Show OFFICIAL LIST LIS OF candidates of utah county state of utah for general election november 3 1896 for electors Elector 8 of president and vice president odthe of the united states names of candidates residence and place political party of business charles W bennett I 1 j east 2nd and south st I 1 republican salt lake city I 1 joseph A smith I 1 logan cache county I 1 republican J D page I 1 mt pleasant sanpete co I 1 republican john J daly no east south terni temi democrat independent I 1 j pie st salt lake city I 1 republican Henr yAV lawrence no north main st democrat independent I 1 salt lake city I 1 j L republican party peoples robert C lund st george washington democrat independent county republican peoples party F or representative to congress Congre 88 warren foster no 2nd and south st peoples party I 1 I 1 j salt lake city lafayette holbrook I 1 j J st beewen ath and ath I 1 independent republicans republican st provo utah county I 1 republican i william H K king i ng I 1 j 01 east go south nth temple I 1 democrat st salt lake city I 1 for judge fourth Judi judicial district warren N dusenberry I 1 provo city utah county I 1 democrat ab abram A ram 0 hatch I 1 heber city waatch co independent republican I 1 I 1 j republican the follows following ng named are all of utah co state of utah for state Re senator seventh district george H brimhall I 1 I 1 J provo city I 1 j independent republican re republican publican I 1 abel john evans I 1 lehi city I 1 democrat I 1 A ao 0 smoot I 1 provo city I 1 democrat george D snell I 1 spanish forli fork independent republican I 1 I 1 1 j republican for members of the bouse of representatives eleventh district W WO 0 creer I 1 I 1 spanish fork city I 1 democrat fl john M holladay I 1 j santaquin San I 1 j j independent republican republican lewis P lund I 1 pleasant grove city I 1 democrat t la hyrum ir urn lemmon I 1 payson city I 1 I 1 democrat john mcneill I 1 I 1 american fork j independent republican republican alican jonathan S page jr I 1 payson city I 1 j Independent republican Republican W M roylance Koy lance I 1 springville Spring rille ville I 1 democrat fannie E stewart pleasant grove grave city j independent republican I 1 1 republican W county ticket for county commissioners james 0 bullock I 1 pleasant grove city I 1 democrat J S peery I 1 payson city I 1 democrat stephen bross W rosa lehi city independent republican 1 1 1 republican joseph B richmond I 1 j provo city 1 independent republican republican 1 11 L K stewart benjamin independent republican alican I 1 I 1 1 1 republican lican W H winn I 1 lehi city I 1 democrat for county clerk 1 I george havercamp I 1 provo city I 1 democrat I 1 herman S martin provo city I 1 independent republican I 1 I 1 republican I 1 lor for sherif I 1 william aei H brereton j provo city I 1 independent republican I 1 I 1 republican george A storrs I 1 springville Spring villo ville I 1 democrat for Boo recorder order rose boso moore j provo city j independent republican I 1 I 1 republican hyrum F thomas I 1 provo city I 1 democrat for cobbit county y Al attorney lorney 1 thomas john j provo city I 1 j independent republican alican I 1 j republican samuel A king I 1 provo city I 1 democrat for asae assessor or 3 J mercer I 1 american fork I 1 democrat james B whitehead j I 1 j springville Spring ville I 1 j independent republican republican par treasurer t C 0 bahr salem independent republican I 1 j republican ellen JA Jaks jacksman ema man u I 1 provo city 1 democrat lor for sua surveyor beyor andrew adamson I 1 american knie rican fork I 1 democrat caleb tanner provo city I 1 independent t republican 1 j I 1 republican I 1 for justice Tw fice of the peace provo precinct r 4 A L booth I 1 provo city I 1 democrat t io charles demoisy t provo ath and I 1 streeta independent rep republican I 1 I 1 1 republican Republic au ea for constable provo prove precinct R ray 3 Y B bachman a C 1 I 1 M a n I 1 provo ath between hand I 1 independent republican I 1 I 1 cstreet streets I 1 republican wren wilkins I 1 provo city I 1 democrat for justice of the peace sp n navil ae precinct john jo h s boyer I 1 S naville Sy 1110 main street I 1 democrat joseph M westwood I 1 I 1 aprin sprin ville I 1 j independent republican republican I 1 republican P republic in 1 for constable precinct ama amasa sa C bird I 1 spring v ille wash vash street I 1 democrat joseph B whitehead I 1 springville Spring ville i independent republican republica n I 1 i republican por for justice of the peace mapleton precinct 1 simuel samuel D fullmer follmer 1 mapleton J Dem democrat ocra t john H lee I 1 mapleton I 1 republican for constable ma mapleton aletia precinct I 1 D wells snow I 1 mapleton I 1 republican frederick 0 I 1 mapleton I 1 democrat for justice of the peace spanish fork precinct james L hales I 1 spanish fork I 1 democrat I 1 george A hicks I 1 t spanish fork I 1 j independent republican republican for constable S spanish fork precinct 1 I george F boaen BOB en I 1 spanish fork I 1 democrat william P halts hales I 1 spanish fork I 1 independent republican I 1 republican fr fe rJ justice jjustice of the peace salem precinct john A olsen I 1 salem I 1 demo rat ole oie soren j I 1 salem 1 I 1 independent republican republican ican I 1 for constable salem precinct william H gard gardner ner I 1 S lern lem I 1 democrat james hanks I 1 salem I 1 j j independent republican republican for justice odthe of the peace payson precinct joseph W huish I 1 payson I 1 democrat frederick A huish I 1 payson I 1 independent republican ican I 1 republican for constuble payson precinct I 1 I 1 thomas cloward I 1 payson I 1 democrat I 1 edward H harper j payson I 1 independent republican I 1 I 1 republican for justice of the peace benjamin precinct john IL hone I 1 ben benjamin ja min I 1 R republican publican e 8 al richardson I 1 benjamin I 1 democrat ai for coneta constable ble be benjamin aja mi n precinct james R hawkins I 1 benjamin I 1 republican F M koontz I 1 benjamin I 1 democrat por for justice Tu stice of the peace santaquin San precinct C EI frank I 1 santaquin San I 1 democrat for constable santaquin San pr precinct e daniel S SJ gjerman jerman erman I 1 santaquin San I 1 democrat for justice of the tae peace goshen precinct 1 I james jamea gardner I 1 goshen I 1 democrat for constable goshen precinct brigham B r g h am fowler I 1 goshen I 1 democrat 1 for fer justice of the peace fairfield precinct althomas D DL L thomas I 1 fairfield I 1 I 1 republic republican can FOT for constable Fair fairfield feld precinct william fl flack k I 1 fairfield I 1 republican 1 for justice of f the peace cedar fort precinct henry F greenhalgh j cedar forfa i democrat for constable cedar fort precinct I 1 thomas M smith I 1 cedar fort I 1 democrat 1 I 1 for Justice T u wee of the peace lehi I 1 precinct re newel ew e A brown B r 0 w n I 1 lehi j lInde independent t republican I 1 robert gilchrist I 1 lehi I 1 democrat lor for constable lehi leh precinct I 1 I 1 D T fowler I 1 lehi I 1 democrat hyrum timothy I 1 I 1 lehi I 1 independent republican I 1 republican for justice ot of the peace alpine precinct 1 I ben bates I 1 alpine city cit I 1 independent republican t republican for constable apine alpine precinct pre cinet I 1 1 I joseph 5 moyle j I 1 j alpine city I 1 independent republican republicans for justice of the yea peace ce american fork precinct ebenezer hunter I 1 american fork I 1 democrats democrat citizens I 1 1 I john mcneill j american fork I 1 independent republican I 1 I 1 republican for COW constable table american fork precinct I 1 C M beek beck I 1 american fork I 1 democrat citizen thomas 0 m a s 8 kelley K e 1 1 e y j american A m fork I 1 independent republican I 1 Ri republican publican for justice Tu stice of the peace pleasant grove precinct jonathan L harvey I 1 pleasant grove i democrat 1 I joseph D wadley 5 1 pleasant grove I 1 republican N for constable pleasant grove precinct I 1 james gillman giliman I 1 pleasant grove ad ward I 1 democrat charles M jepson I 1 pleasant G grove rove I 1 republican for justice of the peace vineyard precinct charles C craig I 1 vineyard d lake view PO I 1 democrat for constable vineyard Pre precinct cinet thomas H williams I 1 vineyard lake view PO I 1 democrat for justice of the peace thistle Tr precinct I 1 I 1 il RW w Westwood I 1 thistle I 1 democrat for constable thistle precinct I 1 z 1 I 1 L 8 olsen I 1 thistle 1 I democrat state of utah I 1 ss gg utah coun 1 I E drones county clerk in and for or utah county state of utah hereby certify that the above is a full and true copy of the names of at candidates to be ba voted for at the election to be held in said county november 3rd ard 1896 with political designation and residence and place placa of business of bac h as duly certified tome to me ducai my hand and official real at core makovo in city this saih SEA SEAL day of october A D 1888 az B I 1 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