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Show May 5, 1961 Page 7 BLANDIHG OUTLOQS McKay Kunz Wins "Silver Beaver" NEWS MONTICELLO MAHILTN by R. ROffLET have chairmen for the occasion are Monticello young men reoeived mission calls from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints They are Kelly Summers, son of Mr and Mrs K. S. Summers, and Mark Barton, son of Mr and Mrs Don R Barton Both are presently students at Briiam Young University. Kelly will represent the Monticello Ward in the Northern States mission with headquarters at ChiHe is scheduled cago, Illinos. to enter the mission home in Salt Lake City on June 26. Mark nas reoeived a call to the Great lakes Mission His farewell, program will be held in the Monticello 2nd Ward on June 11 prior to his entering the mission home on June 19 Mrs Fern Frost flew to San TWo Pranoisoo the to get a which Frosts1 kiihi, iocl So out "enthusiast has bten awarded the highest badge given by local councils , The Silver Boy Scout McKay Beaver teaohes at Park Kunz Mr Elementary School and licensed pharmacist He Ter-ra- oe is a is an Eagle Scout , holder of 62 Merit He has serBadges and 8 Palms ved in the oapaoity of Scout-mast- er in 4 states and has held Scouting positions i troops during the last Once ncil is n many 25. years yearly, each local couauthorized to nominate will first five-passen- of the ger be used in Jaek and Beth Young, stake dance directors corations ion of Rae Randall, while Faye Muhlesteln was in charge of Advertising Don Barton took his son, Joe, to Salt Lake City last week where the doctor pronounced his back to be completely healed Also making the trip was Mr. Karl Barton who went for a al med-io- checkup Mrs. Christ Christensen is ser in the Cortez hospiously to those The to Mr who F, took their son, !eke City Friday Kunz came while Bennion Redd Don, to Salt He remained there for dental work, and his parents returned Saturday night week The Montioello Jeep, the seniors graduating honored School High at a party last of were Wednes- business o f taking day evening at the home of John The hostesses were Mrs tourists to the scenic points of Lewis san Juan County Lewis, Mrs. Guyla Rowley, M.oise Mr and Mrs Lisle Adams went Fullmer, Mrs Gerry .Randall, and Lake to Salt City Tuesday for Mrs. Stella Nielson, all mothers business reasons. Oriental of senior students since Soouting began here on Dr and Mrs Joseph Hamilton decorations the guests greeted Phil Hurst reand children were in Salt Lake as they entered the house. Here April 16, 1916 ceived the commendation in 1936 City last week where Dr. Hamithey removed their shoes to don was as did Vet Bradford in 1947 meetlton to attend a dental paper Oriental-typ- e slippers An ing evening of party games was SEN. BENNETT ANNOUNCES Norma B Tanner and two Mrs topped off with a delicious MILITARY ACADEMY TESTS children are enjoying a visit lunoheon served at low tables. here with her parents, Mr. and The students tried their skill A n - C WASHINGTON, TTillr home with chopsticks and learned this examination for all young men Mrs. Karl S. Barton is in Lethbridge, Alberta, Can- is a difficult trick I desiring appointments to the U.S ada Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey-hosteNaval Military Academy, J Redd Mr and Mrs A. traa bridge party Saturday Academy, the Air Force Aoademy, Lake Guests included Mr. to Salt City Sunday evening. or the Merohant Marine Academy veleda businenr Elmo and Mrs. They were Redd, Mr. and Mrs. trip. Clarenoe will be held Monday, July 10, .for Clem Mrs L. Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob aooompanled b; D- the it was announced today by Sen Fellmeth, which will Adams, end Mrs. Mrs. Lynn Sam alls, and from and Mrs. John Hirsohfield, Mr. and Mrs Merle Crew. LDS Seminary, students Monticello, Moab, and Blandlng will hold their annual conve- Sparks, reoent visitors here They at the Keith spent some time ' be given Mr. Mr. and d solitioatlon examination at Beaver, unexpectedly Saturday, May 6 , at the Montioello LDS Chapel beginning liveln Salt Lake City. o Mr St Houston f at 9:30 &m Guest speaker will Steiner , the be Mr. Ward Despain, Price area visiting here 'withHouwill be for the George is Appointments The day's activicoordinator. family of his son, Prlnoe classes beginning in the summer ston. It is his first adventure, ties will also Include a movie, of 1962. Applicants for appointa stroke two banquet, and talent show. ment must have been born after since suffering Mrs. Reta Adams was hostess to ago. July 1, 1940 but before July 1 years The Rebus Rota Club met Sather bridge club Friday evening. be and must 1945 (ages of home Members of. the olub presented urday afternoon at the in good health L.v Frank Redd.' The proMrs. Gwen Halls a gift for her Mrs. Anyone interested i n making Monti-oello new. b'aby. In attendance were gram was given by several arrangements to take the examDawn Mrs. students. Boyle, Mrs. Gen Norris' High additional ination, or desiring Talks were given by Dixie Barton Mrs. Jolene Bailey, Mrs. Shirley sample information, including and Relva Sondereggcr, both of Redd, Mrs. Vera Forrest, Mrs. Seto should write questions, whom attended the recent Model Monica Hieschfleld, Mrs Joan nator Wallaoe F. Bennett, Senate Nations Convention i n Crew, and Mrs Halls Offloe Building, Washington, 25 Unitedlake Mr and Mrs Joe Christensen Salt City. A pantomlne was D. C. er presented by Richard Bailey, and became parents of a baby daugh-tthis week. The newoomsr was Nielson, Mike Halliday, Sandra Christina Hunt and Marlene Redd The next olub bom at the Cortez Hospital. The gave speeohes. Shumway, Sheryl Skelton, Suzanne meeting will be hostessed b y Christensens also have an older Nielson, Deanna Jones A 3rd Row, left to right. DeAnn' Lily Argyle. report will be boy. Joe Weekend guests at the Halliday, Sandra Perkins, Sylvia given of the Distriot Federated e b home were on Jacks CaConvention Sandra which his will mother, dub Nielson, Marcia Cox, broMrs and at Frank his Mrs. held May Skelton. this Bank Linford, rter. is 6, Saturday Mrs Jay Jackson, Orangeville. Planning to attend ther's wife, are Mrs. Cornelia Perkins, club both of Salt Lake City members, and Mrs. Dorothy Adams, "SPEECH IN EIMENTARY SCHOOLS" District Mother of the Year for Twelve persons suooessfully 1961. the completed oollege elass o Ed Dlekerman are chosen award and Mrs. Mr (R-Uta- h). high ill ital. Madsen, mother of Mrs Wjman H. individuals wno nave performed Wallaoe F Bennett Redd, who had visited for a week base he Bennett will said Sen. here distinguished services to boyhood for the Silver Beaver award. his appointments to the acadeFormer Monticello residents, The award is never sought mies upon the results of the Mr and Mrs. Bruoe were and comes without Refreshments and derg under the direct- Cedar City, Delta, Dugway, Logan, Manti, Moab, O- Redd Panquitch, Prioe, Provo, Lake City, St Friday Rlohfleld, Salt and Vernal George, Tooele, he was attend- ing a Scout meeting last night at Springvllle The San Juan District has had 2 other. Silver Beaver awards gden, home The Sparks es now ntion 17-2- 2), School ' ? The pupils of Mrs. Dale Skelton were presented in recital, Friday night, April 28, at Park Terrace School. Those on the program are shown above! Front row, left to right. dice Halliday, 2nd Row, left Can- - Gai Lyn Shumway. to right. Normar . PAM f Mr. and Mrs. Durango spent the weekend here. Saturday evening Mrs. Diokeraan attended the Mothers and Sons party at the high sohool with her son, Mike Somerville. Keep Belter Reeoicb with Better (MCE SUPPLIES v 1 from Juan Stake Dance Festival will be Saturday, May 5, at 8(00 p.m. A floor show with The San . numbers from Moab, Montioello and Blending will be the speolal feature of this 'flay Day" event. Later in the evening there will be sooial danoing to the Jack, General Norris orehestra. , " Speeoh in the Elementary oourse was offered Sohool." through Brigham Young University with Mrs Margery J&okson as The' teacher. The final class evenshow pre- Tuesday ing featured a puppet sented by the students A miniature stage was constructed for the produotion of "Little Blaok The audlenoe for the Sambo. shew ioenslsted of children end friends of the students In addition (TORN TO PAGE t o olasirooa 9 COL. 3) |