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Show 0 Outlook PRICE 10 Published in ths IntsrQst of Blandinguanwth Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities VOLUME BLANDING 9 UTAH , FRIDAY , 3 5, 196l MAY NO, a Blanding Frontier Days commi- laid ttee has (tel fooso Diced Droning Slated for down the rules underwhich the Frontier uueen and two attendants will be se-leot- ed. Candidates must b e single girls between the ages of 17 and 24. They are to be residents of San Juan County and must be Tuesday, May 16 ' Cross will hold its annual blood drawing in "blanding elected to the "eligibility oh Tuesday, May 16, a letter group" by 1000 or more votes. The Red from j iiiTiiifiteaB'MiMMimwmiwww Hundreds Trek to Monument Valley for SDA Hospital Dedication Rites far and wide were I'rom People gathered in Monument Valley yes- terday (Thursday, May 4) to attend dedication ceremonies for the new hospital The hospital was . built at a cost of $140,000 the Seventh by Church, and will connection with Valley Mission. The Day be its accompanying courtesy of Hurst Agency. Adventist operated in . Monument pictures are Howard Above Hurst is of shown facility at ri$rt with the former hospital at left; on the upper terraces are personnel living quarters. Second from top shows Dr. J.L. 'the new Mason, Hosptial at left with Administrator, King Hooper, Mi- Treasurer, as they stand in front of the new edifice. In the third picture Adventist ssion Missionary Tom Holliday conver- -' ses with George Hurst, Blanding. Mr. Holliday speaks both Navajo and English fluently and served as interpreter of speeches of the several VIPs in attendance. Formalities have ceased in the lower picture as the program re-(TU- TO PAGE 9, Lake Ce- elected to the eligibi- Those group will go before a letter advised that the panel of judges on the night of Montlcello Hospital had reoeived June 1st and be judged on five 118 bottles of blood during 1960 attributes: Poise, and but that the area's total con- Personality, performance The candidate retributions to the bank was only appearance. nter j, - the agency's Silt has advised. lity The Talent, pints obtained in the ing drive a year ago,- 46 island- - "Obviously balance to the this is out of ceiving, the most will be will be judging runner-u- p extent that we ant, while the need to take steps to correct it comes out third 1 am confident attendant. immediately. The queen and attendants will that if the service being reknown lead the Blanding Frontier Days ceived is to your people that they will accept the re- parade and will be featured in sponsibility to insure its con- other activities during the two tinued success by being blood day celebration. We do The votes necessary to place need to get it donors. baok in a little more favorable a candidate in the "eligibility position of production and group" cost a penny each with proceeds going to the celebrasupply " La&y Alexander, local pusher tion funds.. for the Dlood Dank Program adVoting is being conducted at 4 vises that those offering blood business houses: Farley Redd will receive an individual card Merc, Blanding Merc, Western showing their blood type. And Auto Store, and Pay Day Drug. also that the information will The celebration committee be recorded locally, probably at urges sponsors to enter their the City Hall, for use in emer- candidates. at an early date so . : girls as possible will take place may poll the necessary 1000 Recreation Hall be- votes for el e ct i on to the that as gency es Blood drawing at the tween LDS 2 1 30 and 7:00 p.m. many "e legibility group, Blanding vs Huntington RN COL. 1) 9 Thd top baseball event of the urday. May 6). the on the In Regional playoff, diamond, tomorrow (Sat- Broncos, as champions of the S&n Juan -- Grand Division of Region 6 year is slated for play . Blanding BUTT SUCCEEDS CONWAY IN DIXIE COLLEGE OFFICE Kermit Butt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butt, was eleoted president of ths will play North Emery ohampions of (Hunting-ion- ), the Carbon-Eme- ry Division for crown. North Emery pins Associated on their, pitoher, Men's group at Dixie College, in the strongest in the Region. the rsoent campaign for new stuBronoos will start with Johnny Another Nielson on the mound and dent body of fioers . Jay Blanding boy, Clay Conway, has Redd behind the bat. Other held the offioe for the past Bronoos and their probable petiaoademio year at Dixie.' tions are: Lewis Blaok, 1st Base; Cory Jones, 2nd Base; Bill Lord, Short Stop; Scott Bayles, 3rd Base; John Helquist, John Conway, o enter left field; field; field. Certonio, right Bob Game will time be 50 Admission is 3:30, admission adults, u 251 students oharges are neoessary to defray umpire expenses, sistant and Coach Cochran as- explained. |