Show cyclone in texas DALLAS dallai tex oct 23 A special to the news from sherman says save this afternoon at I 1 a well defined tornado formed in squirrel creek Greek bottom four miles milea west of the village of Farming farmington toa and about ten miles southwest of this thia city cily parties who saw it at its iia inception say that out ot of a seething tumbling mass masa of inky clouds a funnel shaped column descended until it touched the earth and then it began to move northeastward accompanied by the usual nanal terrific crash and roar a as 8 it tore through the bottoms uprooting large trees and in its path which for the first mile or two was waa thirty or forty miles milea in width the first house it is krown known to have bave struck was wai on the george duke duka farm one mile west of hows howe and about five miles alic from the starting point so no one was hurt at this place prom from ani ania point until it struck the jim farria farri farm two miles milea south of the city a distance of perhaps two miles it is known to haye have n risen sen and descended several reveral times and what damage it did has baa not yet been ascertained several parties have gone to that Bec section tion but it will be several hours before definite information can be had bad at the farris farria place a tenant hut occupied by a family named hayes hayea was literally torn to pieced and every member ot of the family was more or lese lesa injured hayes hayea is thought though tto to be fatally hurt |