Show IS A HEALTHIER ST STRONGER BOKSER GIRL CIRL because she took lydia E pink haws hafits vegetable Cout compound poud the th 0 fertile valleys vall a of oregon help to suppler the tables 0 f america this la Is possible through tho the magic of the sum lium ble tin can in one of tho can ning establishments julia jul Is schmidt was employed 17 it was corn com work because she did sealing and other parts ol of the work it was wa strenuous work and she rho was not a strong sirl girl itten slie she forced herself to worx work when she was hardly able to sit elt at her machine at times she would have to stay at home for she was so BO weak she iha could hardly walk for fire years she aha was in this weakened condition she tried various medicines at last lait a t friend of hers spoke of lydia E H vegetable compound and she ehe gave it a trial everyone says I 1 am a healthier and stronger von at girl she writes 1 I am recommending om ding tho the vegetable compound to all my friends who tell me how they suffer buffer and I 1 am Wili willing trig to answer let torn tera from women asking about it julia add refis Is willi willow st silverton Sll verton oregon girls who work in factories know luschow just how miss felt perhaps they via too will find better health by bv taking tho the vegetable compound CORNS ands A I 1 ana pain at oncel once in corns Is 6 ended dr scholls Bc holls zino pads do this fafel safely y by removing the cause and rubbing of ehrea they are thin medicated antiseptic healing at all drug suld and shoe inores cost but bat a 8 WIN trifle oak Zino pads put one bithe mhd eatn t gonel goI i 1 by mail a 0 a book co 44 east oo 00 temple e salt lake city utah 4 gas saver bater st oldest on market time fa al 1 ll 11 back guar state mak 0 d 0 end y year r of 0 ear car wit horder va dieter ter co coha I 1 N DONT WITH LUMBAGO mcl nilca Neu neutrals rAls adm adama 0 along ielne pi ro gives complete relief write today ADAMS CO Aberdeen Aber ln V eel ju SAY BAYER ASPIRIN and INSIST I 1 unless you see the bayer cross on tablets you are not getting the genuine bayer aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART accept only bayer package Z which ich contains proven directions direction s H baady id tayer byet boxes of 12 tablets also also attl bottles of 24 and ad ido druggists aalde is I 1 the or trade teti mark of 0 baytr ot of 0 r ma buzz BUM gets it m inthe the ne neck CR FLIT Fand arr spray dears cleafe your home of mosquitoes and flies it also kills bedbugs bed bugs roaches ants an and their eggs fatal to insects but harmless to mankind will not stain get hit flit today DESTROYS sf 11 7 mosquitoes NA n NS ants bed bu bags s emch W A 6 |