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Students' 1 ' Socks t All A — -- ' a i ' ' ' ' THE ?ANIS MEN'S TURNISNINGS—Strivot noes "0 A ' t 26-3- 2 1 k law k' if — 4 OW V14 - 1 First choice on the cam- - that-rsis- t" 41 k 4 Obit t -t- r Y 403f ti tt V74 4 COPPERFIELD 10 1012-1- 3 L 4 a t "''S '' - sheen 1i 1o 0 - e - 14E-- 0 1r e 44 N 4 ' Cr t 1 - 445:1! ": to Ratner slacks all-wo- 1 ' VIWO) )1 0 40111- - ' your whole appearance and morale because unlike ordinary socks your toy'll never bag or look untidy Stay up tor lit ns longas you wear them Sizes charcoal rs5t brown black 1: irk '- 4- I :4 -- t 4 i -- ' ' t it - 114 Me 11A California Styled I rt - § P -- i 7v01) cop' ' 51 k - t -4 i 4: t 5" 1 1 4 st I - t 41°4 4 tt' :I 41 I4 -- : r': ' Rib knits s C?P rr ne (c401-'- ‘tt-4- - 61:0111 - -- 4 ' L::04 r x44 xi "cr-I i 1 4 - 37-4- 4 pus :- )P 1- : orrL b - 1110wto- I impeccably tailored These kind of coats that put a man at ease—in the office on campus—and if you select Saturdey they'll be easy on n yold budget easy fit California drape models in solid novelties and flecks New :charcoal tones of brown grey blue and tan Regular and long Two-butto- - ''' : J'' r t i 'ii t I' i44r-- ir t 4 lit''e t tmek T71 i if ' 4‘ New-Stanz-Il- 74 ' 4 i : r--- -' Rcg 3350 and $35 1 V NIP4'" '" ' I NI' riii I ' 'I ' ' -- : ' ' :7 4 " 1' Or 4 sag or wiinkle 4 1:1irttf::14: :ir' ' t c- 4 doe 1 — 4'114 kit Sport Coats - 'i a ' Mens' Fine - ‘ vorr - e' IQ P - P Aolov ) 7111 NVAll'' t olat-'71- Special! x - oh ' ovis '14 4 I ' -: itl-- 1 - stay to Up are constructed with heat resistant floated track rubber around top that can't b' I ' - forever! Stanz- up - - the--mik- ed odd members of European royal ty Guests or King Paul of Greece the party o as limited to Santorin mules due to roads afforded I in--th- f 4‘14iir' 11 iiig 1 n e ' ' 3 t 1 s --- Itappie4 J 14 f '4 ! )' ' wje i t It jkeis- - 't 4 i 1 (1 4 s I k 1 72 t- 141 tel i 5 ''''''' 4 t' 7 A4- ElviteDutEeLrsarDNAaleltniysepi SyNLe-31-- Jawaharthl —Prime Minister ATHENS GREECE Field Marshal Alexander Papa- Nehru will leave fora tiroweek about gos the Greek prime ministeri visit to Communist China said announced Friday night police Oct 16 reliable sources s had broker' up "a large spy net- here Friday lie will bc returning the visit work of Greek and InternationCommal Communists operating in to India last month of Greece against the North Atlan- unist Chinese premier- and Fortic Pact ' Greece and its Balkan eign Minister Chou En-la- i Nehru told Parliament Friday allies the trip would he of "a friend that 'management live up to The spies sent to this country to a neighboring coon- lita—inature In Soviet mi were trained var'Agreements granting them ' Panagosltry schools and political ious fringe benefits More than 5000 miners and added Training in Jail Papagos said the leader of the employers of the American- VIENNA AUSTRIA Sept 3 lir —Gustav Haubert 40year- old convicted Austrian embez tier asked a Vienna judge to let him serve his threemonth jail term on an especially hard cot "Also reduce my meals 'to Reuters Nevem Agency tory and used machineguns and the barest minimum" he AMMAN JORDAN Sept 3— hand grenades The meeting under the chair- - pleaded "I have decided to go mixed armiThe Israel-Jordastice commission Friday "strong- manship of Cmdr Elmo IL into a monastery after I leave Israel for an Hutchison of the United States jail and I want to get in ly condemned" attack on Jordan territory reached its findings in the ab- training" Wednesday in which two Arabi sence of an Israeli delegation soldiers were killed 'Cellophane Curtain' iSRAEL HAS boycotted the Four Arab soldiers were New York Timms Service in since last March wounded and three "abducted" commission MONTREAL QUE Sept 3— commission's in the raid by Israeli forces protest against the Graham Greene British Novefor Jordan condemn to failure e Ramallah on Beitligia which 11 Israelis list returned to London from area ' 20 miles northwest of an attack In were killed at here Friday Mei being refused a taus aboard a Jordan spokesJerusalem admission to Puerto Rico under Pass Scorpion man said Mohammed !shag chairman provisions of the United Stales ob- of the Jordan Armistice Com- MeCarran Waite Act NATIONS A UNITED Grvensaid the law does "lit: server team which inveStigated mMion- called trn more than imitate the enemy Thursday on the spot found commission to ask Israel for tte Israeli forces had gone about the return of the three ab- by erecting a cellophane curtain" two miles inside Jordan terri ducted Arab soldiers - - -0- l'Â-7- 7- P Reuters Newt - UN Truce Panel Condemns Israel forAssatilt in Jordan - 4l - Nehru to Visit China Smashes Red - '1 es 4 i:4 ' 7 1' ' ' Il -- ' ' 4 - SPEAKING BEFORE a batil ' neuters News Agency '' - '' ' -n '' b ' tery of microphones the fiery CALCUTTA INDIA Sept 3 I Bevan told the crowd in the ' 4 a ' '1-audit:00pm that the delegation's —Epidemics of cholera and foot 0 t s mission was to promote "peace- - and mouth disease crept trer' 11 i A ' I s'' ful between all na- northeast India Friday in the f tions' wake of floods which have ? ' t - I 1 '' s "Our people do not believe taken 144 lives ''" ' and I VP 't ve 't destroyed the welfare of the world can be ' it :: t i fi served by dividing it into two the homesof 50000 villagers A44-1Cattle are "dying by thou- li tight divisions" he said ' sands" in ' s '' '" Bihar State Cholera "differences" that Admitting 4 ' has killed 44 4 '!' between exist Communist counpersons in the n b' tries and the rest of the world capital of Patna according -to 4-lie said "Differences also exist rePtirit reaching 'here The Assem town of Dibru- between Great Britain and the garh is crumbling into the waUnited States" He said that just as Britain ters of the swollen Brahma' i did not believe these differ- P utra River and the population '1 of 500000 Is preparing to flee ences should be settled by going In neighboring Orissa State to war with the United States - -0 i ""' so did it feel differences with drought has almost wiped out 04"'"""7"- "'''''''' '''4 Communist-countrie- § The should be the winter rice crop state's chief minister Naha- settled peacefully krishna Chaudhury announced Some-o- f i IN—AN OBVIOUS reference that the rice loss will be morTe to the coming eight nation talks than 112 million tong of an SANTORIN Greece --Queen Frederika rides in Manila on the South East annual production of 2 million a mule holds onto hat during Juliana Queen Asia T r e a t y Organization tons tour of this volcanic isle one of many stops ' ' - - ) ( 44 - ' ' ':( ":4-- ' t1 ' A ' : '''k i ! 11 41 ' ' ' ! - " r - (UP)- -- f -- ::''''' ' ' 4 s - ' ' was a major general Com- spies Charilaos Florkis or hamed have Mine Teniente El pany's been on strike sin'cUrAug 18 Kapetan Ylotts Hi was report- demanding a flat 75 per cent ed under arrest ' pay increase - A wave of strikes hit Chile Friday idling nearly 50- 000 workers i The government charged the '' stoppages were "politically inspired" and warned 4t would 7 ''' take drastic measures to restore ' '!' order Public educational instittitioni I :7 closed throughout the country as 28000 professors and teachi r strike ers went on a 11 t asking assurances that a hill is ''r raising their pay would he ' adCongress passed before g 7 journs Sept 17 4 shoe factory' Ten thousand " " 1workers walked out demanding ' - ' CHILE Sept 3 owned Braden Copper SANTIAGO -- " - : ts ' - :1 - as ' ": i ' - '''' — - - 4 ' '' - Strike Epidemic Idles 5uuuifChile ' - ' - l' - - ' THE WORLD ROUND ' ' - -- ' - Ir i '' I ' d : I ki ' ' - ' - -- -- - - -- J- te ''' it3'' ' ' - ''' lP' - - - - 4 4 ' - r -'' - - Epidemic Iliis India Region n '' ' - - i ' '' ' ' 1— ' '''''' '''' '1 ifSEATO) Bevan- said "We do TOKYO Sept 3—Aneurin not believe the' statesmen conBevan leader of the left wing tribute to peace by fixing up of the British Labor Party alliances which exclude other a crowd of more than 30001nations" 'banzal" 'Shouting Siminerskill former a public rally here Friday when minister of health and the only he said he did'notthink the Use woman member of the delegiof atom bombs or hydrogen tion gibed at the small number of women present "I should bombs was a "civilized way': of estimate there are 250 men to between nations arbitrating each woman sitting here This - Hundreds unable to get into is a nation of one sex" she Hibaya Hall listened outside commented -- -in Ilibaya Park In the tenter of the city at the public rally in British honor of the seven-maLabor Party delegation which '' arrived here Thursday night after visits to Russituand China ' - ' ' ' ' ' 1 1951 Saturday September - ' -- - Lake Tribune ASalt ' ' 1 --- - - - 'A-Wa- t - — ' The —Bevan Deplores r' In Fiery Tokyo Speech Reuters News Agency - '' r ' - I - ' — ' |