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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS ) ASK FOR HEW-MO-JA The new high grade, steel cut perfect Coffee. The only fresh roasted Coffee in the state. Blended.. roasted and packed by Hewlett Bros. Co. Sold by your grocer for 40c per pound. Think of this a minute! It costs twenty-five cents a month to carry one of our $75.00 watches If it only wears twenty-five years. Without abuse it will wear twice long. 8k M' WIN It SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Why Not Own n Hnrni' ThmanN i.t .!. ' ch..i.-e r;.-,ili1rl land binc hroutht lai'trr i auun in M illard a ill l'eavi-r rnijiaim 1-y i: r i iuii Fifty Thousand Acres ta Miliaril county will he iliM'0'-'-'! of un dert'ircy Ad n:l,"i Iiruvt-ini: at I Mitt, I'tMh. (I.mrityl I ' ' Mii,.l. .irii U Pre the Agi-M at ft' Main Sip-i-i I'ti.'ii" Bull Hio-han-:e lte tur 'iri.ritn ratr lid Iltrratlir..; T f Vrrn, j it um i i i".i:t. . lien. Ia". Art A.t o ai Att- CHHGER WIRE & IRON WORKS 11 STATE STREET, SALT LAKE CITT mm Mb Tbr a'xn" r !-. i,K i.e.- .! 0,. n .eiv 'I "' e-'il Va.tftia ,.1 Iren r.-i,. , ... it.aM.ta. Oif. l"f teal-IflHi- iT?).-t-rT Int-. H-'U ":l''li' fiUliKliC'' Writ fur ata .'"irn ani iirn-i-. TESTED SEEDS It root a huti.fr 1 nt .e:'f 'f ar to TEST OUR SESDS i Hiil hri ,mi l-iir tiif-iM en -i ! I u.rf ... Tha Quality. W t ! ( '"ir f raa Daacriativa Catalog. POUTER-WALTON CO.. Salt Laka City WANTED V t V IM'"SIIM n I- . I ... t. a, I I W- Ti..l -!. . I 1 s ' MOM Lie bAKBCR COLLEGE JJ '.- ,-rt, .,..! , -. I ,. . t. I -..! rubber SUHFS; ;; I M 1 I i I. I 'f lu. I. I : ' -' M I 1 I : SALT LE STAWP CO.. Sail Laka City Culture. "Mudt.i....';a"i It:.. '- e,d- l.. Tiio'ii y ,n a I. i ; t i- ' ti , Jt-i-'. d - "ti a " ' a ' " Jut ! f i ia " I k-.'TV ! I "! "'-' baa ha t d-'t,'- i i "' " ' ' ' : M i. :.- th- - ! .'. ' ! - ! ' ..:.! i: i ' !;.! ' lai:' jan.te i i.t r . w . ! " Wut He WanttJ -;! rfa tr '.a i ' i 1 t". 'h-tt 1 ran : t i !.. a" a '. i-.t u " i, i.t t A 'i i ', t . t '' !. I I .uit M a wit !, ti tl :-;;t "'"i'." "J-.iejj, Ka"t-iii r WVat th C;r" About Wcman. T..- 0.1m -. ti....- I- .it.j '?'- s y-t-r '.-i n,- -i Jtn ti4 ' ! :" th" ' :.'!! .: V. v, Ire ! a '-. -' ' r -!.0 ta ti- ( -n I" r ' .:. I, n t,. th.- ? i- "' I . ti i f'.r m .-:. M r !d ' i- y rt ' I" ' 'M- p. ,.,, c, ;f,r f.-r t'k p. ,t fi-e f- f " i ' - f tin t ,... h V t'i I- '-T" f i '-: i t V'. Mm I ""It I set; . i f: ' -r, t i ' ' - '.. Vt 'SS5 !-s. jit. , Mi -' -a .j ..- ' I - - "!- I'' ' 1 ''' I t- -: - a t. ". ' . . - - r -1 Ik ' - ' . . ' v , - ' - . . '. . t ' ' ' I AW J (" V fly 1 f lit T 11 j 1: '4.1 ' DON'T NEGLECT YOUR KIDNEYS. Airing the Poodle. The messenger buy toe,l the leading lead-ing lady's pet poodle in front of the big ventilatioii tan and tied him "(Treat Scott, hoy.!" exclaimed a bystander, by-stander, excitedly. Do you want to blow that dog away? Why, that fan Is worse than a cyclone." "Xaw!" snappt d the mes-.sengor hoy with a pout. "Let him staf the " and get aired That blooming t i-tress hires me two hours every day to uir her blooming kihoodle, and I want him to get enough of it " The Simple Life. . 11 uugt y Guest -.Urajd l m a bit late, but hope I haven't kept breakfast waiting. wait-ing. Ilost-ss (Hi. d forgot to nuiition that we're trying the no hioaklast" plan, ami feel so Hindi better lor it. We do trust it will h.tvt; the satin- effect ef-fect with. you. g An aching li.uk is ir.stit-.t!y fe':. ctl l y a' ap; in a;i':i "f Mi .in" I iniuii i.t. 1 i:.s 1 :i in, i t t !; st! ; l-.c-z (f iiiis-af atul i i'tl tt ij .hi Ma ky l.istois. It J 1 ' : s :t',..-.:t tt:l.?."V- ti' 'Ji the -In a:.'l ii.ns. :'.v t:-. .-: T'ht ti th" I-'Tf, rj-::rkrr.- th' I'! !, i: ia' S C'-t cs' a.l. ..: J. :.es J fi;l..!li I t ii Cl Ji tw Ilij t.iaty H !icf. Hvrt' the Proof. i.i ... I l!,.i t! P - w -" ' . f - I I 4 ! j. ,:t i i- . - U k . "a, ' ! I ' . ,s t ' ,, I' l.ll. tc . I'liia 1.. a a i ,e - - I ",T I ' a ? : -I I I ,. (- - .!-!'..'. u. , , rt ' - r I I '. :. e- r 1. h I .. "n."l t.- it Ii.,- l ..!. f'.t. -t I i- 'i i i ... s f .n't. i i r viliAii ) tu&a iu lta aii v. lui-aa la Sloan's Linimeni a. - t--r t . . t ..i - i-1 . . t. If. T,?a, i I .ifi t-.i,fci - a fc I t k 1 i t I -t . - f bk to 1 I -.-ft; , a i - fc ? a t-ii t.. - -1 - ..! f .. -I " i. aj"s I.; ' t t l,j n-i i-i tl a x fflt-5y 4 Kf. u-r.i: u-r.i: N "Til..-i it i a :i f r n th : r. .-j ' i rt j -1 v it J'J h a a. Cr. D1 S. S'::i. Bctt If tt.USl Iff TROUBtJ !:l Hrs tVt.r ifJ Lame mm lUiutU. Q Bad BLOOD ?-! -r I -r, tt'iZ '" I k 1 Sat r.--Jaj . f- W -iT' l . -d ct- I a r-.-;.-tl - ! fc if "- -i N-w I -- .'. 45 i - - I i a" ' :--cl t- ru t t ! . i t"--4 ' - ' j t-.j! C --- -r ? '. a 1 Vr,-!, t Uit Utt a vCj PICE IN BOLE OF DARING HERO I HENRY OF PRUSSIA KILLS BEAR WITH KNIFE, SOWING - FRIEND. . f. ROYAL HUNTER HAS NERVE Attacks Bruin as He Fells Count, Res-cues Res-cues Companion, Then Carries the Wounded Man Miles to Camp. Chicago. - Prim e Henry of - Prussia,, brother of Kai.-er Wilbelm , was, according ac-cording to late copies of Kuropean newspapers received in Chicago, the hero of a recent bear hunt, during which, at the risk of his own- life, he saved that of a high Hungarian noble under circumstances that prove that The .prince is an exceptionally brave man Soon after New Year s Prince Henry was the guest of a hunting party on the estate t?i a great llunariaif magnate mag-nate in Sietnliuergen. The guests were all from highest rank of the Hungarian nobility", aid among them Count l.adislaus S.:i :uy. a close personal per-sonal friend of Prince Henry. Karly in the morning of the fourth day of the hunt tne dogs had start ed a big bear from its testing place. Prince Henry and Count Szapary had hecmne separated from the rest of the party when the b-ar was seen to ap proach and the two hunters hurried , to occi:uv the little platforms erected i in the trees ftir fheir com enii-nce. The big bear, in blent !y in a tower j ing rage from the harry 'tig of the doi-s. i now t-hul'led into th" clearing near the ; trees where the count was stationed j Hi' fired, but oiv wounded the .beast, ' and al the same instant Hie platform, either tn-Mi imecire fastening or , Jrom some h;jst movement of the oc- i upan:. I'll to ihe gioiind with the j'eoiltit .. . A 'I lie h ar made. a jump and with his pa w strui k tie' li(c.!.!el of tb- toiilit I a Mm!' i' l.l-o.T. bit;uilg tile blood ill i ste .n:ts, iot!w ing flu- ita k l-y ! j. i4nlJi4Wi-XiuItt-iii .lT)ut .lauilLL tiled !u draw iii-! biint.Jig k:iT'lj(t JaiUted i Irom paill and lies of blfloir" , j Now !h- situation became c'ltici' j Th'- 1,,-ar was about to renew its at ta k Mud! I'ritieo Henry leaped itoui Ills lllsl.Hit t!ee. rushed lip to Itii' brdte and. no! dating to hi" lor tear of wounding or kT'lng his friend, at J lacked it with. hK hutitniB ktiite and miccei ded tn gidug It a death thruf. I the animal sinking to the ground wlui ! a pierced lung . ' Puil the ihit'L-i't wa not pas-t The i t o nit w a Id'.g i n ' !'-., on the nmw . ! 'he Mood sl I ' .i 1 1: U lloiii ihe wo..tld 31 1 i n -i -a- '' f. ' v l v - . Cj- ti.t-. . jSAa. x i I . w . - .1. .. - .t . - .1.1 ... ' j tr at t a h"". - ! t Ut.' Fam'el (.'! Pain aril Leu et 6 ted t. d!" ; ." r-n-,,, r. ! trr Jt j t ? 1 .. .r- t :. - f - t 1 1 f VI f : .i.V. .... t... - -U.T. r u.....t ' 3Nh J - . ' I--" h ' " ; ,a .i,;..- .... ;- ..j, . 1 rf . .-J JJ ''';"''' ' ' - ',- . ... j i's, aa e 1 f " Wy ' ' iMta. t. H-t.. ' - w fcj U Vi kJ Li ' f-.;t t- .;.'..!;-! ' r- " 50 KQc"jjB weak: M Unit Id, rntt RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STRAINING, SWELLING, ETC. Stops Pain in the Bladder, Kidneys and Back. Wouldn't it be nice within a week or so to begin to say goodbye forever to the-scahfinsr, drihtvling-isTTaiiiing. or too j irequeoi passage oi urine; tne lore ; head and jhe back-ol-the head aches; i i the stitdies and pains in thiVback; the : growing muscle weakness. . sots be-i ! forS the eyes; yellow skin; sluggish ' bowels; swollen eyelids or ankles., leg1 cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness sleep-lessness ami the despondency'.' SI have a recipe for these .troubles that you can depend on, and if you , want to make a quick .recovery, you : o'jght M w ritt and get a copy of it. Many a dm uir would charge you $ ! ai jtwt for writing this prescription, but 1 have it and will be glad to send it , to you entirely free. Just drop me a i fine like this: Hr. A. K. Kobinson. K-267 l.uck Puilding. Detroit. Mich.,, and I vu!l semi it by return mail in a 1 plain envelope. As you will see when you get it. this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but it has great healing and pain-conquering power. It will quickly show you its power once you use it. so 1 think you had bet trr see what it is without delay. I will send you a copy, free yon ran use it ' und cur"' yourself at home. SURE THING. i Driven by Hunger to Desperation. Mrs. .M'-le had I'lM t t j: .;. ,! I.oti-t frOtll the , .!!!.! ' . to lli: ' ' ' I 1 1 I' Viously 1. 1 II - lo, U d Wi'i'li.-i"' inptv "Cood l-.o" is, HeiM-it..'" it:. dt" her hu b hm, ' wlu re an- all 1 1 ' clothes? Aid wlat in tLe wmbl i-Ihal i-Ihal big Mack pati h oiiLn Cielawn'' "Nelly.' he It plied lliont lift.i'y. altr I had t .;rod tot two Vliob- da? s", V"" i wrote v:: tii.it Hie, ' ' V ot Jle- Jiiilitrj ' w as In the pocket ot our bub-ro Wi II ! I do.", t know a bolero from a ln v plait- d iu!!r, and I n tb hp rate, so I tool, all Hit Unties out on the l.i.tli .ilul burin d 1 In k. y among t b--a-im ll.etl I I. till tl. -s M .g s" 'Hoa Sh.irprr TH.in Srrpcrt '& Ti. i. ,.i :t.i''t .! I . i a- -i i. ,-.i , m a t ii. i -i . 1 I Is i- ;i d .b ' I' :n t! .1 I w 1.IS l , l.V i K .ii.d ia.,I II, The Rirj"t-rl7''r"rT jM'i ! . i i ' - - .;. a ! h. t . i on tl.'- !k " '..'. I- if k ' t a'.ti I " ''.; - .ta ' . ilie ilav - . . i '..,',-!" i- ,ei , h w.vr ., Ii! t' ' e t.tie ii it A' i ; ; lV, t. ' t ii ti.-,' t f i-ti ; - .-'.e v n . !-.- t: . nil- i t ti i t-r-.-iry 1 1. E '. r 1 ,, I .. J ''. nt.e r 1 I I. a"' ' t Heal, d . .s.' .i .t.-l - re, 1! il.. l;i! i !. . I : Ti ' - ''! - 11J tt a I '' I I II' rt! i- "' Ii'- : 'if f J - a Little tm:.g Change te Hc-e ftr' ' 3 Hoy- Pai.i. i- It Itiwll.- that g through vir i i"t he- .' Papa V' - ; it's n..i s all t i.-'.t - a -- ." . " t i is! ' T 2 . ' " 't i' radical RAILROAD REGULATION AND ITS rnnnflT rti nitfiirrrip trrnti uim To the Business Man: With enormous enor-mous crops' commanding the highest prices ever known; with every kind of. business on a safe and sensible basis; w ith merchandise stocksof all kinds almost al-most at a minimum: with everybody desirous of making good alt the ncccs- j c.arv improvements which the' past two years" depression would not permit of. and to till up stocks whidi have been almost depleted, with plenty of money and credit to do all these things, there is a hesitation by the greater part of the . business ceniiitunity. tor the reason that something ban appeared .calling a halt in the--.progress which had so fairly started in the latter half of I'.tO'.l. The tine great ami most apparent ap-parent element which has. caused this "hesitation, is that the railroad corporations cor-porations of this cou-it'ry have stopped ihe purchase, of anything beyond their immediate p. i . r . ii ics. so much so that betieruieti's which had been prelected; i w hich are not only betterments, better-ments, but in a great many cases are almost, or soon will be necosMliesI amounting to ow r one thousand millions mil-lions of dollars, have been held up It is customary for railroads to prepare their budgets of expenditures January 1st. If these bndgets had Men prepared pre-pared on the lines of necessities the nut look for general bastiess. particularly particu-larly among manufacturers., would be i xcept-ionally good for -p.'iu. These budgets have not In ''11 presented, atld ;-te not within the tall, or even within 'he sidil "of those who wmiM gladly w !.-,. tio them, and it is doulaiul when v.i' ti'At M- able to tnrtke "fHv r;t-ion ,'f r- force:'--! m the lu.i iiulai i u i inu and -."!-!!! 1 -,-ful WOl Id It IS Hll'pie. t loll : ! ' f u that the railroads would ''.oily etiti r into a year of liberal ;"i V'irure, but a matters stand now. .1 'piltivp. . j" I'- .l-to !e thai V l :..k in ihe tie y wi I be it;t'l the ci T l.itt.r patt of d- i .a: tin v w el T'ai.'.l itTt Hie'v .1 . ll-l-e t" h lu: ' . lb. ..! ;: I . l-.ti.il. e,).--l the :ii: ir that wh-rh the tb. f i: re. I'llS III. It . that d la tie .'I I; i ! I part ""I lo .-.' is i: i.! " i ll "' be i nmitid n et Hid id t ' : ' noli '1 w I'll wih and 'i' I: in'' Miu " r 'in . nt of men i' r i: I . In i xi v In lor ting I..:!- h i I i II-- I p: i lta leases or imp , wi,. : ' iiH nt lues, and .iibsol il. ly calling a bait on in w (.in;, i tnl railroad 4 ti! i pi I: t-s. ml th" railroads have not faded the I'oi'i.'ti that tiny tin txeupv '!,'--;' civ: on- I pi .a : tiny nil !::!: ' iiti'Pn'f 'u ! i.i'e the tu i c it y of t'iiei":r tiie;r ttaiks and i-'uipi:icnt ' . J, . . t . tet . nt tl pn t ., nn.l of. This il: ll i iii fa. would not ttf a very d tb m. itnl vt , f 1 that 111-' 11,.- e ad . i ; . i ! ! e "1 ' il ai-'ual or ih it ,i i t. 'le 1 1. ,.i. I t.. r ii ' " i . - .)..,...;,, , . ' . ii ' f v i. a ,i , - ,- . t M - .. ' . i- a a I- . -. a" . , ' v s l r . ' I I i , ! DISTEMPER S n: :n c:.. pEFIiKCEC::JWalrSf;rch DUaMNuo. cfetised desire on the part of investors to put their money into railroad proo-ertb's. proo-ertb's. They have been given to un-! dt tstaiKf that pi obablv their borrow-j:1 ing capacity is to be limited within narrow lines by the Government, so that even if they were willittg to make' these expenditures, it would.. Iw dlffl-j cult for them to obtain the necessary balancing - In fact, looking at it from any point, the owners of railroad- property have nothing to see that, would enuoutage them in spending any money, until they have u more definite idea as to what extent they are going to bejri tt trolled ami directed by the National Government, and under such circumstances, circum-stances, all of the vast industrial enterprises en-terprises that are depending upon the -railroads, will.tind that, at the time that their present orders upon which they are working, issued some sii months ago when it was not 'dreamed of that the present adverse conditions could possibly arise, will have been completed, that we will again be In practically the same position that we were. in during the early part of 1908. In my judgment unless Congress restrains re-strains its interference with the earning earn-ing capat iti of tho railroads, there will be a permanent setback in tho general business of the country, that It may take years to overcome. Some Congressmen think that the railroad interests are the real force that is behind the rapidly growing unrest un-rest of the business men regarding legislation. This is absurd; we need no spur to wake us up to our unfor lati. ite situation, which Is by no means confined to railroad supply institutions. There are 1,."iimi,i0i) railroad ein-p'oveis ein-p'oveis It takes 1 ."oil, (1(1(1 men t0sill ply what the railroads need, and at number of men are employed in supphmg the pei-oii. il ileitis of tho above :;.MMl .rtt'O men Kvory kind tit Mi iiie. U tb p. lab u! iu- spun,? -tunas nre on railroad pro.- penty. l li.- pi oili.i ers "of wool, cotton, to Mo..), su--ar ami many o'her n-lal aiMib-s in ihi.-t country, have so in tin. a d them Ives iu ihe-r business that lb. v have tor. .il 'he G. w ral bull I llll" lit I' If t I I tl til P :t thti . i ll r' cl v pro I ice ". S. W ll') ill-Ill ill-Ill p I V fl t . do not Ob- s it W b Idl We not prod at. -I to t; jut. ' Oil the same tea ami our .'f.p'.i ee tb -1 h il- inv el w iui !i v same ptiicipbr, and for the nits, wlx-n h i mess nu n Ih- con e as attive in h oi, ing after their Interest, and with ih- t-attiu right, we tan Induce the Gen-ral Govern iii'-nt lo glvt' tin equal protection by allow ing- the t.tlli'di'l rotiipattle!, who are the " produce"! m of our rt-veiiut to make inf'it ii nt profit to enable them to buy a full pletry of the goods they need whii h we maimlat ture. This will Involve mi j. i'. i t.i 1 tax, will ni an bt t t'T ra ilroad s 1 4 ", and luore I. 1 I ll' .i lor v r i j i . par'li il.irly l!m mi: m ..I in otl.-J ! . c a ; . in , ati 1 w In :i It is t on-M i n I a '. i y :" ' of all the H . la 'be r ti!- o id i .Mid : d "v t.l tlie WorkltlK p. ' ,. . w.- 7-' l' i'd h .- tie- H'b l en il.a . re io . i 1 1. 1 !".! . l I i il k : : aurl of i i' ii1 r v wot t.it.g ta C ju-e: I lc t r i' i.t' It ' ii tt t a'i,.- 1 10 I i '. S ,1 ',.: tu ii mi '!c re ill ry w f Ii the v. hot of t be I: ' tl w ho . t i ii r t the tie- i r, -A . r-1 is -4 if lt;. r- ' I' e:.K .1..I .ii ;n c.-l. i.t u hit h I I.e. laalial.li t it "i I !, :-"e ! r-t'a h.ivw I ' I si n, ' lis' are Ii ' , a.-tt-efi. .tiU'.-r 'i Hlb 'h" "ul :iti" - t !! ti ! e i'! . d n.i "! 'y Iu R"i )y ' ' " 1 '1 I I t' rn .- Me fe k'lls C!a ! a (;:;::i.v AXLE GREASE I I, ..- tf::-..-'-.;.. ! if. , r, - rt .f 1 .;. jf I s 'lr'i ii- a I tv '. ,". :s-:t CONTINENTAL OIL CO. 'IH -"i t r tr irlt.il rl :;.-vv:. .o , t s. 1. rHEUilATIS Cuntl Ri;;!t at Home a y yd K orJ to rrrraariiT .i 3 - T1 ;--. , I'. ' ' k"-'' T- i '- -" C.t t "i - v-Ti a tuft" '-r'Tr m. !ai La- a. ma1 Ua Aat- CaJL I . ,-t f a 7 ' a- a- ti. - r t - t . rATiaaw-: - I ml iw ai la? a 1 i DEFUXCEC:liVYi!sr Starch j w. H. U. a t Laa C j Hi 'HI ... .-. I! - . 1 t i J aw, tr. aH4 tn I--., k i rfsuu4,'-j ra a h 44. j .4 a r-rn.. r.n.. I n nunai ni nu 1 uuuunj uuLua |