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Show Thursday, June 21, 2007 OREM TIMES Page 13 notes I UVSC names Rare Method to design identity of UVU In preparation for the transition to Utah Valley University next July, UVSC has selected Rare Method, an interactive marketing market-ing firm based in Salt Lake City to create a new image for the university including both athletic ath-letic and institution logos, seal, color options and style guide. The decision comes after months of searching conducted by the newly appointed UVU Image Committee. The committee com-mittee consists of various representatives rep-resentatives from the campus as well as other community members who have experience in marketing and design. Out of 12 companies who responded re-sponded to UVSC's Request for Proposal (RFP), the committee narrowed them down to five, and then conducted interviews with each company. "We were very impressed with Rare Method's portfolio, portfo-lio, presentation and team members," said Val Hale, vice president for advancement and marketing and image committee commit-tee co-chair. "We are excited to work with them and are confident confi-dent they will produce an image package we will be proud of." The two things that will remain of UVSC's current image im-age are the Wolverine and the color green, although the shade of green may change. Rare Method's team will be meeting with the Image Committee on Monday to finalize a timeline, but Hale hopes to have a logo in place early this fall. "University status only come around once for an institution," said Eric White, vice president of creative services at Rare Method. "We are thrilled for the opportunity to help UVSC craft an identity that will create cre-ate a lasting legacy for the university's students, faculty, staff, alumni and the surrounding surround-ing community." I Marine photographer to shares adventures Stephen Johnson, a marine photographer photogra-pher from Patagonia is coming to speak at UVSC today at 7 p.m. in LA 101. The event is free and open to the public. Stephen Johnson is originally from Utah Valley, but his time and experience has led him to Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia. Living in a town with a population popula-tion of 350, and working as a photographer, diver and guide, he is intimately involved with the sea and its inhabitants. Recently, Johnson was invited in-vited by English adventurer Julian Mustoe to accompany him through one of the most difficult passages around the globe, traveling the south Atlantic, At-lantic, the LeMaire Straight and the Beagle Channel. Mustoe is retracing the epic voyage of the "Beagle" made by Darwin, FitzRoy and crew in the early 1800's. Sam Rushforth, dean of School of Science and Health, is a friend of Johnson. Last year he invited Johnson to speak. "The place was packed," said Cathy Marshall, administrative admin-istrative assistant to the Dean in the School of Science and Health. "When Johnson speaks he doesn't lecture. He gets involved and excited about his subject." Taking a break from diving and whales turned out to be the adventure of a lifetime, sailing in the wake of the Beagle. I Multimedia students participate par-ticipate in film production boot camp Every two years, Utah Valley State College's Digital Media Department offers an intensive seven-week film production pro-duction boot camp. Top students in their junior and senior year of study apply to participate in this real world, hands on production experience. experi-ence. The boot camp is unique in that students from several areas of study come together to make a short film. Audio, digital media managers, cinematography cin-ematography students, acting, makeuphair, future producers and directors all work together in as close to a real world setting set-ting as possible. Five weeks of preproduc-tion preproduc-tion classes focused on digital storyboarding, film production produc-tion management, corporate issues of film distribution and marketing and advanced cinematography, cin-ematography, culminate in a full two weeks of 10-hour days, filming the project that they just prepped. Locations for filming are scattered in and around Provo, Orem and Utah County. UVSC student Donnie Bonelli wrote the story for the film. "Our curriculum in digital media is designed around a practical application," said Robert Rob-ert Trim, assistant professor of digital media. "The goal of this class is to learn how to put together a real production. It is run, created and staffed like a feature film." V' ,vVts tS y$ c . Z:uMYt; A; -. -- 'T&$t . i; ; , a yj , V - X fJi AY:f vi r f MtW ; f I f x , J i V -y x il Lf 4 S r l S N " ' i It : '..: ? V 4 S' ! MM I llll ' l' ' .IIIIMIII .ill n.-l ' ' "-'- 4 Jfo v r o o o k r (TfTTTTl 'fml$jTV iSm!! Comcast! 1 Copy |