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Show THK ITKM. xa.mk AMKKU.VN . FORK, aro - who nvoilu-tlo- n LEGISLATION CURRENCY POSSIBLE- - NO TiI'jsk bout fx)!iiinin don't uii'lorstun-- i e - tiioy s e lih-a- e York-tow- rv--l r r d about this counF.nlbh-man- , not Another are original. try I.ord Cornwallis, entertained them over a hundred year ajo until he m't a sturdy Yii'i'inian at Joiis IViinm lin-ll- g r 1 eperli-ne- jioi-sibl- Tiikki: la one ffivat reproach to American civilization, and thut U the common roads of the country. la it possible that a )oplu wiio are masters of art and arrhiU-clura-, who have pride In the advancement of all othor public Improvements, are going to be satislicd with a ayslom of country roads that Is behind the thoroughfares a century ago? otlu-- to-da- y 5 35 cent Patterns y . pnM-vS-de- lor Is-e- s cents. 10 esi-h- s ilix-M-- sw-fueior- Aim-rii-.-i- W-- l To-da- y ' T diflrr-etuv- com-liidi-- d d s, ts d d Some obnorvunt man onoo aald that there were few revolutions In a country where the jieoplo had to sleep under blankuU. Proluthly If the Krazlllans had to shovel snow oil their sidewalks and stunt at the street corner getting their ears frozen waiting for a trolley cur, thny would ham something else to do titan plan conspiracies siul Sarsa partita b-- d Hcln-in- i of China romoi too lata for the prosc-n-t war. She m ailed her hl.identa in llila country lent they and should become Aiimrii-unizeccaeo to Iw jjimmI t hinaim-n- . Japan let heri remain as lonjj aa There la a moral In thia which even Americana might profit by. of SENATE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. Scrofulous Taints Lurk la ths Mood of almost every one. In many cues they are inherited. Scrofula appears la running sores, bunches, pimples and cauceroue growth. Scrofula can be cured by purifying the blood with s r r Tub TIIE MIST. Is-e- everythin, they have diuoverad that aro kneel to pray ho much. FAVORED Dejiullcs claimed the right to re was a comjilele licgatlon of tlio of the Dujiuy cabinet ahd runti-ntioJI. Itartliou's action on tbe railways guarantee, cunsisjueiitly tbo latter yesami the proceedings in terday resigned, tu tlm tbe eiaiiilH-- r of tno minisof the Other nienils-rtry. After several iqieechc and declaramade tlio Chamber vot--d tions hud on a iniMisal to grant Klorlty to a 11101 Ion made hy Professor Trelat, iihlii-un- , wbleli of all tbe orders of the iiay was tlm only one accepted by tbe government. This order of tbe day declared that tin government adhered to the doctrine of tlm Melioration of the siwi-rund tin- of the :iiamls-- r with tlm Judicial fuuctlous of tin- - council of stute. Priority waa refused tu this motion by a vote of 2ti3 to s who go woint-- , I'oloruilo in the tnlt-tu Qood Protract that ths Bill for a Colaaf Stales SellUlS tie Cillli-i- l 1lmU to Mlal at Daavar Will Paaa tha tfsaatto sur Hisltlou he limy luild as tie at- The Deterailned 0iitlwi t the Mlmuf of a railroad A Doua ta Coloradu. Mm mil Prevent the torney or Venator Teller's or oilier corMiraili.n. The resolution flonl went ever under tin riil.-n- . Washington, Jan. 15. The senate resoluSen :i tor Drake iiitiiMiiiix-4 authorized Hood 1 firprtll. on finance committee of tion providing for tin1 upMiiutiiiHiit l.'.-- Th Jan. This great remedy Wol-cott- 's tlm-anil on roiuiniltee of two a Senator favorable reiwrt speill"hue had wonderful Uielliliers (if till' luillni- - to IliVi-u- l igltti) this iisiriiliig jiriii'i-bill fur & coinage mint at Den- - uccess In of a tiie clmrgi-natiini cial dlK)iiteh from curing tide dlsesM. It !nrtici on eradicate the humor from made by the paiH rs aguiiiMt various Senator THl.-- again thoroughly Senator Teller said to tbe Times Bie blood. officers, referring to the jirlnlliig Hie Iloud'i Surenparlll cure the to ihi.v that iln ir pmye rewas bill the after correspondent will not wt sitlons thus far nci-lJobs. It weut over. oree and eruption by removing their ported that there would be an effort to emu . tile sllvi-Tbo Arapahoe 1111 tors were spjioliit-eS lla'or JottiS, w.o Impurities in the blood. It bill the and pass up get it mutbail n bill will not In'n.'uiv a sjieclul committis to Hood Pills cure ulTllver 111. Ka and that he was hopeful from what be .0 Hint cmiuiy. A large of Mo Hilci-ters inuii-rnliimen's ., that senate the tho of know in . feeling w uuiiilN-jiosmIU. of new bills wen- Iiilroilmi-dtiiiiincliii loginl.'iiinu is the bill could be passed with but Uttle ' 1,1 isixsa In the bouse, the I'iuumv tee, Hill, who was 211. uiliiIi'tTA-tlodifficulty. The bill is as follows: for H" of which John IV. 1 ,0 well Is tlm clmlr-ma- tliium-la- l When tiie result of the vote was anhereafter there shall be carried was aiiilns-lzei- i to begin an lusaid that it vni now hi nounced the ministers left the Cbam-l-- r on That tlio branch mint of the United at ilscIi-hs- . id list ul state of Into the the ll ry management )i'i of the States at Denver, In the state of Coloto and tlm jNiluoe sesj-.'i'hie lu mure office having any purtlciilarly legislation rt Klysee, wliere they subniltted their rado, the coinage of gold and silver. mad- - wus inijioMiihli-- . view tlio charges that hare to President Caslmir-Per-h-- r. Section 2 That the provisions of resignations siihmltud Senniiu- Join-lost nut ly recently, and thut 34!W snd 34D7 of the llevlscd sections the outline of Ids hill to Si nanrf T t tie inquiry. a moment in The1 pattern retail in fuahlon baxsare. end After tlm dejiurturc of the ministers Satutes of the United States are here- store but fur twenty live to forty lent TtlC FlllHIlce coiiiinitti-- of tin house and mln-- r silvi-- men conferred J louse mianliiioiisly adopted a moof tbe mint tiie to the made among sinmg-erby applicable In order to lucre due me It ami that 'lie cuiiuf" tion muilo was also sutlmrl.e. to institute an InMila r them to tli of snd readers tlt-we M. Colo., Liberal luily United States at Denver, Krantz, tiy quiry relative to determining tin exact of tin) the remarkably low price ot only 10 prislnet was nut reserving tlm rights of tbe that so much of sections 3558, 3559, gipsr forsch. amount of tlio slate's outstanding InSenators Julies loiuge one com extra. Statutes to tiie railway guaran3500 snd 3501 uf the Revised The palierui are all of the rry laleat New lu Ac stale In regard Teller had a long debtedness. 1 to the tee. Tiie louse tlieu adjourned. York etvlea and me unenuuled- fur style secu-rsr- r of the United States as relates A resolution which was Introduced former's coiuiiiitti-- rmun in wldch m of fit, simplicity snd economy. For twenty-fouCusiinlr-l't'rliPreare Denver and President at s mint repealed; hereby tinInto the house hist Friday declaring effort was made In adjust yaura the pm terns have been used tbe of tbe an for mier were coufereuce comiieiisatlon the lu and that of Dupny country over. Full descriiniona und directions tin; friends of a corporation at existing against the the number of yurd of material required, hour ami u half. Tlm president finally officers of said mint shall be tbe same tli-- m id to the to to silver tbe and in tlm slate nuiutier and names of the different pieces hi torney he wus unable to urge tbo as those of the mint at Carson City, the the pattern, how to cut and at and put the sure United Slate Senate, was voti-- down niliilslratiiiii. sent with each patten, ment together-a- re Senatora Teller ministers to remuiu in office and lie AvCf Tin) talks by a party vote. of with a picture of the garment to go by. Theoe and all 3. Sec. laws therefore That parts their resignations. accepted dcfinlu in in every particular, there The bouse passed an apjirnprlHtion and Jones did ins are any complete patterns for No jMilUlclnn has Inmn suuimoued to laws in force In the United States Mr. Julies snld lie vs being a separate pattern for every single piece bill irovldlng for the first portion of and officers perwill he Oiled the same of the Your order the of this the the evening. ofthedresa. government Klysee palace A not ready to yet to pul ills hill ll Ud the espouses of Mm it la received. is generally exiMi-tetliat M. Uour-gole- sons employed therein shall be appli- day It shia Mint different ho would with ot Order and bits um in bill to nsttl tlm thirtei-nttalk number by ground patterns minister of public Instruction in cable to tbe mint at Denver. of an at- tors to we If then- - was any prosjicctof tlm cabinet nttnrbimnA, which M. or made to be perfect section 51. statute Tbe of applicable Every pattern guaranteed Prcyclnet, tachment being levli-- on overdue book getting It through. ABE GLOVE YITTINO. HEY iiiinisii-- r of Justice In the Klimt to the Denver mint provides officers Ioiulmt, to - no Inlie said, will "There accuuuta and imiinlsHory notes luisst-use," get get BUM' snd JlKEAaT measure, put Minister for a coinage mint, and those repealed theTotape measure ALL of the way around the Its second reading In the lower branch. put In a Dill at all unless tliero is awe cabinet will succeed Prime Denver confine the operations of the body, over the dree clone under the arms. prolnibillty of its nceejitaini bf the Dupuy. each pattern, IO oonta, when Metonofcoupon mint to assaying and stamping bullion. ordered 1 liave Ims-- i staTwelfth Day. printed below. conllletiiig elenn-nts- . one cent extra on EACH patters. DIED STARVATION. TO AVOID Postage In both house ami senate every gal ling the representatives of dlflrrent alsiiit the &nnte THE DEBS CASE. lery was crowded nil morning. Men shaih-- s of Horrlbls Nulrlda of a Nabraaka Msa sad y and women went early so aa to secure nml until 1 sluill have laid an Woman. Acttoa to Baanro His Kolsaso Bogu el to cuiuKire tln-l- r views 1 ouumt good seats In anticipation of the voting ruxtun. Neb., Jan, 14. Aa a result of W.lhlostoo. 1 slinll present the till at for the election of a United States sen- say wlu-the- r ' destitution ami tliefr helpless situation D. C., Jan. 14. Mr. ator. Washington, ail." of hundreds people, among V. Debs, starving E. for s S. O. The nomination of the caudldativ Harrow, attorney Mr. Jotn-- also snld that while It was living a few George Howard, Sylvester Kellher, gava tho members of tho house a good true tlmt he laid seen tlm Pmideut Juhn Harris and wife,committed suiLouis W. Roger, James llagen, W. E. and. and hail Hiilmiltted a rough drift of mill's in the country, opportunity for n newly-borof their and the body In tba noon hour, tbe audience, which the bill which he jirosised to Uui, It cide, Burns, R. W. Goodman and M. J. Elseemed to forget about luuehcon, was wns not a fuct Unit tlm Presidcit laid lmbe was found with Its parents some liott, all of whom are now confined In uioat Inspiring. the McHenry county (Illinois) Jail unludleatisl his of tiie plan time after. Mrs. Harris wns lying on tho bed en- der a commitment by United States Mr. W. U. Koprla of I.as Animus srum-afto- jiroiMised, 11c said he hud talked with the order to proceed with the tlm President for two lnmrs on Friday tirely nude, with her throat cut from Judge Woods of tbe Seventh District election of a United Htatea aeiialur, lust and Hint while tlm President had ear to car and the tied clothing satur- court, appeared before tbe United In their and In an eloquent upecch nominated indicated bis desire that legblatlon ated with blood. The husband was States Supreme court y E. O. Wolcott should Is- - aceomilislied and hid en- found lying on tho floor near the foot behalf, lie presented an application Mr. Minor of Hoiilder waa recognised couraged him to go ahead, be hid not of tiie bed with his throat cut for a writ of error and aupercedeaa, r The coroners Inquest found that they and also filed a motion for a writ of at the conclusion of the aald that tlm Jones bill would be acby tba of Mr. Noprls, and ceptable In nil resprats. He iiad not had conic to their death by their own habeas corpus. niHiiluating ajNs-cTbe object was, he says, to have tbe placed Hon. Lafa Pence in nomina- gathered tlm liniircsslnu that tlm rrcsl-do- hands, a razor being used to commit tion. was ojijMiseil to tlm bill, but that tiie deed.s The mother bad expired In prisoners admitted to bail. He said Iloth nomlnntlona were seconded liy ho was till and would lm the thns-- of child-birtbe bad supposed that all tbe questions The eouplo had only moved to their Involved could be presented at the several members. Tlio pill rnll on any hill until he should lie assured bouse and AVoIcott received 41 votes as to whether It could pass Uuugress. present place a mouth ago. Tbedug-outhat tbe important question was t in which they lived was a sod and Fence 23. whether the writ of error should be seven miles northwest of here. The allowed, and that on this account it Iteresa was then tnken. GORMAN AND HILL. After the us uni preliminaries In the surroundings of the place went to should be first presented to tbe court. senate several minor rejKirts were re- They Han Tilt !a tha Saaata Onr the show tlmt tbo ialr were In very poor Assistant Attorney General Whitney No motive can be givcircumstances. ceived and a incMKagu wus received Tariff UHL appeared for the United Staten, and It that she was ex- was arranged that the petition for a deed tlio en for from tho house thut liouso bill No. 13, except 14. Stirring InJan. Washington, soon to become a mother and writ of error should be argued on for an spiroirliillon to meet t lie terest wns given to the Rcnate pmcced-Ing- s pecting starvation and Wednesday of this week. Mr. Darrow of tlio Tenth (Scneral Assembly tlm sjieech of Kcuntora wns 011 the verge of by had been passed. Thu Mil wns read Gormnn and lllll on various suffering. aid be waa prepared to go ahead plumes The following letter was found: and referred t the tinnnee committee. uf tho tariff ami llnauelal situation. tbe argument at any time. wltb Ladies' Houbb Sows. Pattern No. 1108 Is cut At Henatov RnyA prwnM w "Dtstr 01-- Parents We have do-fire sizes, vis: M.M, M, 8 and M Inches bust UnM tha Mat The petition for a writ of error la as in Ala- two took our Uft.aaA llvaa tOKallmr. measure. from the Woman's t'lirtetlitn TcinjM-r-ancIieiiiiN-rutii.Ida 1 wMlrnr follows Ungulshcd 1 Lavender wool ehsllle having a clover leaf cut lier throat and cut mine. 1 would Union of Denver pruti-stliiFirst That the Injunction for viola- design In olive on an addml interest from tlm kis-green Is here aty Ushly trimmed to see old world tiie man election the my a poor to the uf giro with olive satin. tion of which the petitioners were sentagainst criticism and satire directed seems like a auil mother. The father It revere, snd sseh are of sleeves, United Ntntes seiia tu who life wh peraonnl enced was ordered In a case of wblcb satin, lined with tha collar while at each oilier. 1'r. Gorman fur ths sleevs challie, slnee I saw any of my folks. not the embodiment of purity and inor-nlit- two hours. The sjieeeli wusspoke year court no the had Jurisdiction. are of the ehsllle lined with the satin. caps mainly Tbs resoliititui went over until remarkable In its arrays! of facts Altliough the motive for the deed The sseh is finished with a loop silk knotted Second That the court erred In deto A wus then tnketi show tlmt tlm tariff law which Mr. wns destitution, aid could hare been ciding that tbe bill on which the In- fringe in a combination of the two colors. The gown is in Princess" fitting the figure s until 11 o'cha-k- . In order thut the ISorinnu took mo large a part in framing lmd for the asking. Tbe mi rents of junction was granted might be main- smoothly end falling inshape, folds around ripple-llk-s could ciiiH-uon tlielr caudlduto waa wholly Insufficient In raising the the collide arrived tills morning and tained In the name of the United the skirt Madn tn waiving lencth thin model Ih a isvur-llto remains will take tiie for United Ktutes senator. Nichols, Neb., anti-truStates under the revenue alwolutely requisite to carry or a nui.r.1 urese wun lodies .who like tbs law, and The senate reconvened at 11 S10 and on the government. In prcrantlng tills for interment. weight of their gowns to dependlrom tbe shoulparticularly under section 4 of that ders tiie of Is eastern in Paxton the Populist members entered the room view, Air. "part style Is also desirable for dresses of Gorman dwelt on the meact; that so far as Its reports to grant Ilk orThe woolen fabrics. in a body, accompanied by Senators nu inn 1 fratun-- of the eoiitest over jthe Keith comity. The country around Jurisdiction to the Circuit courts of Gimp, braid, insertion, etc, eon hs used for lA'ddy nml Adiims. Tbe Wilson bill ami arraigned Mr. Hill for About has produced gixid crops In the United States, to restrain or en- trimming. Ths retell price of pattern is cents. adrqited by tlio KiUitl KulTrugo Asso Ills altitude then and niiioe on tho tar- times imst nnd will undoubtedly do so join violations of its provisions Is reto tiie qiialltiea. iff elation with Tiie sMix-- of Mr. lllll again, but tiie failure In IStKt and l&H pugnant to tbo constitution cf the Mona of the United States to ba was almost complete, and the situation United States, In that It equally imrsonal ami equally vig- wns might thus be elected waa presented. witli lm same of the people Is pitiable. Among the Invoked to permit prosecution without orous and wns mi-lvii- l In ivelth county In trial Senator Drake's Joint of close atleiitlon from his families different s nml by Jury. yesterday, calling for tbo appointment Intense Interest in tiie galleries as had a state of destitution there are between Third Tliat being In effect a proinvestiof a special committee for tiie QUO and 000 children. Iss-t- i shown t tiie Maryland senator. ceeding to punish a criminal contempt gation of prevailing loone metlioda in Mr. Hill din-e- l ed Ids remarks mainly not committed in the presence of tbe the state offices ns rliurgcd by the at Mr. Gorman w lm sat court, the court erred in not dischargonly a few foot ANNUAL POULTRY SHOW. newspajieni. was rend aiul discussed away. ing the defendants upon their answers. A ballot wus then until 12 o'clock. Senator Allison of Iowa nlso Good Display of Choir Chlekaa and Pat Fourth The court erred In not taken for senator and resulted as folto tiie features of the day by Htork at Ilrnrrr. quashing the information. lows: T. M. Patterson, lt; K. O. Wol- a short blit Fifth The the court erred In trying very offivtivi1 presentation Jan. 15. Tiie annual show of cott, 15; C. 8. Tlioiuas, 2. of tiie luasl for inmioiliate legislation thoPeuver, Colorado Poultry Association open- them on Information Instead of Inon tbe tariff tu raise rovomm instead ed at Coliseum hall dictment. dirts W lift Sir Ik. yestarday, with of further fruitless agitation of Sixth The the court erred In trying 3.0HH exhibits. I. K. Fetch of about Kansas City, Jan. 14. The fifty girls revision. tbem without a Jury. come who has Natick, tlm Massachusetts, as Curie Oat puckei-by employed Seventh The the court erred In holdFilibustering t no ties again defentd hero to pass Judgment on their relative Meul and Cereal Co., who went on a 11m Gniut that the bill of the United States oleomargarine bill, which merits, says tiie collection ing have week won tlmir a compare! made or stated strike ago, was under consideration during the most any case cognizable in ever with that has favorably any light, tlm coiiijiuny. after employing morning hour in the Utilise court or of which the of a equity, Hy made been Madison in Square Garden, court could think other help, filially coming to tbe teruis n sjsH-la-l ortler from tin rules coininlt-te- o and cogJurisdiction cream tiie of where Kantcrn tlio pens nizance order such an uf tbe strikers amt asking them tu retho reiiiiiimii-- r of tin con- are Injunction, or Ladies annually gaHicrexL They are not make turn. Tiie girls went out rather tban stitut'd witli business day was from Waist. Pattern No. 618B Is any other order therein against cut in Are Purrw Deported ns all ducks, habblta rcdiictlou In packing the submit to a sizes, vis: a, U, 6, m and 40 inches tximmlttec. lint one bill andchickens, arepigeons, defendants. the Jutlldary In evidence, but the oatiucal boxes. The cause of their re- however, was bust measure. turkey -- ffiat irovlding chickens predominate, and to tho obLavender organdie over silk lining of ths instatement waa a threatened boycott for addlthninl passed h the Indian server present types of the finest breed- WAS SHOT THROUGH THE HEAD sms shade, mode this dainty waist, which la by the various bilmr unions In tbe city, territory, tin affairs in tlmt country ing. combined with llu? difficulty of secur- lK'ing a fruitful thonii! for TsrrlM Death of a Yoons Man np at one of ths latest importations. discussion The buff cochin Is probably the breed The upper fronts snd hack ere shirred In uping new girls who could perforut tbe during the ciuisiileraiioa of the bllL Grnalor-most heavily represented at tbo show. square yoke depth each row of tasks of the old employes. Tlm work Denver, Jan. 13. A special to tho right puffs to covered with pearl braid. The shirring being 'As flne a looking bird as ever sung Republican from Greeley says: of tiie strikers was of a nature that fullness trout FRENCH in and bock la CABINET RESIGNS. gathered in tiie slniw room is the big Buff Conecessitated long practice and It is A terrible accident occurred on into small space st ths waist prettily line, where it U chin cock, Chestnut Second. He won Eighth avenue next to Impossible for a uovlce to do it Tha Chamber uf held lu by the belt Ample puffs are gracefully afternoon Kut UatUflril yesterday tlio first prise at the big Madison that cost one young man hie life. dlspoeop over fitted sleeve linings, tbe lower even passably well. Tlm girls will reWith Its Treatment f a U.illway sume work . Square show in New York last year, About 2:15, as Joe Smyscr waa walking portions being arranged around the arm in puffs Company. his beauty as a Cochin was much to the postoffice, he was struck to tbe to match the simulated yoke. The standing and -raris, Jan.1l. Tho nililnet resigned commented collar of silk is covered with a puff of the oron In the New York papers FloodlHf of Ilia Colllerr. defeated in the snd fanciers Journals of the country, sidewalk by a bullet from a tivdny, having gandie, bordered on each edge with the pearl 14. An Jan. ocaccident Marlin rifle fin'd by E. B. Sanborn, of braid. The closing is invisible London, Clintnlter of Ih'jiuiit's on the question of in center front been show baa since that purchased lie Auat the big colliery at curred tb firm of Tyler & Sanborn, macbln A belt of corded larender silk is wore at jirlority m nn order of the day. giving fanDenver s 8. Willis the waist fastened with a pearl buckle. All Thonqwon, lata and repairers of guns, etc. Mr. drey, North Staffordshire, by which It latst evening Mr. Harthmi, minister of by of silk in fashionable weaves, crepon, and is probably tlio highest priced Sanborn has Is thought about twenty persons lost Just completed putting a styles works, n'sigiietl Ids tiffit-- fur the cier. In public landsdown and novelty silk challie, A room. In show the bird any class new main spring In the weapon and snd woolveiling, their lives. Two hundred and thirty reason that tin rauncil of state mixtures. lace, net. grenadine, Swiss In the same Cochin Colorado famous men and boys were at work jn tlm to when the lie pulled mousseline de sole and various other seasontrigger try It, against him in H. ,nirf 0f exhibit 1m Navajo Joe. was astonished to hear a report, and In able fabrics are all used to develop tbemode. colliery wheu, at almut 12 o'clock there giiarantix-lntiie intm-s- t of the South10 and a few minutes was horrified with the contrat curious In was n sudden rush of water from to learn Tbe decorations con be selected from the ern railway lilies. Huff Cochins are some Buff that ho bad shot a man across the greet variety now fashionable, to suit IndividTbe puuiim . worklugs. Tlm 11. h iiilniiirl0Vlf' tho of ual taste. tiie dwarf Focliln bnntnina. sjiestreet put at work and rescue throw f the w 11 Tbe retail price of this pattern la cents for which 21 ounces is tho stan-a..- J ,1't0,lt' descended Into tba mines. Ity Ti cks, The C. to F. a gun belongs Finley, u whethiT the for hen and cockerel. dard weight o'clock 100 ot the men snd boys Imd Chnmbcr of IT ranchman New near f Windsor, living able to set been rescued. Of tbo eighty wlm were aside tiie constDeputies lie took It to Tyler & Sanborns for isesssssse COUPO- Nltiulou at below it was thought that twenty the gmrerniuent made a will, in 1SS2 School. 12 Riot St oclock, forgetting repealra about la ordering, give No. of pattens were In tba lower workings when tiie tho Orkmns nml Midi contract with wanted Bust and Waist mesa Jan. 15. A whipping that a few cartridges remained In the Ind., Clayton. railway, un.i(.r flooded me. was Either of these patterns will be sent mine and that they had tho terms of wlil.li, in return for When Mr. Sanbdrn tried in magazine. school List the occurred public cere scraiN) to address 10 any in of upon cents receipt been drowned. The resellers aro doing tala faclllHes for tiie transit. silver or stamps when this coupon is en-- , 0f evening which culminated In a general the new spring the gun was pointed their utmost to save the living. closed the towards with went and when one order street snd it cent war material. Hie govi'riuu.-u- t Miss Belle Mills, for postage, rlct. The principal. with your address. the Interest on the ltoud 0f the assisted by John Crowley, tencher In off the bullet went through tho two-inc- h Address COUPON YATTZXY CO., Alleged lo ll hrt. plank that formed the bottom of xx railways. ths grammar Lock Bos 747, New York. attempted to Cheyenne. Wyo.. Jan. 11. A teleThe govcnmient held that tlio mare indict punishment on Ixmls Hufford, a tho front door of the shop, sped across gram was received from Sundance, the ante expired in IMj. but the dir,H-to- ra sim of David Iluffonl. for disobedience. the street and plowed a deep furrow sent of Crook county, Croat Rock Island Route of the eoiiijiaiii.to took a did, rent Thu whipping was to take place after through the top of Mr. Smysere head, stating tliat Dr. 1 taker, tiie county view, and constrm-t tho session. As soon as who fell to the pavement tbe blood afternoon tlio to Playing Cards. treasurer of that comity, lias bora mean tlmt Hie gu. wlinol was dismissed some pupils ran and brains flowing from the wound. H you sen d 18 cents in stamps or cola to JMX rnnunt'gii;il.,xi was offleo In Dr. to placed under arrest because of an taken Millers tho Interest Smyscr D nM tnhy. SEBASTA1N, Ora l Pass. Agent, C.. R. L BP. wvn ,n;,i told Hufford' father and bis- and sluirtage dlst'overed in his ac- brought In the courts to sotih-Suit, tho necessary assistance rendered. Hy, Chicago, you will receive postpaid tha ti brother William, a blacksmith. Irnrae- He was of playing cards you ever handled. count. He was given a unconscious from the time he Beautifulpock tlou. steel sngrsTCd Whist Buies seean-pan- s dintely the father ami brother started examination auil IhiuiuI over to Hie Juno last M. Ikirtlioii ordered the fer the sehiHilhonse. the father with a was shot and expired at 5 oclock. In them free. n district court Stato Kxamluer directors to Imkirse Hi ir the brother with nn Iron. Poor Smyscr was working one of Geo. left for Sundance this morning effrat that the cuarant.v Mul to ho knife and a wus general fight on their ar- K. Pensleys ranches In Lone Tree in exjiirMi There nml will n.nko a thorough examination Kill. The directors was cut. the father valley with a brother. He was about .TwTEgSira gfe'yowley rival. of tho affair of tho county. Dr, lin- nml the case was then bUKU SHtHtAUlLsl FUS. . were beaten 23 years old and unmarried. The reHufford of brother taken to nml the ker was his own successor In the office. . council of state, wldch in sm-l- i Tuuirh fijmpk TtbUH Good. vNI wero mains Coroner to taken a of down Macys stain. knocked flight W In manors hr and tlm. It is understood that his alleged short- is tiie final court of an Inquest will be held appeals. T,e Young Hufford escaped during tbe ex-- - morgue and age amounu to about fljkiu. cH OB B eduesday last dwldcd that the ! cttcmcnL Monday. ln-nve- r, tiro-wn- deda-lou- which a majority lu the Chamber y InoMiig miUi-nniui- biu-k- ilk). d fur the adMill toko fresh vent of 'lt that a hopo when tlmy oerator ha iloil.lixl to dlsorja. Ptoi: t This guaranty was Of ftmator Fulton introduced a providing that any - UTAH. DEMOCRATS (JIVE UI. LEOISLAIUhE. COLORADO r ructions. A doi.t named John Lithgow who died In Huston recently, left a will which the courts have projierly broken to aniltliureens. Hy its torms, his estate. amounting to $150,0 K), was to lie held intact until his children and their isiuu were nil deal. Now the Uthgow Ixiys nml girl have come Into their own without n bit of obligation to tlio old curmudgeon whoso name they boar. appor-tuiilt- aei'i-jduiu-- e to-da- sjs-ake- nt it In those cabling days the damngo to tho Florida orange crops will not be nearly so serious ns it would have been n few years since. Thera Is n large stock of tho fruit on hand and afoly stored, and tho use of the rallies to .Messina, Malta und Algiers would a'Citro an amplii supply buforo tho present one gives out. Then also we might drop in fur a few of tho Multose orangua Uw bust In the ' world. egg-bloo- Tiie iHdavan hnuso in Albany, one of tho oldest and liest managed hotels In the oountry, burned the Other night ersuns jierishod in the and sixteen nuiucs. Just where tho fault lies Is not apparent, but tliat such an appalling loss of life should bo possible Is olthor proof of criminal curelu-wiiesin tlio ronstruetion or management of tho house. With mo lorn materials stid appliances such a euluinity should bo huiossiblo. s Dakota boy, who Tiie ronfessed tliut his uinpioyer hired hliu to kill a mun, is an exetiiplilicution of tho danger or not rending news. and keeping up with the times, 1Hiers have pleaded hypnotic Influence, which is becoming almost as groat n fal with murderer as ap-and heart failure with Sendicitis Tho fuct that tho hoy doubtless told tho truth Is not likoly to serve him as good a turn as an ostentatious tarmle of occultism would havo done. It was hoMHl that the accession to power ol tho new prosidont of Brazil would end the dlsmuslons and bitterness which havo characterized tlio politics of thut country for the past few years, but tiie reports of trouble and rebellion outbreaks in l'ernambueo and lib) Grande do Sul refuse to eledeny tli at there is a goodly-size- d ment of the population opposed to the Mornos administration. The governor of the stato ol Kio Grande do Sul refuse to accept tho torins of tho government , and eighty mon have bran arrested In llio Janeiro charged with conspiring against the life of the president. Kefoicts show tliat tho slaughter of the Armenians wus brutal, beastly and sickening. Just to think of tho o led murdor of 15,000 people, men, women and children in liroml daylight because they refnsod to ay trilmte to two beastly savage open-hande- d, cold-blo- Think of the hacking governments. to death of pica ling women and Inno. cent children, tho murduring of priests and the firing of churches, and you Tiuvo outrag'ja before your eyes that wore perjiotrated ujMin the Armenians by the bloodthirsty savage Turks and Kurds. No wonder the sultan objects to having those outrages investigated by a civilized nation. Harvard may not much on but when it comes to contests of 1 mus-isl- e, brains, the old college Is strictly In It. The Yah, 1rinccton nnd Columbia chess players could not hold a candle to tho t'ambrldgo champions in tho intcrcollcginto tournament. One day It's a burning mine, the next a frightful shipwreck or tenement bo:iwi tiro, anl every day it's liend swooping down on the troV-cvery trolley towa After all, isn't there lomcthlng In the Baying that you've got to dio to win? l to-du- y - g 1 l'up-iillst- s st qui-sllo- assiM-Intc- cur-rt'tie- y a re lx-e- y e h-- tin-ol- s 1 to-da- auTci-m,-ti- - 1 Heu-diTso- . y |