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Show Hay 5, 1961 Page 9 GIRLS PRESENT, TREE TO CITY 4--M Rates Want-- Ad niniBUB 50 insertion OPTOMETRIST a a a a Dla Ba Aa Optometrist is in Broughton Blanding every Thursday. For FDR RENT in Bluff Phone of W. W. PLANT VEGETABLES TOMATO PEPPER Qlif oraia burdene Brown Doris cn ESG PLANT Black' Beauty 50c pfr Super Majestic Mixed Mardl Gras lo-oat- ed. BICYCLE REPAIRS... also and small wagons. and Used Bikes for Sale. OEuofj Tricyoles Lyman Blanding. SEE US PU&so For Used Furniture and Applianoe bargains. Western Auto Assoeiate Store. Phone OR 82422. COMMENTS ON SMALL Blanding. 2251 next week. In his message to Congress the President recommended tax credits for all business for sums "plowed baok" into the firm in new investments in plant and "The Co- We Balance Rotary Mower Blades President's reoomnenda-tio- n ... A- -l r DRILLING COL3PAOT WATER WELLS SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION DKL03M28! bo allowed. Paul Jones, desorlbed ths Peterson said that small busiGould-in- g ness inesntlvs would be strengthosptlal by quoting Harry "A little bit of heaven has hened by the President's proposal to provide a minimum oredit dropped in Monument' Valley." Rev. Marvin Walters who startof perhaps 10 peroent with reed the Monument Valley mission spect to the first $5000 of new 13 years ago returned from. the investment. sidwest to take pari in ths "This would guarantee a sub- . Relim qnip nay AT.1ERI CAN fclbfca ... w (FORMERLY . . oeremopy. ital "This ..but Repair & Tune-u- p Small Gasoline Motors BQX5M BU9DB&PR3 Remarks by Navajo Tribe Chair- man Also erntb . . God's." He is said of the Hosp- . stantial oredit to a very large not man's planning number of small f irms", Peterson said. ' & Sharpen is an is not confined to small week this businessmen" mmittee opened hearings Peterson said on the President's tax rooownen- - "But it hAs the same goals as the bill 1 introduced." President Kennedy proposes a DEDICATION. minimum tax oredit of 10 peroent oesses for refreshments. of the first $5000 of any. new ' R. R. was investment in plant and equipPrincipal speaker Biets President of the Paeifio ment. His overall proposal Union Conference of the Seventh calls for a six peroent oredit Day Adventist Church. He. told of new Investment in excess of the several hundred listeners half of the ourrent annual de"God's greatest work was ths preciation deduotlon on existing making of man." Ha said "Hoequipment but not in exoess of were built in an attempt the full deduotlon. For investspitals to follow Christ's commandment ments exoeedlng the full deduto minister to those In need." ction a 15 peroent oredit would The House Ways and Means While You on the newest, fastest and most accurate wheel balancing machino in toon adoption of the Peterson proposal. BUSINESS BILL OUTLOOK Watch will testify before the equipment whioh Rubber Stamps furnishod quickly at lowest pricos tiunsr M. Blaine Peterson author of a small business tax .adjustment Committee REP. BLAINE PETERSON 50e dations. bill ffldrutue. Nina Between 3rd A 4th So, on 3rd Meat Service Station Conoco Redd Barton Norma Young Gwen Nelson and Ruth Hyde Nonticello; Florence Foster and Jean Richard Giant Crogo Wilt Resistant Plain Colors A Mixed Phone 2016 Agency. per dox. Pearl lyn Rowley m ASTER Time Saving speech development. The oourse was completed by Maxine Lyman Jensen LaVerda Dale Maughan MariBert Odette SNAPDRAGON apartment. Nioely furnished and conveniently See or call Hurst fled smaller girl, it Fire Chief Modem course and speeoh correction Those taking the oourse indicatmade them more aware ed that of speeoh problems in the classroom and gave them an inoreased awareness of the many classroom activities which can be used for pr doz. 5QC BEDDHIG Contact Neldon Holt Guymon .and an unident i- - s pee oh problems PETUNIA -- Guymon Blaine MONTI CELLO the speeoh activities of mechanics covered the Danish Ballhaad Copenhagen Market TOMATOES & PEPPERS New 4-- doz. 50c ,r Bell p.p doz. Guymon presenting the dty(Bud Nielson) with a 10 foot Norway aple at the planting site on the swimAlso shown are ming pool lot. Bonnie Myer County H council) 40c Wonder CABBAGE Chevron ft of pipe for installation. $15.00. Contact Howard Stevens 1 Blocks West of High Sohool. bed-roo- per doz. 25 A over 3 ft eaoh 1 is Kathleen Pictured favorite varieties 7 20 one 8-3- 211. MT KB Station Bluff Utah. fOR SALE . . a T.V. Antenna with Gets excellent pioture FOR RENT OR 8-2- 317. paid. Inquire PLANTS FOR SALE narrow beds - Mrs. Sue Simpson TVo FOR SALE 3 Bedroom Heme 3 less than years old. FHA approved. Contact Dan Pendleton; Box 358 Blanding Utah. Fh.OR ' Modern Apartments $15.00 per week utilities All . used as couches. Prloed reasonably. Cliff Palace Motel per line with 40c minimum for subsequent runs of consecutive same copy with every 5th run free. Display advertising in Want-A- d columns 80c per column inch Card of Thanks 10c a line with $1 minimum. appointments o&ll Graves at 2491. e May be 8 . SiLE. with inner pring mattresses . line with for first per 10 . TOR E UTCO) HI E LKRIDGE CAFE tMp - takereprc -I- - .Ml J |