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Show 1 Vary Murh Off t'ulur Arc people who urr truuritd vita chronic liver KING RHEUMATISM. lll:e in the Llod tliit-e- a llie euUula aetuptoiaL and aroa tho aytr bail. and aUo nmuUeiia lie preaoaca by uneaaint a la U.e right tide end beneath tbe right shouhlrr biatie.iurred toagua, pivfTT. elck beaduebe and kb unpieaaani brraih. li la usually accompanied by cokure-OMsan- d dyfcprpsta. Fur tae ailineul itaelf, Rout-tie- rs end Its vsnuu muiuli-.iaiioablomsck Bitters 1 a spuedy and complete This standard medicine eleo pro real i chine aud rheumatism, rilS REIGN IS OVER AT KANSAS WARMING UP. SMt.etloaal Incident Over the mate rrlnt-- r Aotuf uwat LAST. Toxkn. Ksu., Jan. ituhhiit Hedlral Bolenre Drlree Him from Hie lUacovered Medicine Tbroua A that Kliaumatl.nl t an Kol Re let A llooa fur guff. rare, From the St. Imis, Mo , Chronicle. The effort of uiug Dr. WMiauia' Iiuk Iilis for riu'iiiiialMii tvua brought to light luler-vi- e Lilrly by a riuvtiiclu rvrti-- wlio Hroad-waitl John Ferguson of TiKcff South St. laiui, who had been a sufferer with this lucai'icilating disease. 'I'hiieo lulls, he auiil, have proved of great heii.-h- i nut only to inn but to my wife. Strange to euy we Isdli suffered from the fame ailment, allhoturh my wife's omidi-tio- u wai much worse than mine. Neither of us could sleep at night; we had sharp, shunting jutins in our uniis.eidc and liinhe, a nil a continual sureneaa all over the body. What wo sufforid from was nothing more or lcae than rheuniatiaiii. At tiiui-- my wife bad to crawl up stain on her hands end knees, and as for me, I would at night twitch and Jerk despite mv utmost efforts Ve suffered tlie torture to control myself of the damned. Butin three weeks the pain began to leave us. My case not being as severe as my wife's I soon pot writ, but it took nearly three months before Mrs. Ferguson could say she was entirely free from rheumatic pauia. Of ooune I reomimend Dr. Will Lims' Pluk l'ills to all my friends Mr. Ferguson's words are indorsed by T. A. Campbell, an iron worker living on Chouteau avenue. lie too had been afflicted with rheumatism contracted from working in a damp foundry. He said: "One day I was seized with chills and my doctor ordered me to remain in bed for at least several It bee boon cold enough In Ksiieso to freeze whiskey, aud uie uf the druakarda there here become eulld men. Vewara of Olutuienta for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, aa mercury will eurely doatroy the eeneo of Knelland completoly derange the whole a ayetem when entering it through the surftu-ea- . ISueb artirlm etiuuld naver be used excojit on preMTfiiiiuno from reputable phyiiciuna, aa the damage they will do ie ten fold to the good you can poanitily derive from them, llulre I'atargn Cure, manufactured br V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contain no mercury, and ie taken interunliy, acting directly upon the blood end mucoue aurfucea of the irrtem. In buying Uall'e Catarrh Cura be cure you got tbo geuulno. It ia taken Internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. Chaney & Co. Testimonials free. IJT Bold by DrtigglkTa, 2&s. price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Iills, mu-cou- The eeaion of hnlle ie now fairly under belle frlnateuce. LEAVES ITS MARK every one of the painful irregulariliea end weakness, that prey upon women. They fade the lace, waste Hie figure, ruin the temper, wither you up, make you old before your lime. Get well : Thats the way to look well. Cure the disorders and ailments that beset with Dr. Fierce. Favorite Preecrip-on-. It regulates and promotes all lhc proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. Its a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. Mrs. Awha UlJtiCH, of Elm Crttk, Buffalo C., writes : I enjoy com health thanks to Ur. Pierces Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Discovery. X was under doctors care for two yean with womb disease, and gradually wasting in strength all the time. I was so weak that I could sit up ia bed only a few moments, for two years. I commenced taking Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and hie Golden Medical Discovery.' and by the time doa-ehad taken bottles I wee up and wherever I pleased, going and have had good health ,I Mas Claick. n one-ha- lf ,nd itrong ever since that was two years and a half ago. A book of 168 pagea on Women and Her Diseases " mailed seated, on receipt of to cent! in stamps for pontage. Address, Woeld's Dispensary Mrdicai. Association, 863 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. SPEAKING OF COUGHS COLDS HAVE YOU TRIED LUNG BALSAM XT CURES, 1 COLCHESTER SPADING The leaven of yesterday ruins the cake of ory followed. 1 couldn't ifoop my and my usual ruddy complexion had given way to a sallow hue. With my family to support I couldn't afford to he idls I struggled against my feelings as best I oould, but the best I could do, even with the doctor's help, was very to-da- ys with the souring lett over of yesterday I Dear old lady, she was up to the good old times. But these are days of Royal Baking Powder freshness into freshness raises freshness. Aiid this is the way the buckwheat cake of is made : Two cups of Buckwheat, one of wheat two flour, cup tablespoons of Royal Baking Powder, one half teaspoonful of salt, all sifted well together. Mix with milk into a thin batter and bake at once on a hot griddle. to-d- ay Do not forget that no baking powder can stituted for the ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., The outer ortap sole ex--, tends the whole length down Pi the heel, pro , A, tooting the boot In f glng end In other hard work. r dig-ba- ASK YOUR DEALER FUR TUKM land don't be png off with interior goods COLCHBSTBH HUBBKB CO. 1 bunl-iuhi- semi-liqui- ri, e W. L. Douclas S3SH0E -- vKSSmgfiEa. Brown. Foreign patents win at once be taken out and Fhoenlx thus becomes the home of a cycling baron. If there Ie anything this town can't produce or in vent, we would like a sample thereof, tor exhibition In the chamber of com' mpTce. Fhoenlx (Aria.) Gazette. W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give tha beat value for the Burner. They equal custom shun In style aad fit. Tbrir wearing eualllfea are unsurpassed. The prices are iralforiu, atamprd ou sole. From $ to f saved over ether makes. j If your der ter cannot supply you wa can 1 RICH MZBXXT I IT COSTS YOU ROTNIRBf BEE '"'fcJlofcriinwiriiK T COLOM l iTAJ-Bnalo- iintiiuFjar th MbiirararwiS CiMm" ,k l1 IbllKd (lit bwr rmi eitn br Min or bat I bnt rWMc( them Hll, vh vanca la LBaW hf ptm. Wbmiwoald taka him u taartb M( tar klmMiL iuji THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NURSERIES, CANON CITY, COLORADO. a J largrat la III Slate and Naiery tha only ons propagating a gciirral block. If yon want to lie accf lul piai-- t t'OLOICADO . Tha oldi-,- for (rilfllVN Ip-rCatalognr and price lift and this Paper. DKWI-KS- Proprietor. DIE, fal-iiit- Ill, MA5IERCUREF0R during the last year ' UUi.'haiiipaM. P. Ob ttoa iw Bn bonvor, Cidik Frum: silver, ub; fold. Wo: U-tor; toad. W-- ; ( jiar, K: lto,ILto; Slrhal. gidd ana rilvor, tor; ailvor end toad, toe: gold qoan. grid by amotgamalluA fla IJualUallvo amt .1 mrrwpcnnliJC prirm. Hamptoa Ulatlvo anal wbau ammiiiiM hr tbonrloa hr mail or la rai-ro- 'vut butt allooUiiu. aud full dlrorUflUA win malm Uampto ballbn rotwtad, uaoltid aad oaaajod. X' iffrmmUl-tau- r bast aud prlco Data ou aniUrattnti. arm or black aand : Is IInl or iu SJJa lli to 1IU Ua, to lbs, SUP; Mill. loSUIba, ; Rj UU llo. totoO l ha, tatoXtllba lotoOlba, pwlU dlio; MlJlia loKU lln, tor lb. do; tod Um to I Ilia, Hc; W) Uis t o LuflUlIja, porta. la E. E. BURLINGAME'S ASSAY OFFICE And Chondral Laboratory. lAWeMikad MM.I JBWBLKRS AND rUOTOGRAPH IRS. cad poar awaopa aad waata containing gold aad ailvor for treatment. Prompt rat aad bigboot caah prlco paid Cor gold aad rib or bulllva. AdJreao 1TM aad 1718 Law St. Doovor. Uolorado. PIANOS, ORGANS Block BtelOb Music Co,, Knijrlit-Canipli- Demur. AHRTHK UKST. ALL KINDS MADS TO DHDKK ORKKADY NADS. HAIL UKDEKS ATTSTTMK. li TUB TlKJgbJI SI1IST Tucker SHIRTS DSNVUk ouu MU Wh Straat from FIMALKTROUHLI Ladies' Bafferlog of any form ohoald kvmUgata - - VIAVI ,1w?S.atmint Concallalloa fraa Lady la efllea Bios' Block, UUU Arapahoe Htraot Don far, Polo. DENVER KiMS m. UuoJa manurd on pramuoa. OCX UratohoA True MUM stout and STSinmp. Ifekototo on potato. Writofor KAIt bailboad till nth U.U toM dloebot bt, Doumn it MU nLATlXO of Sllmr, Gold, KlaM, Ooppar, ota riratalam wnri. Amalgam plat, a aiiaolalty. Hoad lurprfeon Xutorprlm Plating Oo UM 17th. r SHEET MUSICn IsguMil'ron iMumrltadeOo. GRAIN, OAKS ANDPtoh-DUCto li. U MUSUZH A UX Uommludou Mmobants, Dmvau YOUR POULTRY, SHIP norm FLOWERS. BBS amlUiUtfeN Praporatory A train. thedehvernormal; toiiam riod Uwk, A. IL Principal, lag adumi lur Are You Fortified? When you are in a low state of health, and on the illness, there ia no nourishment in the world like Scotts verge of Emulsion to restore strength. MLAND on (j K A1JN 4 T 52SaBwlih E. ComatockTillUth, g, Douror XT ALL KINDS BOUGHT AID uas LI & Mmt Dasvar. in of mining, pbinting Machinist Bpaira atm Una Ibramllng aad ending. 1 r sight alamuna Nork A Uaraldn MIMTBIkd SOLDER Scott's Emulsion nourishes, atrength-enpromotes the making of solid flesh, enriches tho blood and tones np tho whole sjstexn. For Oonglii Golds, Son Throat, BronehHii, nt $1,727 IHO Team Hamms, with Br tag for Kill r cowboy doable ciiwUilool bora aaddlo for life Rom hameoa and oadillo la tuo Yhloloao oUMfortbomoaoy. hamlisa for yoa cam mo whal you aro grtlliic hrforo pajlag for miao. Hood mo aa order and If goods an out mtl.faetory yoa eaa rotara mmo al my aipcaon J. n.all.Mih, 1741 to libi Lanmer at. JlKNVKK. COLO CUBED byumof L&Eoalay ACaTraaa. Kaaminaltou Iran Oo., MH OorllaSt 1-- ing to hut AND SADDLES dSISDS. n, Spain's Bazar Doty. Washington, D. CL, Jan. 14. The first effect of the discovery by the treasury officials that tipaln pays an export bounty on sugar, and that therefor! Spanish sugar is liable, like European beet sugar, to an additional tax of of a cent per pound, was the cause of much apprehension lest It sliould pro-vethe consummation of the agreement which United States Minister Taylor has almost completed with the Spanish government looking to tbe restoration of American exports to the minimum tariff schedule. Rut it is believed here this fear is not well founded. As explained by Mr. Taylor, the tipanlsh bounty ia paid only on sugar produced in the tiptinlxli possession and imported to tlie United titatea and Is absolutely Inconsequential, amount- H. WILSON, BABMESS cordovan; e remedy, Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax-sti; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers nd permanently curing constipation It has nven satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acta on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fin is for sale by all druggists in 50c ami $1 bottles, but it is manufactured by tho California Fig tfyrnp Co. only, whose nauiO is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, jrou will not Vcept any substitute if J. well-trw- d 1 during that time tbe Important witnesses have been Superintendent Byrnes, Secretary Magln, Captains Bclunittbcrger and tihaugliey. It la presumable that Mrs. Tburow, who returned from Europe ou Saturday, will go before that body and tell why she left this country. It is said she was paid $23,000 to and not appear at the trial of leave KNOWLEDGE Captain Doherty, five sergeants who were dismissed Brings comfort and improvement and and two wardmen, tends to personal enjoyment when from the force and subsequently Indicted. She Is said to be willing to tell rightly used. Hie many, wlio live bet was said In tlie distor than others and enjoy life more, with about this, and it trict attorney's office that she will be less expenditure, by more promptly taken before the jury, when, if adapting tlie worlds Lest products to any law has been proiicr violated, indictments the needs of physical being, will attest will follow. the value to health oT tho pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the Denver Directory. dww-trousi- an ve NriKMKKIKfS ACRE APPLES, $1,493 Writ AND OM'IIAHItS, Lout. Ism. So., tur rr- - B1.I I7 telllM Bbuvt IS bg poPMi I rlrmUtio. 1M, m a n r, i sub-- ) NEW-YOR- W In tor I. A Unlqun InrMlin-omriin ikimiii." uld one to aiKHher. "kiiiI very Iwil for Word came from Washington yesterEvery bwljr lm Liln lund lu III oa 1 duu'l like n t oil." day that a patent had been granted Ziba made claims each of the four by tho llalijr m Catting Tooth. If 0. nrown for the Invention that pre- Sooora endow that oM ud n mill. Um. WanbOWi oothiw vents bicycle tires from being fur Child raa Twthlng- hur t punctured. HI device con In Wlntor la koiiiHIiIiik like our workingmen. in some method for inserting a It goes lu for lmrt dy. cement into tbe pneumatic tire After phyilclau had given me np, I wu at any time when needed. The cement Mved by l'ito'i Cure. Kali-- Emu, retains Its prescribed consistency and la., Nor, 33, 1MKL the vacuum of tho tire cauRes It to im- Men break record, never seek mediately fin any cut or puncture made to harewho thru by tacks, glass or other encountered obstruction. An aperture as long as an inch has been closed in this way, although that ts one of the most extreme tests to which tho invention can be put f!t fm ak'nq. Tbe patent seems to Involve a large 9. There fortune for tbe 'lucky patentee. rWCH AZMUHUZO CMF. are millions of bicycles now In dally FlNCCAir&KWMMa 43.M me, each one of which is liable to Incur 3.QPP0UCE.3 SOLES. a fatal puncture at any time. Heretofore there has been no practical remedy 2SP82. WORKING EXTRA FINK- for so embarrassing an accident. Now, wM-iA- g. ttJLTf BOYfiCHOOLSHOEl 551x- 1- Drown any wheelman can go Anywhere, confident that hla LADIES- eyrie may be doctored to carry him through, no matter what happens. Every bicyclist must eventually pay tribBMOCJCTOHmMAM. ute, only a email one, 'tls true, but agOver Om Mlllloa Peopl vnt Ibi gregating large sums in all, to Mr. to-da- . be Royal in making pure, sweet, dclic:ous, wholesome food. GARDINERS GROW vTSMbIihSu h Ml kBUBV There is lots of money made in early tlwM hh Mlirr Tinnnmanuin vegetables. Everybody admits that hiiiK. LattSii taw the very earliest vegetables are proMJ WTliBftMBft duced from Salters Northern Grown 73.000 fa Um, seeds Think of having radishes in fourteen days; lettuce in twenty days; potatoes in forty days; peas in forty-si-x days, and splendid cabbage in fifty-fiv- e days from day of towing aeedl Elys Cream Baim If Yon Will Cut This Out tnd Send it QIICKLY CUKES with $1 money order to the John A. Seed Salzer company, LeCrosse, Wia., e packages yon will get free thirty-fivearliest vegetable seeds and their great aeed catalogue, or for six cents postage U.lra I. to MCI anrtrll. a package of Fonrteea I)aj Paris Radish AprilHkua.,u:UuTKi SC., M.V seed and their seed catalogue. W.N.U CamMtsi armor plsti-- s for our rams ara Ilka boarding honae butter. It Ths Oyar aad Termlnar Grand Jury rerv Successfully rospeutes Claims, dura not appear that any of the plates were C Lata nurnau, ifmlgw Hearing Lrzov Casas. nod. last aa It la probable that the only II 3js. la laid awr, DoUinUrallngelaiaiA ally at lien Is wtter tbe goat New Tork, Jan. 14. Tho Oyer and honest' TlMnaa T. Blminwa, Wauhlnutna. Anotker forger has been rangbt Forgers PATENTS b.u No conTerminer grand Jury will y airy. fe aatll Uielr names, not neem taliMd. Wrilafurl.milor.Uulda, tinue to hear evidence looking toward alwayi aa a guarantee of but nubtlration, the indictment of officials who have fr faith. W. VutXIL ho. BHO--S lieavn been Implicated In alleged corruption I think i catch your drift," is tbe man to When advertisers writing pleaaa say avalam-liaa him fell on the before the Lexow committee. The Jury remarked that yua saw tlia adverilaeueut la this paper has been in session three days, and from tke (ares far above him. IN MARKET. BEST IN FIT. BEST IN WKAUCfO QUALITY, .1 spoil good buckwheat with dying raising-batt-er fresh cakes want Royal Baking Powder. Grandma used to raise buckwheats Uttls CAPT. FRENCH. Hearing of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I COMMANDER. rained to try them. The effects were nothing short of marvelous. They mads Soldlere Homo at Mnnto Vista Will Do me wall, and as a preventive 1 take them Under lilt Charge, regularly. Theyre the beat medicine I know of, end aa such my friends hear ms Denver, Jan. 15.' The Soldiers' and siiesk of them. Sailors' Ilouie board Is In session toDr. Williams Pink Pills for Pals People at the capltoi building considering contain all the elements necessary to give day new life and richness to the blood and re- the finances of the institution It represtore shattered nerves. They are an unfail- sents. The board held a miietlng yesterday ing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, tit. Vitus dance, afternoon and accepted tlie resignasciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous tion of Major Andrew Contes as comheadache, the after effects of la grippe, mander of tbe Home. Major Coates' palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow resignation was tendered over three complexions and all forms of weakness, either in male or female. They may be months ago, hut was not acted on until There were a dozen applihad of all druggists, or direct from the Dr. yesterday. Williams Medicine company, Schenectady, cants for the position, bnt Captain 8. K. Y., for 50 cents per box, or six boxes for M. French was chosen commander, 13.60. after a spirited contest. liapld la mol Work. Captain French is a resident of DenThe record for fust tunnel driving is ver aud is the Hist commander of Vetbelieved to be held by tho East Itiver eran post, U. A. It. He will assume Gas Company in the construction of his duties, succeeding Major Coates, Its tunnel under the Euat river. New tlie first of next week. Tbe retiring York. In one week the day shift made commander has been in charge fur forty-eigfeet alx Inches and the three years, having served one year as feet six inches a adjutant He resigned owing to night shift fifty-tw- o The salary of the office is fiyu total of 101 feet. ,The heading la ten feet alx inches by eight feet six inches per month. The board has not yet received tlie and wua advanced In full section. Ths rock is very hard horn blende gneiss. $10,000 of the $20, 000 that was due This ia remarkable work, considering them from tbe state treasury. Presitlie peculiarly difficult conditions of dent Hoot stated this morning that the location, and la claimed to be tbs until the accounts are squared up with quickest tunnel driving of tbe kind. tho state the large amount of hills Four drills were can only partly be paid. osed In tbe heading, mounted on tunnel columns with arms, two drills on CHICAGO BREAD. each column. About fifteen holes, nine to ten feet deep, were drilled by each Combination of Itekors Ctalmod In That shift; consisting of five machine runCity. ners and their helpers. Literary DiChicago, Jan. 15. Having been Ingest formed by Its law department that It has not the power to directly regulale Coat Kim Railways. the price of bread, the city council now Enterprising little Costa Rica la the proposes to regulate the price by re first of tbe American republics to avail moving artificial restrictions of tho or combinations Itself of tbe surveys of the interconti- form of trusts nental railway commission and lias among bakers. In doing so it acts ungiven a concession of public binds to a der the advice of tlie law department, syndicate of English capitalists for tlie the corporation counsel haring reportconstruction of a railroad from the ed that It la not only within the power, Jlmbelcs on the Atlantic railroad to bnt it is Its duty to collect evidence, if the Itlo Frio at the mouth of the tian any exists, of a combination of bakers Juan river on Lake Nicaragua, a dis- under which the price of bread ia kept tance of about 80 miles. The conces- above a reasonable figure, and to take sion requires the completion of tbe steps to secure a dissolution of such road within two years. No engineer- trust by the proper tribunal In fact, ing problems attend the building of the the order directing the mayor, the counsel and the chief of po road, which passes through the lowlands of Costa Klca and taps ono of its lice to make this Investigation, which This was passed by tbe council last night, richest agricultural sections. road will be the first link of the great was framed and introduced by the corchain of railroads to unite the repub- poration counsel, who at that time delics of North, Central and South Amer- clared everything possible would be ica, an enterprise pronounced feasible done in that direction, should tha order be passed. by the engineers of the Intercontinental railway commission, wlio have been over tho field. Chicago Record. STILL INVESTIGATING BEST to-day- Dont a Eemember the "Great Rock Island" nine a faet train daily to Chicago, leav- days ing Union depot, Denver, at 8 p. m., appetite, and via Lincoln and Omaha, arrives at bition. Chicago 8:10 a. m. second morning, and passenger ia only out one business day. It a e popular train. Tickets of W. II. Firth, GenT Aft, 1864 Laurence St., Denver., Jno. Q. T. A.. Chicago. Of late the New York police captain Ie like a waeherwouien he Ie elmoat ell the time lu hot water. The Rise of the Buckwheat Cake s s way-en- ow to-da- cor-titica- tu r valor-- 15. A svusatioi-B- l In the Kaunas wbiU that body nnvlved a fonetirruiil resolution from 1 ho iioiiso providing that both bodies go lino joint scsxiou at noon to eloet a ala to priutor, A Htibsiituto was offtfid ly Rona-to- r iK'uisou to thu that no of oloctlon aliall Ik Issued to a majority any ono uuloss ho root-irein each house. Tills takes advautago of an ambiguous construction of two laws, ono covorod by the const1 tut km, tho other by stntuto. Thu substitute was pnsxod, tut wus ovorruliHl by tho Liontonnnr tlovornor Troutman, presiding otiioor, who declared that tlie time tized by the constitution for electing state priutor had nrrivod, and he would adjourn tlie senate and ask the senators and otlhvrs to proooed to the house for tlie purinwo set forth. Ail the Republicans, tho two Deiuoerata and one Populist senator went to the otnt session, wlioreln Major J. K. Hudson, editor of tlie TojK-kCapitol, was doelan-- cliosou state printer ny the following vote: Hudson 104, Snow ropullst) Uti, Crane 1. Wagner 2. The house iielng Hepuhllcan, and the senate Populist, a majority of eaeli house Is hardly possible for any candidate of the parties. Meanwhile the Populist senators remained in tlie senate chamber, presided over by Senator King (ropullst), president pro tom. The senators remaining declared themselves in session, overruling President Troutninns decision. They pro ceeded to denounce tlie Republleana aa revolutionists and anarchists," and declared no state printer could lie elected save by a majority of eaeli house. The Populist senators finally adjourned till 2 p. in. auiiiito tilauit uoou aerr-ctuaue- u and ihe uiliruuuce incident to doelto-la- g yeere. It build up ku culcchled physique Bad fortlilre It aguin.1 unease. Appetite and nightly slumber Bra promoted ly it. end It la a protector agBiaat tae rflvcie of a eelllag, of overwork, exposure and unwholesome food or tiHik BOGUS LEAD CO. 1810 Hlako Hrmk DKNVKR, COLO. NOVELTY WORKS A RIG. Oa Bos L Stals iBdULawraueo S- t- P. her btsmps sad Elsetrlo I mm a M!UU& WILL BUY WHEAT, UUUX AND OATS. THK COMPANY PAYS THK FREIGHT Weak Lnngs, Consumption, Scrofula, Amentia, Lou of Flesh, Thin Bahies, Weak Children, end all conditions of Wasting. Buy only tht genuine I It has our ti k on wrafftr. trade-in- s' stlmim-tolor- TBAOC MAN. Soott & Bowne, Send far fnmfhUt m Scetfe Ematsien. FREE. 50 eents and $ I. N. Y. All Druggists. inuiuKsnax! aa Sand fMraa llladratod drmlm to THK WHIM CO..UHOiitlaSh,DauanOBlm and on |