Show t ib ab LOCAL yi VS Gs se FROM lou MONDAYS DAILY who lias ilas it no 12 2 of the w eap of 1883 is wanted ranted at this offic anyone who has a copy to s sell ai confer a favor by bringing it here her I 1 letting us mr know where aher c it can be 0 ob jc r talkea as tilo tile lecture in pere perc hyacinth nth bl bi lecture last night which was mo devoted to polygamy he be espre s tb substantially the same views on w el p subject as given by him in his in cit CIL with a representative of the NEW NEWS a I 1 di saturday 0 01 the tiie clawson crawson case on Sat Satur ardal ardai daj d elder rudger clawson CI awson indicted is a polygamy roly goly polygamy gamy by the grand jury appears appes ap peara red al before the District court and ask asue aste fi until monday to plead as aa he had m t had time to consult with his atto att ommen oraen it the request was granted this in mon om a ing the defendant was again before fr 4 a court with P F S richards klc ric hards bards esq bk ill 1 counsel and was granted another r ex els S 11 tension until wednesday t t 1 presidents dents party A tc legran from president taylor to presides Pre p joseph F smith dated at st georg Geor t b on saturday states that the p pari part a would leave there this morning ibous boli hoit p meeting at leeds and then go to tod I 1 qu erville to hold meet lii iii s to a tuesday wednesday they will be bost bosl it b karra Ka narra thursday at rush lake fri frd i i 11 day they will reach milford and be r home morning tuey they heli hell meetings in st george saturday and i yesterday all ali were well wl I 1 sudden death on saturday issi last t bishop thomas cutler of lehi was in this city and here received receive dl t t dispatch informing him that brother W H winn his counselor vas was yas cut dan genously gerou sly ili iii 11 and re requesting que sting him hlin to send a physician to lehi as quickly as al pos possible sible sibie thirty minutes later the bishop rec received elved elied another allO ailo ther Lher dis patch informing him that brother winn had expired liehan he had only been III ili about thirty hours the cause 01 0 death being inflammation of the bor bow bo els elder winn was much respected s in the community where hel hei resided oil on f account of his sterling int integrity eity elty ile be i was also a man of more than ordinary i 1 intelligence the hopt case the attention of 0 the District court was occupied nearl dearl t ly the whole of today to day with the c case ase 0 of 1 J the people vs frederick hopt alin aki aka welcome arraigned on a charge of murder this being the third trial ol of the accused A motion fon for postponement of trial until next term was ar gued ed by the defendants counsel on thu the ground of poverty of the defendant and inability so far to procure certain witnesses necessary to the case the district attorney said the de tense had now lasted four years and that the pia pla plea of poverty was as good at the commencement of the trial as it was now and mig might lit be thirty bearg hence T that h at so far as the witnesses wit named were concerned they could jast juht as well have been procured at the birst trial as now and yet it was evident that no proper effort had bad been mad made then or in lne the meantime by any onti omi concerned to secure their attendance for the defense it was urged uan vau tb considerable difficulty had bad been been eg elpe lanced in procuring the witness W t si they were so scattered that it 1 wi been impossible to tte subpoena them time for the present trial and that so 60 far as the lour four years mentioned by bythal 0 prosecution went they were no roainy ne in proving roving a mans guilt or innocence i chief justice hunter in the course of his decision on the motion sald said that the defendant had had two trials and that in the plea for delay it mist aust be shown not oni oai only that due enee ence hal bal been exercised exercised in the interval in regard to the desired attendance of the I 1 witnesses mentioned in the plea but I 1 that they were indispensable to the defense which did not appear to be the case the ehe motion was tle tte therefore refused and the trial proceeded the em eln paneling 1 1 of the jury being next in order 1 r which had not been completed af ap to last accounts the Immigrants The company ot of immigrants in charge of president C D fjelsted arrived in in this city at siy am today to day dav president fjelsted who called in ith with alth elder reter peter this forenoon informs us that they hal bal an exceedingly prosperous rons journey by sea and land lana with tut but iut on accident happening to mar the record this oc burred in mid ocean A little four jearold year rear old oid son of martha pratt named thomas got hold of a bottle oy of brandy obtained for medicinal burp purposes oses and drank orani about two wine vine 01 01 th ta liquid which induced congestion of the brain f from which the little fellow died the following day one birth also took place while they were on the vater yater they were treated very kindly all ali 11 the way the officers aboard ship and conductors 1 on the cars doing all that was possible ss b e for or their comfort and safety I 1 the he company set sail sall from liverpool i april ath cast anchor at new york on the night of the and went ashore next morning which was the Sat sai sabbath bath here one of the company not a memi memo mero ber of the church strayed away iway and I 1 was lost but another one ono took look passage from that point so that the number remained the same monday evening they leit iett for the west and arrived at oden at 1215 p pm in yesterday and came on to this ci city as as stated the company numbered 30 in all ali with 17 returning elders 11 english speaking andrix and six scandinavian only about 85 immigrants came to salt lake president eiel Fiel fjelsted sted who during his absence was sustained at the last t G meral merai conference as one of the first seven presidents pr of the seventies has spent two years and nine months in i the scandinavian mission Mis blou biou acting as its president ile he is a resident of lo 10 gan pan brother who livell in fairview sanpete county has been away the same length of time and has actea acted during the whole of his mission i as clerk in tue copenhagen office both brethren are in excellent health military tary vandalism citizens of t the lie lle eleventh ward are not a little ex excised over the outrageous conduct of certain persons supposed to be soli diers diens who on sunday morning about one tore up bridges pulled down fences and committed committed other acts of deviltry in that neighborhood I 1 chile ih he on their way back to the fort from their saturday nights carousal in town the reasons they are beli ed to be soldiers are that such acts a common to them in that vicinity id the more conclusive proof that the tracks ti acks left were made macle by the wearers bearers wear ers ens ot of government shoes particular marks that give the military gentlemen dead 11 away they tore up tip three bridges in one place tried to destroy a water flume belonging to mr crow pulled down abo about at ten feet of mrea arra mr F A mitchells picket fence broke up several bridges near the Eleventh Ward meeting house I 1 and indulged in other like acts bly to vent their spleen on the 11 morr mon residents of that long suffering neighborhood from remarks made by parties artles arties aggrieved we would infer that tf ft matters dont change for the better retty pretty quick some one Is boing to get yurt hurt and it is more than hoin boin likely ikel ikei to tode tone ne those who thus wickedly persist in destroying the property and disturbing the peace of unoffending citizens who are slumbering quietly in their homes I 1 while thier persecutors are reella homeward from their drunken revels reveis j or who more soberly and maliciously wreak their unprovoked spite in this j cowardly manner upon law abidin abiding people 1 the soldiers no doubt take advantage of the absence ol of general McCook who is as much opposed to such act actions lons ions as the citizens who suffer fram them and has given the police to understand that he will uphold them in arresting and dealing with his men who are thus found to be disorderly and mischievous it Is also known that the other officers by no means approve of such conduct and feel just as the general does regarding it they would no doubt punish the onne offe offenders aders I 1 i if they could be identified Buther but here els eis is the difficulty the vandals operate under cover of the night while their victims are abed and scamper off in I 1 haste baste whenever there is the least danger of discovery the better wa way would be for them to leave off such tricks entirely or some irate frate citizen whose patience is exhausted may tr try y something more tangible in retaliation i than chanthi thu simple litte of a c comi plaint |