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Show FQW& (dim VOL. 1 ... PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH. FRIDAY. MARCH 25, 1?13. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SERVICE. NO. 21 ! LOCAL IS IKE A FREE HAIR GUT FOB ABSENT . DAYS PLEA FDR OLD 111 SIIGHl HElLHIllG SUES; :i 1115111 IPlilflllfl SHERIFF UNEXPECT- SIPS UK TREE . TEMPERANCE ill THE "DRY" E (Special to The NEWS from Provo.) " Deputy Sheriff Hales went to Eureka Eure-ka yesterday for the purpose of looking look-ing up the burglars who broke into the Spanish Fork D. &' R. G. depot a few nights ago. He did not succeed in this, but on his way he stopped off at Goshen and ran across Henry Gurley, who has had an assault with a deadly weapon case pending against him since last July. He is charged with assault-iug assault-iug Jarvis Gaynor of Goshen. with a shotgun and will have a hearing if the witnesses are obtainable. Gurley left Goshen before he could be arrested and has been living in suuthern Utah since the time of the alleged assault till recently, when he returned to Goshen. Go-shen. The Boosters' Club has taken a lease from Clarence Christensen on the south room of the Bank building for club rooms and as soon as the rooms are fixed up the club will have a house Warming. DON'T THINK , : Si " i ; - AT ' Laces and Embroideries A t. line of lace ad embrciderie that more tnn er tru ye' up our high reputation I or thete good. Tk note that fete f --'oidfin are of the usual vanet.et in width and quality, but at . t low pneet Dress The rteeit, da rt.t, tett fabric in Flaiont, Hon.too .l roel-t roel-t . co'd porjt;. gaUtea t cth and Zephyr G"Brafa. etc. etc. Our dr god department (! becom headjuartt rt for neat d'titer and tattjr buyer o demand quality. CLARK'S (Special to The NEWS from Provo.) While the storm gods were speaking speak-ing Sunday, and causing thunder to rumble, and lightning to crash, a flash of electricity struck a tree on Third East and Second North street in this city and split it from top to bottom. Large limbs came crashing down and it was miraculous that someone was not hurt. The crash from the lightning, when it struck,, could be heard for several blocks. Several Sev-eral people who were on the street at the time became frightened and hastened has-tened to seek shelter in their respective respec-tive homes or under the roof of some hospitable neighbor. One small curly canine was not so fortunate. He was approaching the fated tree when the lightning struck. The canine let out a yeli that could be heard a block and made a hasty retreat that would almost make Barney Ohlfleld's racing rac-ing automobile take 'second place. CONFERENCE. Salt Lake City, Aprillst to Cth; incursion in-cursion rates via Salt Lake, Jlouto. Trains arrive and depart from new T'nion Station only three blocks from Tabernacle. OF BVYING Your spring suit until v you see those elegant omore 1910's " at v MASON'S 0XF0R.DS - The ty. lish low-cut of (he set- sor...Bo(h ladies and gents. Here April lit Goods S. 5rt;-fte tnJ B--c.bnr -t C Ift'AJI "Ma ir5"t HmH'M-i 1 W-J - 1 "i (Special to The NEWS from Provo.) (Comparison of first three months, 1909, with first three months, 1910): The police court records show the following: Jan. 1909 Plain Drunks 13 Feb. 1909 Plain Drunk, 6 .March 1909 Plain Drunks 9 Total for 3 months .2S JanT 1 9 1 0 Plain Drunks 77.". . 1 Feb. 1910 plain Drunks 4 March 1910, up to date Plain Drunks 2 i ll to Mulch :Mtli 7 NOTK: According to statemcut of Marshal Williams 2 of the February drunk and at least 1 of the March drunks were on liquor bought and drank in Salt Lake City. They came into tc"VTi drunk We may be pretty sale in saying that all of last year's drunks were on Provo liquor. This makes lour J'rovo drunks in three -HwmU-: lUlii.'uwr against 28 drunks in corresponding months of 1909. And this was during the time that the may- City council met in regular session Mayor Cooper presiding. A nuui-her nuui-her of water transfers were made. Mrs. Cray et al , petitioned for certain cer-tain sireet improvements, which was le'i-ned to street sui'-r isor. follow ing hills were ruihmitted : Mils e! the lli iiuuist I M ug No. 4 for $!.' e; Mrs i.mnl for fl. and l'leas-:.nt l'leas-:.nt Cr,)e Metiar.tile Co. I. :!.".; relet re-let n-d to mayor and cit- attorney for adjudication i' U i I Aue liiau IVik ( iiy fur l.'A T'j o.i irc'atio!: aio';ni, feti-rnd hai k 1".- pal!;, ul-irs. y Hills of A K. TiioMiioii & Sons for $:!'; New Century 1'tg Co, $2. In; A Thoiiiton, printing, $2.1 .mi; Salt L,k lUrdiue- Co, t'i.GI; Kugul Urns., . i2 t ',la' contingi nt (apsiroprfated) $.10.. Chief of Fire lMtarltnnt Kemp rec ommetidr-d that the city purchase a chemical fire engine. Referred to finance fin-ance committee and the mayor. Chief K'cu.ji suggcM.s that the addition of an ri! 'I Il :;s ;i member of the Pre depart mem he made; approed and e;d-:cd The iieiyor and flnanie commute" were authorized to secure a nultable flag for Pleasant Grove City. Mayor stated that the matter of nut-veylng nut-veylng certain county roada near the creamery will be adjusted In near future. fu-ture. A s imple of the drove Cr ek sl:tig water Uit.i ordi re il relit to the rtate chi-mlst for analyxi C"iurti:tte. mi u'.iterwork( u.-i biv- Il ,l.o:(ii r i tlii oi time e!j lie aiki r et al p titit!ii. In order that the committee on finance may aiu-nr tain if n-cet.iry funds ran be necured to Rnr.n' came Hill of 1 1 MiL y Smith for $:. for lalx.r rn water ditch max referred to water m!er for adjudication All parties whb do labor on wt r ditcli-n i" ' t.e pay, mu-it hitir und--r the I ; i ' !! u.i'ir iii.iM.-r I'niMi'iii.'i .don fr..m Jo... Knl t iMi. !r i ,tr ' el-'-.i' on for ineriirn If " - 1 ' ! "Mi. r. (i. W I li . i !. 'I . t. ,1 !. I,. He ! ..... 1- - .. I,.-' . ! t ' ''' :i ' -. ' -t ! :l i.J ! Sjr r t: r Sir n Sof '.-. n .! t-d to do .'',,5 rx of tr tih mik l r $.' tn att r mr:pt and the a'.r mork iimih;tlf Instructed to put In the wmce at th-lowpt th-lowpt p:t !e r( Marnr ('-i-r a in-'r-i'-'-t con f r tiith i:t;cnr U It l.ttn r. U tle to the t nu-rtat:nQ o! itir for l'U-sar.t Groii. ";v M ..(,r - .,, '.c f ' ! . ' i-h f ! - i. I i" . j. . ' r .:. 1 I r , K-r,-:i ar.J Hrj;. H,.ri-. n . .) ' i t in'ftiratw.ti C'-r..l;. of, 1 ; -. . . troijrj for the nt. ti. a c-f the r'l? c-u,et.r7 Mayor Cnr-r m mrr-.1 in! ctfttfrr with tfif a,!orr.-y r-ia'ne to J roiiKti'.e nf bark waf-r rt ta tfc ! Hnltnao f. and -r.r r; j of !, ri!ir tn th r-rt!t ca-. 'aan: r.rtt. City A Hrwrr.ai M al I - i Mf&M SCHOOL- 4 t 4-r.tr .J at ih li xi s-b4 T.'- -! J. 4-t t. e.-t;-r.jx n:! fc t- -. t . .-.. 1 COUNCIL HOLDS A. BUSINESS SESSION or came out in the HERALD (Feb, l."i, 191UL1 saying; r There-seems to be a great deal ofcriucisiu just now of "the conttiliouid existing at the present time (sic) in our city, and I believe the criticism, is justly deserved." It would be interesting to know from whom this criticism came. I know it has been reported that more liquor is being drunk here now than under the wet'' regime; but who tells you that? One l ould-drink 44ll one wanted under high license; are men drinking more" than they want now? In Dei en. her. 1909," there were ten "plaiB drunks '" In January, ' '.' 1 t'i. re was m, er lii per out of the preceding pre-ceding mor.th. 'Hie first quarter 1910 Is 7, over against 2 of the on responding re-sponding quarter of limit, or 2.1 per cent; 'and 'if you count out three Sal! Lake drunks this year, this year's drunks are only 14 per cent of corresponding corre-sponding quarter oi last year. Tha' loi ks good, w hen our political house is divided halt st -Hiding' for a "dry" town and half :or a "w. t" (own. What might we not have were all ben on seeing the law enforced.' J CHALLEN SMITH E LOCAL HEMS' Will Green was over from Mammoth yesterday. ? Mrs. Andrew Thompson is spending the week in Kphraim Charles Civeti h,i moved hi:, i.uu ily to Salt Lake lor the summer. Mr. and Mrs J. C. WLon made a biihinesl trip tn 1'rovo Satuid.iy. Mr. It. N i-:lsoii was home iron, tiai field jor a n.-w days last week Lorn to Mr. Llzzlo Armltftead Iuliock a ten pound son, Tuehduy. , Mrri. Otilla Drown is nerve visiting her paienw. Mr. and Mrs. N. 9., Mel-son. Mel-son. - r - - - - v- Kstlla Jensen and Olive Nel.sori spent a few days with Zina Taylor at I'rovo. MIhs Ltlcile Harvey h;s oni- to the city for a stay with lr mother ami Mr li" li 'i is4.11 iei i-eiic 1.1 Mammoth where he ejpcits to work In a mine. Mr. E. R. Halliday wan a visitor of the week with the N. K. Neilson'a of Sprlngvllle. Mr Ixum Klik I home from an ext. n.W tay lth her son and duuKh ter in Idaho Henry Jeppsn had a birth !..;. day thin we. k wblch event In irietuls celebrated at bit home. The friend nf Mri Sttna Hall ca thered at hef home UkI Tll.-i,l or nlni; and celebrated her birlliday. Th famlllin of I wl Walter i,1 Sandy and K A Hiihmsn of 1.4 lii. oi re S. r.dajr d:D t with 1! N .,;t. -Of this rity. - '. ! d .i.:.i . . : : .. 1 . C I! t i.U at hi-r l.f..e ' . -- A ' .-r t!.e ttxi-ttng d,cr,- r ;!. :.. 1 re ' ! vr-d Ijttle nd. Mn ;.; i;..!....,it, t. dr,K.ri,-o.l)f ill .f nari't t..r tra'n-d Bur baa Uvd tTomchf t.r from P ro. . Mf Sarah Sn.'th r.f S.-i.' Uk.. and h. r dauht r. Mr I W Kvk. r i of Am-rtcan fork, m. r.- i-it.f. ..f t Mr C l. Ilarrr. Sindir j A (' pl.a.-M ..:. mth! the hoD:- t I r -f s it , j the ratr t't a urj.t - -n 1 t j Pxi; .astrr Tfsfrt4-. ar. S !i of I- ar itrnr r.f t. .!. i !arr,. ! 4n iUh.) pj" tt . .:f . j est? t? land t auff.ii.or fa::o f rj ' rr-; Doit yr Atrfejt fo f. ;ti tt4 a will b. . 1 t. ft 1 j I ;!:.. Mr nro. . :; ;t-'J-rm. -1 d jr'irfi W.-f-,4n 1 T r. ro cf tt a f- t S tf" i i- v. Mr arl k; -r '. - o4:ato; .; r- . f ... - i f t 5 . . i ; s - s t ' . - - . - 1 -4-4 I.. , -. - - - t -x - ? - - " - 7 ' '- ' t R.o-5 . ? , . ... . . - r. 4. t i . GROV VETERANS 2563 Indian War Veterans Make Claims for U. S. Pensions (Special to The NEWS from Provo.) Today Messrs. 11 L. Pratt -and, J, M. West wood of the 1'tah Indian War Veterans' lUiiiiussioni created by the last legislation, left 'Salt Lake i'or 'ash;t:i;!(:i with th. list ol Indian war xeterau. hiLi liny have sjathi : e,l by secial n."tit!i-' caretul w ork 111 ari-ous ari-ous parts ..! the si. He. These Indian war sunnors are entitled to pensions under a special act of concre-s, and the work of the commission, which is composed ot Adjutant Cieiieral K. A. Wedwocd. .! ys .Westwoad. M 1.. I'ratt ami :l '.! Arthur has ,-,..', cied tin' iici-i : - ii ihjtri wiMi n-ieri nee tc ei.ps'i: i.". ! u..c (reiU--. tc , which il is neccs-aiy to produce to receive the pensions. It is for the purpose 01 presenting this and otherwise aiditm in obtaining the pensions that the two members of the commission take the trip to Washington T563 Veterans. Ti e list orieteraiia has a total of !'".t;:! r.atm s. 1 lavcitied as ln)!i.. In 1 expeditions, 1.4 tS; home Kuards, l.n.l.l; short serxice ilesn than thirty days and not entitled to pension, under the act), II; uiakini; u total, 2..107 The foregoing are ill! diliRted in I'tah. In addition to these -there are "a;- on expeditions and 47 bcnie miards--w ln enlisted ;a Franklin, Ida-!h, Ida-!h, whiih was then included in the militia di-triet ot I'tah, iiiakum the uraud total d 2..1'.':. LIN DON NEWS. Vi-s Mvtlle Adauisoti is a to w 1 lerk at Clark's. Horn to Mi- IVid Ludwiu-nn .7 ;irl, Sunday. ' Lorn, a u S in Mrs Amelia I u -tilth, r, Sunday iiiorniiti: J. V. Ho)th of Alpine will lecture on "Life In Turkey" al Manila Sunday cvjiJU.. Match 27 v,' w ,l..v': Tell misses of the viiitKcr h" t tie I with Mlsa Leah Thoraton t it. t1si of the week and resolved theiimelveH In to domestic art seekers under the title of "The Thimble Club " Aft. r the - tlHr1 I 6 !l j UH1 SWmb. 1 iliiit 1 Where Are Your 1 ,. . : ' C - i llfl t . - . C : 1 u r 1 . . js mm 1 ALL WOOL jf H lMtflT0U IH .-Pleasant Grove Mercantile (Special to The NEWS from Prvo.) It would seem as though the price of disloyalty in the B. Y. U. has come ta be free hair cuts for all (hose who manifest this false allegiance in any way to the school. At . noon Tuesday, vhilt tfie ,"Y"-buildors ,"Y"-buildors were peacefully dining Dn the big mountain side, they vrwe suddenly sud-denly surprised by the goituds of whonpiim' voices and rolling Juni'Uers. L"'k:i:s up they saw a sextlitte of p.K who had previously shot holes ,11 lie- w -it. r 1 ihs, i-njoyiuK theuiHolves vt ry uleeiully in tuniUling rocks tlown upon their fellows, ami ijlirntly "sei-intilii; the base degreos ijr iv'hictl they clmub A seaith party vvai itnilicdiafely sent mil, which soon broiiHht in the outlaws, vvliti were severally roached ami then, alier their forclockri vero haggled tifl with pocket knivgs, their heads veresinnfed with fire brands. This was only a sample of Vv'hnt was to take place, however, upon Hie entrance en-trance of these toilers into the City. A lianqutj was first served by the dum-ebs dum-ebs Mitd then the whnlrjtjtlo hair CUt i.u exUiiiiiiou coiiuuenised, whiuli rou-t't:iics rou-t't:iics sfiil. aiitl has resulted to ttate 111 upwards of two-score of "Huaved pates " As yet every student who, without a reasonable excuse, failed to appear on the "Y," has received a Close clippjjiu of his thatch, whether' vigorous or scanty. A full attendance Is insured for next year. business was transacted luncheon was served. ' - -- ' nTf- t f Alt"! two or three years citperi-liientilii; citperi-liientilii; with IncubaliliK 1 hick, lieo. 'l'ol;il!l. .-on has decided to K Into the chteki 11 bu-iiicss on a 1 oinmercial ale l or lips purpose he is frect-iiii; frect-iiii; a I t 1111. iy with tapacilv for ten it.' a'..; - and ::imiu biitis lnuinE th ''ir 1". hi. ks will be hat died tind P'litK 11 the market as broiler, l-lve l-.endti-d el the choice birds will bo tai'e il as layt is for the winter and the restocking of the plant next year. The first incubation of &00 ecRS In nchedul'jd to come off next Sunday. " - ... .-. 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES A luitiriane license has been issued to John I. Kdssell and Martin Hoover, both of Provo. Henry Smith ami Ma" .larvlt. Roth (f Satitaip.xn. ' 1 v 'il " Clothes Made? " " - f j ' -f - - t ' ; ': . --4 'i.'.'.rj O t !'f . |