Hal S Bennett t said however that to his knowledgelhe power has not been invoked heretofore ' v - ' 7 :' I ' ' N4 ' f 4 ' 1 '' ! ' ' 's ' '2 4 of' ' A ' k' 4 '' 11 :73) - George A Spend love state health 'commissioner and Lynn M Thatcher state sanitachief tion director said-theiconcern—shared h&ounty sanitatiOn officials—is over the danger of underground polltition" from improper sewer installa ' '4 N Dr —St ' Afr l''' ': l'' ( 1 - '4 '1 4"'' p t ? ' 7 - '1V A spokesman for F&S Con- Co Phoenix ArrLd said Friday night that homes in the project had been con- structed'under Salt Lake Coun-- ! - ty inspictiosn and that the firm had not 'been told of any violas ' i 1 ' 1 itfjct - k 1 'I - : i 1 11gi- v f ' ' ' ' ir s ' - I 'N : f nif ' i i ‘ i I ' 4 i '1 — 1 : - 1 i I f t7: A 1'4 ki":344 ' — a6) i Itriti e - ill t 1 1 1 ' 4 onol loolos -o- r g :: 4: 1 ii i t f'Not re - - ‘ 1 ' 41P "WE HAVE NOT yet -- i - t inns e ee : : I 1 V f - received the letter in Phoenix" he said by long distance telephone Fri"As soon as we day night learn what violations are alleged we shall take immediate steps 'to correct the construction so it will comply with build--irkcodes" he said 4111 1 i tAk:: to 0 V ' ' if ‘t f1 ixr 11 44 IV' ' tit 1 7 7:" County has not yet adopted a plumbing code of its own for unincorporated areas Under the law requiring state lieen:ling of plumbers the Business Regulation Department is empowered to prevent the installation of any plumbing in violation of local ordinances or State Board of Health regula- 1 li 1 DRESSES— Downtnien School District teachers' stitute- has been set for Sept 9 in the high school at Kaysville announced Samuel Morgan superintendent G Harold Holt t the absence of any provision for state inspection Salt Lake — O'BRIEN KEITH will will mark thf first lassistant superintendent irtstitute the tilfeel 1947 sinee that the year Granite District has not had a I List Building Permits new school However several CLEARtIELD— There were are under construction as the district officials struggle— 1$448100 worth of building perseemingly in vain—to keep mits issued in Clearfield for ahead of the influx of stu- August R dents 'manager said Friday THESE INCLUDE the new high school and Hillcrest Elementary School in Mur- - adopted in 1941 but has depended largely upon local enforcement in k in- tirl-rie1i- pected to top the 3000 mark for the first time Two new buildings In Murray and one in Jordan will be opening for thejirst time - '''rkt neat-as-a-pi- n FARMINGTON—Davis In the Jordan District the new 12Wstudent Mt Jordan Junior High School will re- ceive students for the first ex- ' " in it on the job:to school att the club ffor that crisp look! Add a variety of gay blouses jerseys sweaters and multiply the look of your wardrobeWe ar as is after 51 In wrinkle-resis- t rayon acetate menswear flannel always stays fresh Charcoal Grey Brown Sizes 1412 At to 2012 12 to 20 ''' Davis Institute ratt superintendent expecting 20000 to overtax the buildings Jordan will 89 town MIDVALE—Salt Lake Counbook rety Library'l 1954-5view series will begin Sept 10 and continue' each Friday at 1:30 pm in the Midvale Library auditorium for Openings is t ' ' ) ' - t sNt:: Wear 5 vantage of the last long weekend of the year to wind up their summer's fun Record numbers of students are expected to register in Sorensen :' '' Library Series 7 Tribune Staff 1Vriter to Wesley Burrows project manhave institutes Teachers ager F&S Construction Co M been completed football playG Erickson Plumbing & Heat are working out daily ing Enoch Smith and Sons Co— i ers hooks and pencils haVe been & 1IcGhle Title Abstract Co and George A Faust local distributed buildings have been cleaned and all is poised' clirector of the Veterans Administration under which most of in Salt Lake County Friday Jor the opening of school the homes are financed The season's first "tardy UPWARDS OF 1000 homes bell" will sound in the Jordan have been or are being built and Murray Districts on or the project and sales are Tuesday and in Granite on directed at veterans Wednesday The plumbing code a Health MEANWHILE the youngDepartment regulation rather sters are expected to take ad- an act of law was than ' -4 ' HILL AIR FORCE BASE— Civilian drivers from Hill Air -e Tiv- trophies in Fa'rce Base zone finals of the USAF motor at Peterson vehicle Road-E-AFB Colorado Springs Colo Hill captured two firsts two seconds and a third place ratinof the trophies gs—one-third offered 7 — I i-- '''' f to schools in Jordan District to read a story to Barbara Densley a granddaughter S L County Schools Poised A '' -T ' ' ' lr'''' A A- ) delight Utah Drivers Win " H By George ''' '- ' - from his a few minutes '‘' :' " '' N 1: ' -- f : - b!‘"1: s-- "In -' ' 44 ' ' e'-0 - - 3tilitiper - Brock-ban- i ' 0- f ' - s ' and OlymCentral Junior us " es High4 8 am—Valley and i Junior Highs 7:45 am—Granite High and Granite Junior High 0 '7 4 ' :::1- 1 iie:iV- t - aM-LCyor- r--- MENSWEAR FLANN41 T 114 pin u Highs pus A' 1:- - t "' 8:15 44 - ' A ' " '' 00-- ::- -- 44''' 4 - 11140 demnation of the facilities using the plumbing found to be in violation thereof" Originals of the letter went ' ' 0 :3 - ' partments in order to correct any plumbing installations which do not comply with said code ' 102-':-- -' - 7s--4e: '4 ' 'e - l'' -- a '! ' ' to" 11- - - ' i01 z't'4s ko '''- Aw''' :4 '14-‘1- -e li '' N N - '':k ' -- 110 ? VERSATILE! N am-We- ' t ': 4 - schettules tirnes: Monroe William Garfield Woodstock Penn Oakwood Holladay Lib bie Edward Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson 9:30 am—Plymouth Blaine Madison Whittier and Hill View '1' -: 4 - - --- -- dr ' 0'-- 44v0-- ‘(:- - 7:17'-'- - °'k' r: P' " WRINKLE-RESIS- b s —rtruke—tither—starting ' bster 9 - tk the state agency the event arrangements are not made with these departments to correct the situai within 10 days from the tion date of this letter it will be considered necessary to pursue our duties to enforce the plumb-In codëihich includes con- - from 1 to d Staggered - HOUSE SUGAR WONDERFUL! - -WEARABLE! intendent First sessions will tipe:ate from 7:30 am until 12:30 pm and the second session will be - -- 4kar Yft fi:A- : requested that you : C ' to fit your' —persdnal needs - Special to tbe Tribune GittANITE PARK—East - i 'ir 3 — - 1 ) I --- contact these - - i '' - -- - ' 41 S- -' Mill !Creek and Kearns Elementary 'Schools will operate on a schedule this year Idoubled-uannounced David Gourley Granite School District super- - ' ' ' iit - 4 ' ' ' IA i2 4"54445Egy I i 4 ANe kJ a- lk re hav'e a credit plias 400:11)) — 4 p ''' 'rp-'r"4- -' 4 r ' 1 '' I - - A 1 ' -- '' ' Dual 7 - 1 is - --- -r -- A-1- USING GTIIER than cast iron sewer pipe within five feet out-Side the house foundations using common test "T" cleanouts the base of the stack instead of the required Y" with hrass: ferrule and plug and omitting' required cleanouts at ground surface within five feet of the property line "These alleged violations are viewed with considerable concern by this department and the State Department of Health which departments are charged! by law with enforcement of he State Plumbing Code" warned "It ir: i -- ! 0 ? in three particulars - 1'f l'''''7''I 7 - I f 5404 JA sub-cod- e ' ' f0 e: 0j'' and the Veterans Administration Utah's Bus 'Mess Regulation Department said sewer in- - : 4004 molonmoorm " - ' i To Employ '' 'i - Tivo' Schools ''''''":--- - - N':1?----4'74'- i ' ' — '—' -'' ' it- 1 '- tors ' '" W 7 140' :r:':::4r -- 'kliii- - ' In registered letters to the builders contractors abstrac- stallations reportedly are ii: i :'"-- ''' - :I :: '"': ° '''''''''''"2 ' ' - - 1- ‘c-Ir- e - In '' ' :f A ficials to arrange-focorrecting alleged violations of the state plumbing code or Ace condem6 ' ''':''''""t':: """t"'44 Aro'' '" r 1 - "dli ' Hoffman Heights huge housing project at Kearns Friday Was given 10 days by state of- ' ! - r—melrARA ROUNDUP - I I 5 '''' - " -t" ' ' I The' Salt take tribune Saturday - :: Building Rule I September 4 1954 ' ' - ‘ e -- - - r - e k "- V 7 ' g 4 Ii Tot- - 'Satisfactory' - i t 1 ' ' injuries suffered in at Lagoon Resort - ' jib Convertible 111) ogytirt AD"E It TISEME BOYS Nlvm Navy blue Ik -- The skirt ' - -- - -- An Improved alks- Sprinkled on Armer so they holds them plates pint 1Pels more gronl ortsble Avoid entbar- rassment eaused by loeke plates Get FASITEETH today at any drug COultter ri - ' i 111-- at teeth FakITEETH ' - i - ----- Girls' - - LI ( 11-- ' ''' 71 A V11 Ivo Teens' 4 695 butta4d 79 5 3500 (II sensational loyavy event for girls a math book these Debwoods ohs A fr)ant teens subteens—S5 deposit!! As school-wisas so snug and warm with their Milium insulated and with every Debwood you receive a free Many styles lining Some cuffed brush to keep it new lookirig Brushing keeps the luxurious appearance of the fabric over for always young Siorci e moderns it's Debwoodl Colors: II itwikto- - DowNTowli- K Err 11 - TJA y ': - -- - - $ 44 °I)'171Erar: S' ::' re ii' :it'-- l' I'S - ' li -- - in-- - SUGAR -- :0 a VW) - - - rose pecan 5111 ''S Ii :-' ' C '' ni : 'lit 0 jco1 FrIda 12 nitt flan - ' 1' ' 4 r-- -- ' t ' ' o ':''- - ' '' ' ' 7- - ' ''''''''I " - - -T - - i t -- "- : --- - 4 - k - - : ' - ' - peacock - iq -- Aqua ' - ' tir TEENS! AND S SubTeens' 4 '"''' ' i wool flannel 100 SPORTSWEAR—Both - :41EJA 895 SUB-TEEN- debwood coats buttoned is a pencil slimmer a conceded pleat Open a walking or golfing skirt Taffeta seat lining Weskit sleeveless bloused bock Both skirt ond weskit come in charcoal medium grey brown Sizes 6 Blouse light grey with brown or recl and navy tuff prInt - S is - COAT FOR GIRLS E ' Looseness and Worry No Longer be annoyed or tee! Stores ' FALSE TEETH 1 SHAG-FLEEC- 10-1- Helps You Overcome I I i 1 A Print Shirt Weskit 1495- v LIEPARIMENT—Both Bloused - swing pockets zipper fly front double stitched waistband extra plus cuffs wider longer belt loops pockfts are double stitched Sanforized WESKIT SHIRT! 1416 Rivet reinforced -- -- 1 ---- Sizes 2 SKIRT 7114dAeb715 bbaa I: - THE HAPPY TRIANGLE - - The tot was injured Thursday when he fell into the Baby Boat Ttide concession and was struck by the propellers of the tossr 1 Sizes "11 accident an N 110Z RUGGED boys' jeans Boat Mishap Hans Gregersoh son of Mr and Mrs Clyde W Gregerson Bountiful was reported in "satisfactory" eondition at Letter-da- y Saints Hospital Friday where he is undergoing treatment for head ' -t FARAH - |