Show i Deaths Death I 6 MRS KITTY LARSEN Mrs Larsen 8 83 85 widow of James Tomes P. P Larsen of Ephraim and a Utah pioneer of 1863 1553 died Wednesday at p. p m. m at atthe atthe atthe the home hom of her daughter Mrs John E E. East Broadway of disabilities Incident to ate age Mrs Mrs Larsen had lived U In Salt Lake nine months and prior to that In California for six sis years ean Born Bom In Denmark January 21 In M 1847 1347 she came m until n here she with it went pioneers to California and 0 lived fa faB B Sue She was a member b of the L. L D D. S S. S church Mrs r Larsen ne' ne Is survived fv b by c h s 's sons su and daughters Mrs Joseph P P. Dorius Dorlus and Mrs Murray Larsen ot of Los Loa Angeles Mrs Charles Thorpe Thorp of Axtell Mr Mrs Joseph H ii L Levie of Soviet Bevier Mrs rs Archie L. L Andersen of ot Et Mrs John E E. Alonzo and Lavon Larsen r ot of Salt Lake ke 36 grandchildren and nd fg 33 n Friends ma may call at th the the- family home after Her Thursday at 5 p p. p m m. Services will be conducted Saturday Y at 2 p. p m in In Ephraim Burial Durtal will take tae place In the Ephraim Park cemetery MELINA JONES T THORPE ORPE Mrs Mra Melin Jones Thorpe 76 died at atthe th the home of other her daughter Mrs Alice Allee Bugden Bugden Bug Bug- den 3 North Seventh West street Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day at p. p m. m of causes Incident to ace ate Mrs l Thorpe Thorp was born bom In England and came caine to the United States when 17 n years rears of see age She Bhe lived In Pennsylvania for lor seven years rears then moved to Logan Locan r where e she ft ah meS g used Ived until 12 years ago o. o when she came to Salt Satt Lake Surviving are lire her daughter Mrs Sugden son Wilford J J. J Thorpe Thorp of ot Elko Nev five grandchildren and four sisters Mrs Elizabeth Bouck Douck and Mrs Emily Emil Trejo o of Bait Salt Lake Mrs Fannie Brown of Draper and Mrs Bertha Jones of Ogden W. W C. C MASON Sty V C C. Mason t 66 68 of ot Almond court died at his home Wednesday at 4 30 p. p m m. of heart disease following a lingering iii- iii ness neM He had lived In Salt Lake 30 years and is survived by his widow Mrs irs E. E Mason of Denver Cob Colo and a n sister Mrs N N. A. A Clarkston ot or Kansas City Mo to SWENSON SPANISH FORK Isaac Isaac Swenson 4 45 wel known real resident dent of Spanish Fork died at th the family home Tuesday night after a I Ilon lone lon Illness Y He was born here October tober 27 1886 a 8 z A Io son of ot August end and V Sarah h hn n Sen- Sen hH son H He received g his ii early education In lo local rIY g cal public schools h t h later g ya attending df Brigham Brig Brig- ham Young university v m at PrO O. He lIe was t 4 elect elected d city tr treasurer asur r 4 k of ot Spanish Fork In ln 1 1914 IOU but because of ot iii j 1 t health he was forced r Q to ItO co t to Arizona In iW y 1917 1817 before his term expired He married jf ro Hannah e a H Hughes In 1 esbe 74 1911 He hid had been manager of the An Au if relus theater 18 years J. J l He S U is survived b by his w z 3 V- V 4 11 widow and ond five sons y W and daughters Jock Jack H HI Swenson student if St V a. a V t C t h a University r tri sac Sens Swenson n of Utah Utah Mont Frank Catherine and Bettle Ma Mat S enson Spanish Fork Pork hi isle his mother and 15 IS brothers and sisters Neph Nephi Swenson Earl Eul Swenson Ogden Oden Mrs 8 6 A A. H Hayes Hares s and Mrs H. H D. D Brockbank Salt Lake Mrs Emma Hanson Hnnson st St. Joheph Ariz Josep Jo Jo- sep seph sepi- Albert George James H. H Peter and ancl Hyrum Swenson r Mrs Dan n Mr Me M Christensen hW Mrs S Fred S 5 Smart and ind Mrs W. W V. V P. P Spanish Fork The body Is nt ot the funeral home JOHN HARWOOD J FORK FORK John John Harwood 78 18 died I Tuesday morning at ot the homo of his brother William Harwood liar Har- wood with whom he lie hena na nade e his home S S S S He lie was as born Sep Sep- ember 25 1 1854 4 at t v W West Bromwich Eng Eni- land laad a son Ion of John and nd Elinor Ellnor k Harwood He lie came to lo 5 t spanIsh Fork Forie In tn 1908 1903 He was active In the U t. t L D D. D S. S church and 4 had hut been a temple worker many years SS ii Besides hU his brother cS C'S William Harwood he s 5 survived by one deter lIster Mrs Mra Susanah S Comer omer Lehl Lehi also 14 U and nieces S S 'S Funeral services will m ie c held Friday Frida at 1 I 1 o o. o m. m In UHF the Leland yard vard chapel with ln- ln In Spanish em S lri Pork Fork City cemetery m John The family requests that no f flowers loners be bo sent amt MRS INGRA LARSON OGDEN OGDEN Mrs Inera Larson IA 18 78 widow of L L. M. M Larson LUJon of died Wednesday at 4 p. p m m. of a heart attack at the home borne of a daughter Mrs George E E. Wilson 2233 2238 avenue e e. e Mrs Larson came camo here e two days a ago to visit s 1 her daughter E rO and was apparently In rood good health Mrs Larson Lanon was born In Sweden on Feb February rusTy 21 1854 She came to this country when a Q small all child and had resided most o or ncr her life In Logan v sari and n other f J g towns In Cache e valley fl She was s a member e of the L. L D. D S. S church and an nn active Wor worker er erIn In n the Relief society Mr Larson died at ot in 1920 Eight t sons and daughters r survive v Mrs Mes I George GeorCe E. E lO Wilson Ogden ait Carl a f A. A Larson California August P F Larson and Mrs W. W B. B Evans Frans Logan Samuel II H Larson LarEon Providence Provi Provi- dence Mrs Lorenzo Rogers Hyrum George GeorgeH H E. E Larson Mrs H H. M M. Draper Salt Jolt Lake Lakei one brother Andrew Andre Anderson one sister lister Mrs MiS Christina Cl Canada The body was taken In charge by br Lind qU quist t Sons Bons MRS IDA C. C HANSEN LOGAN LOGAN Mrs Ida Charlotte Hansen 61 wife of lIeber Heber K Hansen Hanun died at the family home East Second North street Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tiles day of pneumonia Sh She was born Tune dune une 8 1870 In Sweden a daughter er of ot Carl J. J and Margaret Marie Olson Mrs Hansen had been bern beena berna a 0 resident of Logan ioan since cinco 1881 1831 Besides BeIde her hr husband she Is survived by six Ix sons Je and J a daughter t r Weri H. H n. n C C. KI D. D L. L da and Rulon tulon Hansen Logan E. E L. L Hansen Salt Balt Lake W. W c. c Hansen Livingston ston Mont Mrs Funeral Mary services Jones t f Moroni will mn be e held hela In the L. L D D. S. S EJ Eighth ward chapel Sunday Bund at 1 I p p. p m. m Vo with th burial In Loran Logan City CHr cemetery ALICE MAUD l EDELMAN PROVO PROVO-Allee Alice Maud South 8 lck Edelman 43 43 wife Wite of A A. F. F Edelman of South Southe Fourth West street died at a local hospital ta Wednesday e from complications n following h a major malor operation two weeks AltO ago Mrs Edelman was born October c 24 1883 In InrI Idaho h dir Falls nIc Idaho O where she lived until 1921 when here She was a Relief society worker in the L. L D D. S. S church and was a a. member of the club Besides her husband she M is survived by two dau daughters and a son lion Ruby Rub Ruth and anc Robert Edelman Provo five the brothers and anda a sister William Southwick Ogden C. C L L. Southwick La 14 Grande Orande Ore Ernest Ernes and Vernal Southwick Los Angeles Cal J 3 V v. Southwick Ventura Cal Col and Mrs Pearl Pe-arl I Jenkins Oxnard Cal MRS ALEC RAINEY RAINE OGDEN Word OGDEN Word was received Wednesday b by City Commissioner Fred E E. E Williams ms of ot the death of ot his aunt Mrs Alec Raincy 53 formerly occurred gJ Laura In Seattle Williams la Wash s of Orden following l ln which hl an operation for tor goitre JoHre Mrs Rainey was Willi a sister of the late lat Edwin Ed win Williams father of the commissioner and In addition to her husband Is survived sur by br a eister Mrs Zachariah Cheeney Cen Ceo and a brother James Williams Peterson ELIZABETH B. B REYNOLDS MURRAY Mrs Elizabeth Brown Remo Rem Reyn olds 85 a native I ot of England died Wednesday Wednes day o afternoon r at t the fe home ngi of of her d. d son Robert Robert Rob Rob- ert D. D Brown of heart disease Mrs Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reyn Reyn- olds was wu born September 11 11 1846 In York shire England She Bhe came to Utah In 1881 and had lived In Murray Murrar for 30 years Surviving are nrc two sons ons and one daughter daugh dauch- ter teL Robert Roben D. D Brown and Mrs Charles Charlea An An- derson Murray Murrar n and Percy Brown r of Salt Lake IS 15 Grandchildren i h and ana r l 10 great grand t ira children MARK PATRICK MURRAY MURRAY Mark Mark Patrick 60 a native of Austria died Tuesday forenoon at his hll home 46 Woods row Murray Murrar of heart disease disease dis dis- ease ense He lie was born In Austria April 4 4 1811 1871 came to the United states statu 36 years ago aio and had hOod lived in Murray since 1900 Surviving are his widow Mrs Anna Patrick Pat Pat- rick and three brothers Jake Patrick of ot alt Midvale Jerry Patrick of 01 Denver Dener and Anton Patrick of Austria G. G ATHAS MAGNA MAGNA 1 Georgia Athas Athu 3 youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs 7 Peter letu Athas of or 2978 First East street Magna MOina died at the family tamil home Wednesday at p. p m. m of or lobar pneumonia She was born In Salt Lak Lake October 26 1928 1028 Surviving are h her ber r parents two brothers and two sisters Louis Louts Billy BlUy Virginia and Mary Olar Athas all aU of Magna I I MARIA INGEMANSON INGEl MURRAY MURRAY Mrs Maria Mari Ingemanson 75 is 5 widow of Peter Ingemanson died at her homo home at avenue Wednesday at p p. te m. m following m a two weeks weeks' Illness ill illness Ill Ill- ness s of heart i disease Mrs Sirs Ingemanson was born bom Au August at 1 1 1856 In Sweden d She b had been a resident of Murray for r 4 40 years h having n emigrated to Utah In 1886 Sho She had hOod been en active In the affairs of ot the I L. L D. D 8 B. church Relief society ty for lor many years nars Surviving ln are arc a sister i Mrs r Augusta i rott Erickson of Murray rr y an ana a brother In Sweden |