Show aue'etwei -- c ---- ' i 22 --- - cittivrE0 2 Me- - Joseph S McCarthy from Mari mental Plaintiff cruelty warded custody of minor children De- fendant awarded visiting rights Prop- De fendant erty settlement approved awarded 8300 cash 1111110 01 alimony Marlette Annette Schithert McMinn front Richard Norman Mcmann mental cruelty plaintiff awarded eustodY of minor child IMO per month support rrinney Ruben D White from Janet Fee e mental cruelty plaintiff awarded decree: defendant awarded restoretion of maiden name Janet Fee Jackson Joanne' Wright from Ben H Mental cruelty plaintiff award e d cus-tody of minor children Helen Flygare from William Flyeare neglect plaintiff aworded restoration of maiden name Helen Brothers Site 'attorneys fee CerthY 1! J! :' r- Iy 't i' A - aervical Ruff 'Jessie Johanows - Itlartuare Alice AUERBACKC- I WALTON—Funeral services for be Stephen Morgan Walton will held Saturday at 1230 Pm 111 tha Shrine of Memories Chapel 1001 11th Ave Friends alaY call at The E MO So Larkin Mortuary Temple Friday from10 I pm to 12ft to am and Saturday Pm noon limn requests ne flowers Contributions May be sent to the How Children CIIPPlad Shriner's in Salt Lake PleatEntombment Memorial M ausoleum under direc tion of Larkin Mortuary WHITE — Funeral services for Lee Dixie White daughter of Ione and Sara S White will be SINGLE Inter Go don ment custody ol month sup ing Mr instiv for general h BAR-BE-- No Phone Coils- So 1251-9t- --- - Exp Kd Arm J BAR-BE-- M g SAINTS LATTER-DA- - Lake of toy pee ive ye Mot 'in mart' !Tempts w i Mill d o w LI ioglalkliaLnadk0 cciatrif moN Ey? ' Tht tior p!e No owl Steady employment Good Starting Sorgry Chance for advancement Weekly pay week and haspitali If we' lair Mr Sol 965 ration bet 55 W In steady ments ond ore inter-eyework end odvoncement Write MR ROBERTS CASPER WYO BOX 100 3Irdi South PERSONNEL you eon meet above require Clark Moute ( out tire our APPRENTICE SERVICEMEN TO LEARN S4NGLE MEN 20-2REPAIR AND - MAINTENANCE INC ner -- $35 Is Yours (Fay) Prr for LI SECURITY agency) SALES TRAINEES Goad Attractive girls 19-4portunity in store Mare shoe salesman Exp Local DO YOU NEED M rit:nerl?wlntrnalre3 : i Of cle-- We offer tat once One of Salt Lake's ELIAS MORRIS & SONS CM So State Saturday 10 till tim largest Real Estate firms Excel OF BUSINESS MACHINES at the her services lent of home position top salary to plus Mr Meilen and training Box D509 Apprenticeship Write parents Mr and Mrs L W Peter person right Markers—Monuments schooling at a good sal care of this paper a I w ul Son 416 W and No Sandy Inter rainhatiletturrigu factory Must be high school graduin 2 ment 250 Fu Provo Cali ary I City 0—tchools Cemetery Mrs Lake old Salt Burrows Salt Lake County City (Fennell) SECRETARY Gary be in troiring ate have mechanical neral directors Allen and Soffe aptitud Madge) Cooper Janice Charla for law office No prior legal and pass screening test No phyetMORRIS—Funeral Loyal H Richards vs Wesley Fvorett and Sharma Iee Nielson all of Mur for Florists BEGIN CLASSES NOW week experience required eat Fulkerson - John L A handicaps Willing to travel 1236 Brown Bird plaintiff awarded 138360 special !ray Mrs Ernest sVonda INMorris of les day Sat Monoports Inc Pleasant working in live as and Futother Mrs required A Darrell ill wenai SMITHF IEL—L Montgomery St will be! held Sa- t (Fay) rad $1500 general damages for ace- Draper cond Opportunity localities Minimum height 5 ft for selling only SO boxes of our a'e"orc17x"70 dent allegedly caused by negligence of Webb West Jordan brother eight ketson 80 prominent Smithfield urday at 2 pm in the Greek Will Pay ment 8 in Advancelbs 140 300 weight ildren lines card Church with Reverend died Christmas !grandch FLOWERS lovely Logan FridaylOrthodox litulinatiman detendant or eyes rimer Call ments health hospitalinttion and Stockton - !(eorge Putt) officiating Friends 'torn This can he done in a single day week's illness Florist Solt lake''Leoding retirement benefits Write Rox TO NOTHING of Wil- may call at the mortuary 36 E 9th JUIY 2ti 1974 an IT tOSTS----YOKan Office Girl Experienced Radio-Elec''qoni- cs 11438 Erick W Sanders this paper BIRTHS in Room South M'hitesides Rose for or free Call TRY r)! the and Mary write Friday Where flowers Are Cut Freth Daily ham for responsible position with samples Boxes on approval CRESCENT-ErickWilliam San- - Fulkerson Served as Union Pa- - from 7 to 9 PM and Saturday firm Not small be Must Correspondence able to BUSINESS ti MACHINE CO In Salt Lake City STUDIOSWESTERN operator e prior to- services Interment ART cific Railroad ( o agnt Trenton?-On80 Cres- ders 4-55handle telephone diclatipo typ-- - 18 E 8th South Salt Lake City Day and Night Classes Mt Olivet Cemetery 44 Funeral e at Junction Cc Ida Stout-- M nag opening for young man 2835 init 'Mines and awiiCent died of a With ' Approved Ifotr uyteteTriainAsNTINroGini0211 Deseret at Smithfield directors Main near agent Mortuary across from Downey Sears ' -R— of t''' for sales trainee age 368 847889years Stout St boOkkeeping Call University daughter h e a r lI ailment !4 PA- RY—Funeral until 1917 ente r el buainess here 10 am to 8 pm Phone servic e' for WEST'S for adding raachinea and cash Aug 4 THE INTERMOUNTAIN SCHOOL BROWN arried Mary Ann Delaney ve LEON Anna Brewster W 38 FridlY of Parry Scholastic registers background Mrs BEAUTY RESIDENT J Melvin and LARGEST Young PM en r Wyo Rth So Young—Mr WOO at Fort Bridger 'OPERATOR wife of Guy Parrs Will administration and -OF ITS KIND Learn under the in business pill Bryan Ave twin daughters Aug 2 a' Salt Lake hos- ' s OFFICE ' ' be held Tuesday Surviving' et 12 o'clock noon Also some Permanent position I Pro" competent of accounting FLORAL preferred Excellent M Newson—Mr and Mrs Ralph Wallace direct ! supervision James '"1nOst'': In t he R ose Room 26 E 7th South ort In field preIn conditions selling experience working s ' Bewson 1452 Edison Et daughter rta 1873BornWorm Illtramodern seven POSITION instructors Mrns with President daughter ferred Beginning salary g'in per 'tt'l: : ''' : ' t 4't Logan: Sheldon R Brews- salon Call Ruth Bratiel Goodwin (Bessie) Smith Mrs a son of Satisfy yourself byinspecting Aug 3 week in 3 months if i Increase Paris Beauty Supply i Mrs Ira (Lois) t!tr and VFW 409 Auxiliary officiatald (Mary) Pitcher lia!0 our schkool with no obligation Measis—Mr and Mrs Garner Beardal Martin and Anna ' ' at a young FLORAL the call We EVANS Friends prorress satisfactory flood opportHMI may wilritain L log MonsMan Mrs Smithfield Ideads 810 L South TOMPIO daughter ' "sanders Came to C-- 4: for advanceMent woman for interesting der from 6 to 6 Pm Competent unity INSTITUTE Monday Mortuary Lake Salt Hendricks Stenographer City (Mabel) RADIO Utah ne in Dm! reasonable and beautiful for thUranee and retirement beneF- -7' !cal position in our claims Aug 3 Mrs a Jack B !Bonnie) Parson and Tuesday prior to services Steady position Good'1' tarmr fits Replies treated confidenRoberts—Mr and Mrs John IL ROW was Moe - funeral floral arrangements No previous SLC Utah 45 E Bdwy Mrs Wilford (Dorothy) Funeral directors Deseret conditions Varied type ofworking Greta depariment Married Logan work Ph 47883 244 6 Main rts Jr 810 Downington Ave tially Write Rog Nil care of necessary TYP- (laugh Simone Good starting salary with oppor- Ward Mrs Sidney tuary experience Parson Benson Suralv TELEVISION this piper stating age education r ing essential ter July 12 Park 28 for advancement Dicta- Hurren widow tlennist ing: sons Hyde tunity and experience wheeler—Mr and Mrs Herbert 11 daughters! four greatXrand LIBERTY MUTUAL Mrs grandchildren v2orollottoo APpLe to Mr Siegel RADio—ELEcTRoNics 76 E 2nd South East son July 141Arvil (Irene) 01:' Wheeler 3730-23rchildren one brother two sisters 4 I pm SmithO AM—fteDUCTION INSURANCE Funeral tucas—Mr COMPANY and Mrs Walter Lucas1 sire Frank Tuesday N1 I SHOE SALESMAN HOUSEKHPER field Third LDS Ward Friends! na) Renstrom 2014 S State son July 15 68 S Main JOBS Mr Salida!' Francisco' call family home Alonday evening!1 Lewis — Mr a n d Mrs -David Jean San live in co're fee children Pr- EXPERIENCED to — WOMEN -Melvin —and S Amer MEN Sanders Tiles4gy : IonLn July In tywir 13 ent PER HR AGE gran d c hild ran one PAY vats quarters ond both Top sal- Droubay—Mr and Mrs John Richard i REQUIRED HIGH SCHOOL NOT Ave son 1308 WOMen'S and Michigan Karen Chapman Droubay START TRAINING NOW! cry Ph 97897 After 7 pm colt' EXPERIENCED TAIS IS EASY TO L-1-1-WEEK July 14 l'ER $200 TO UP BLACKFOOT EARN Children's Shoes AO—Funeral Bettie Joe Barzee --L1 GE'? Gardner—Mr- - and Mrs Reid Arbor 25 different positions sod ca aervices for Karen Chapman IA UPHOLSTERING APPLY I105 E Gardner Avs EREE LIEE Iron Capitol 100 GET all OF' Funeral services will be held who died Thursday of accident in Wail 'to reers PERSONNEL °FEICK 2 PM PLACEMENT SERVICE July 13 Buck Funeral 'uric" suffeaad In a trainauto col SILK FINISHER TIME Saturday SEAMSTRESS FLOOR 2ND KO Mrs for Brennan—Mr Lawrence and for Bettie Joe Barrer: 28 Ilision will be conducted Mont's' neV411v?'1:1inbroeumipemntsent SUP-PWoman wtih custom shop ewe- AUERBACH'S James Briannan 1297 E South Temple Chapel Rev Henry L Hainan of Trinity at 2 p m in the Fourth LDS Ward 2tP necelsari 1647 8 Ilth East 'N ('' or L time details Benson work full Winston tience 'f 22 For to part phone by will methodist Church officiate !chapel daughter July Everi—ing Mt WAITIIESS—Expayrire—nceg Week tileAuor write Jenos—Mr FULL TIME Employe benefits and Mrs Leo Bertram burial will be in Rose Hill Came-Pac- k bishop Friends call at the pre on ' r arkinson llretevtn itchool !ham Mortuary prior to funeral Include insurente divacation Jones 1458 W 3500 South son July le Miry Wester" A a rtractee'l Maisel in 1 A 2 Salt A Lake 1938 2 ril l Born 'o and Newhouse Hotel OR PART TIME ca purchasat paid Mrs Barmee died TuesdaY in a Dye P0-Dudlay—Mr and Mrs Joseph Wayne arid fil thumas ZUMI Plat t Jr The personnel o ill Ce a Dudley 1458 Zenith Ave min July 23 Tucson Ariz 'hospital following 'lute Parsons Cyy cAPABLE middle-site- d woman or Chapman 3 Pm except Saturdays Farr—Mr and Mrs Donald Lilburn la year's heart ailment DRIVE Younzer to tend I child 5 davs family came to Blackfoot in 1943 GOOD JOBS AVAILABLE Farr 3406 S Redwood Rd daughter Survivors include her husband wk our hom e i Box She was a junior in the local high this Mr Elmer school and a member of the LDS and Mrs oust 111211ITTATYS July 22 parents 7--Ito Finn—Mr and Mn Paul Finn '136 Thomas Irwin brothers Ind lig- church Surviving besides her par4 and ten Robert Thomas Bill Thomas ants two sisters Gayle Ann and 1 Railroad communications 3rd East daughter July 10 splendid riat traffic work Phillitme-''''''" and Mrs William Henr Mr Kenneth (Myrie June) Beam Mary Lou Chapman Blackfoot and APPLY Person See Mr Atkin seisininV ir ANY TIME L and Irwin Mr and Mr a" a' ""mas' 41 Y 1309 tinges Ave grandparents Phillips chine YO ZCMI At daughter Mims Pat Thomas Washington Chapman Sr department E TRAIN YOU ani' l'iph and July 17 WOMAN or Morse An D C Mn IF Blackfoot ior Bessie wanted Mrs and girl her grandmothers JenNEXT NIGHT CLASS Maimeren—Mr and Mn ACCOUVVANT—Certified Edwin Dar- 4:& with es eral housework 3 adults Private WORKING PLEASANT showed pulmonary embol Nei Malmgren Clearfield Davis County Nellie Mae Beam and Mrs Jessie autopsY preiCtlee with public accounting rooms bath Good wages Phon CONDITIONS ism as cause of 'death STARTS SEPT 13 Kirkpatrick both of Idaho Falls firm for advaneedaughter WEEK It Opportunity July ment for qualified man Salary Maddeg--and Mrs bun Burt GOOD SALARY TROOKKEEPER and offie-7o- rk for Adrian Davies open depending upon qualificatI Hawkins Clarence VETERAN AppytovEil Maddox 5125 S 4620 West daughter LI 9D 'sL(Y) 7IN sr I TELEGRAPH ions fringe benefits Minimum TEMPLE WEST sit 00t INTERMOUNTAIN 18 pBstmrxamt1105c50 Davies FILLMORE—Adrian tre: taaorgfttitn July Clarence Basil Hawkins 58 died tligirif:pa:laapereyxrp7 aa $5000 per year State salary deSCHOOL ROOM 252 at home La Vole—Mr and Mrs Orman Ed-- Wednesday at 7 pm from iniories died Thursday BLDG ARCADE sired and date of mailabilitY BROOKS 224 nere after follow: illness a ' 3801 fall Mond La Vole from received Salines Barbara lingering Fillmore in HOUSEKEEPER WayI Calif 7 live in SALT LAKE CITY Write Box In care of this April ing a two daughter July 19 children room 15ANSWER Private 1809 ion of Jacob and Sarah hers and newspaper Print the SURPRISE Born Dee 7 1895 in Salt Lake STENOGRAPHER bath DanserfieldMr Can and Mra - Harold! References Davies Active a son of John M and liar- - Melissa Speakman PBX SWITCHBOARD W Thomas Dangerfield 7703 LARGE PROGRESSIV5 Co required was a carpenter Hawkins in LDS ( hurch 114-1"136301Het ort4 :iekwalter with bookkeeping experience able listinT Chicago rnbvso BustSouth daughter July 19 ErIDERLY woman to live in Care resident a former Utaho and a con- - and elcctrict" plus rgeeptionist training hot voconcy for mr11 enri ttoron17 Brown—Mr and Mrs Wayne Samuell tractor by orsist in credit dept neSS demands tiained Peoonnel children to room A veteran of the here Married Nora Warner July Private trade !go? cote or woman with 1 FfrA in Fillmore Survivors All ages Free placement Unscramble the 4 sets of letters making a word of Brown 1245 E 14th South daughter! First World War Married Clara 1918 clerk Write Bog ery ths one sons two w1dnw1 370 Scott Aye Ph daughter Applv Elms Woodard in Los Angeles A LeGrande: Fillmore Mrs July 25 SWITCHBOARD each scramble Print each word a letter to a square State — Mr and Mrs Abram A11 May 1931 tXPERIENCED-can- dy ' paper salary expected girni leen de Lake Salt City Bruyn MIRIAM'S INC 40111 SCHOOL bort Palmer 4217th East 'son July Survivors include one brother Jake Preferred over 25- New beneath- each scramble The letters you have printed five Idaho Schooling and other quallcatons Dayton John B Hawkins Cerico Calif 23 Hillman Blake Rouse Roy brothers31 S Main Da or EVening Classes :zisligthssk)LiSugar MEN BOYS—EAR'S UP TO 630 on the circled squares may then be arranged to spell IL Rowen Appl! three sisters Mr and Mrs Wostamo Fillmore Rube all of Gerad Pear Clarence Kinit 50 Felt Bldg DAILY No experience necessarY Harriet Osituthorte Funeral Mon r five 4304 W 5615 South Kyle Williams LEARN TO EARN work Hours 9'5t Sell America's finest Xmas cards Salt Lake City two uncles Earnest dmy vandehildren S econd Ward surprise answer suggested by the cartoon clue STENöTt YPIST to 6 or daughter July 23 6 Tl'ealbaTYumPirs! Hawkins Steven Buckwalter Salt Fall training classes are about to friends and neighbors Crimg 3:PPtloy Olpin Mor- - What is it? Monday) Workman — Mr and Mrs Calvin Lake City Funeral aervicep and tow Monday 10 AMat to (answer necessary Must possess good skills and IN FOtt FREE SAMPLES to start in 31 different trades It costs -- - - turietal 47 E Proadway Workman 2629 son burial will be in Salt Lake Cite Glonmare St It day 'tome experience You nothing to try tVERTE114 Pay clashes tiepin Sept 8 13 whoieFale July 16 week new building e AR1 STUDIOS fo—tend classes begin Sept 18 E 8th South Atone—pilOt—impel--Garag7 after Evening koswers: boy Yesterday's — Marriott Mr and Mrs Arthur Arbuckle Ext 5 tor William Amanda B Woodward You can register any time be Ph 223903 10 am to 6 pm school and Seta Near Emervon GOAL Mann OGDEN-Art- hur Arbuckle Centerville Davis 9nd 9 9'm 9" ESTABLISHED- firm haS Schaal roll eyes or Suns 1117 alarriott 70 twweeeeknday9 Mrs E 17th So KAYSVILLE Amanda 2518 Washington Blvd died Thum Coon son July 23 TOP STENOGRAPHER for one additional real oriening estate civiOriT14---Xra- y SALT LAKE AREA Vincent-- Mr and Mrs- James Richard Brothers Woodward 77 Kaysville day in an Ogden hospital Bornism- technicianThon-- d saleaman Competent in dictation Sales force limited to at SCII0OL Dec II 18L3 in Stannireeley Engdied her 705 home VOCATIONAL 680 Elizebeth St pm Vincent Friday and capable with figures This ing saiesmen '3 good be daughter salary Must conditions experieneed working a SO a of son Phone of John and Betsy liar 431 Born April 25 1877 land stroke 6th East and have go211 production record July 41 good hours Call Ogden 7791 or IV giooadtepoasultai loinf ictotir onthe Marriott Married Margaret Pa' to William and greaves ewe- tVrite Box eves 6270 Mr Dewey 7 care this paper and Mrs Ona L Leavitt Harrisburgh Leavtit-- Mr fAe Elizabeth Spears Brothers Mar1 Lloyd unein11 1914 In Ogden He and expected to School rience o-salary giving age ifiktIARLE Set) K 4345 South son July 23 experience and womin the had been for pallt Wood--tOgden to tend James Franklin Box D57 care of this paper ruse Roos-- Str annual Mrs and production children while John Keith WANTED-T- O Yeart and had been employed take mother works STUDENTS June 15 1896 Sanford Col° 45 PaRoos New 1444 Emery St son July 23 - rater solemnized Live in if desire EXPERIENCED hair stylist wanted course Free LAIC AM1111rw STATION ATTENDANT 5 lllll t in' Salt Lake LDS in the shops of the Southern he rVoPireadi Sullough-Mr Mrs Ill2 -and Arnold Tempts Member Kaysville Second cific9ZailroeadbIlroortg New service nit lifetime placement ifhtie:manuao kn usP:1 rnealli I ell ohaidoupr Prefer man with lub or truck lesma ' NEW toitriliOD CLEANERS— Zugene Bullough 1523 E 3045 South Ward Kaysville resident 10 years ICbt!o ol the Good student7 each week Day and tire experience Local StadY work Shepherd in Needs parttIme Had lived in Jensen July 33 Neola Sur- college girl Served with the Canadian Utah Write Box for right party lAgt''it' elsatsrol this na Jentsselm: Apply 404 South I DIM and Mrs Paid Arthur elvers: husband Rm 422 Ph'4-412sons daughters: Ogden I atartins 241 War World ApPly Sur daily 2nd West during per E 2nd South Jentisch Centerville Davis County James Albert Arvid Williams and Army is hin widow Ogden TIIMI SCBOOL if hörne in your Fit viving t t FAST Victoe Mrs Violet Spencer kayo- - iteral Wednesday 1 pm Lindquist 'WOMAN Y days week for house eaiteetenOt daughter July $I ALL sineere book r l'abnalgttral'ith vent tt ally and Mrs James John elite Charles Elmer Salt Lake and Sons Funeral Clarinet Papsulas-- Mr work and tend 1 child Own real P ellFs: I:ohr TataiMans olrl Erest wk good salary bene join the Encyclopedia Britannic& City Oliver and Mrs Alta Allred Panoillas Craig Colo son July 23 Vic Mt OIYMPUS ence transportation 'tau have the name direct mail fits 'Under 40 Yr of axe Sta te ror free Park Ph 973470 Clayton-- Mr and Mrs Robert Ellis Ogden Mrs Florence Richman 'Walters leads and bigger commissions etualifications Write Box 28 grandchildren: 24 7000 MANY outstandinA Clayto EmigratIon ca Guaranteed Income for part-timCanYom1Roosevelt SAelh'PoRolOVPED°FOR this paper four haltnis- - IttAeltrooT IDAHO-- - Hal Wet IN DEMAND daughter positions for well stenrigrapr PHO July 23 workers See manager 310 Beason t son term infa of Delbert and hers Funertil Union under Mortis n hill or solicitor - - --- VET TRAINING Cres- and Mrs Devitt Poway-- Mr girls Single or married ran Building Jane Wilson Walters of Idaho i 65---No- STal St offer See ' SPECIAL KTIBTIAORNA FREE DEPT 'part Voweil well PugaleY Jr 982 Elgin Ave son cry Bountiful —TELEPHONE-CLERICAYells died at 11 pm Aug 31 two ' Fox Studio Mrs COLLEGE Tiffany E SALT 4—Personols July 23 WoRK E Broadway between the hour after birth He was born at IX—Mining—Uranium—Etc — — It! p END SOCTII sir UTAII MAN wanted durine fruit harvest --- Neat appearing and Mee' per- - 57 and Mrs Eric Huber HobereeMr Lester Kent Qttesen days the Rigby Hospital Pay booed on odoptability and of 10 am and 12 Pm annaliLY 842 Blaine Ave son JULY 24 Age 20-4- 5 APPIE KNOWN TEACHER of Piano WELL a 318 his Survivors SPRINGVILLE inaude Lester PLATE REPAIR to work Longview willingness Kent DENTAL parents GENERAL MAPPING Co DEPENDABLE PERSON—TO Felt DO Withetri-- Mr Begin- new students :and Mrs Lowell With- - Ottesen and sister Gloria Beth 13th E and 49th So sod of liter- accepting Orchard A POSTINC UTOMOETC IN duPliold ( Teeth Fast or 2 sectional maps Full plates era 4400 W 5335 South son July 34 ling E and Carol Jean Clark and Bryan D Walters of BlackPadvanced spoil or ners replaced tvArrnEss elite& Pickup-deliver- y service AU CON FIDENTIAL RMITI:SFT erkins-Mr nIrEALPFERRSMAPNANTS AIRPORT COFFEE SHOP °APT rh and East Mill Cre died in the home of i foot and Mrs Bien 'Wilcox Ottesen and the paternal grand- EXPERIESCED SWITCHMAN 964 Laird wk guar Bgas Perkins 3259 W Ith North daughter grandparents Dr and Mrs 1 P mother Mrs C J Walters Black tw 11 am7 pm ' ottetaowiongictoaLytoottptottgeraThmica1 mrettlarall Ave' Shifts 9 am5 PPERSON Age 2135 at least 1 yr R R FOR APPT --- -Nip STOUT bet 12th13th S off 9th E °Desert ot toot afternoon Friday July 20 PRIVATE mainline exper IL R phy Pay hoarding schoolI Grade ORDERS MAIL EAST AÉPN57:GPLy SERVICE ON resources roads causes Nov natural 6 1953 Born photographic conwere n Graveside Confield-- Mr t to 8 S2801 pervices and Mrs Gerald STENOGRAPHER $1747 per shift UtahNevada I AL TA E oil Los MTh and and for the misc Thomas-Riversidgas Angeles 111 ducted in the See Sargont care of Utah State eon 13th Last Yeti Calitteltic2857 Dictation and typing Limited REGULATION GYM SHOES I Survivors beeides parents and Cemetery Thursday Top salary Permanent Position industry uranium Mininc pro 47 W 3rd S JulY 24 Einployrbent OM i exPerienr 11—Help Wantert—Men rig- necessat-and General include Experience mots acceptable paternal grandparents Comverst d personal pectore feria' --- FULL time la3159 Ileown-- Mr and Mrs Sherman Daniel maternal grandparents 114091 Dr fire prom& Ph —AMherst for voting man 163 So Ilth E and SLC filar shoal's''' opening TED-LarBlown 514 Bothwell St son July 24- - Mrs Harold 5'AS lies Glen Clark Provo -work Must not cateririg Mel's Fam ily Shoe Store for office and CAPABLE woman or girl over 18 Joseph T Moodie Dhwasher-Wante- d k smoke nor PRECISION alcitiene-- Mr and Mrs Kitchen eyperi130 p nt at Rm Albert Le Funeral Monday ' 841 w 4th so to caref or 2- small boy and It general offi ce 20B to om to 10 pm SALON IDA0 - Yon e ral for ence and ability to drive car sonn and 156 268 So State 9Apply son 1 theeler Edith Ave ROy Sicilian° im Mortuary 'Joseph' hnwk while parente wnrk - 471 ' am N orth M oodie was Thomas Club Coif Tuesday ll Ft -or GEIGER COUNTERS Douglas i Chapel portant McKean Catering Serviby Edward Boyer ' bisho i''' conducted BASKETBALL SHOES WOMAN-July 23 St3°1" S° stIttrE3"St A" Charles In (31" Ft Douglas ce 2390 S tend f the 8th LDS 'Ward Thursday girl Call -- after-a Wilkinson -- Mr and Mrs Finley Few' °call child Vic 13th PM Church by Rev l' J Fine cuality S3 98 Mel's Family So 2Ist E es EXPERIENCED State a t the Tort:- Catholic needed LY MINFRALIGHTS meh RGENT t Monday Davis tett Wilkinson Bountiful CountY' pry Burial' in Spalnish Fork (erne- :O'Sullivan A son of Mr and Mrs EXPERIENCED tire week saleman Shoe Store 841 W 4th So IP and Conti seeeetary ith Caterpiliar perienced !Emerson Moodie he died rfuendaY Available from Stock m to 10 Isro type preferred with a nental Oil Co Geological Section very daughter July 31COOK S125 Maid 11!00 mo Voilei Apply commercial John Deere equipment MINE ik SMELTER SUPPLY CO thoroueb knowledge o titPs rubin an Idaho Falls hospital after a VV 757 Galleses-- Mr 2nd North 549 h Mrs and Mrs Joseph Ross Soul Cll 50 State in yrs Employment rest home live r on ber and Salt Lake Metropolitan QUICK FALSE TEETH REPAIR long Wiles Born Jan 22 1942 at 121 W 2nd South ilamb leton 35R58 per 55 for Grotecos 266 Kaiser Pl son July 26 Main Street Logan 169 N 5 W Classified Display -area Good prorositinn Salmon surviving besides the parPeterson-Mr appointment PLATE REPAIR WHILE I VvAll Marty and Mrs Hal Wendell ---full or Tire Supply - !ents ass two brothers James and PHOTO coupon solicitor 1 130 full Time Maid So Main CLAIMS LJRANIUM TriT-il- l 20 8 Peterson Bountiful Davis County twin ll See duo! school Old or college girls over part time Wonderful offer hrs yrs exp plates Dennis- Moodie VACATION WprB pay Salmon and hts e-and NATION in a y a ill to a linotyp2i4 Atlas Bldg 9'30 to 5 eons July 36 with n Oyer 200 choice claime in ColoAPPLY 522 S o Mate maternal grandfather Henry Brut-beforman for afternoon Studthe make-udata and DENTIST personally repairs re- - WANTEn-Experien- ced table Kramer-- Mr work mo3o shiozrhd ' :torus E 5'07e:0 Eon Tt:tf and Mrs John M genkamp Jones Mortuary directed- rado plateau Drilling Pleasant working conds daily fr y cook WATER HEATERS 2 p Good e a pos u 5 burial in salmon Cemetery Kramer Jr 1861 Lake St daughter geologitd report' and ferric' lines or makes new plates to your Houre 12 noon-wages Ph Collect 4491 ore APplY Ur Dr land availahle showing Shipping 19 PHARMACIST REGISTERED 3pm July satisfaction Bring or mail case Truckers Cafe 177 11 rd So Nevada Jay Steed Utah Bluff Green Jim ' ' phone to Boyd Park Bldg 184 S M ain AN'O MAN' wi th and Mrs Ralph Hall Sidgeway-- Mr wanted 25 to 35 y ears FolL --0r part 1shift State age and Radovon Peter re n mg to cart WAITRESS Box 283 Blanding Ltah rife Write up local reference Room son or Res Eve 20L 24 Good IA—Salesm en Agents Biddoway Bingham starting salary wages July night shift POCATELLO my home Ph MAHO 2f2738119 children Peter All rep Day-- Mr and Mrs Lyman B Day striely confidential tips Apply in person Sat or Sun DETECTIVES-Divo- rce FOB SALE 11o PRIVATE 54min w4 Radovon 60 339 S Arthur Ave r W rite B og noon paper Citv Lunch 124 S 14597th East ion Aug 4 In IS aro krb-rituSALESMAN or ealesladY now callOur 1212-ro- allE INVESTIGATED a Poets- froo in Estimates sad trod--ifindied thoroughly Inspection night to Thursday hot in mechanics t We 2nd 1 Whitecer-- Mr EXPER sheet metal Contact Bill Serrano and Mrs Georgia Erin- on stores notion tello'' hospital after a short ill- - niutoclaims Moyingand still film recordings 99037 after AiNhorlood Roo lord am Apply in ing 2 or John P Rohm RR ton Whitecar Interviews bet 731 TY ilonle Ref req new For the past two years he RR NO countersdepartmentshops ESPER COCKTATT WAWRESS Pearl Harbor St -- Strictly confidential private ra specialty No 1 in Verne ' Utah $680 West) son person only Sat ' Sept 4 235 stores tc gift Age service pm dio tLmxPERIENCED Utah Idaho eastApply in Aug 4 operated the California Grocery can" E 5th So New Art Lighting and Al- - URANIUM WINDSOR LOUNGE on S Arthur Ave Born MAMMALS PLUMBING ern Nevada and western WYrportrait photo Mr and Hrs MeKowee Howard claims We'll buy indi- - EOR free reservation at luxurious Co colorist Must 122 ocaS at he Main In resided 1893 bania good he sMint would Full we Langdon t --vidual or group claims Burns McKowen 3769 8 64th West Mfacturingman warehouseMan time or side line tes new Motel with swimming Pool in 345 gad 3ni gooh Studio-- ' Hotel Newhouse tello for 27 years was employed explore and soli fashions for fun and funetion drill the tem! child ren - dimehter Aug 5 Las V- egas - a nd reservatio ns Cr-light DELIVERY at Freda Cafe !before entering the claims with option to favorable Box DUI (press on appliques Top commis--ala- s for large furniture co Expert housework 12 E 1st So Wallace-- Mr Night shift at all thin thf)wo call Max WAIIRESS wanted and Mrs Paul Kimball Waive Header Hipedquettert ranged He was a business grocery 0111YC '(2090 South) !51"fritAN- rivE briuseWork the In tell r relator pgtlartocipllzarez All Welltanewe greeds bee tif St -- POY0 lint s jeleOhli Snecially Sales 60 cninP181 SEVERAL lernope uranium claim ! to Ave Write BoxTI61Carethg paper TemPle t chltdretphouf 434501 A0g-Churchwin heedaehoo WANIED-Ait-reetLavton Utah Kays 0329-1in Utah and Wecs - Sell Or lease ive Larrieresta-Mr 5 11001NEYMENT! EL ECTRICIANS Lei single worse it and Mrs Wallace We ( hot weather girl makes n57 roll 21 over 45 to In :6217 hr 'tnder work Perm teeomen SAIESMAN' and cafe me A Leo WANTED' Loebhero 957 - ern Phone under 35 Pirmocchio Dr (860' ley Lambreux Want Work Is 'Nellie May Striet phynical FOR rent-N- eW by leading cosmetic firm to call Gelerer counter 1)C 424 ymatir -Beason Bldg North) son Aug 5 47 W on drug trade and 3rd South CTRL wanted' for by day or week 8 8948 PETER PAN NURSERY SCHOOL Pratt-- M Enelinh office GERMAN gentle woman Mrs: and Mrs Loris Bateman department mAno FocATELL0 stores ' work Apply in PPY9913 star Laun i peaking free hi travel wants FURNACE installers Lots of 11eadgliarters in Salt Lake 3622 11th East son Aug 5 Nellie May Weasels 68 widow of 3-- Lost Excellent care good food rea- City Must be willing to travel and Found dr 902 Jefferson St work experienced man onlY ' Pratt 80261r-226Horne-- Mr to care for motherless home nnnahle rate Richard G Wessel" died Friday and Mrs Robert Horne -Guaranteed satary rNPPI1SP4 and MOUNTAIN HEATING SERVICE So State Good housekeeper Office enter in a Pocatello 8759 Butler Cl (225 East) daughter rest home after LOST-Br- own cook for morning bonusCive full details a to Pr0 So Main 1156 leather brief Cat tlIND quarters beef tut wrapped a long Illness shift Mayflower 154 So Main Write Box 1331 this paper --- --17 She resided at 643 marital status etc with sheet move with the - Experienced Ex experience N 13th Ave 13 until a year ago filled ' July !LoVING e are tor children 2 t n 8 l FOLLECTOR Mr and Mrs Harry B mappymenwpmealmn:j'i Gerlach to Rog 1134 turkeys oven I Apply between 10 end 12 name Lee OT Les White Left on del: 35e45clb lbLe learreell this paper 1951 in Estate and died eommission husband B fter Y pennes N r April d h nee month 1136 B 13th or tch West a ay 4WOMAN Ger wanted for Tin' quipped ready orb S daughter 3010 East wsms boa 1815 1885 at SPP SIPPet Born Nov r3 livhed rotite Pommy -Blucue 78 East 33rd So Apply after I Playground Pre school artivitiest Aug 2 daughter Wear and Charles A hp Opportunity Extraordinary P tn 10 a m tt of Stanley and ITOST - e-gray Persia' cat nouBLE South 5th tt d 9 7117 k Ohio P' daughter Pain-- Mr e and Mrs Allton Fain 1521 0" : : Wf have-- wrtuse- -- you wantra ler ruenione4--e- sd dSi194 Married to th Gold errs Bickle Oliver Vic Ashton -A- yeZ 12300 South daughter July 30 WANT reliable woman to tend two Tx PERIENCED bookkeeper would VOUNe MAN ? or d e 11 very an Nawalo St ThW-403salesman's dream: See it to be Claude Wm KeurenAue--East Reward 841698 - earnerMrMust -or 11 know Tr et city statements Hooka greenhouse like and Mrs Dean- 'Lls Mar of l a children lie' it Comm and bonus securifive day Ma home week 1 Ile died in California in 1937 and SUITCAS- E- Contains baby clothes Thanwill do anytiina anyNO phone calls s Pinit pleane Acacia tY in 3 yrs The only nationally Call my par t t'int e or at l Floral Garner 740 E 33rd South son Aug 5i ino15‘3 on May 5 1946 she was married 1953-130iime anvPlace if price in rieht East Lont SLC Wanshie cmt bet and AdV food !Shop Brooke-- Mr and Mrs Walter ltaxterl Ac' GIRL over 187Full7tim chilrrwiT' supplement being sold to Mr Wessels at Pocatello Poet Office Bost Salt Lake 804a Today A'rile 11 nO So West Temof Brooks 2140 K 27tb South son Ault S tend bable or young chtl- - PEssoi keeping Capable my home Vic nth East and 4th WILL five in First Presbyterian church LOST-P25 H DICKENSON model GET OUT OF DEBT" rim High Pr call 03066 care amber anti air of books Moser-- Mr dren home I lady's of Personal ple Neal Lovely Mn South Phone typing and Mrs Gerold Vane a before 1230 is sister -Surviving -S E 185 in tot Flyer Vic salelL mo med 2nd per6M MOII-kiln ' I Apply glasses i Moser 558 N Ind West daughtir Funeral Hansen Pocatello CTRL to help eves with dishes GIRL Kensington IZ: per VREATOR CHEVROLET Need badlyMary Amherst WITHOUT BORROWING o -balcy sitting Will Ann 22ti tAent 3rd S children etc in exchanao for Aug ö day 2 Pm in Doweard chapel by STRAYED ItwithWIYTtesSaturday ' 3 Pdossogo and Rom Will 'i WANTED-Experien- ced floor la' or stolen Burial! Kendrick-- Mr and Mrs Thomas Rich Rey- Dr J Willis Hamblin apt help pinkly ono experienced cleaning 911)54 Visit e:t CALL 1 light' retrigi --- -- stove : ACTOM011111 AMherst-8-4986 SALESMAN It' blond male cocker Needs ers anti sanders kiteadv work References ic: 1st Hanford Calif ard Kendrick 3980 S 3200 West daugni n persii- '-‘ LIGHT housework for h won't vou SWETHSH 1111111911110 bath 4011 Erick S Ph 1st had experience ation Reward BUDGET Kaysville GRANT 414001--drp0000badly '1 including sem t ter Aug S itimode $t Bide - 23 E 1st South 1 14572 10-please do not apply' Personal KatIttlit1311 l GERMAN and Mrs William Lee -81 Johnson-- Mr short hair t 224711 Shirts Call 453 ACCOUNTING SEIVICi Alterations dog Coe A Interview Penfield ' lost near 21t So Redood pointer extension -cMR HINFS Elizabeth (M P TOMO P111"11111P EXPERIENCED window trimmer Mt steam RFUTARLE woman Johnson 374 American Ave (960 South)1 314- NEWHOUSE WO: lin t "ttli to art for TIYI TENDER SERVICE-6451- RO Eli- 4(55 SO MAIN store bath Slenderizing POCATELLO IDAHO-M- iss rite 5471 Reward clorot A LM 11 ()fore mpbeon4 We tend children Your home thonlene boy 11 days Vie 1a- daughter of FOUNT-1-LadvPenfield resident EMRICS Ann zabeth gp YaanVed SALESMAN Voo neits-- Mr and Mrs William Reed by Aranufac Fri- witch vic! 0 "- - Tr School writ Owner - Pocatello for 60 years died No CURTAINS hand laundered Bus tines WlayetOMAN Tagil turer of outstanding new hoe of VC irhees can ' l 1551 E 3460 South daughter ESiPpnE jtkTEf Pin' holesi99679 rh'ertrel stiltenee:t !"insim"Irtlpon portri'1t—bh-4--otili toNtend 3 children N car tin gliT 41 i for Itt 4 1309 i DRIV ER 'Au 4 Earnings paving relletctors 111rht - i 5 ' hounework Stuweek OUR JOIN and iper S BREAKFAST din unlimit Comormli'anistoInt washed and stretched' rapher wanted to drive FROM printer Langdon Mr and Mrs Gerald tembiurr tided Born at Camden NJ to LOST-R- one a nd silver iou4omanhocier Good wages 543 C woman ma home Pickup deliver 64I9P81 din 11-- tam Hotel Newhouse she City Mo and Mr arid Mrs James Penfield vinity ofIll Kansa -5416 7- - 3486 DANCI Lembourne Provo daugn Brorkbank Ph Reward 62 shal Mex Salt Lake 'Chicago in to t September LoST-MtCity WOMAN ' CURTAINS came to Pocatello for tniusework washed and ittretche- rt'ter Aug 4 bY Also delvers needed from Salt EL Pet Omni RaWnrdSept gilt et le sae- ognegr booy tsoobrotodie sIA'PLPFsINNIFCiv I 1894 Surviving are three nieces r7:11ptte: WbatioNyelp-Tsend Mrs Hartild Wayne pickup gel -J- ca-Mr 38 "Cities-t1 Cecile I WIMP'S all STATION' Lake City ter- Went Coast weal :00u2s1:111 aettowtegApTrn17c3d d‘1e176o2t44 wo9nnth I 7 Maud and Oda Worell w lel D:itttlibitti eSna Beck 13266 S 37th West son Aug 4 dentres A O girl a s ear furmust be 16 or 91” 145 So state Pocatello end nephrite CTrannportatiors on 1954 electric aPP1 only finef amu leeill-Cull e Mrs West Deans-- Mr and Raymond Joseph King if pie termini Ma :Wore' Richmond Calif Bequiem S StateCall W ANTED in making 650n to an Ce for 2 children a ' and 4 EXPERIENCPT) PIN are interested -il- - ed) 3403 Deans 1744 Park St (540 East) dangly pried Chicken in Oie Cradle will be celebrated Mooin MY t scrfERS Plod A mnpleatte 41 in' trechon :high mass IN PLRSON 1CARE toryounst APPLY e Church SL 9 at ter: API 5 Josephs terLin YvAsitrsio0141-lv- honittVie 3290IE 3900Sn3S21-- 1 925 S MAIN V- NwÄNTin DINS sod DANCI day DRI VERS NEEDED HO Herbert Avaii--Sti- e d:t Mr Parord HAIR REMOVED the Rt Rev Msgr Edmund Curtis-- Mrand Kra Charlie La Voy 1802 Indiono Ave nr MrJIMParY -Anpa Gregory Weekdays except asple I !With LEFFROIL1:2 CORP 71- W 3td DoillES 1461 Beck St et R Cody as 'esitehrant Recitation Seattle Curtis 320 E 4th South son Aug 11! Immediately t 025 E S Temple g 8501 g-- o d bIncked Wa5 50269 hand Mooday Man Utah needs Sooth Rosary--Sunda730 good the of pm Merthell-Mr- and child hisework Portland' are Call ‘403 WOMAN for gen Mrs John W MarIdaho rernia ne nt ----- N o ge I mit - Pro d U M 1 0 es man Warted Kau in the Wore' home Burial to PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL CHILD S State in MY Itome r r55 :5 tigV4 Wk ' Son (940 West) thril 360 Posit111 Join us foe" alpottlerbig rear iin I Wouitainview 1:1"ELYN PlITON—Elertrolmrilit Cemtdery by Bow '' Ai-5 -'' - d'il to Oracle's: VC nMA N to tend 3 eldlldren Our l'inti 4o22:246' WA stat e rail 5 45711 or et- - 1103 avaini Ntitte 219 —otel Utah Mortuary inard il ed hswls H is °mart or gthrosam-Ntra- nd V A to S N i ' Ott t' AllrINFR TANI 1102 Mrs Itorace berme home 1491 8638 3 ' Os VIII Pit days Mod Plertrir '43 3641 - S Oh East AtitsO COM 'Pit sr rcifie Fe rt!aninf-aa- -'14‘44itiKicgt:PR -' --T 1 a anr1 degIstsai-aae"StNi its s Ass ss mot 118' AFAVry s( ihttli roltmrlfr - -- S sactio-Nly-- ao4m st1issosi se A etteveu-- v vIr Ame- nwarnort preferred p- Ph p leti g Main sKTIrre---slAtir--14to:ipri:111L---:'s7a1113:1-Proold44pstoriwaitaI nrS1s t11:n' i ' - - '' l's° Is IceP aces 2 AvAiTAFssxs 4i ISAttcoLherlittOLA arnytmliouPsiio40212183-m!---iJuly 20 -- - 's Pi trhpltprovivrrxr Rol:mtaapnvrztrarrinlitirl l 30 E 2Ist South a fter PM ' :tiallter - 11tosost A Won' Mr an d 1ai Clinton MOUNTAIN PANK- 4 7 ota It'A10icliFtti-tmtor ann 'ffDTWavtSi-laernirsEnrE 1or Ironing1 Lael c Johnson —17 113Ca oos sand Call daught" OUARAiTS INC: CEMENT--iiiirk-T-ciirmpprnndt:! 17im1 TAA0 INist Rt:1 JUIN 47 iensths 1424 Hamsort blo k layin e- tfp G-i modeling by experts s st A1the 'MOW in rny born to &DAY BAlinya teed Mr and Mrs Cu y R aw C4 2500 Ph Perk City 52 for sale ANCE furnished Call at 515 E 7th womAN NntI Shop AGENCY for stirrLANn pnniee parties I 10-i ' or be i ALOCi —rent II OIL 1390 aft p m Alonklaythru FriL 010441 Acius‘ Po Juli U APPI4 4os utAit other incisions-A- UL 41AlelLatrit 7 -" JUDGMENTS ENTERED -- E Age 19 to 30 years Must be able to furnish satisfactory refer Once We 'clesire a man who is alert healthy sober and aggrees- — C ftv 11A ment If 9A—Employment Agencies retail HOSPITAL Salt - experienced in displaying and handling of fresh produce in large retail grocery store in Cos per Wyo Must be capable of taking full charge of this deport- Sickness benefits 'EMP Not a D Dept of Anesthesiology No Phone Calls Wanted D ly STRINGHAM - Produce Clerk- - man desires any type ext 69 work full time BOY 17 desires part time 'work TfiAilitTED dept reorgonired Stenographer 9th So F - WANTED e-work available for quail- onesthetlsta in newly Positions fled nurse Must Be Over 18 YOWS Old No Esperence Necessary I35 - taindA 15 YRS caper ' tar OBSTETRICAL' HOPS DON CARLOS relPsor amal32 tree estimate vet - o' CAR pilistrroof ATTENTION EXPERIENCED i or injustice Readers to mpoakeleuonNOPdvAeYr Used in the heip wanted columns Ads in other columns which rip samquire investment M stocks bond or cash pie& equipment mvestigated houl° he thoroughly paying-out- any meow-- - WAITRESS VON CARLOS Wanted—Men 11—Help up213Housedeantn8 All in supervision carpentry construction types concrete estimates and steel A-AMherst reference REMOVED HAVLING—TREES esnits trertisers requiring s cash invest-meri- t for samples or merchandise 39 VET family car Exp mersales aids rite muss on aporif Chandising and warehse 13 yrs' in their ads R R refs An help anted ads 11US1 iiith ear wants after whip)) SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THI Boy workRef Call WORK Sales help wanted VE117----tradaccountant deetrea 7 must mention the article Of ger full time work Me to be sold—end state ft the cOmYABD is in the form of salary Pair cleaning tre711—hauled linvn mission or both Bons fide offers Planted: of employment with pay belong CARPENTER by day or Job Reto the !HelP Wanted" columns modeling a specialty Kindly report any excertions to work: duty MAN with car Any kind of this rule to the mummer Part time tinini manarer WEED yd writ hauling fencing trees removed Free est ONIV OF u student wants parttimeowork 2 MEN with trucks General haul Nurse Anesthetists — Inc dean up—Free est desires parttimMALE stenographer SURGICAL imareemeTasurito: — Monuments Headstones — deception O- : t take this means to es press our gratitude to each and every ope who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers and words of sympathy nod deeds of infinit kindnims Thank you so much Vada Hannon Mrs Dan Tort Mr and Mrs Basil Perish and Mr and Mrs George Shoup to 20 tttrilroriNorGartur:ohr Kim Tone $10 IO'llirobteet"ir rePaleKlire agbains"1"frand:‘ office work Perrnanent position Typia 0 MKOSSOiy SOM knowledge of shorthand No experience neo Mary but helpful Excellent work- week Ing cond4Ions Am ERICAN NATIONAL INS CO 1314 Continental Bonk Bldg held Saturday at I pm In the Stratford Ward Chapel 15th East and Stratford Ave With Bishop John Buettner officiating Friends May call at the ward chapel 1 hour to services Family requests' prior in —isiu —of flowers Hospital 17 GIRL 9Men Want Work tionted—Womoo 11elp - APPLY Personnel Office Ind Floor WE WISH to Beckatead Le Ish lo eruelly minor chi 4 7-- EXPERIENCED Card of Thanks restoration -:---4-- —y WAITRESS a - -----"' --------:'"----- n ment in Tremonton Cemetery Un- der direction of 1Cingdon Mortuary erime ph minor chil Trula B Stuckey —-- ' ' for South Temple rriends mu call at tits mortuary Friday from Saturdays prior to sere pm and ices Interment in Salt Laks Citr of direction under Cemetery primace-Chlkieew- fee $IM attorney 1954 7—Help Wonted—Women will ha Sarah (Sadie) Jane held Saturday at 2 11nt in the Larkin Mortuary Chapel San E LALItin e RUF111-Fut- ierat allt oarten lr ' Salt Lake County ThirdDistrict—Court Jonneutat go— ' f newels Fork hospital Thursday of a hearn 8 1885 ball Lilmenti Born Feb Marthieau T ity daughter George M Anna IL Parry Evelyn M a ng JOIten Hortense and 1891 with a101)11 Holman Tailor Martin- - Moved ictifield Anna Brewster Weber Parry 78 eauy 85 of 12141 parents Lived hero until 1936 Sur- of 38 W 8th 7-1 Mrs E vivors sisters South 13th three South St died at 111114! r-7071' t St (Josephine tt J) Christensen iyLiayyoo-stirdaThurs 44t A t 5 iftelehtMes-ehi4 i AgneatLlostL eh res idence 0' Ta a e day 7'2° : twore-tet'101 at110101t Mrs N 0- tJannettei day a pm of a amn' Fullmer Salt Lake City f uneral ' in gall -heBsortrn ailAmpe 2 pm at Neel If MagiebY 14 a- ke Aut City Chapel Friends call et In i1889 1879 Corby' lc the mortuary Monday evening and 4414i5 ' pw4ried Guy Parry In England a (laugh prioe to 01Vie S burial 11 'Irteg:rd Samuel 1915 Tooels in cemetery ' and Ellis Bell was an active :'Line't- N Active member cif - Mohnenfunerals s124 '''tairrMitt ' : member In the WBA and the Church of Jesus auxiliary of the for ANDRUS—Irtmoral 'orrice ) PP° Christ of Latter V te r a n T of will bo held Sat ' 4 ''' ' Milo 8 at Andrus SIP alints Mar t 1 Foreign Wars the tn Hotted's PM urday ried to J o h n In 1' Survivors Wird Chapel Bishop Allen tki 1 '' 7 Fourth ill3 nn r 1 Ta9lori elude her h119 p Terry conducting Friends may I P in 1482 it at band Salt Lake 11:1 the family residence 4877 call we 4w-w446 r Mar- a ne So Holladay Blvd until ti me at Englan d saa' Mn 0010M ia WAS se Earl W Weber services Burial in Elysian Burial one Onklandtr-Cali- tit t it Mrs Martineau G'ardens by Olpin Mortuary Pleasin rived daughter' Mrs ' Clara Kennelly' lidtanorrwisait Lake Temple He died In 1939 ant Grove Family SOSSOOMS no Martineau ilewers Mrs Dolly Big later married to Nrphi 0141 I two sisters inenthal end Mrs Viola Mueller in Logan In 1940 he died in 1950' °SAMOS - ReeltileM Maim for ri mmtte Calif six grandchth II Survivora include her IMO John dre g two areaterandehild ren Talor Logan daughter Mrs Iva F Gramer will be -celebrated - DIVORCES ii Hortense L Jones Intermountain Obituaries ' - - : - The Salt Lake Tribune Saturday September 4 — News of Record - '' t TELEVISION -— 1°°o ' buo nla tur rat poo em tA :V! :'yr i c scRAmBLE 'd t ciLL 114P Ph ant 6Sf tut pab Cal en Pr' be ) I c'e U S tenonranher L r ivm2'm) 'troika" 113m FA1 YELLOW CAB Experienced " B' BPI Wan 9010 "al"' rom rna Mil m71I N lb pat ber 12- - 'NV Car? AREL 64 - - - 'tat — - rr !s 9" Co So pr Comptometet A 7114itte1 - - - —— 10 sget 11 Ca In Ct rp T --'' t tat 1 it 7 lk --- " - - - Wear " i - VN t "' P 5 - ti ti ti " A Live 1 - - kd hitao31 ' - - L ' 1 - 7 - - - eries liolids ' -- - - — ' - r - - - 4 s - “ ' :4E- - ' : - '- - - - ' '' - - s -- r - Ipit4 ' (-- ' t - - L — - r - -- 4 - 1I 2 ' - ' --: i' ' 1-- i - - - - ' - - r 1t -- ' - - I ' I --- -- - - 2 N - r say --- - - - r v - ss fillits(ite - - 0 cailes AXinl FLAGSTONE itI' t - Dhis - 6 Co - t - - --- - - - - - - - 1 - li - - - - - - a lh - - II lo 7t $4495 p" IL -- 77 ' - 7 -- --- -- - - ' -- - - — - ''' I s — - '' - C c -' o 4 -- 1 -- t- - - -- s |