Show watch the oa aa the near approach of election day we hope the people of utah are alert on the senatorial Sanat orial qa question estion lt it has never been denied by democrats that judge powers is the moat likely candidate on their side should the legislature be democratic he most mast have tug lim reward for what he has done because his present alter after his hia liberal victory in salt lake in 1890 1690 has led him to expect reward aar for his labors this year his plans clearly prove that he expects the senatorial toga back of audgo powers today stands a great many of his old liberal following and even the salt lake tribune has right along been playing Pow eraa tramp senatorial cards in its news columns whatever more the chieftain makes is given prominence by the newspaper he always defends in libel suits and wo we are still ot of the opinion that bacs back of the bolt is Cong congressman allen alien one of mr boba companions in the past it is being quietly whispered that mr allen alien is to deliver the bolting republicans to mr powers should democrats be in the majority and mr powers still lack a few votes in getting the tha election in return mr powers is to help mr allen alien in his bis desires to be senator should republicans win win it looks a little suspicions all the way through that the mining camp sentiment of silver first last and all the time should be forced ou the people of utah as the sole issue relegating protection the principle of the pioneers to the background it looks to as like the old anti mormon clemo element nt had bad some deal on and the people of utah were being played by them it looks fu furthermore like the whole move of breaking up old parties wain the interest of judge powers for se senator he ha imea he could coald never succeed eed with wib the minority party iu in could conid bs be some utah noleen anlee a there paeans means secured of breaking up the tha old forces so he used the silver sentiment to accomplish his bis purpose now dont misunderstand the enquirer it is not opposed by any gearas to free frea coinage of silver but it doo oppose mating making that the only issup ia and pledging our representatives in congress to vote for nothing els but silver balver until that question is settled satisfactorily we want protection considered aa well for we stand on a platform of 11 IF M and protection not one but both senator brown noted acted wisely and right in our estimation in refusing VOL cos 0 0 vote for protection because he could no not get free coinage of silver but we would have been among the first to censure hi him m had bad he on the other hand refused to vote for free coinage until protective legislation was secured both free coinage and protection is of importance to the statland state and we can see nothing but downright selfishness selfish neEs on the part of the mining camps to say ray that krotec tion is 13 not tu to be considered until they get frae coinage we believe furthermore that the people of utah by a big maju majority rity hold similar views and that on election day they will knock the scheme of mr powers on the headdy electing it a protective legislature again not only for the benefit of the state but for the benefit of the nation as well by insuring a senator from utah |