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Show ! JUST A SHORT TALK ON THE PICTORIAL ATLAS i ' . . ! Good eveninc' TUT TFT.FO RA M his In" "'i'.' i"ir;i'" Ham mind A , 'o , map puhhshers. for th entire first r i-m from the press, s ,,( Hammond ' 10.7 p,..,.,Ri if,a, nf fht, Vorld. Il'is is the rv entirely new ar'an whrh '"s heen r"i-1n in trie l-i i ienrs: the fmn ph ic chance in this period hive ,,. . r r.- T;ittr,t h,r m -inv prcv o":' period ,,f rorrepndtR length : ail 1'iti h 's been ta'- n f r "i the latest nfhcial sources, and. as vou will see. flits is not i r-h lh "f H p'a'es hut an ent irely new . t . made especiailv for qunk reference ,f h" 1 usv mi" Here i nur pew map of the World op the K-i'iiv a'.-ri I'r oe. tjon On t"i ""P ll areas appear , their true proportj. n . '-ike i,rr...,n. f ,r tns-auce. on the old sfvle niaps it appears hrger than South V nieri.-. whereas h Iss than one eighth 'He area of Soii'h mencn Th- 'mes are the rr.er: li3i hv which the stan. lard time cf practie illv ilm w ho;" ct vt'- t.) world is g '. erne.i; meridians are placed fifteen debtee, apart, which e.pials t.i' hou' o time, making tt ea?v to estimate the difference ,n tin-e ,. w. ei anv .. 1 ins of the globe, as all vou have to ,(,-, i to ,-ount the rn,.r, inns Tske N.-w Vn'k and I'enver. for instance, the difference of time is al.. rt two hours; between New irk and A ' ft 1 1. o 'i a . Kgvpf. the difference in time is seven h"Urs T1 e rc'ites of the principal samn!iip lines with di.stanc.-s ..; eep ports are sh. w i. in red Here is the new Rvlroad and Tra le Center map of the 1'r.ite i Svaf es and ' an.ida; the important through railroads arc ,:es;j;nTe,l hv so'id h'a k I lines, p,mor roads hv hair lir.es. The plan of presenting the s:7e of places v j svmhols is a new feature; for example, refer to Mississippi, n r. 1 you see a a ! glance that there are three cities of over ten thousand population. Yhksbiirg, I ferl,lan and Natchez. I The new feature of naming places m 'vpe grade 1 m sit according to th importance of the place make.-i our State maps superior to a'l others T kee jn the margin of each map makes this feature rea-hlv usable. portlar. i. as vou will see, hag over .in.iitiO population. I.ewis'on over '2".l"",i. Aub-'.rn over In. 6"ii. This method enables one to locate at a glar. the important plnces en the map. Among the recent geographical changes we show t'.e Japanese ownership of that portion of Sakhalin island below fiffv degrees, as determined bv tro Treaty of Portsmouth. The new cable extensions of the last two years The new British 1 able from Victoria, B '., to Brisbane, A ust ra ! is, . and our own new ( able from San Prancisco. via llawin, Midway, and Guam, to Manila The two new Canadian provinces. Alberta and Sa tka fehewa n, whnh r- centlv came into existence, are correctly shown F.ight new counties were recently organised in Georgia -Cnp, Turner. Tiff. Grady. Jeff Iavis. Toombs, Jenkins and Stephens In Wisconsin, Gates county has been change, t , Husk Texas shows the new ci unf y of Terrell an I the important railroad exten sions south to Brownsville. The map of Utah shows the new cut-off of the Southern Pacific railroad acrosa Salt Lake fom Ogden to Umbria, one hundred miles over trestles. A comparison of this Atlas with any other on such sublets as the Phihr pine Islands. Porto Rico. Central America. The Canal one. Panama, Cub 1 Western Canada, South America. Africa, Italv, Australia, etc , will at one convince vou of the extensive changes and additions to be found in Ham mond 'g Pictorial Atlas of the World. Here are over one hundred pages 0f descriptive garetfeer matter, set -. large, clear type, three columns to the page. In alphabetical form you will find set down and described in detail every country, mountain, river, sea, isl.in I, and flther phvsiral aspects of the globe. This Atlas will cost you $5.00 In any book store In the world. You ran get thii $5. on Atlas for 75 cents bv paving $7.73 for a year's sub icription to THE TKLEGRAM. " I Or here are two other plans of securing a splendid atlas for a nominal figure: I Pay $1.6.1 and renew your subscription for six months at the regular price of 60 cents per month, or pay $1.00 and renew your subscription for six months at 75 cents a month. If you are not a subscriber, simply subscribe for six months on the above-named plan. Out of town subscribers, old or new, can secure the Atlas by paying $7.75 in advance for a year's subscription to THE TELEGRAM. 1 |