Show rToO cCuUnREe A COLD IN OONNIEC DAY take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund itbhe money if it fails to cure nnootniccee notice lIas hereby given that I1 have this day sold the businneessas and stock known as the provo undertaking co A E ford manager to J 0 graham jr and E L jones who will hereafterr conduct the bbuussinneessssa under the same name I1 will collect all bills due and pay all accounts against said ccompany to date respectfully A eEford provo sept 28 1896 TIM ttoorvavoolidd malaria and fevers keep kitchen sinks closets waste ppipea I1pea etc free from bad odors by using BRED SEAL lye being strictly pure it re-quires lleess than other bkinds contains no salttaaraddiiss conveniently packeeddiinn sifting top rcaannss NOTWwIMCnEfaTuwOseetttt deceased noescate nopv given tbyy the underssiiggnneedrd r tmhee estate of oofr aalui hartS 10 tahgeaicnrsetditthoerssbaaiidd oopfredrseocenassehdavinttoag calakiam it them awriitth the vouchers W thin four months after the first publication ocfathis notice to the esaalidd almont at tie rats esltraetaeceorat provo city in the county oort utah JOSEPH S8 administrator of the estate ooft williaamlm traauusfeetttt ddeeceecaasseedd dated this dev ooft oct booth booth iff g 1 j 1i Weigh the treeaa you buy iinn packages 11 for some packaaggeess that are supposed to contain one half or one pound weigh only 6 and 12 ounces pride of japan tea the best in packages imported weighs C full 8 and 16 ounces ask your grocer for pride of japan tea M J brandenstein CO san fFarrnandciisccoo ani yokohama PROVO M Cu 21 center st prove ALL KINDS OF fhreosht and offid IgMaSt constantly ON HAND TYrboommee rendered lard cashk paid for Ffaatt llivvee Stoe 7C PROVO FOUNDRY AND ENGINES AND BOIILERSe MINING CABRS P 0 box 91 Ccm UTAH KytICBl possession pi the ffoolliloowing described animMal im-ppiounded as or for trespass6 toe black mar- a ut I1s3 yyeeaarss old white hind feet no brand vissiibbllee it damage aannad costs raa said animal be not pau within 10 days from the date ooft this notice it will be sold to the cash bidder at the provo city pound at 1 on the ddavv ooft nov IM dated at rpravvoo etta utah county state ooft utah abis ddaayynaof oct va W W COWNOOVVEERR found keppeerrotf said city wwee are lauussit and ventilating in iliiiniee with manufacturers of archi apparatus for bublic tteecxttuurraall sheet mmeettaalI1 and a big work and heavy rBReeesssiiidddeeennnceeeeesss iron workers stock of ignite iron and Tinwaru imported and our own I1 ut r ake when you come to us wee tell you what kind of material you are getting A fann IS L rge and so we have the goods to prove it arree sauncch thhaatt we OWur griova can meet vyoouu all rEmeememembbeerr we carry the genuine granite ironware every article branuddeedd be ware of imitation hd 2113 12 ita PVA EELIMQT CSM G0 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ao A A delivered to sav ovart of the city bock springs lump castle galte lump pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump srtoocckk springs nut cCaassttlIee gate nat 4 50 anthracite 1100 YARD 17 agents SAVINGS BANK dallaainiea at saillt lake city kooppeena Sbaattuonay evenings from 7 to 8 5 per caent interest paid on de-posits otf or more aend compounded four ttiimmes yer UTAH TITLE MURANCE TRUST CO capitaoll efllbBowOW full paid JE dobir president W BS mc vice president A L TzzomAs sSeeccrreettataarrryTv and cashier SHERIFFS SALE PpUuTrsuant to an order of gala ttoommee directed by the court in and for the fourth jjJuuuddndeiaicleaall district utah county state of utah I1 aall exposed at public sale at the front dobrof the courthouse in the eciltzy otf frcho county of ouuttda and state of uuttah on tthhee 24 n y 1 oct IM at 12 m the ffoolllloowwinigne de arle I1 real estate to wit thhee lands add premises directed 0to be sod by this d cree oaaveee situated lyl s ind being in the countr of utah of utah and particularly described as ffoolllloowwssittoo wit the northeast quarter oofl the northwaesstt quarter of section twenty one 21 in town BaxX 6 south of rhaannigfee two 3 eat of salt llaakiee imnerido anand containing forty 140 acres r iwriittha allaanndd ssiiDngular the tenements hereditament saaandd thereunto beon or in anywise to be sold as the property of ggeooorglea P-W Ste veanon and annie stevenson 6d0 fanda its at the sbuaiitt of mantl city dbaana is a corporation plaintifffr terms of sa 0 costi b dated oct 2 am JOHN A BROWN sheriff tthhoommams fowler debuty wwimn D livingston atty for plaintiff EI1 OM 0 Don Is y 0M our59 but no matter who is elected SHOES will still be wanted AL Ear HED 0 aloff I1ST will still be foaud at old stand rear of store now occupied by mmcccllooaarrdd bros better drehar ed than ever t1o0 furnish FIRST CLASS SHOE WARE REPAIRING DONE N 0 SHORT NOTICE G3O0 TO fah hardware iron co THE 10lo toSAAes MmMajaejtiec tio ALSO ALL WAGON and BUGGY ROW special attention to mail or telephone orders telephone no 49 PROVO IRON PPROVO commercial and sayI1ingbus IK PROVO CITY UTAH capital DIRECTORS reed smoot prest D T cdlaarrkk vice presatt john jones james A bean roger faerrer 0 E loose L BS hillsa J BR ggeenneorraall banking business transacted YMOTU ABRE TO kansas city st louis chicago new york or any other point east see that your ticket reads via the missouri ppaaccifikc rRyyo elegant coaches quick time and superb rrooaaddbbeedd make this line the peoples favorite route leave provo i p in pueblo ppmm aarrrrivieae kansas city p m 1 I sattlolLoonnniiiasa a m it chicago aamin call upon the nearest ticket agent or address HM B KOOSER commercial freight pass abt E J FLYNN ttrraavy pass agent salt lake city utan H C TOWNSEND general at st lonuisa mo THE oDnENVER BRIO GR IN Eraaiillroroaadd ssacenunnniice line of the lmouaffledd the only line rbuunnnniinngg two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER abam train no 2 leaves arroyo 9 14 a in arrive at pueblo a in colorado springs aamm ddeenavveerr 9 30 aamm cripple creek a in train no 4 leaves provo p in arrive at Pneblo p- m colorado springs p m denver pv m connections made at springs raundd denver with rahll lines east elegant day coaches cchair carse and pullman sleepers on all trains take the D R G and have a comfort able trip and enjoy the fineast scenery on thae continent shortest line to creek colo rados great gold camp train no 2 leatice provo at a m aalrlriivveeas at cripple creek next mmoomms ing I 1 AAbb HUGHES SBKK HOOPER traffic bmMlaaannaacgheerr G pPa T A ddeenavveerr colo denver colo B F NEVINS general agent salt lake city ut M trav passa abt PATEENArTTSS chreas andandrrbeees8i1siss0osuuteehsseerrspeacttueernnettdccaaursgeesa ilna thae fagent office and t eelflouorraetithleiee courts promptly and fully prosecuted 1u1ponn receiiptI1 ooft MODEL 0OR of in-tention 12 make careful and a4d4 ttiiee as to thhee fEaRtIeE or wwiittan myoffie directly occran from the jw erndt boofffflicpee and being ilan Ler sonai aaatttttteeennndddaaannncet therme it lias apparent that I1 bnaavvee superior ia-lfdaaicluGltieess forthme amkointeg vuroroua aVpnrdrdeaillmaignayrT rui pro nu oort for patent tad for aft anding to ait busitness 0en1trusatetedd to cire in tthbaa sshhao0ortrteeesssttt 1Iwmaatlibb e t1ime i 6 g eu aud extcalusive attention arven to patent business advice and cial rreeffeerreennmdaa fseenntt on rrqeruqueesstt J IL rVVeeetlotoooll aannda attorney itn patent ccaauasseos D 0L ato CU 0 patentoct FO 9 lfat postage iwree will send A sample envelope of either mur or are M a UnviaUemahe yoau have seen it advertised foorr wmaanny years but have vou ever tried Mit afft 3nott yon ddo not eknnoowir what an ideal complexion ppoowddeerr Ibsa besides being aen acknowledged beautifier I1 y it preveents chaf-ing tan born atoa tan lessens perspiration etc and desirable parrotection to the fvawcee daurriing iist Is sold eevveerywhere for sample addrreessss IJJA 1I CO st louis maocj armoy THIS PAP M ila 11 r 9 fit F M AAR I1 this water is a sure cure for rbee miners Lp adin indigestion catarrh constipation chronic dmiaarr rhiea of the hheenarrtt and all kiddney end nervous troubles towels and suits washed by empire laundry 66 81 I1 a the reiioo grande western railway company will pay a reward of 1500 for the ccooinlvvdiiiccctttiiiooonnn of anuy person throwing stones or other missiles at its trains A E WELBY gen sbuupptt A cheap newspaper tmheeweekelly enquirer to the people of utah stake on saturday may 16 1896 we shall begin the publication of a low priced weekly devoted to the news in general and religionus and educational subjects in particular under the sanc-tion and endorsement of the stake presidency IT WWIILLLLBBEE strictly NnOoXy members of the church will find in it official notices and reports of all re-ligious re-ligions meetings and educational workers will find in its columns articles of especial interest to therma among tth- ee editorial contributors will be dr B cluff jr prof IT L knelson prof G H brimhall presi-dent D john S P eggertsen dr M aHek hardy charles D evans W S rawlings joseph A rees bishop J B keeler prof W M wolfe prof L E eggertsen and others the subscription price will be only one dollar per annum subscriptions solicited address weekly enquirer PROVO CITY UTAH E J waard sons anak hicl and PLAma 0M MI1 LLA TELEPHONE 32 PROVO CITY UTAH or f 3 F NJ ia r WO L ada s t kkcC 1 f A H iff hajje 0 4 ka OW aft I1 M6 THE ENQUIRER during the past eelleeveenn yyeeaarns has to every one of its subscribers who has paid for r one year in advance one ceab Free 1 subscription to the Well 11 known Bmlaaggaazziinnee THE ENQUIRER wasa the ffiirnstt home paper to popular aaggrriicecuullttuurraall magazine to the people of uUttaahh and will continue to send postage pprreepaaiid THE sSEeEMmMIiwWEeEeKkLlyY ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one wWw w year to any subscriber re biding anywhere izn the united states who will for us N 4 r we have recently introduced another feature to our p jl Ddeeppaarrttmmeennt oornlee thatis of i recaldi a a ter at1f0a the kijadlup lallio ffoorar oonrllyy we will mail to any subscriber iina the united Sfatin postage pprreeppaaiidd for one year THE SEMI jal WW EEKLZY ENQUIRER and 1 7 ax am entertaining and instructive ingao tut hu arcay become 1 a thae ladles 0of uhh |