Show llo lio Z DY AT 1 T april SO 20 issi 1884 editor L harly early arly ariy morning ogden was t lat tat th tl firs thad that has eten eter occurred in ia this cu cle since sance of this nug nog airn birn coun countey vout kout V out haf 1 l last nigh t th eizens st d tk v if ft antoo stata of terrible eze eme es av 0 wrin li by the tho larli firtl arius of a paol pt lui loi lul and not the streams of a Avol woman liall ilari who wilo from froin the gnu grm i r into the ele middle bitho bithe of the when wh n she wa was by br an iti ili ugly ly dojk ill iii ili ir irato ate japanese who 16 more into t he the fallen victim 1 which took seri serb su i it if nut wot fata fala eft eff ernect effect I 1 aman in int hen her he hody nody the tho abinan N chos whose bain barn i is alizai attl ja deih was lifted from the th 0 nd ta kc n to her hor rhonl oa in V t hrics bno buil dlug diug heel r IY ml 1 quip zay kay called cal cai in 1 but hut i suei gueta was could t tube it ditlof of 61 the p patient a that h hi c could llo lio dor cor do da anything alry alcy thing to nia ma ter tor lAlly faily help heip hgr hen fill this morning shortly after the murderous murde rous roua deed was dou dot the WOULD BK ASSASSIN i waa wa qa ie 1 dadid darid I add I 1 gi tip up in the new city jail jall measurably dl dieal away and the P pt vi e retired to thep thed hones bones homes but not all ali of them to sleep 0 aj ds as ane sequel will show on ohp connar contrary a number of spirl ils ed to torether together ether and anaa held a sech it t in which it was to arak a r tr TERRIBLE ible IDLE on the criminal who occupied the lonely dell cell behind the iron bars in the prison A mob was organized for this purpose they had their arrangements all ali completed their planson plans of apro were wera well weli digested and each mem berof ber her of tile the vigilantes thoroughly understood und d der the part he had to take in mhd FEARFUL TA TRAGEDY waged y I 1 abndt tp be enacted by bf them abbu t adock this morning armed with the new necessary esary implements the they thes made their thein way adf to the city jail having arrived the rethey overawed over awed and overpowered taic I jailor allor with their chi chisels seis sels hammers hamme me ata etc they broke open the iron dold sip sig effected an entrance to the alendo avenue the infuriated mob then rushed forward to the tho houth south end where was located th the cel cei elep of tue THE DOOMED minn MAN whose terrors were horribly excited by of the avenging crowd lle ile lie like fiends to tto film liim by th the candles candies aich they carrica carried J them ina lna in a bev minutes the door of his chamler chamier was ivas broka brokett open by the mob they draped dragged 11 the trembling trembling wretch from his rudo rude couch 1 hurried lil ili him along malong the corridor through ush ugh the liall hall into luto tho to the belltower bell beli tower ng cord was W ath th a mays noose and knot av ar on old end elui eid tid acif nie roue rope was place elace arund ar w mouth was fc i and tn ili in S h moment more the bould be layer aves mrs s suz buz vip lip ended bet u ANI kr in which position he time lime arter wo we was extinct 1 havilla living e 1 I 1 their purpose ti til trl lauh laub tt 1 it up tu to this oven osen cv cn iu ili floii in dumi 0 gl e au an I 1 cons cone qA V itly no arrests yet be bean n ni macle matte attie attle the tills body was kulpe NN t ekht ly lurt lurl r movel to the ot of the sexton air E F A gaie gale aie sie ale au an inquest was heid held was elicited eh cited tile the re I 1 as aver thuu thun placed I 1 lu a a coffan for fon lit blent bic bhe gay the t torr in the jail and the of the were fisl visited ted by hundreds of people who were drabyn thereto by a morbid curiosity ther Thet ithai ival ital of the culprit I 1 have been beon unable to ascertain neither I 1 have I 1 been able to learn the tae incentive for the murderous attack gil th vurnall man ild ile is 46 and ana his vio vip t IM timo ix is knabl tv to balkon the ba 11 t i 1 stat stai sta 1 ta ansome tunia sti tolt japanese anese anase was on engaged at tho tao or r rea rca a tg orant hrant as cook lizabeth 51 zabeth gud I 1 r was the proprietress ess monib three ahree W weeks ago he ide 1 WR dzehal hed bed 0 on n saturday night ain hoaglin vent went to itar GEM ll 11 when a quarrel ensued between the woman and him in ili which he drew a revolver and fired the leaden missiles into hito the womans comans body this afternoon I 1 called at the room of mrs gudgell where I 1 found drs adams and carnahan the latter having been called in by the former A thorough examination of the wounds was made three shots had taken effect one entered the right shoulder passed down the chest and aua it is thought enter the tho lungs another ball entered the upper third ot the right thigh and lodged in the front part of that limb ur adams discovered its location lanced the part and extracted the kail kaii ball bali A third shot entered the lower third of the left thigh and buried hurled itself in that member of the tho body only one up to this writing lias has been extracted the others are arc not yet located she is in a VERY CRITICAL CONDITION if her er dufferin sud suf sufferings derin ferin are ro excruciating S still till the surgeon hai has sl a slight ho hope hopa e gat thal that she will recover yet it is doubtful douEt doubtful ful tul she slie is in good hands and all that and surgical skill can call do will bo be ouno oune to together gOether with good nursing to save the life which now trembles in the bat bal balauag batau balau acae ae wener weder we learn today to day that mrs urs gudgell had died fro from in the effects of het her ker in lurnes luries badi eadi ET BIDI D na 1 1 |