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Show PLEASANT GFOVE NEWS x - ' '.. J ' ' - 1 - - ' T i - - . - I ' " ia Follow this advice. - Quaker Oats-is the best of all foods; It is also the chu.-yx&st. When uch men as Prof. r"isherQf Vale University and Sir James t'riehton l'.rottne, LL.L).. F.R.S. of London spend the best part, of their lives in studying the great question of the nourishing j and strengthening qualities of differ-1 ent foods, it is certain that their ad-j Vice is absolutely safe to follow. j Professor Fisher -found i hs ex--, periments for testing the strength and endurance of athletes that the meat ; eaters were exhausted long before the j men whowere fed on such food as J Quaker Oats. The powers of endur- j ance of the non-meat eaters were i about eight times those of th- ne at j eaters. Sir James Orichton Itroun" says , eat more oatmeal, et pieniy ui it ,:nil ; eat It frequently. :9 WERE NO TROLLEY CARS THEN. Abel Strinshain I tell you, my boy Shakespeare could never have written ! a drama Jike vourp Playwright- You are very euinpli ttH'iititry ' Abel StriiiKliam Not at all Take,! for instance, th: trolley car aci id eat ' in the third act , FOR THE SKIN AND SCALP liciause tit it delicate, emollient, : ati:ttivt , anusopt ic properties thrived from Cutuura Ointment, united with th" purest of cleanstit!: ingredients atel iuoi refre.shiiig of flutter dors. Oiffc In a. Soap is unrivaled tor pre-, rv-inn. rv-inn. purifyiiig and hea-iiifymg th-i pkin. sc.ilp, li.iir and hauda. and. a-nisted a-nisted by CuMcura itu..ctit. lor d. pe!hi:g Itthitig, iniiallen and In-flammatiiin In-flammatiiin and pr. t . ii'im; cloguing of the pop , the cause of many ilislig urin facial eruptions. All who delight de-light In a clear skin. soft, w hite h inds, a dean, wholesome scalp ami live, flossy hair, will find that Cutleura Foan and Cu'ic'ira Ointment rca". I-very eipectatlon Cjtlcur.i Kemo. dies are gold throughout the world, Potter IMmik & Chem. t'orp. n!i j'rr ' prletora, I'.oston, Mass. Send to them for the latest Cuticura Hook, an authority au-thority on the best care of the t.k!n. ra!p. hair and banda. It Is n:alled free on re.jut Fighting Duc.iif n Greece I 'oli. .1 le le I al i Lice lit'ltt.n 11.1' mad" a r i r l irotu At'i.i-.- on tie-coi. tie-coi. ,j I. work -f Or. . k - i iti-- III . ol.,t...':l f 'he eH,': t .- L et . a:,!t. - I.. I I V. I al. ! !.! I '' I lo-i- ii as.ti ittl :m -t;.i- "! '.' " m I m , ;-. i a. ii ear item ! ii.. r. v h !. . i Id.-ml. .:- d rv. . -. He I -it., 'be ti .!, ! r . v. ' -i--ah . !i .i. the t-e tii 1 "'. i :. 'M . ; t:r i M : "' t ! ,.. ,.. .. l...v. I i n i'.'. -;. d ! - ' .. ..... .;!.t- ... i. .t' ria. .1-;' !. ; i ' ' s ' " h k I an- !.! d- . ! .! s!.'eM' 1 I,.;.,;, ,.ti ii - y, V t-.t.t. .!. w.:i i. i. i ., ".. i t. a- h w i:S t - i' i .! I..-! . j h -h t il -. !. ' :''' " i 1 ' at:.! ..-ii. r ! "!. ii:! m v ;..:. HAVE YOU TRIED THIS? SiTpie Prr tciptioi Sj i to WorV ttondfi fir Re Hi. Tl. i I. " ! n '. .(. t i " J r fi.-r ,-' at.i . ..- i... - ' th- i i'. li. ; ' Sira;n:U '' i- I f'-l - " r " T...r,. .( r;3tJ Tt. n ! MP U g .-I tuk.-y r.d ; "- '- r Ir.f ' -lt-r.' ln. TaV" t .! . ;. f .: . t i- ! ' ' - '4 t i im.- s..iv- f - ; " .' ' . . ' li -l J - ' ti.- t.r.t .'i !.r. i f '': x rt t ; . , '.-' !' ! T t, !ri..- !- .- m.- ! r "I.; t- ft '": !- ti.i jj'f I.- I- ...:.'? i t l!i-,t vn'-t-."1 . THE UTAH BUDGET Woric Ts id bf-mn at once on a new f.-.ti.Ou'l vltn-ua? factor to tie instafied it Murray. Burglars' broke into a jewelry store t t.reen River and appropriated 'lhoii' $lvo00 worrti of jewelry. NVphi Ciiy isr planning to put in an ntirely new eiecnlc light system to jj-ae-e-'tlie 4d wUili '.lie city t.is outgrown. About one year ago an independent vlepiioiie stem w a ' 1 a 1 1 nc bed at ;aniii-oii wiih thirteen subscribers, foday it lias lie. The council of Kphraim. assisted by lie special cunimittee from the recent nass me.-triig. lias prepared plans to secure a w a'ei wo; k.-i -'plant tor that ' The bond election held at Sandy on he proposition to issue IrtOonu bonds for school buildings in 'be Jor-ian Jor-ian district, resulted In a victory for he advocate., of the bonds drain seeding and early gardening s mostly dciiie in the vicinity of; Mapleton, and ihousands of smudge' iots are beinj; placed among th' or-J bard trees, which are laden with j ilossoming buds The town nf I.evan is conienipl.it-ng conienipl.it-ng putting m a new water system, i ltd also an electric lighting system. : rhi' wonderful success of drv farm- i ng is making it a er prospeious ! ind eTrterp't'tng -tntv-n- The pupils of the Salt Lake high ' school have bowot'od t'oieigtl ped ! llers of ice ci . am and pies w ho had i , ... t mleavored lo sec".re the pilMee-, d iwr Ait:rimfls who hnd ieerr -Wing their gooi to the i-l i 1. W - i Teacheis (it lU- lro,i -i bo-i.s. in ' lleil rec.'tlt i,lv" Hi. -.-i 1 1 . -i . lll-russ ii I In- cu-loli of the pupil- p:.ling ; mail.!, s for ' 1 r-." ,and d- id--d to ; hi air in ' t..-tr n,ri'ii ilwiuiiw Hie -'.;ld;- Ii I'om (day In. an itn' llf l.il!..' 1 I.'., i-. i'. .trh ut 'I ate t I r III I nl' I : 'in S.i'l I - Ke '1H ,ii a K.iii.i!..! -.-Ub-tie ti'. !.- nii'v , pliic- ..t - k ml in the 1'iiit. d ."-''.it - : II, , . i.-ti,. wa -'at'. ! in ''' ( . ii,.,. I, ..i, .-ti iu '-. oi iu-Ihii !l i . ' ! , - ' . i . !.. i k. . . i'W Ii. it i I'U '! i --. ... i e.i.-l w i I :i;.p d ,,. ..'..I bv lie- W. i nlit (.aid ut .l-ie.i i.'ii I t' w.M'k null nu-ll id,, new ' i : i ! 1 1 i'-l f.e Mr i hi tl-,.- ("..I' ll ill-' I ale.' h. i in ea.nit lew TI-." - h.u .li' "t p i- t.. !.-!-. n .il M. ..-n.i on April 1 -ti t k pnniu.-.'- .1 tieiliK I ;n'llil II ''li' nf "--! M-. .HIV M-.IMHI ill "'lie i-l-t Nl.'w fl ' II dm.: liie s. CM' Wlll'er 'lie 1"l i- s p,l-S.'d tll'ii.ii-'ll. 'here W . I.' t mll'.i.ll ' Hi ! few i.v. r.'i.'rt;d ill 'hU -.Cicii I" ,ti- A. I., in.- v i.b fi" m -re , .n fl ...'.- I i .!'. "' I 'i ' "I I!..' ! I -.- t ..,.,K i.' S.i I !..im . . r '- V" 1 oi "" v " -:', . t 'i. i. ' i . ' b ..,'!.-.!- "i ,,, , , . .. . ' . i - ' ! ii. i -.-'.; , ' i: - . .-' ' ' i. 1 1 I ' ii.. ' ' '-.' ; ... til r- " - ' : ' !. I', I Ii" . re w . I- . i .' '. ... ! t : , ' ... i 1 ; ; ,i, ! .1 From Daily Wretchedness and Pain to Normal Health. K Crouse, Manchester, la.,. For two years m'back was weak. Rheumatic pains racked my lower limbs, day and night; - The action ac-tion of the kidneys was annoyingly irregular. ir-regular. When 4 started using Doan's Kidney Pills, these troubles v soon lessened less-ened and the ull backache vanished. The kidneys now act normally and I give Doan's Kidney Pills credit for this wonderful change." Remember the name Doan's. F r sale by .all dealers.. 50 cents a bos. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WHERE SHE HAD HEARD IT Mrs. Jackson Quite Confident She Had Picked Out a Biblical Name for Her Boy. The late Bishop (lallier was once asked to baptize a negro baby boy. "Name this child," he said, addressing address-ing Mrs. Jackson, the mother of the black mite Hallud" "That's a strange name, Mrs. Jackson,'" Jack-son,'" r.Hiiarked the bishop, hesi taiingly. "Scripture name." rejoined the happy mother, with a confident grin. "1 never saw it in the Pible." Why. bishop, how-kin yuh ttan' up d.ir kiddin' a ole ignorant niggah lafk t is" Yuh says dat name whenevah iib nays lie l.awd's prayer 'Hallud be ihy name! ' "-Success - Magaiinc Optimism. Kicker -I.ook bow easy ii is for flies to get in tliiiwigh thtse screens' - 4i:n!l.Hd V but bmk how easy It is iur tin-in to get out again! !. Wrnfc, Vlturfi mtrrf Fr. r ; ' i . . 1 :.- M-ii.ri" i:v.- K'-tiu'dv. I'ry M..iii,.. l'ei V.e.r Ti."it..-. Vim n ill I.:...- M .r.in." It S....II.. s .". at Yiir I'l lL-Ui-'- Writ.- I .T K. j:....ks. Free. Jliiliii.. i:-..' K. in. .Iv t'.i. ''I.l' ;.'. Ifs iiiilteiilt to r. iti v nice a wiinnin that o!l..r wnlr.en an- as good as they w .in' Ii. r to think they are. T t X llf A t l II l F I.Y TnVo IAVlll lill.'Mii on'i'i'if -liiblt-t .r. tit : .; -1 ii -f il ii 'i-l tA rl. K. f . blitt k. fc.fcl.u'.urt' l..n . a. h !... i. Tlit-re s a li t ol hot air used iu t y balloi'ti.-- ami soaring i-leiiie A TKU I IMi I'Ol 411 -tt Nr.-nir a prniin. i -"-.--.i . I - " i n-e e-. hi n "- rO...it A N-"'.-. .rtf...v .ih h l..r ltiU ...4 ii .i .it iw. va Ji JU I. II. t ilnv in. ii wteotl kn k il their wives I (.tr ak lor an eight Lour day. J l Vi-tr l'.-ant 1'r'li.i. rti,.i .nil ml-i ml-i cr..r -..ti... I.. .r ar. (..-. ml . Uti Kraiej.. . U.f UiUfcfiiiui.tr Fcl (niie bnw i-ai-y il Is tu t to salt- ii nin WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Need Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound v m i::ial ie toiin .if.T kitniof w-'k anJ .i.iv . i:.tal 11 i"in.U. M ! eulde .1 it. l.i. k t i lh-tlti" lh-tlti" t'at w men ii.ay e ' t attire t Vrim: :. them tl.e t 'h.uu-.- lafrt. I e t a I- " of I y-Ui .. :-.K):m' ei'tiii I'ntn-liu: I'ntn-liu: I at I !' made tnr f. ltii i '.Utter, at 1 1 1. IT- t ntiiv c 1 it ti -. I am . . rv i-Tit. i i.S 1 1 y-.il f .r t e r ; 1 -ih w :... :r.jf " Mm. siRa!I F.' i si U Liv,i.t-,;,.u srw.t, 'i . : . f I.'.fe r---. rritl c.il :. i!.i'ii ar.'. . i:-' :.. . t- .'.ft' : Xu.s t. ..- utj:j ' C- - - :.4 -..:s. V. - n i . rjw ; er ;n' I r-mrv I r t . u i ' i- :;; I --. r a " . it ... ';t ' . -r , ,-:y v :i "i." tl.'l i-v.i - .1 '.-.4 I.vi: 1. I. . ' im'i . i . . r ; , i, L-iv I: :m Ust J a-, i :'-v 1" r j .r i" - rn w-f-n f 'i t - ' -.r.- f -ts.' f oi i.'i i .- " t ! f4 : !: ';- v ! r I f f fjUri- t ' ' J Ul. . f, kJ If ..ii m .nil. I like1 ' ' a'!te p...ii .r .t v rit- . i -ifilrtl" t tl ! r i t r. I'nkt sirt. at t : r. ' . M. - i-l.. . . nr ,?f.' i --r l.lilii- Tlic Army of Constipation C V T f . ITT J yy . - - . i r r t r c-c - , i ,MW"-U.V Mrs. lays: 7 wn. In I 1. $ k f intla 't - Saa Sa. MUST S iinui vunv r- - nun PRESIDENT MADRIZ MAKES PLEA FOR RECOGNITION OF LEGITIMACY LEGITI-MACY OF HIS GOVERNMENT. But State Department Insists That Last Trace of Disorder Must Disappear Dis-appear in Nicaragua Before Recognition is Extended. Washington. President Madriz 'of Nicaragua has offered to give the United States every guarantee demanded de-manded for the safety of American life and interests in that country in return for a lormal recognition of the legitimacy of his government. Senor Correa, who represents Madriz in Washington, has been in communication communica-tion with the state department on this subject and "on Tuesday had a long talk with Assistant Secretary Wilson. He told Mr. Wilson that Kngland, France and other Kuropean powers already al-ready had extended such recognition, while Mexico has refrained from doing do-ing so only out of consideration for the United States. I-t appears, how ever, that the obstacle in the way is the insistence of the state department that" the last trace of disorder must disappear in Nicaragua before recognition recog-nition Is ex'ended. RAILROAD FOR UTAH'S DIXIE. Country Rich in Mineral and Agricultural Agricul-tural Possibilities to be Tapped. Halt T-ake t'rty 'Thf -Tribune 'declares 'de-clares thai Sal! l-alo- N to be con nected by rail with a nouthern portion of the state which is incalculably rich in mineral and auricult aral possibilities. possibili-ties. A company has rei!' been incui nora'i d. bv S:ct 1 ;i k.- . i ; '. t .1 list s . ,tii-in-struci ami uiieta l'-'! Illl-e.s III '.ii -oil' liern ;o,'l north stand. ml uair-e rai'ro.el t ' tali, sou- In ast Ne ;i !a west Atizona. It is the II .iition to Th'i' in". .(i,o. Ia .i-l -oiith eo'is' nu t a line from ltea er count y. mi ' he S.i n I .?jii;eies - Salt Lake ras.i' to t'eil.ir i'y ami K.mar'.i -n ? coal ttfiiiti. and lli'iH'e -uitliwes! tliroiiL-.li St. (o'.irt'e to tin S.tn'a Vi-ralh-eii'i.'in tin- llnalap'ai aii'-v. at or near Kmymail. in Aiiona. Willi a l uu dranch from below K.inarra. -ouMr i-t tliioui;h the (ill and timber ie iimns to tli" (Iran.) Caimm of the Colorado river, and shorter bu' im-porianl im-porianl branches fnuii near Cedar l ily to the creat coal field and Iron Hi'inniiilus of Iron i-uiiuty, L'tah Prefdent Pleadt for World Pace. New York The president of the United States "spok' In the c.msu of world l ac Tuesdav nlbt before fuch a brilliant aisen.b-.ie a' the Hotel A- or tti.it in- d -i-i ile-il I' as ijei la'., e. e w-" the honored c-i. M at a l. i .pi. t ..f ' !.- I'-.o a:id Arbltr.,' ;' ..!- .H.d li- - "'' Ipa'- Spe.lk. 1 il'' iti.i oti.l' - I ' ' W i lli" k"Wi:.' ..' ...r-. .oil'- - l-i' I.' sp. ak- .- .. i-..a'' I He- i'c- I- i '! '-arni-imt t.t of Im' " ! -. V '-arnd '-arnd and t.:r. i w.- .' ''' tl! a ii. me ir.i;i.iti nuiver-. I. 'l ha" t'lli." ii : i 1 . 1 1 1 Thf Naval Appropriation B'K. V;rhi:u'.ii Tie- t i i' a;-; " , - li t...n b;i:. it - iu,; II."' ' .7.';- J w a, . ;nt;.-. to 'I.-- h-. .ii 'I : . In i.-the i.-the natal romm1''" lb i'i,.i'i' ! l..l ." I""'. i !.-v l , i'l ';- .J.-S-I't it . n; .-M'!..c- '1 h- i-.'. :-i -1 1 4, r.atai ll.i lMai. ... ! o I:.'--' ll.i-i- ! a- h !-. f.e r ; ilr c : , ! 11 v.- si .' I. .el.'J l.e Mo'--. Il "' f- i''' r.-d a !'i.!i"'.'v r.:- rt tiv ...n ; ..i !- r-'. :- ' ! .!,. . . - s ' '! -' - r. !! :' - f " a '..'.i'. ! f i- ' ' ' '' - 'n. a ' ; - i. i - ' a ! - B'i.n Irjurtd bjr a Fi 1 i if i.'i II Ne I l.i; i.-.' f . ' - i . - W lit.' ..' IVI, ! .. t . i' '. J .1. r ti; !- - x!.,.. - ,e-.r -r. K ii 1 ' ;a l. U ! . ii.-! i .,(.!. . I- ' l'.l- It- : r i. titi . 1 r ' a V . '. f .!-. a - a . t . L t L 9 KNOX i$grry: jp ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Aegetable Preparation for As -similating the Food and Regulating Regula-ting (he Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-nessand Digestion,Cheerful-nessand Rest.Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic Ptttpe efOIH DrSAMVElmIEJl fixIlM, Smb -Amst SJ harm Setd - Kr.o! - A nerfpet Remedy forConstipa f"! lion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions levcrisrt-ness levcrisrt-ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company. NEW YORK. 'Guaranteed under the Foodawl Exact Copy of Wrapper. FREE -TO Th.-tl!IUSKi.KUSTIilM I'lANOl'f ru wml . I h rliu A i v. Ill ...lie li "' If ' i -'I i -'if I" '- '" U.i.-i bi',."ii. I- art" uwiiuta'ii.t.i.g i.mu.".ii ui" JEipiglf 5.elalaiB!a3l1feaec!,ijilfi riHST l-KIZK-ONK SIOO.00 SKI.f KOTHOH 1 il t . - I I ' i ! Ii- .1 I' 1 1 "'" "' j ... I j -I I II-'- ulli.' ""HI IMI IIHI M'- -...n- K .... i j-i i o..- uiii- a -i ".J ii ji.,w.,r. u. 1 , .- j I i. : i .il-.. i..- i r. ! 1-1.. h-. h-. i . , , ,. V 1 i . r i I 1 '- . ! t I . I , .,".i,,.r i..- . i i. " ..i ,UI ...',1 1...H ....... SEGERSTROM B04 NICOLLET AVENUE An lrreit.tle Prtition 'Aid now . 1 M d ill ' a I ' .. .j, . . ,;. ,J . J la ' e-l.e.ld. ! I. r I. ill 'Ii h. h :pi-'i. .il"l.. Iti n ! ,'i. n i! .' ;.m w a ile- T..V.. p' m.-i;, I I .'l I'ri'!'!-! iH'.'i-l -li. -I-t . ii a. t ! wld - t.,.k. j i! . i n -.ii-; in' a:. -; d ' :, i- l ; h ,,:!. i ! ! Ii-.' .! l...ii .lit s .,) 1 .if - I'll '!o d" t. ' I t.-.i. I--. II. a t " i km - t-.r V t -t '! I, .f. Il l.'"t." a J-S "i ,.-...! ,-,' . C, . i- I -'..I. .ti ! - t , , . !.., ,-t. ' il l-- ii-U ! !...!! ..... i ; ,li-l. t. .M ih I 1. a-i. ' tl" I r ! i. .'- jr I-.i -i'l .'V '" ta.. t .. -I : ': ! ' ' ' -' ' , . . (, !.-.. Lil f i ! !. I ! tra' ' .-' m ' 1 ' . : :.i in (..- ' a-!-- mhii'i'I .in l .J-'!. a I. i ... ,,(,. ti ... j . ' t. .' f. . U . i r f. i.i j a .ti '. i- '. Afii-;, ' Prove It at Our F.aptte l.... . t , . i;L'i la.'- i. .J '.' -M ?... r,. ! .!;. i t.r-.'j tat" t ! . !.S-j, ' .-'', !!.ir r.'j.j'r. a ;.: !' I ..'.'?.'! i-t tl t- t ..t ... i I ; I I '. kr.. I '.at It ... a ,ij s: t - a !,t I " .. a!.l c-'.t.r ! i.'.': ..-! .'if ;!iij -! T.-tf't- . . J r. ! r ra n'.-l ! Power I - ' r-" a - m V - t .1 r . . " f f I r -.;-, li " ' -'' " ' - J JWi:w al i t .--." i;-.:i.iii ' -e' . . -.(. I " k . I" -. .r.i. N, .- .;'.- a t ' ' : - -" 4 r ra . . .f wax. . - -n i H t n I " I ' I nf; It r. pm,.. "W V I r-in-' " t- -- fl r"". -a- i.-ii i aa i-'"- Mt-.'..--- atAt ..'-. - - J r,-' T ?" t - a I kiitr f4f, IT 2IAKES TEAK WOMEN STOONG, sick wojnu'aCii.... ill For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Bears Signature YOU-FREE M '" ' ' h ' ,',',,:'T;" J-lvt-n -.- . ii r l.i. -".T lo.'i o. I n.t.aies. ''-" 1M.NO : tioa. - u a. u iu Wanw. Always Bought w hfr US8 jr For Over Thirty Years Mt tii . o m. ' " .J.l,J.mm"" 'J '' """" 1 0 VI I I I I 1 l t IrV-tl .mmm . r- mr" it- ! .-et-'. i.i ii. t.i. - I.. i4 r (..... - ...,. - i t it,..'M.i'-l-l.l' i.-nv-.i. - . . - - , ... ... ... ''. "li'"i'l '' "''" tm-" '.i- ..ie ! . I i..l.l - , .. ,e.!"" "rt t'ft- ! :-' 'v ''' ,N'' ' """'' m " " "' , . . , . . ... f, Ik '.. - .u ni Jul . ... ' u.l l.. ...I. l - a. u I .... - .1 I'- K . e ' l i t . I , ..ill.'. .,,;...!, ..'itr .a . i- .. - '- " ' ... " ' ' - - ' .... i ... ..5 ugl 'l I-' ' ' ' "' , - .1 . PIANO MFG. CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA May Mjx Canvrct-, l"to Saialurii. lit. i . .. . ... i-i i .iii.in l.i II-, 11,1,1-.'.. 1.1.1 J-lilifl ii'i'! ...ifM- "I '! .f n I attloliO . i,. ; i :. .,t.. i. -1 'M fit an4 ,. -, . sar.-ilt.ria. .. li I'l'i.'ioO - .. . . i ' I r . i ' i : . . r. , t n i,.it u nai I i ii- i i, r.,t" !r-m tu !, I' i '. i a i t. ry tigb. r u i i : " " "' ht i I ., i, .. ;r 4 DTr"a' h'mttSf . f , .1 . . i , i . in f. a ti'tr.k ! t .J t y . 1! H, !. , : -t . ; . i . n I - t - - .; .- .. ... d . frtl-C'l. t i! -i -i - ,- h - i i . - . t. ; ; rio irKKr iiuivnitKitir - . i . .... - f, lt ' ' -' i 4 t -,' . i I . I I Kl II It ( In I I Mil r-' - - - vi. v. . . ,,.,.',,i..ii.-j'j r M i6... . r. r v ' f" 1 " ' ' I 5 in '. ' . ! "' - .'-. .'- lm J;,-- -i ii-' j ft f r f f C a 'ait4J 4 I', t . , - - - - S fc ' - ' . : 1 --' t t T I .- H" , ,- " 3t -"--;-; ! N I" ' i- S. ' ; 'ii a. ni - 1. a it...i w ' a . .--aw tsti f- a.a- ) i-i . - T? j. .-- ' - .'-1 i H ' ti I'MT-I't : . - - cj.nv:m.i f . - - . - - " |