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Show PLEASANT GROVE EW6.-?iMSM. 1 Car of Eugfiisa Cor.-.;.;s Savinfi' I" HARROWS Price SYRACUSE U-EAR STEEL steel spring frame harrow on rhe P. AND OWOOD FRAME HARROW, A NO. 1 Quality (40 tooth) T W fk iir ALL KINDS Special: The Syracuse t I, 1 1 Jr. Sulky Plow with latest improved J V 1 1 U shifting lever, and automatic rear wheel. The best plow on the market none. excepted. . $50.00 CANTON -SULKY Standard. Cultivators, American Woven . Hose. Gould's Double Acting Spray Pump and Accessor ies, Lawn Mowers, Electric a nd Water Motor Washers, Etc., Etc. All at the lowest Market Prices.' You Know Us. ( Goods Guarantee. Machinery Here For You to Examine None Better. Prices Right. Be Convinced. FUGAL BROS. ZT .1 . i Car of Buggies Coming Saving 20 COAL Clear Creek, Castle Gate, Aberdeen, Aber-deen, Hiawatha Diamond and Rock Springs Electrically Welded i Wire Fencing I A. K. Thornton I & Sons SPECIAL TRAINS. - to' Salt Lake Citv via SALT LAKE ROUTE, account" Conference. April (7: i i Provo, 20'Per Cent ti CD Per Cent. OSBORNE SPRING TOOTH, greatest soil pulverizer and orchard cultivator , known. (With riding .attachment.) $28.50 FRAME HARROW, the only market. (56 to&'tTi).. . $14.00 JlU.OU Durable ... $45.00 Wire Fencing, Garden Per Cent to 30 Per Cent. Home Canned Beef t Horseradish , Seed Beans S. F.Walker sSons 2nd. 3rd and 4th; special train leaves I Pleasant Grove 8:25 a. m. Three other good iraius daily. Tickets on sale April 1st to Cth. return limit April 12. Never in the History of Utah County Has Such a Sale Been Given as the One We Started March 15, Which Will Continue Until Our Entire Stock is Gone We must get rid of the goods in order to carry out our building plan. If you are going to need Furniture, Carpets. Wall Paper or QLiything for your house furnishings. Lny time during the year 1910, it will py you to buy now atnd store them until you need them. 4J We are positively selling goods for less than you can buy them at the factory. A few moments spent in our mammoth institution will convince you of this fact. We have fifty pianos of various makes which we are giving a special bargain on. Also a carload of organs which must be sold. It ltcvK TAYLOR (PLEASANT GROVE NEWS An independent weekly paper pub lished in the interests of Pleasant Grove and Ufahv County. 4. I Issued Every Saturday.. f " BY THE The Provo Herald Pub. Co. 1. J. DAVID LAR SON, Editor and General Manager. ASHLEY BARTLETT, Local Editor. Application made at the postoffice at Pleasant GroveJItah, for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year, -,' in Advance. s NOTICE . OF SALE., In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, . Utah County, State of Utah. In the matter of the estate of John Richins and Charlotte Richins, deceased. de-ceased. - - . The undersigned administratrix will .sell the following real property at pri vate sale, to-wit: Commencing 1.1 9 chains north of the- southwest corner ; of section 16, township 5 soi.th, range 2 East Salt Lake Meridian, running j thence south 77 degrees west" 8.55 chains; thence north, 11 degrees east, 4 62 chains; thence north 6S degrees, East S.62 chains; thence north 1.79 chains, more or less, to mill section; thence southeasterly along said mill section to a" point .4. 18 chains north. ui'srtts easi, iiuui lue iace 01 uc- ir.nning; thence south 7.j degrees, west 7.18 chains, to the place of beginning, be-ginning, area 4.66 acres more or less, being in Utah county, state of Utah. The sale will be made on or after 2 oclock p. ui. of the 4th day of April, 1910, and written bids will be received by the undersigned at her residence in Pleasant Grove, Utah county, Utah, -ut to and- including the 4th day of April, 1910. Terms of sale, cash; ten per cent to be paid at the time of sale and the balance upon the confirmation of sale by the court, and the sale to be made subject to confirmation of court. Dated this 21st day of March, 1910.. . . ' ADALINE JJ. KELSON. Administratrix of the above estate. 3-2541 CHICAGO and other Eastern points bet-t reached via Salt Lake Route. Direct Di-rect connections Union Station, Salt Lake City, with through trains. See Delicious Sund ay Jc CreamSweet Fresh Chocolates A THORNE'SCAFEl Will Pay you tafia t Deputy Sheriff Pratt brought Reuben Whitehead down from Clinton- Saturday Satur-day and took him before Justice Xoon where he ' was charged with selling liquor without a license. He entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to thirty days, in the county jail. White head objected very much" to going to jail and wa9iiling topay a large fine rather than go to. jail, but the sentence was insisted upon by Justice Noon. It is said that Whitehead has been disposing of a great deal of -liquor in Clinton and vicinity for some time past- INVESTIGATE We hsxve Jewelry for presents tvnd Jewelry "f - for valentines Watches from $5 to $100 ' The best Silverware for the table thai is made, in plated and solid .'. .. . t JAMES MARTIN Where the quality is always right American Fork B0UGIHS $3.$3I&$4SII0ES B0Y5SH0ES. THE LSREEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAK.E8." "I have,, worn W. L. Douglas hoe for the past sia years, and always find ther ara far Superior to all other hih (rade shoes In stria. cojitort and durability." W.Q.JONES. . . nu riowara Ave., unci, n. t. If I could taJte you into my large fac tories at Brockton, Mut and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas ahoea sue mad a, you would re4lize why they bold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. ('A I'TI 0-44 that w. t. ttnoummrsnd pma kvnid on lb bottom. Take alMMt, If yHir dlr rantx 111 TM with W lIoutr;ulu, t ;ie iut iUiiunw t Lio. W.I.DuuclM.liruc&iuii, TQM. BuMJt BT . -' ; - S - PIcasanlGfovcMer.Co. to Come and See Us BEOS. ,FOR SALE 10-acre farm, 1 mile north of Pleasant Groove Bank. Beyond Be-yond city limits. Six-room, soft rock house, barn, granaries, cellars, city water, all kinds of fruit. See S. J. Nelson. 3t . FOR RENT Two room house, pantry pan-try and bath. See James '.D. Thorne. ,2-acre'city lot for. "sale. . Best location in" city. - Ask W. H. Hayes. In everybody's mouth. Output in 1909 doubles over 1908. Carload business is taking the place ofcretail trade Pleasant Grove Roller Mill A. L COOPER, Proprietor WE CAN SAVE Before you buy drygoods, clothing, shoes, groceries, or machinery you would be doing yourself an injustice in-justice if you failed to see our line and g6t our prices. Both quality and price are right. Call and see us. .CnllimoK;:...Mer. Co.: Lindon, CO "We Never r ALL TRAINS. - 1 . - C .'--- - -- - 5. of SALT LAKE ROUTE arrive .and depart from Union Station, Salt Lake City, where direct connections are made for Idaho, Montana, California, a well as with througS5-trains for Denver' and. East See X R. Halliday, Local Agent, for tickets or further in-j formation. a) YOU MONEY: Utah Sleep" c 1 L |