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Show 7 WW JW I fact that our treasury i in a healthy tt.e r;i rt iili-- atti r Stull has bctu AMERICAN FORK ITEM. ( Vil, eotiJiiion ami the lily : art out mi tin' I, uii I ng t'.u tii'--fi.u.t; MILTON L. SCOTT, m i'l. i iu brant'1 ri'.w year .i;t wli'i i aic fli ii i.i i;rdt, n.ein t.;i 23r-A17SS u it xiiuuliitrif. We f.tely admit tl.it hot 1 u tin: l:."i.i"iy '! a l'dy m (lit; ! the ; It the? ( ' of a ttiifirr, A "in an I'urk nur council liM been very fcfoinuui.a!, tis 'iiig ci iii t h fllfyll 'It! Httt4 flj hut wuul lu't furl iiko rli titAMii i I I' - it th'1 or lui,j! f w.'id ' timii &rtiij ,'. r. H Mon." !uus ch ii vj.l r it.i'.- stt h ded Jr.im ii''h uatll'.-liligh.uchcouiuislit it id Ail ei nee I l t In this isbua appear the tinuncial about 70 p 'l'.i. . iA 5fi statement of i :g:n at lue We rho ! Kmk City, Worjr unl Auu.iii ..n the r.glji juili in .11 'i h l tirs'. audited u'. l (.'its keep by i r, but don't s't'p i .i Uso. 1'. S ll al pope, ink are ag ni1 ri.iimi aud r iuinjr; i preference to .a! g.'1' ,rctlccta iiiueh cr lu up-'our r.llicns in our . siiii for local ; st't-iis ii moral and . i Is whi.S': :"Veru-lueuban. ha btcii the city l the so many people about k U 0(1 flid the o'll social juiith the of thru 'i x a you rail ju .ii jear wlioie world. tln-r"I the t term. the According figuris, . Hi.f paper is now f ll jT.tl in the city ti'MMir; i n tn aland Whi-- this i ti t I'lfii i r t k i haige o M'lruey he nun try pre i.f L'tah it Ihe ci'y I he tir it ol lm yur ficu wus o, k. i t to giving hill J'.T I 71 in tl e vault. While there jfl i hi i 'iriili'T pipi'M fur I imicli h.i iii'iiiy i'rg" iniproV' If im dips Last ai-- k ll o ik ii. i h djnn;; the year, C.e lisv have been made, tb-rir on Tin: l'i, a uni made our iii lit) CXjielidL'd lijx-lilig tin ll alone, saying n tl.ii'g ubout city eti'-oilier cxpen-iitij- i uum(-r'ii- i h. Our ol licer' ssl tin-s- , ail tin way through. sr lowtr than i.tlii-llii t v low tnai.s. A a whole unr ,i- cut city t lmI'Ceh oiiu of (coiimny govi'iiiiii-iiTThi Cacar CoimU Cima Kominijr anet , rs iveraiicu uu.'ing the past and fur whiiii TiikItku feel lt uS no rirsli IT AsLtous. Will CUSS TOO ix Ibi-iboa cured c EXmiattn tad J by IKlsts n s uaN ilie l i riicrziiExxi. i- - - . - 1 lir-C- ''-- . 1 ill-a- 1 I i week. Cant Live He (i-- iiii-i.- -t Bald my fnen.Ii and is yrai.. cli'uale dulii.'t I had Dy .in .an, slid cliangs ol i..r. Lul Hood's Sarsap ; - w.-di- e 1 1 Hoke find Vaughler O. . ; .i rr K. . next Watch this Space dLiti I . L-- Sarsa-paril- la m 1 io'-nt- s i It glares! ivy r I can now cat, siciv und and work, yiydniigiiii-- s i provi-iiieiit- I alio lad i HMoiiirs Snnt to 0 RANTS EMPORIUM. IT will contain of Rue Importance to You. I? in" ai.d rheumatism. Hood's i niut, well aud healthy. B. F. O. 1:ukk, i':iirv.aw, Kansas. aim da Hood's pills are jiun ly wot I'tirgc, pain or gr.pc. Suid Ly all druggit. dlxii'i-i- s t.r-tl'ii- ;i:.v iiia.to hr.- i t- taeui-'n-Xui- seen A mini alio wtta rcci-iillcoinin'; ollice with hii out t n Trxtm iii wx jni Doaf split njii n, nnu eye gouged out anil and an car rhewed uir, explained that lie wan not a subscriber to that piper he simply entered the nlllcK lo nscirt"in if Ami h Ii i w the editor wa in, wa a a in," I r mournfully a1liil. LocaI Tinit Cartl SHhSEEhDONNA & kSiSJS meat is.srtxri'iX r IN EFFKOT NOV. ii, lSi4 raskrHEMEDr, ft'inpUint i lliadi; tliat the proyisii ns fur im pectin incat i'ni are such us to ..aveyoutruXThlsVsaiyriai tsodtocureyou MbrUoi InEnortma causn country people great inconvenSoul I'v Mrde A Co., ilruggists. ience. On hnnging meat or live animals tu this city, it is only with great 11111 vll- Folk now Ins a desirable Ihe liud can that they inspector. cully The upper depart-mri- .t It is suggested that ibat oliicial or a pt. c "l ol'llir j .'.ng men's store building WEhT deputy have some pcimancnt oilice up he may lie louiul at miy li.i towu, bici iltii-- lilt and l now ready to . iu. time tluring the usual otlice horns. It iiccooio.Ia'e i.ny tr.iv ling troup1'. lltriilit. milch sp 0:45 ii long lelt w i ll 'ini will is i made also ilonn and Yes, eninpl-i7;OU by j.i iijio' ot 'he town. puci this wav for the law sud luclln d g ii . EAaT. . Tine Monti Meeneuytr had il rock mi! flowing again last week mi lliu oi; riiiiri of ilu vindication of the prtitinii-nIn t!ie m i:;d tines c isi(i of ilu L'lali As it i now, pio-pliiin; This emwuw nni lea (ViiilHHMni, trom tl.c cnttiiiiy, e.--; .dully those lit if Jill uiK'iir- -, 1.1 (III: Ci iiilliinni will tiiral the eases to thn Miijin-lii- i coint wbo have a calf, a pig or a I uT to sell a jrofit, for tilt; lul I). t Ih'inm'iala may yet ennlrol the CHnnot dispose of it meat inspector reason iiave no that they (.'oiiHiiiiitiioml ('on rent inn; then it may i and atiH'K said Wald compelled to tic time for Stcvcnxni of the Urn M Murray alive lo la- mspcctid. Hurt to bring ut Iii rouairra. It la a law to work n hiiidsliip iisoi lriovo hea a ycry generous mayor () r iii'iivi'lu i! ami miiiiII shipn - mid At tin last imeling ol ita nty coiini'il. sha-- inen (iiiiside of Salt Like, while to furmah those in the city arc much licni'litlcd Mayor Iiillmok'a Provo City with electric light fur one am accepted. Tim citirn IK srilHIHE PAUTIES AA A' 17.. year, ami council of that rily should now crawl into their iickIs, tor allowing siu li In the Latter day Saints servicia and to prevail. II a city a large aa I'royo ijimrum meetings of late our head authraiinot furnieli a few lights without orities have advised against social surheaping it Unui " .i man, they had bet-te- prise parties snd cautioned member cancel the name, 'Troeieroua Provo " tn uol indulge in them, Wltile rdig inu advice ill- - In1 meant for good, wc The nlilor wiih ilyiiij;, hut when the tli'cni it poor doctrine, loi many doctor place, I his eer til Ilia pntient'a reasons. First, tliat it doesn't rtnu to 1'iair felheal t and liilllliTril sadly; merit lltn apiirotritioii of tin! in ijorily almost gone!" lie raised ot Saints in thi locality . low, ciicn! iitmi Second, tl.al hnnselt up i.ml gasped: "'fit false it lias a tendency to oriie the plcusuiu-esker- a We have the largest circulation in the to mlicr amuse incuts much more country." Then he sank hack upon hi dangvroua to tin- - corruption of our inorals. lor instance (lancing. pillow with a triumphant aimle ou hi youth Hit waa coosistant to the Third, tliat it is no a feat urea. teaching, from our eml lyin' ahmit his circulation. Ki, information, lrnm the head vf the church. Now TiikItkm wixiies to be lair on At thk lat meeting of tlm city coiiii-ct- these ijiirsiiuii. There is no person or Hie ijurktion of appointing a maul party that wislie ar intelligent aud ic.apcctor camn hefore tliat hndy, amt It mural community to tluive tlian we waa reteirrd to a special coii.nilttre to liut tlna method of ttaching morality if aa to tl e legality ol tins apit should prevail, ( which we feel it will pointment. Since then w have lcuint-not) would liear fruit of ignorance in that the law tloce not reiuir a meat in nur households, and (lift young grow up apectur forcitie under ten tlmu.viml without Ilie slightest knowledge of ct Now this is a peculiar law, iqn'te or the wuys of society, Our i ihi red If those wins ever supported aueli church authorities ay, tSeicare proper a measure knew the kanlahipi that it times to do these We'l, what ihuigs. wot k upon country dealers, they ought morn proper time is there than when the to hive mnarinuHiirM enough to move yaung ladin ami gcntlcincd are lliiough itsrepealation. American Pork need a their daily toil and lalmr. Tlicy want meat inspector had, and if oue was ap- some rerrea'i'-nthey must have it, and pointed we don't presume the law rouhl what ia more appropriate and uiiiiiing ..prove it unronatitutional. than to get together and form aid upend nil evening at a Mr. Shoemaker, or the Minti .l in surprise party. These is no Ii n in in it; eengrr , an individual who delight snJ thera is no danger of conujitiug the be-i- n himself ideaol hearahltug forth the llltls one's mural. It is edm aiionai : it in j mrnalism commoa the aiwre far fumislies iuiellect, thought snd rclinc-ineo- t col the a spinal ITtah, jp'ls ripping up to both . When a child lie unto trom the Millard iilnde for Ills recornea at a errt mi age it is desirous ol prated assumptions diguity. loel is id ot sinnsenieot, and some ico entering nt the editors contiuusllv emoeacbtng i we there none of bet ter tii.m a know fur their enrnuiHtciicy tiah iaNr plcusanl social sir prise party. so he greatly esti In dnin" journalist. Ttie Inutret .Vo.-- , tiie church organ, mnti-- himscll a a journalist of the Ingh. a late issue. tr at of on dancing a a wlm can turnih any amount of to tiie ml it foitdltg young. Now of brains to thorn who will pay wli.lt the me Sibils follow to the at do, a "narrow mid take will atop Joel, it you 1. c vici. oi J Fii't lrcsi mid its cncy advice, minded competitor's" youll drop on such ichit Yemenis. It is uugcntle-manly- , org.u.or oi.r American Fork autlicrillo! not good journalism, and re- We leave n to the Saints to judge. If minds one of a box of uousente broken both be good advice, what are the young to do for aiu;icmcnt? Set in their open in a cml of people. hum. anil glow up in ignoia..c of I We know tiiat this u,. not le trom much it complaint Turns aliout our city fstheis exercising a compulsion on the part of any auth .too much ecnnnmv. Tliry seem to be orttire advin'r. May wc be allowed to suggest that these who have been watching the publias a hundred times worse dancing the anv citv of lic Iiup'.nvcmrnta during to corrupt our youth ii'.uri! than imlc too that We past year. much ccon-unby our council is ijuitc (list which some of our leading Latter to abide the to general welfare of Am- day S lint wish the injurious erican Fork, but kc do not think this of by. Wc may s..y th.it iu all. il is not at the past year's inuucipsl government. any of th. c social, or even lianccs, that Probably Ibis comment is gained from the young are lead cstisy, tut it is upou nt 1 7:25 e I 1 !l;40 p. in GJ. SHORES DOCTOR 1 in. I 5'u a4 - - w I-- i.a Vy 0i!5 8217 8:05 Pay son. . Kuri-kn- Ar Silver Cy. Lv U;40 I). , Doin-.k- invt-stiuai- e ; liiciidly-sssociatmu- it fr 1 tax-pap- v er ten-dan- ry now-ledg- un-iub- s . S0UTII OF SALT LAKE. 7:55 0.55 0 AH Finest Sample Rooms 8:12 Springville 0:42" Sp. Fork SIEADtQUAIRTOmS ifoir THAVEMK'B 1 fflBK AKD 5OTB3OTS. 2)0 J. II. I)s:nxktt, G, I, fi. T. Agt. S. II. ItAUCOCK. G. F. Agt. Electric Bells. Rates, the Lowest AMERICAN FORK CrJ F. Wickersham, J nfli-H- 1 . p. m, stations, a. in. 5;0'J Lv. Suit Lake Ar. ;45 11 158:30 8;S0 C, ABAMSUH, FEOP, m lmt'JI EAST OOO GRANT, S'. m Spui tali Folk. IIIILMI . Cen. Mg'r. A. E. Wklut, Oen. Bup't. tZS CXZ m- - a ;00 , WEST I The Pasifis 2 A POX. PoClixly liuaranu-- l la Lura Entry Casa of Nasal Caiarih. C.aurrhal Jisnia nuira both ku'jl an I iiK.Mituli.'iMl IreJImfnl. Iliracti'.ns l .t us!n Dr. (i. W. Sants' Fanout Curative KvmcJirs in all catarrhal tnaic dlseasa. It your han oljirli, :ki, tft Vr, ttU fever ur any c.MHl.i.aieJ attis;iiu at th noseTwwaet Sr.ii:h:al lutvsnr lun, uteDr. G. W. Shorn' Cure. ( ..uli Cure and Tun:c and Uluod Purl Set In ure the r.n.irrli. sin At cough, dcann and l'io M d. uniMve ib irielll and digaslkm. runfv Urt--r I in-nr Madder troubla, mill us Dr. i i. W. S'lurrs1 K ite! anJ liver Cure: aod PRICE, . Hr. ii. VV 8mm' tildacy lines jo i M jve, .a ihe Icidnc), liver and bUddtr. I'r.ie, ivr Im". Hr ii. W. Shurri' Cangti Cure cure all coughs, Volta jut u.in.liMl iSKisun. On don will ilop A 0.30 No. Noiitii No Ah. 0:12 " 0:10 p. in 3:10 7 Noktii I Dp. S i it ihi' .rcj' Wintcrfreeii Salve curea att :v:zr Hr. auuks i r f hi . I I only by Doctor Institute. Sail Lake I jHsii. J:,-- j , w...f'.h ',v, City, Cull. Suiil by Hu arr S's STATIONS J SOUTH Lclii Aui. Fork pi drove H.3.J Irovo 9:15 Djiringvillu 9 :25 8p. Fork 9:31 " Pay son 9:53 " 10:55 22)0" Ncphi Juab 11:35 Sii'i'ii' jc (Jo., DrugEi-i- ' 3.-0- " H. Connection. 0 E. Bchlet, J. M. - UTAH. Henry Lee, Livery FihhI mid Sales Stables First Clas Turnon Ik always in Readiness. A tine Selection of Ilnraes amt Buggies. f BOUND 8;44sm 8:50 Pool Room in Ameeican Fohk, Heading, Grammiir, Spelling. Cuninur cial Law and Arithmetic, Penmanship, Gidgrapliy. Rates: Day, per month, $4; night $2.50 NOIITII IIUCKD. I - um Ciiri iculuin of Studies: 4 :l('pn. 4 :03 .ijn u 3 :o7 3:27 3:18 Billiard and FORK Opn D.iyand Nighf. . i.isvipiiviR. sick headache and bilious e. i.rn Pills Shore' W U ruu'.rli' .ii'.- Utah Buiineii n3 No 5 No 7 Nmivw red spots and black ta 3u,SUyt- - ,M- lien n Furk, AMERICAN 1 l 'I il Dr. il w jsriM-- I me 2 :00 a. in Salt Lake. ftpiani.iln ,r .'.p. Keep hsile in the house. Large size ! .'lea Hr. (I. Shores' Moualalu Sag Oil stops Iha "M coin in .me minute. Hirhradaihe. hsithaihe, nniroi j, , r.iu.ra or rnlic me ll ralernally and In liroo l. and cures diphtheria if used Iu lniv. Ktir ,i Kitilr hanJv. Price, 2c bottle. Dr. 1. W. Ehurea' Repels Vermltuife destrovt Imoi.nji w ipis .inj rvmuvrs the little murJ nest whrre viiev ikh anJ bretJ. It never feiln. Price 2- :u.i a. m No, 1 10:40 No. 3 3:45 p. ni No. 5 ATI; Family orilors a sjavi:ilty. Neat lloor to Item Salt Lke hi, you Sai.t Lake VKHH No. 2 No (i No. 4 and Liver Curs No. 8 LIQUORS SIGAFS. Repaired OODKX . ah. WIBE8. 'Soectacles In Eflect April S), lbibl. Train urrice ami depart at tarioue etitiuRi at folloire: v DEALER IN ami Oli-I- E n :ki' .me nf Dr. (i. W. Shorn' IM. :c heli'me. Uyiair iruuMa is chronic Dr. G. W. Shorn personally c. I. m-ilor li" n s '.!. on list ant have yourcasadlaa n.x.-- l mi ,..-advice tree. Iir. il. IV, .ih.irea Teeie and Blood. Purifier ile .ms. ju I lies ihe Had. gives strength and d ill nervous diseases. vy.-r.inis I In. e. per hsile .ii i. Clocks, Jewelry System In all ' K. anj J Thornton A. K. Watchep , Book-kecpin- Kuns Hack to Reading. Banking, SpellLeave ing. Grammar, Geography, PenmanMain Street, ship, Algebra, Com. Arithmetic, Rates: Day, $6 per month; night $4, see J. IL THORNTON, Tropr. In Basement of Grant American Fork, - llnel, . BENJ. BATES, Iuxh IIavden, A all trains orders at SlaLlcs. American Fort American Fork GciiI Agt. Agt. American Fork. Kxnirsiims lo anti From nJo Pas Dipt. Salt Lake. Xw Yoik. City Tirk- -t Ollici, 201 S. Main st. E. L. Lomax, G. P. A T. A. A ej'ivinl iuiimiu Excursion Tourist Repairing of buggies of nil kiuda. E. Dickinson, Gen 't Agt. cur DEALERS IN will bo sttochud to Rio ''''pmg . 11. Clahk, II S. , Betting of Tires, fixing Wisi.-ticin.l.' Uiilway tain leaving (),jIVEg y, Mike, TOILET DRUGS, ARTICLE lU"' ii G.i.5 i. etc. j,. E. Ellery Anderson, ! Receivers, in-I Shop Oppmtite City Hall v.ry Friday, running through CIGARS. ETC. American Fork, ( liicsgii via I). & u. . uUl, 0., B. & M. and C. Fkedehkk R.Coudeht. IL Ueadijuarters for QII.IL Steele TPA'BOK- & So., ma-cluner- y, t Second class tickets on tin cr Chi connectaccepted ions made t Chiiugo id, aj jne,. NEW SERVICE Fares for li.iuble Birlli. I in.- - ai. i ui'ernicdi.ita omslis p..",,h, rrkc und intcnnediate Take $3 00 IMhis t ( Iticftgo f4 00 It will Ik- m ctung, f A gglariud of 1C Hujimjjion Route and! iu- accoiupunicd by a Pullman prr-tcwh.iee Mill duty jj will be to .. i i I iu of ilie puasengert. 1 tic van, li ico jl frlll jh, llirougl. 1ll,,, ,re c,,tructed an the same general phut as first class riefing cars." 'lng ('liiipl'cd upiwr berths. The lower IL Hazards r. a'. -'- v'"avrrt(Hl thedvr; V.,,,y lr,. I'.a.trivH, (Mift, OLiaku tuwi'. 77 rVl'',!' 11 l,lr Route Train with curtsins, th(1'!ts, pillows mid hruulics; in fact ''ial.irt an.i convrni-L!- : 11 - Kl Lik,jijy, Lull ) Agents for N. St. Louis and Chicago, Tlirouuli Pullman Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair CaO, Dining Cars A la Carte, Mi CgALGDjg Wilde, Adamson & Co., Propi All 0 kinds of Wine3, Liquors And Uioak, Fine Billiard and pool ('I'l'tiection, Mi'ii'li-m- i ,,, Strict. Fork. AjiEKrrAX Uta Didn't do a Thins . to Chiengo on the Chicago, Union Pacific & North ;-QLI FF & SCOTT Lino. o iVhyf Time the tiieket, solid 0 V vcstihuled train, no cloingi' of roach at at the Mtsaouri River. Tlir.:. first and In Basement Commercial second class Slrciirrx mil Du.ina Car Savings It . For full call on or address Building. J- - M. Hit i :i Irovo Tity Agent U. P. bystim. ('tut He but tnaku the trip 2 at Denver, for Omnlin, Kaos City, mto coml'Tlable upper berths vt"'!' ilioirinja cipsp'siul con ' "f tl,.'1! " Clihdijo r reaching '... c...,' . 1,'ino; ,., biot'.T than to str.ii'.,Ibririo in thi fashion. , I ff. F. McMillan Ti,xC .Uti'n'I Agt B. R. '.' Room ll. aver 10 W. 1 Burlington (gEIU HUNTERS MPI-LIEGiant Tovder, Fuse and Caps. Evening train, and Dead Shot leaving American PowderFork 8:29 p. m., Cone ami get a Omni SIIOT GUX Cheap. Connecting dai.y witli Aincrican Fork, Utah - Ik 0. W. Ry GUNS, LOADED SHELLS, FOWLER, SiiOT, AND cure your tirketa at R. 0. W office, A. I. ltiu. Elia, agent, II, G. W. American Fork, OK o.o ieV'-inar- i'in Many Mr,, f Many Tnn I)i s.'rit Telegraph office is in ;Hiled m tl,r Ci, The Item l nil. ling. Those w ho wish to v A'li'imv.i, I,, teli'grnpli will finu itclieaier tiiin tide r"lllicfil.ir wiih I'hnc, aiul Kfricllv private. Messages ilc.ay a V. F. Mc MILLAN. Gen'l Agei.i, lioum 11, Over No, 10 West devouj 8u. promptly S' nt, i ived and delivered. Sait Lake City, Utah. J L. Dunkley, Operator. ! Ii- - MU,. J'u Vest ".Oil j Sll jjiwr. uen Agent L. p. System, ,pp ii P'f. ' For full |