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Show i i ! ! 4 - 4 . PIUTE COUNTY NEWS, JUNCTION, UTAH Yales Alumni War Memorial Dedicated r i i i I (i, In th World This Alunw'i War memorial erected in memory of tht 233 students and graduates who were killed of ft war was dedicated as a part of the commencement exercises at Yale university. It is in the foradftgage-ment-s names of the important an entablature is bearing Above hall. colonnade on the south side of the Yale dining in the World war and below is a cenotaph In the center ot a terrace. - Campers Are Numerous in the Black Hills "goto? our ru jinzRzcAiS nwsftomD SCOTT WATSON ADE any plans yet for your summer vacation? If you havent, how about deciding to spend It In one of the public playstate or nagrounds, tional, which are at your service? President Cool-ldg- e has set the example for his by selecting one of them, state park ' in Custer South Dakota, as the site of his, and the state game lodge, a struchandsome three-storture of Swiss chalet style, nestled in a beautiful valley, surrounded by mountain crags and with a cheerful little trout stream murmuring along at its foot will be the summer White House, Of course, not all of us can have the exclusive use of such an attractive place as this. But how about deciding to spend your vacation in some one of the 19 national parks which Uncle Sam maintains for you and to which he has already Issued his annual invitation for you to pay a visit? The invitation comes to you over the signature of Stephen P. Mather, director of the National Park service. But they are not Mr. Mathers parks. Nor are they Uncle Sams parks.' They are YOUR national parks. Uncle Sam and Mr. Mather are Just the custodians who have charge of them and whose business It is to see to it that your enjoyment of your own property may be had to the fullest extent if you will make the most of the opportunity. or Is it hiking, mountain-climbin- g camping that you want? Is it fishing or camera-huntin(hunting with guns, of course, is out of the question, but if your weapon is a camera and your ammunition a roll of films you will hurt neither the animals nor another hunter nor yourself) that you most desire? Or is It scenery, glimpses of d magnificent distances, of mountain peaks, of volcanoes, of wonglaciers, of all the other natural wildera in beauties virgin and ders ness that your heart longs for? If it is any of these you can easily satisfy your desires. Over on the right you will see a page from a national park service pamphlet which will give you "The National Park at a Glance." Look at It and you can see where to go to get those things you wish for. But you do not have to limit your choice to the attractions of the 19 national parks. In addition to them there are 32 national monuments which offer equally inviting glimpses of natural wonders and natural beauties. They are the follywing: Devils Tower, Wyo.; Montezuma Castle, Arts.; Petrified Forest, N.Aria.; M.; El Morro, N. M.: Chaco Canyon, Muir Woods, Calif.:, Natural Bridge, Mont.: Utah: Lewis, and Clark Cavern. Cavern, Tumacaeorl, Arls. : Shoshone N. M.: Katmal, Wyo.; Gran Qulvlra, Rin-boAlaska: Glacier Bay and Sitka, Bridge, Utah: Pinnacles, Cal f.; Colorado, Colo.: Papago Saguaro, Arls,: Capulln Mountain, N. M.; Dinosaur, Grande, Utah: Verendrye, N. D.I Casa Neb.; Yucca House, . Arts.; Scotts Bluff, Colo.; Fossil Cycad. S. D.; Carlsbad (limestone) Cave, N. M.; .;Aztec Ruin. Pipe N M ; Hovensweep, of the Moon, Springs, Arlz.; Craters , Arlz. Idaho, and Wupatkl, places If you enjoy visiting-historithere are also seven national military naand other parks and nine other Jurisdicthe under monuments tional tion of the secretary of war. The and Chat parks are: Chlekamauga Tenn. , tanooga, Ga. and Tenn. ; Shiloh, By ELMO THE NATIONAL PARKS AT A GLANCE. (Number, IS; total area, 11,372 square miles. fellow-Amerlca- Tinnfi Black Hills attract a Though President Coolidge has a fair amount of privacy at the summer White House, the from the state game not far at of Glenena, view a tourist Above a is camp and of number tourists campers. large lodge. SPAINS PRINCE ILL Byrd Qualified to Carry Mail if ji g snow-cappe- w Utah-Colo- c For Postage Stamps Postage stamps that Uncle Sam an must produce every year call for enormous amount of materiaL The used in a Blngle weight of the paper that only most senso Is slight stamp dur-ln- g sitive scales will register it. But 2,000,000 months 12 of a period used for stamps pounds of paper are and printof engraving Ifr the bureau Is made into sheets This paper ing ' of a newspaper page, about tt Gettysburg, Pa. ; Vicksburg, Miss. ; Antietara Battlefield, Md. ; Lincolns Birthplace, Ky.; and Guilford Court House, N. O, The monuments are: Big Hole Battlefield, Mont; Cabrillo, Calif.; Mound City group, Ohio; Fort Wood, N. Y. (site of the Statue of Liberty) ; Castle Plmkney, S. C. ; Fort Pulaski, Ga.; Fort Marion, Fla.; Fort and Merlweather Fla., Matanzas, , Lewis, Tenn. And If you still want some place to go for recreation there are something like 600 state parks In 43 states with an area of 7,000,000 acres, conserving scenery, wild life, historical and scientific sites. At least that Is the report which came from the delegates to the seventh national conference on state parks at a recent meeting at Bear park Mountain,' Palisades Inter-Stat- e In New York. So It would seem that with this grand total of more than 650 public playgrounds, America will not find it difficult to satisfy its longing for an occasional excusion' Into the life of the great outdoors. Judging from the records of last year, they are taking full advantage of the opportunity. More than 2,300,000 visitors, the greatest number yet on record, registered at the 19 national parks and the 32 national monuments In 1926. The fees paid by them enriched Uncle Sam (that Is to say, they took the money out of one pocket and put It , Into another) by approximately $826,500. Of course there is Just on reason why Americans to that number were able to set a new record in th matter of visits to THEIR national Last summer 86,000,000 perparks. sons used 9,000,000 autos in which to Three million, go three hundred thousand of them car ried camping equipment and these pur suers of the open trail spent the stag gerlng sum of $3,325,000,000 en route This year, It Is estimated that 40,000,' 000 persons or of the nations entire population will set forth to see what they can see. Uncle Sam has got the national parks ready for this ten per cent Increase In visitors. One Important fact about YOUR national parks Is that they are not only playgrounds, places for recreation, tut that they are rapidly becoming great universities, places for education, where in the words of Hubert Work, secretary of the' interior, the department which has control over the parks, Nature is the supreme teacher as well as the master textbook." Accordingly the National Park service has embarked upon an educational program by making use of these nat and 1,500,000 of thse sheets are used Six hundred thousand each year. pounds of dextrine and 30,000 pounds of glucose are annually consumed In the process. Each year about 1,000,-00- 0 pounds of Ink are used in the printing of the various Issues. cause of this fresh water in the midst of the salt ocean is a spring formed by a subterranean river. . motor-gypsyin- one-thir- Prince of the Asturias, heir to t& Spanish throne, whose health has taken a turn for the worse. INVITES HIS BOYS Commander Richard E. Byrd, In charge of the America, being sworn Postmaster John J. Kiely of New York as an air mail pilot, thus authorto carry mail to Europe. him izing in by s Coolidge Meets Real American Girls i d ! ural laboratories. MaJ. Gen. Joseph T. Dickman, who was affectionately known to hl3 men of the Third division, is sending each invitation of them; a personally-signeto attenVl their eighth annual reunion, to be field In Washington July 14 to 17. d Malay Peninsula The whole of the Malay peninsula, from the southern boundary of Slam to the Strait of Singapore, is known Fresh Water in Oceans as the Straits Settlements. It includes There are several places In the Singapore, Penany, Malacca, Labuan, different oceans of the world where Cocos island and Christmas island. fresh water may be found. One of The settlements have an entire area the best know of these placej is be- of about 1,600 square miles. They yond the coast of Miami, Fla. The form a British crown coionj j Limited Education Girls from the United States Indian school went to Rapid City, S. D., to see President Coolidge, and this picture shows the chief magistrate shaking bands with the bashful maidens. Mrs. Rich (to new chauffeur) Do you know how to run a lawnmower? My Chauffeur No, maam, I don experience has been limited to motoi cars, airplanes and submarines. t i! I 1 : 3 |