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Show . Juflettofi, Plate Cfiafity tM y PIUTE COUNTY NEWS 'ntered as second natter ftt the Potoffice Bt junction, Utah May 26, clts 1924 under the Act 'of March. 3, 189. ,y EVA B. SWANSON, Edifoh ahd Publisher ITsTRlpTiONF DOLE AlT'T K D flflV X utnmer , F At I UlS 11.L Patronise Our CASfl ' T Advertisers This is the time of the year we always go over our entire stock. They are all : Order Your Butter Wrapper at the NEWSOfflCE regard less of cost. We never carry merchandise, over from one season to another. And clear-ou- t L. THE (i ? ? Clothing Co. prank ' $. , sA"( S$. 5Pacc, SEanager, Stichfield, 'Utah- . , li . LOSS IS YOUR GAIN ARB YOU READING PIfiW and boosters r deseive your business. - who discovered the k OF FEDERAL MEMBER Liberal A t ar.d Courteous UTAH - SAUNA, , JAMES PaRRELL, President . Five Cents a Copy e. DEPARTMENT Utan -- Vice-Preside- V. Johnson; assl cashier. C. E. PETERSON, Asst. Cashier. 4 hit. Do not miss it a T wenty questions in each t Gilbert R, Beebe ATTORNEY. AT. LA t issue, and with them answers to questions in the previous issue. They XV - - will cover such subjectsas history, geography, science, economics, music, , art, drama, religion, natural history, famous sayings, sports and others. UTAH . MARYSVALE DRUG COMPANY I Light' Lunches, Candy, Cigars. Drugs and Sundries FULL LINE POPULAR MAGAZINES Liveslask Far Sale. ALASKAN BLUE AT) SILVER FOXES Pedigreed. 10 per fent ;1rss now than Isle. Grrrrst Profit :of all livestock proen-iionPrep Booklet and service. VVire Parley ' Widtsoe. Utah, agent for Cleary Pros. Serttie. . j f ( Cent A Mils Coach Excursion July 22nd Denver & Rio Grand Western Railroad Ei3Basr.mi Roundtnp Fares SPECIAL ATTENTION to MAIL ORDERS A YEAR AND .WORTH TWIOB AS MUCH WANTED Hear- from owntir Ranch for sale. State cash price, particulars. D. F. Bush, Mirmea- polis, Minn. . Legal Department. V' - ' Notices Guardianship r t fconsu't County Clerk or the respective signers for further information Subscribe Notice... I Potato Raisers who desire to Contract their Potatoes will do well to call at the News Office andprocure their Blank Contract. We also have Warranty Deed Chattel and land Mortgages, Placer and Lode Location Notices, Sheeps and Cattle f Contracts. If we haveent got what you want Well Print, it.. - Salt Lake City Ranches Wanted. Probate and IN THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PIUTE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. In the Matter of the Estate ' Notice of Sale of Real Estate. of known as Mary Jane Mangum," also . . Cook, Jane Mary Deceased. , The 'Undersigned at private sale the NOW! ' entertaining and'educational feature that mill make a real JUNCTION, - - CAn t t r ---- 4-- H. S. GATES, H. E. CRANDALL, Cashier. The .Fastest Growing aper in The State M x Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 S ? Marysvale s , end PE Di ATMOS. 9 to It a. m. Office Hours 3 to 5 p. m. RESERVE' SYSTEM Treatment is Accorded Our Customers. I BJORNSOiNT, M. A. B. D. M. D. At Fret, cm Specializing oh oasTti fries, gynecology t Pa- cific Ocean? Balboa, of course. But that is the easiest of ; all the 500 or more ques- tions that will appear in our new . ALBERT ? ? Do You Know & FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA aye-ssaHss- ra How about your letterheads billheads, statements, envelopes, cards, etc. Don't wait Ogden $4.00 4.75 From Marysvale Tickets on sale July 22nd only. Original starting point must be reached by midnight of July 26: No stop overs. Good in coaches only. Peace, Goodwill until they are all 'gone and then ask us to rush them out in a hurry for you. Good work requires time'and our motto is that anything thats worth doing is wort doing well. Print Shop. Dr. J. ;E.Harrison Optometrist, Manti, Utah. Let us havet aat order NOW while we have the time to do your printing as it should be done. For fifteen years a dispenser of following laiios and water rights County, situate in Circleville, Piute reliable optical service at ihe right State of Utah, to wit: prices. Commencing at the SE corner of N Write or leave word at your local Kg. 4 VV14 of Sec. 35Twp. 30 South , and run- - hotel. West, Salt Lake Meridian R. M D. nfiig thehce North 80:00 rods; thence j West 38:00 rods; thence South 80:00 rods; thence East 38:00 rods to place' Physician and Surgeon of ; beginning. Les 2.005 acres lor DONt ' Phone 39F2 Richfield Utah fey neighbor EDIlOy yOUT Also 60 shares of the capital of the Circleville Irrigation Company, a corporation, on or after Saturday, the 6th day of August, A. D- 19V7, and written bids will be received at her residents in Glenwood, Utah, terms of sale cash ten percentumto accompany the bid and the balance to be paid to become a regular when sale is confirmed by tbe court. Hemstitching and Picoting. Millie Hcrmansen, AU work Gilarcnlccd. advertiser in Administratrix Bean & Hunt. Mrs. Bessie Morrill Attorneys for Administratrix. Junction - Utah . - T. i Is " Gledliill , stks - It WiilPay You . -- This Pt Columbia, Peace and the Spirit o Brotherly love aave been Joined In one person, a beautiful woman. This young lady was one of tbe central figures iu a pageant staged at tbe International Exposiliou io I'bilndelphia, celebrating ISO years 'of Resqut-Ontcnni- American Independence. Tbe Exjn-Uocontinues unU! December i. al n |