Show - ' ' ' ' - — ' ' - - — - - - - ---- t — - ' dr t ' - x ' - 4 The Salt Lake Tribune Sahirdly September 4 1954 - - ' - 141 ' ':'' U - 1' ' 4 -- ' - ' -t :7 J7- 4 t ' te 1 1 Ilirti4 i -:- T -- 144)el' 4 - - '''1 ' PirtieF'S 11161‘"I 71) - tuk III A ci? - 6cek-- It " ' i --7- yurch I r - 77----- - 1 - nt 3 LDS General Atittiorities -r nx -- '0-i- t--- Wilt Observe Birthdays 'pro---- 1 ' iih46 s'4' ' Build Religious Center 10 the chapel there will ing both dagsrooms Ichoir in bowing extending west b lnder hall with kitchen MURRAY—A also will be an facilities rooms of be one There and subdivision the may "spiritual" office at the rear of the buildIs planned for -- Murray with opened and used for chape) ing with an entrance there serv ized the groundbreaking expected this overflow crowds will be fall Special to The Tribune rew Wulf Instead-- of of raw-- of houses the development at E 5600 South will be a new 230 loca- tion for Christ Lutheran Church Eventually there will be a church parochial school residence for teachers gymnasium outdoor worship center church offices and parking facilities AT FIRST however one unit will be built which will provide two classrooms for church school or parochial school activoff-stre- The 20 two camping experience to Episcopalian youth are to into !conduct services Sunday at 7:15 Protestant youth bring closer fellowshi with God and am Two hours later the Rev be sponsored J Richard Painter Westminster each other wi again-thiye r over the Labor College president will give the Day weeken by the Salt Lake keynote address City Coun a of the United A 'ties a chapel and parish hall Christian There will be 4500 sq It on the main floor of the first unit and an additional 3000 sq ft in the basement The Rev John F liennic pastor said plans are for construction to begin this fall and dedication should be before the opening of school in 1953 IT WILL BE the first Murray parochial school of the Lu theran Church (Missouri Sy - od) Children in that area n w St John's LuthertW Church School 475 Ave (1045 South St) attend lIerrt The first unit svill include a chapel to seat 230 persons plus a DISCUSSION periods are planned for Sunday At 10 am and 2 pm and Monday at 9:30 am Adult leaders- will be Mrs Catharine Marshall director of Christian education at First Methodist Church the Rev Jarhes M Patterson director of Christian education at First Presbyterian Church the Rev George Dreher Bountiful Community (Congregational) Church pastor Vespers Sunday at 7:15 pm will be under the direction of Methodist youth after which a starlight hike is planned Morning Watch services Sunday at 7:15 am will be conducted by Congregational youth out h Movement retreat Out of the three-daat the Y ICA camp near Kamas beginn g Saturday is expected to ev ve a Utah State TJC1151 y state Plans for such-with organization hav'è been discu ed among denominational Gott ii summer gr sups all THE RETREAT begin with will pm Saturday' at registration and cabin assign-mer- it Baptist youth will have eharge of vespers Saturday at 7:15 pm and Presbyterians will be master of ceremonies of campfire stunts presented by each participating local church Saturday at 7:45 pm 0 Although 22 Church of Jesus Saints stake Christ of Latter-daconferences are scheduled this weekend In elght states only one (for Pioneer Stake) Is in 6a1t Lake County No representative of either the church general authorities or 'general welfare committee has been assigned to attend Pioneer State's conference There be missionary meeting Saturday at 8:30 pm and priesthood leadership meetat 8 pm in ing Saturday Twenty-sixtWard Chapel 7th South and 9th West General sessions Sunday at 10 am and HEAR METHODIST CHURCH y -- a - h be in the Assembly Hall Temple Square Other conferences this weekend and representatives of the 6 will pm CHRIST SIOLIK INDIAN EVANGELIST --1- 1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 7:30 P rOiluomoolistk Soh lid 'What Soirotion Costs You" "JESUS NEVER FAILS" 4INO SOUTH Solt Igk Assembly of God Mt Tabernacle 57 East 13th South MIS i 9th SPAROO Mints's MARSHALL orChristion I I - 823 SOUTH SASS OTH —Smotioy School —Morning Solvent y impressions of Como Mooting'" Ito Greco A Mutiny M—Toong "Simkins and Finding" Poo E Merril Smitit M 10 A 1) A M 7:0 CHURCH P YOUTH I MMINGS I 6 30 end 30 Folks Are friendly" "And the FAITHODIST Citt111kCH 101 Woo end 44110100 REV W I CORLM Pluto CHURCH SCHOOL 943 MORNING WORSHIP 01001100NMMIU ttiost!AIN10MMPWIt "JESUS 11 AND YOUR 00 a In Devotional hours Thursday Friday at 8:30 am and next Saturday about noon (at the conclusion of business) will be con- 10 am 11 shm Dectrin of T:30 pm PRAYER MEETING 30 Pastor—James pm G Sundays at ear-old- 10:45 am It BAHA'l WORLD FAITH Labor Day r- - Baynes Worstitii East 48th South—AM 9:00 Stratford Worship 89 11:00 "Tho art - - S 3Obnd $ - 1I 1 14- " 1 1 'F za-C- ' 411:11: 'f1 'Si 04' - : s s: 0 ' Y ' i 1 4it 2 : Rey and Nirt J ono Is Avo 2585 So-7-- 4352 am—Sunday Schaal 945 am 1100 Davenport ?- country end conference Sociity There also will be he semi- annual conference of the LDS - Salvator Joseph Born In Rome Regular schedule of services at St John's Lutheran Church IMissourt Synod 1030-5tEast be resumed Sunday with 11 A native of Italy is the newest :worship services at 8:30 and am School and and Sunday priest in the Catholic Diocese of 9:45 am Salt Lake City and he has beeniBible classes at assigned as assistant to the Rev Attend Convention James E Collins pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Attending the Utah - Idaho The new arrival is the Rev district convention of the Salvator Joseph Fagiolo who Walther League international was born March 19 1915 in youth organization of the LuRome He will reside at Our theran Church Missouri Synod Lady of Guadalupe Mission 528 are 22 young people of 'St IV 4th South succeeding the John's Church I030-5tEast Rev Gennaro Verdi who is on President of the Salt Lake vacation and whose new ap- group attending the convention pointment will be announced by this weekend in Ashton Idaho Is the Catholic Chancery Office Perry Weston Father Fagiolo studied in Italy 'and received his college degree in 1937 from the InterAUGUSTANA national College He was orLUTHERAN dained Sept 18 1937 In Rome h h IS 1lOOom 'APIS Vint TABOLLUTHERAN CHURCH Ist Avonuo end "V Prod : sm 100 pm 7 to Antoriiion Suboron ly port of ion being formed by foot synctels1 LIFC ALC: BC Jambi C Peterson Post 10 am Sum toy School Sabot 33rd South Yostitning Meeting r1 - UM 11 blio:hpiphon 54775 sm "DISCIPLIS 370 South S LYON OF Srd MA CHINST" lost Pos4or School 0 1010—Church Worship end Corrumosiop "the Church in ActIon" kronor': llithonei Solo: Gerold "God Lletts In My Hoort''' 1 Groups kiooll77:::-'7 30—Evoneto Soretce-- Ylihenot PreathIng Jorry Church With to Nestor' ond C Welcome" 9th South 1bl Ith lost C SERVICES -- N 10 stm-- 7 pm VOGELZANO Pastor School BACK TO GOD HOUR - REV 1114LOSSIVIttl-latin- 930 - t sm 10 Dial t Minister —Sandayt Station KALL - 1235 South Sermon CHURCH "GOD'S 7:30 - Carleton L STARS" Briggs Preacher- - Pastor BAPTIST West FIRST PRESBYTERIAll CHURCH East South Temple at Cedar City St George Canyonk Milford t 11:00am 8:45 am Beats& - Richfield Grand Canyon 4 0110 MOO a m it Ranch -' Bryce Canyon' 6:45 11:00 6:00 8:00 6:4$ - Director Street ast Christian Isitscollon 2 WORSHIP OM amt am am am C Iasi et ?amok Sowers L Mark DD Minimise Jamas N Patterson 4 Slack Alvin SERVICES 9:30 and "WORK FIT 11 TO am LIVE FOR" 30—SUNDAY moo SCHOOL Westminster !eIlowship: - 9:30 cm 12:15 pm A- - Groups 630 and LEW Tat 7:40 pm i ! - LIGHTS OR Guest -- - PROBLEMS" PM Dr Sunday Masses : ' RAY naca LABOR Pastor -- MASSES PARK Ilth SCHOOL "STREET 9:30 am MOO ctm School Fowl! Ta Imute 14a-A- M erm Southern Utah Summer Schedule 1954 hiorning Servim ‘— 1 Pm Training Union emt Evening Service' - - -- ' 7:30 pm Prayer Service (Thurs) ' ALBERT Pastor 001"1010MPlIMOSIWOONAMONEOIMPOVm0111010010SERMEP ----11-- 00 HIGH SCHOOL AM 945 CATHOLIC tot Close MISSION - Worthi- ly-- 13th East and EAST DD 945 cm WOrship ond the Workininsan" GLENDA! South OPPOSITE Pastor School Dr Peter FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Itnwick Church Bishop were the highest ranking officials The Rev Dr Spargo obtained transcripts of their most important m essages and will analyze their comments for his congregation Sunday Zion Evangelical 2nd So at 4th East The Rev Eric N Hawkins Curtain Iron and Itromadka SCHIDULE Ago 3 to 12 Sortito cmAngs the hind Council Church I Salt Lke's Southern Santis Church iii:45 em Sunday School 1100 am Moroni' Service l'Ob Pm Training Union ' 100 pm Evening Service 7:30 pm Prayer Service' iWed) CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH president There were 18 delegates to the Evanston meetings from be- Lith National Lutheran The Rev Robert O Co Hick 1175 West 5th North Central Christian Church is Assn of whiCh he Widow CHRISTIANSEN -- ROSE Ministerial the Salt Lake of representative DST 17TH SOUTH AND 17TH "Christ - World Council of Churches' Dr John L Spargo pastor of First Methodist Church 2nd South and 2nd East will chscuss the subject Sunday at 10:50 am- services Ile attended 1Vorld Council of Churches meetings in Evanston Ill as the Holy Trinity PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:30 A Pastor Slates Council Talk 836 North at 12th Wost BAPTIST CHURCH - is CHURCHES Service Resumes SUMMER of the board's division of evangelism He also will speak Thursday afternoon on "Evangelism As I See It" "Are They Communists?" — Deseret Sunday School Union "they" referring trt the controthe evening of Oct 3 in the Salt versial Dr Josef Ilromadka of Lake Tabernacle Czechoslovakia and Bishop John Peter of Hungary who attended the August meetings of the Resumes Sunday Catholics List New Priest P SOCIETY SCIENCE (MILLCSEEK) - 29 Sept and 30 930 AM—Sunday CHRISTIAN confer- encewill be the annual Relief DONALD O B Tem- City newly secrete r y appointed ' pas '4 ' 0 R York y ' Preceding the general The Rev Fagiolo New y ' of God tors extend a welcome to all at their church at 1275 W No Temple St 10 am Sunday School 11 am Morning Worship I pm evangollstic Service Meeting pm Tuesday P pm Friday Preaching Sorvico Ananicind Its cititons" LYNN 7"StTJOHN'S:1030'S-outli-3tTWorship- ' -- - Wasatch S 1000 am and 11:00 ism—Sunday Schools REDEEMER-'A- pS ' --- - PENTECOSTAL Church MEETS IN BOARD ROOM SALT LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY WEDNESDAYS' TAS PM --81 ':: ill 2605 CHURCHES OF THE LUTHERAN HOUR cHRIST-4- ''- :401:!:s by Dr! Charles ducted pleton Plans for Conference : 4 ' LDS Readies ' 4 Me SUNDAY SEIVICI SUNDAY SCHOOL "Beware the the Pharisees" 6:30 pm YOUTH MEETINGS 1HURSDAY----7:- (‘ k church WORK" WORSHIP GOSPEL SERVICE song large world map sheets sample Guide Patrol registration blanks pictures illustrating the LDS Articles of Faith and other material '''if or Indian to Leadl Evangelist ucSeries in SL (RAU SUNDAY SERVICES MORNING structural tile will be used in the entrance to the classrooms and office An angle iron cross 'will rise 28 feet above the ground and the front entrance Christ Lutheran Church now 13 located at 171 E 4000 South SCHOOL 10:50 AM Evanston Report "Are Josef firomodke and John Peters Communists?" SOUTH "We preach Christ crucified 'risen end coming again" BIBLE SCHOOL planter with a seat And glazed 1 ' 100w Rev Mr Moore is a Zion Evangelical Lutheran Talk Church 2nd South and 4th preacher Indian lore lecturer Congregational be will Regular services and baritone singer East Sunday will resume the with him in the ducted Sunday at 11 am BC regutar schedule of meetings Church (Church School 9:45 am worSalt Lake c h u r c h nightlyl First Congregational through Sept 19 except WTI 1st South and 4th East Sts The ship service 11 am) according Veber minister to the Rev Eric N Hawkins be- Rev George J days and Saturdays w his wife and two sniall sons has chosen "Responsible Citizen-- - pastor his se r nip p Icnjc in ::a t 7:3011bIP:Lits The meetings—will-iegit- t CHURCHT pm with additional meetings keeping with the observance of Morris Q IduceSteN AM TIIE FIRST UNIT will have a brick exterior with exposed block interior The main entry will have a natural stone 'r Bethel Baptist Church E 945 e Burley Stake in Burley 'vine' OTHERS: Dallas Stake in Dallas TeL Clifford E oung Et Paso Stake in El Paso Tea J Leonard Love St Johns Stake in St Johns Ariz Sterling W Sill and William T Lawrence Young Stake in Farmington NM Alma Sonne and Ts C Stayner Oakland Stake in Oakland Calif Carl W Buchner Union Stake in LaGrande Ore Adam S Ben Men Chicago Stake in Chicago George R Downtime Church CATNEILNI Directs Potter they AL Noe IIVIVASTIPAS"—KUTA SUNDAY1 AM I: I- two-wee- AT SNO EAST Ctys JOHN the youngboys to pass Tender foot Scout requirements as soon as they enter a Guide Patrol For both age groups new lesson books and teaching aids eiwolopes -- are available this year IN PREPARING the new handbook for Guide Patrols Primary Assn representatives consulted with national and local Boy Scout committees and with the LDS Young Men's Mutual Improvement Assn As a result appropriate material for Scouts that is in the Boy Scdut Handbook appears in the Guide Patrol Handbook In many other ways efforts have been made to provide Guide Patrol leaders with all material they need without having them chase to other books or research material The teaching aids envelope for the leaders for example contains several large Bible and Book of Mormon pictures in col- ALL FLANS are real-chapel of the first unit converted into class-- an - classrooms may be added The architects Haines and have planned a Purhonen chapel interior featuring glued laminated wood arches Novel use of wood at sides of chapel windows will add to the attractiveness of the interior but this wood will be replaced with windows when the chapel is converted into classrooms Calls 111:44:N1"j INDUCTION OF new officers expected Thursday at 9:15 am with the budget discussion scheduled Thursday at 10:45 am At other business meetings Thursday at I:45 pm Friday at 9:15 am and Friday at 1:45 pm speakers will include Dr MarCHURCH BRIEFS shal- L Scott Chicago dean of the Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations Dr Glenn W Moore New York City general secretary otthe general council of the ehurekand-Dr-1-formannN Morse New York City board general secretary At a public meeting Thursday at 8 the address will be As summer wanes In Salt given- by Dr Louis H Evans Calif minister at Lake City plans are being made Hollywood for the Board of National by Church of Jesus Christ of- large Missions There also will be a Latter-daSaints officials for banquet Friday at fellowship the church's 125th semiannual 6:30 pm conference to be held on Ternfour-dasession be The will pie Square in less thin a month conducted at Wasatch Academy General sessions will be Oct coeducational junior and senior 1 2 and 3 There also will be school operated by the other meetings with limited at- - high Board of National Missions tendance such as the general priesthood meeting the evening of Oct 2 lt 'The Nth of Oho Wrkman's Nursary rind Church School at IP :30 am SUNDAY SERVICES AM—Sunday Schimi Mon Ahriorson Supt) 1043 AM—Morefing Worship &Aim: "lb load to Sucrose 6:30 A 7:30 PM—Christ's Ambassador studies have been revamped to prepare ' m Sermon: NIGHT At 730 PM ASondey And Wiest BEGINNING SEPT 70s 952 MEMORIAL 2372 EAST SERCI EOLITH— Worth la Services at 'A 41 it EVERY the classrooms an4 Each 11 yearold Scout is to have an activity kit kept by the leader t Each week the leader will tear off the appropriate sheet re4 ferring to that week's instrtion It may be a short quiz pictures songs or games There are 47 units-o- f instrucEyanpaha Waken — a Sioux tion planned for a year includgeneral authorities and general Indian who now is known as ing the summer program When welfare committee assigned to the Rev Marries Moore '— will completed the boy should be '' 11 table to qualify to be a Second attend them include the fol- preach in the As- sembiy of God 1 and the first step lowing: 0440s Class Scout 57 t Tabernacle in the LDS priesthood as he be UTAMI B t Stake in Beaver Min B Brown and Dr LeRoy A Wirth lin E 13th South ! comes 1112 Lehi Stake In Lehi Thorpe B Isaac :I: a t s son and Walter Stover San Juan Stake in may meet any El in Monticello Ray L Christiansen o series of meet- time and place convenient for and Donald D Davis South Rar River Stake in Trorrionton ings beginning th boys and their leaders with Speneer W Kimball Summit Stake in s-the single restriction that meet- Coa Dille no visitor: Logan Stake In Tuesday 110111111 no viartor Mount Ogden Stake Now a !Win- ing hours must be before dark In Ogden S Dilworth Young Wagatah l'i ally known evanThe new 1Stake in Heber Joseph Fielding Smith program the Rev IDAHO: Blaine Stake in Carey and gelist for the Primary Assn was pre D Shoshone Marion Banks and Stew' - pared under the direction of art B Fcclee Cassia Stake in Oakley Mr Moore was Mark E The Rev Petersen and Leonard E converted about Mrs Edna Faux and Miss Alta Adams Mlnidoka Stake in Rupert Dr Moore 15 years ago ac- Miller Guide Patrol Committee Milton R Hunter and Lorenzo H Hatch Raft River Make in Malta LeGrand Rev Guy M of the Primary Assn General Richards and Paul C Child North Poca- cording to the tello Stake in Pocatello Bruce R Mc- Heath pastor of the-SaLake Board Conkte 22 LDS Stakes Get Conference will- d Trekker — Youth 10at Starts Today In Hills hove Kamas '' i ! and y - Christ Lutherans i ficially Wednesday 'and continue prelimthrough Saturday inary committee will begin their work Monday Dr Jesse B Barber Lincoln Pa secretary of the national board's :work in Atlantic Bal Ridge and Canadian synods i of the national staff chairman will preside at the opening business session Wednesday at 2 pm: and at the celebration of the Lord's Supper concluding the first day The communion service will be preceded by a public meeting at 8 pm i ' 1 ' I - - dor ' ' 14)4 ' - -- Nr1 a&A Primary Top Presbyterian Officials to Attend Starts With Natioñal1 Missions Meet in Sanpete SchoaBells wilfbe the but ---i - P ( iltt411111' MISSInas1 work In 1955 Some of top offiCiais-the Presbyterian Churcih in the 'fortnulated at Mt Pleasant by By Jack M Reed -USA will be in Salt Lake City headquarters personnel synod 1-Tribune Church Writer this weekend en route to Mt and presbytery executives field - "" ind chairmen of School bells mean more than Pleasant for — the annual meeting representatives of Board synod corn- staff of national national the missions 'school statt the of for Just --' 414t 1) F' church the National Missionsof mittees iiii 4 4 al Policies - programs and an ' me of Jesus Christ of Latter-dar -- - - 411!" for national v' VIE nEETINGS will open ofbudget 12 Saitits For those under years operating ‘ A Mc --rt 14 ' of age this akb is the start of r - 1r ' - ' ' IIIIIIIII ' 111 ''—'1 '1- i i a new Primary Assn year 1 -- I ar0'irdll 7 The Primary- year begins the 0 imiq ti ik i' 0' ' same week public schools re1 f 0a)c:v open and therefore varies from F one public school district to an- - — other explained Mrs LaVern On three successive days next week three general W Parmley Primary Assn genof the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daauthorities e Prithe eral president Actually LIL1 —?1-observe their birthdays: Thorpe B Isaacson will Saintsfirstin the Presiding Bishopric Monday S Dil'counselor ' gram but new study courses k 41: worth Young member of the First Council of Seventy Tues—4 and classes begin In the fall O McKay Wednesday day and President-Davit 7'1 1t - This year the Guide Patrol ' Mr Isaacson who has been a member of the Presiding 11111414411 — 11- -:: program for :Boy 411am Bishopric since April 10 1947 was born Sept: 6 1898 in Scouts is being launched Ephraim and will observe his 56th birthday Monday Mr and parochial school class rooms Planned This sketch by Baines and Purhonen architects shows first eluding cha was Young who will be 57 Tuesday was born Sept 7 1897 in the program Actually Ari new sanctuary more class rooms gymnasium unit of new Christ Lutheran Church 230 E 5600 South in for future Salt Lake City and has been member of the First Council placed under Primary Assn jurisdiction in June 1953 but a of Seventy since May 23 1945 President McKay Was born Sept 8 1873 in Huntsville 'AT MURRAY LOCATION temporary outline has been folWeber County and will note his 81st birthday Wednesday lowed by- Guide leaders until now lie was ordained an apostle April 9 1906 set apart as second Counselor in the First Presidency May 21 1945 and has been Beeause of the new program president of the Church since April 9 1951 for 11year-olthe Primary's f) 'et moomto LDS -- i - G rehes (11 I 1 ''''044141N I e i :: 7Itta Si - - 1 011 - tl i ' — v000 1 t A 06:itil6'4$0i08--Q1 ' 4'r I ''' ''I - '14 4 ' ! ' ' 411" or it 'i -- 7-- ' ' k ' - 4 - - |