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Show Young Couple United In Marriage at Salt Lake LJ NEEDLE AND THREAD CLUB MET AT THE McKEE HOME and worked on their projects. Miss Phyllis Kindred and Miss Shirley Allen gave a demonstration. Girls attending were the Misses Jean Boyer, Shirlene Poulson, Peg- , gy Crandall, Phyllis Kindred, Shirley Shir-ley Allen, Beth Ann Anderson, and the leader, Mrs. Naomi McKee. THE DICK CONOVERS ENTERTAINED FRIENDS Friday night at their home at a delightful party held in the form of a lawn party. A diversified program of music was enjoyed, after which a tasty luncheon was served to the following: follow-ing: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mrs. Elva Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo El-mo Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hair, Carl Loveless, and the host and hostess. THE WARDROBE BUILDERS WERE ENTERTAINED Tuesday at the home of Miss Ellen El-len Rothwell. A regular meeting was conducted conduct-ed with the following participating: participat-ing: LaRae McPherson, president; Dicky Jane Huntington, vice-president; Joan Smith, secretary and treasurer; Norma Weight, song leader; Norma Rae Ostlund, organist; or-ganist; Arthella Oakley, reporter; LaRee Bearnson, Darlene Norton, and La Wanna Perry. MRS. EARL CONDIE WAS HONORED AT A PARTY . Tuesday night at Birches camp up Hobble Creek canyon. A delicious picnic luncheon was served from one long table, after which group singing was enjoyed. The group presented Mrs. Condie (the former Nell Weight) with a lovely gift. Present were Cleo Pierce, Gertrude Ger-trude Sumsion, Lois Clegg, Mrs. Eunice Weight, Sarah Weight, Ella Whiting, Mabel Law, Ida Bird, Alice Davis, Philda Finley, Manilla Manil-la Brown, Esther Johnson, Rhea Straw, Melinda Sumsion, Floss Phillips, Emma Kennedy, Mrs. George Anderson, and Elsie Thy-rett, Thy-rett, all of this city, and Mrs. Ivan Thorn of Provo. SECOND WARD GLEANERS WILL HAVE PARTY Monday, July 7, at the new M. I. A. home at Kelly's Grove. All girls are asked to meet at the church at six p. m. Monday night. Miss Opal Gwendolyn Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Carter of this city, became the bride of Ervin R. Nielsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Nielsen of San Diego, at a simple ceremony performed per-formed by Reverend Schuldheiss at the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Lu-theran church at Salt Lake City on June 23 at 4 p. m. The bride wore an afternoon frock of white crepe with rose accessories. ac-cessories. The matron of honor and only attendance of the bride was Mrs. Iris Down of San Diego, who was attired in an afternoon frock of aqua blue with brown accessories. accessor-ies. Vernon Davis of San Diego acted act-ed as best man. The bride is a graduate of the Mullen, Nebraska, high school. The groom is a graduate of the Alliance high school in Nebraska, and until last August has been employed em-ployed at the Cover Jones Motor company in Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen, after a wedding trip through the western states, will make their home in San Diego, Calif., where Mr. Nielsen Niel-sen is employed at the Consolidated Consolidat-ed Aircraft corporation. COMPLIMENTING MRS. DAVID WILLIAMS, a recent bride, her mother, Mrs. Dea Miner and Mrs. Dorothy Evans entertained at a miscellaneous miscellan-eous shower at the home of the latter Wednesday evening. Entertaining- rooms were beautifully decorated with the season's flowers flow-ers and approximately 30 guests, including relatives and friends, attended. at-tended. Entertainment for the evening included several humorous numbers num-bers by Mrs. Ella Reynolds; readings read-ings by Miss Hazel Bray, and readings by Mrs. Gene Miner: Also a number of games -were played and a delicious luncheon served in conclusion. The bride-elect received re-ceived many lovely gifts during the evening. THE THIRD WARD M. I. A. HELD A PARTY at Kelly's Grove at the new Girls' M. I. A. home one day last week. A bonfire and program were enjoyed en-joyed as well as a potluck supper. sup-per. Approximately fifty attended the party. |