Show rr il r ma I 1 i yb rii sli N Y brov 21 Rev i V given today to day aay ay w was as expelled from t new york the tho me Africa african ii ali methodist zion church on a charge of immorality lity this thih is the second expulsion from froin the present con 9 ame 0 cause pause philadelphia 21 one hundred men were discharged from the baldwin locomotive co motive works saturday A member of the firm today to day said unless other work came in the tile reduction redaction would continue until the present working force of hoog would be reduced tb about 2000 the works have beon been running to their full capacity capaci for s several 0 years F san francisco 11 A race took place yesterday afternoon between two sports jp orts kittleman and harman ll arman I 1 75 5 yards and repeat for 1000 a aside side the rhe first heat h eat cat was won by harmon in am 7 seconds the last two were won by kittleman time 7 and 7 two thousand people were present sydney australia date of march says hanlan the oarsman arrived r march ath and a scullin sc matilt tte ete it with trickett or beach against hanlan hanian for 1000 a side was arranged i albany N Y 21 tho the legislature has adjourned over for thee state convention at utica twenty el ellit eight lit members of the jhc thc assembly are aro delegates a ml the democratic state convention called for fo r thursday is postponed until 1 may utica N Y 24 but a few delegates to the republican convention which meets wednesday have arrived and none of arthurs arthurl managers senator warren miller is expected early tomorrow fl t jackson miss 21 arthur fiends seem icem in control of the j republican executive committee which has been in session all day the state convention meets tomorrow to morrow I 1 galveston 21 miss maud manning daughter of chief justice manning of louisiana and G W compton eloped from alexandria and were married by the R rev bev lev mr marshall at his residence saturday night followell Follo weil well by bk the ir irate ate mother the couple managed to elude the mother by changing cars three times but were final finally caught py bv their pursuers and brought baroug t to the city only to 10 discover they were kanand man andl wife wj fe 1 st louis 20 for some time thero there has been a spirit of discord aulon anlon among the missouri militia springing from the appointment of frea fred T J dawrence fa lawrence wrence as brigadier general of the E eastern astern division lawrence has been a very unpopular of miser fiSer so much so that there has as been absolute refusal by bv other officers to serve servo under him today to day dache he yielded ardd alid resi resl resigned nea ned the governor accepted acce p ted his resignation and says he vall appoint W I 1 T sherman to succeed him therill the bijl introduced by tive henley to encourage the states and territories provides provide that all newspapers hereafter published cl in the several states and territories in in any r language whatsoever shall be carried free of postage through the mails malls within the limits of tile the united states and territories A measure was introduced by senator r pa platt piatt tatt to separate the patent office from f 10 iu the he interior department and to make it an independency petitions letitio n 19 bearing hundreds of signatures of inventors and others interested in patents have been received and are coming in daily the secretary odthe of the treasury Treas nury jury has decided that silk moselle used for embroidery bri dery is dutiable at thirty per cent ad va lorem as spun silk slik this question has been pending before the de apartment part ment a iong long 1 time 3 and is of great interest to american manufacturers the frai francais bicais newspaper says tile tiie emperor of germany shows continued signs of somnolence and other grave symptoms which cause serious alarm the federal officials of arizona have sent requests reque As to the pacific coast dele tationa askin asking them to lend their aid in securing an appropriation to toi toe pro appropriation inot moten the new orleans or ay eans cans worlds fair |