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Show AMERICAN FORK ITEM. Advertise Your Wants In The Item PUBLISHED .WEEKLY YOL Indepcnont 2 AMKIUCAX S0CIE1Y. :.! The li.HSq-'.e- l n:i nil' at the not Opel a i... lay Light, as lurm a crowd attended a was tliu uiclemeiiev of the ouii.j-t- In FoHtlcsFalr and Impartial to FORK, SATURDAY, Fresh VXD PERSONAL. L-'l- JANUARY l. Siliui at Puui.h All. Tlit circle-- - aoci'-l- Hill e'litor i f il ls lire 'etwitl.tt.iimiiig m pur ivrdiC'l an : Dvita lit.-- , iu bis search for iu; s upon Curd pmtic.-- i i iu to the meriy maker. biout ot date ami tl.e ptuplc are taking 1 ue, itnii n, a. o. i v of nicin-nria- l bervi'i this ei'.y , .lay last at lutli evening by giving a tbipiunn' banquet and ball. It ia said they bad a fraternal and pleasant tinie, Mbs Nora Tlminaa and Mrs. Win. Uimllvy, two prominent society lailiea of Lein, were tl.e guests nf Mr. ami Mrs Will Chipman this week. Mitt Ethel Pike, of Salt Lake, who spent last wesk litre aa the guest of Mitt Loii Robinson, lelurneJ home latter part of the week. II. J. Mortensen, the popular stove repair man of Spanish Fork, dropped in on ut Thursday on liia way home from Lelu. Call again Mort . A surprise puily wus given Miss Olive About Kelley last Monday evening. twenty friends gathered at her home and Miss all enjoyed theim-elvehighly. Olive recently relumed Irani a visit In Salt Luke. and Mrs. Peter Adamson were about five months ago, and on Wednesday the occaaion was celebrated at the parlors of the Grant. We learn that it was quite a srciul event, and thui a fins apicad was served. Owing to us not haring nn invite we are unable to find out what was done and who were there. Mr. married Spanish Fork's talent has gotten together and organized a home dramatic This i a step iu tl.e right company. direction. American Fork Inn any amount ot theatrical talent and if it could get together, a good company heie would he. All it needs ia a leader. F. lodge held its regular weekly meeting Monday evening in its hall. A good attendance was present. who have been alack durThe Forest ing the iu minor, are awakening! themThe A. O. selves (o th plessant evening! and benefits enjoyed by their membership; and are attending more regularly. They will soon initiate new members into the order The installation of new officers took place laat week. - Monday evening about twenty five friends crept upon the home of Deputy Uond Supervisor antis Wagstaff, and gave him a total surprise. Ths evening was spent in by the folMayor T. B. lowing who were there : Parker and wife, Samuel Dean and wile, Jesse Crookaton and wife, Wm. Chadwick and wife, John Chadwick and wife, Fred Wright and wits, Alai tin Hanson nnd wile, W. E. Kelly and wife, John S. McNiil and wife, Wid Nichols nnd wifi-- , Jus. Armstrong uud wife, Mrs. John Nichols and wife, Bliss Blaliudn Ralphs, Mrs Alary Duncan. -- merry-makin- Quite a crowd of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jss. T. Gardner got together on Alondiy evening and surprised them in Uivent shape, Singing, toasts and games were indulged in and a relishing, lunch devouied. Some of those present were: B Y Greenwood and wife, E II Boley and wife, Samuel Greenwood and wife, Robert Proctor and wife, Jake Greenwood and wife. J J Mercer and wife Jos. King and wife, Eph. Elsmore ani wife, Judith Greenwood nnd wife, Jos, Shipley and wife, Mrs. Leo T Shelley, Vm, Gaidncr. Ed, Graves, Annie Bourne. Sarah King, Edith (in All ii. NO 21 V A long fall want has Uen supplied that of placing a foot bridge the dcutist, Lel.i. A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Fearful Calamity Tlie Holey Hotel lias One. America Fork, Jan. is to 19.--T- Lii certify that I have a Home Comfort 11 iw weatln-r- . about sixty couples Steel Alai fable Iron Cooking Range Seventy-Fiv- e Killed at Yir leoiile min ip- your goods the cl..pis ditch at the bank coiner. were pir-eu- i, many spectuior, ui purchased of the traveling auleamun for Butte, Montana, llutiklejV. and tiiecouiuiittei1 in whose luud weie the Wrought Irou Rango Company, of V at Punk Icy Fuesii celery the atl'aii, quite u few dollars at. Lou in, Sin,, and have after thoroughly 1. Uoluna.in, of Lilii, was a plfHnt over expenses. Tiik Item rehirter wa OVER A HUNDRED WOUNDED. T. AI. Ail man made us a plea-athere, fu.1! v prepared to obtaia a list of talh-- ut our sanctum Tliuisday. cull testing the asme, found il to he just as the chapieVr.-- . hut a full and C'.iinplcle yesteid .y. He, with uihers, tu workrepresented in every particular, first list could u.-iinttei,. owing to some Joe Alovie uud Mayor Kpli. Nark, 01 ing their onyx mines, about thru n jin Nearly Kerry Pimnnn tilths Brave Crsw class ia avtry respect, and I chem fully tu Aloiua llluau the Witlmat here. hill Momrat's east of lima to unmask, leaving vere ruatica'.ing in town t'!,a tcccimiuud ii tiUany mm alio may want a Mullra Hurled tor Mils i it would imt lie justice to Alpine, coDMipn-i:- ! T or Tout liras Said to Have week. Powder first class range. were enieii it that Riirn-.many print ' The annual Uobbv birthday Man tllowuTwo MiW-a- . asliaiUL-off Mks.C. AI. Riley. ii lit llieiusclves be Known, cornea at the hnuou un 0cr parties The Wrought Iron Range people don- Jun. 34 and 33, 1895. A urand time is in prineipnlly young Indies. Hanitreds Say The Same. ated quite lilierally tor the Old Folk' atore for those who intend . RiTTE, Alont, Jan. 13. A special to the Salt Like Tribune ssyi: fire A American party. Fork, Jan. 10,- -1 can FINANCIAL REPORT JiBT Arrived! And Oh : how Chenp broke out in tlm Huttc Hardware comthat the Ilouie Comfort Range, testify The insurance of (150,000 ou the for Ilia Quality ! Ladies, Gents, and pany's waii'liou-- e in (he southern IK part of sold by Mr. Parks, repiesenting tlm lnssif Children SHOES, at Dl'XK LEYS. buildings of the Tirritarlnl the city at Id :U0 Ten minute Wrought Inoi Range Company, of 8t. a later a terrific explosion of powder oc- Louis, AIo , is perfect in every way for asylum has been divided among seven-teand saying of fuel, quick Jimmy Dunkley still carries Ins hand which broke nearly all the larga convenience, companies. in robei. the result of cutting bis hand in curred, baking and heating, I would n t for I plate glass windows, a mile away, and twice the price do without mine. For the Year Ending DecemThe Creamery company have just place of a tuikey he was dresing. shook buildings to tlmir foundations. Mhi. Mikk'ie Chart. ber 31, 185)1. We cheerfully endorse the above: completed an ire house, adjoining tli4 firemen were fighting tlm flames The Cash tells the tale when buying goods E. A. Me Cl. KART, factory. It has a capacity for 130 torn and nearly all nf them wem blown to at DUNK LEYS. J effersor Eaitkohd. ice. of RESOURCES. pieces. It is reported taul only one fire s man Justice In Jacksons court eicaped with Ins life. Twe more Worthy of its Name. yesterday, Cuh on hand December Rl, The Koinitcrk of irovii give a grand Louis Nielson 5 for disturbfollowed at internals of five deposited f explosions iln-isucml American at ball even 1803 in.', Fore, Jan . 1C.1 This is to Thursday f 333,30 ing the peace in ih ti irth part of town. minutes each, killing aid wounding a 1895 this Court 33, we have purchased a Home Lakeside, January that certify 3 00 Outstanding accounts number ot people. city, acknowledges, witli thanks, a very from the Wrought Comfort Sled Range ut The coal has been reduced SO price 31 09 neat invitation. Bills Receivable in Treasury.. It cannot be learned how many people Iron Range Company, and it ir all the ccnta per ton in Balt Salt. Why is it were killed. A general alarm lias been lalusman claims for not so here. Receipts it. It cioka with Airs. II. .1. Mortensen, of Spanish sent from the city hall, calling for assist- half the fuel end s Merchants, Hotel and Iliitclii-rquicker than any Fork, lias been very sick the past week, Flour ii selling at $1 33 per hundred ance of all citizcue to care for tho dead stove wo have ever used . Wr rccco-meuLicenses 389 00 hut we are pleased to state she is im- and sugar at (3.00 per hundred, or 30 and wounded. to . it everybody and Peddlers' Dance, Fliow, ieuuda for s dollar. proving. The fire attracted a large crowd and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cousin. 130 00 License! s s s hundreds were standing near the scene SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guarChase Feallieratone, of this city, and when tlm first explosion occnred. Police Court, fines colluded . . 133 33 Men, antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. Alios Celestia llrown, ot Lelii, will bo QR. A. CHRISTENSEN., women aud children vere cut down l7 1300 00 It is the boRt Saloon Licenses one Cure. married Cough Duly imt week. the terrible explosion. 31 00 cent a dose. 33cts., nnd (1.00. Sold Esiray Pound . at Steels Drug Store. After tlm the third explosion the hosThere are liuudrcds of tons of bests in 31 03 Ri nts and Dividends pital co.'pse and pelice began the work the ground at Spanish Fork, having 34 00 Geo. J. Rrazer, representing Pyles' Cemetery Lots sold been r fused by the factory, owing to of picking up the dead and carrying off Oflicc it Hro jiley Rouse. 0 80 pearline, was in town this week distriSale ot Well Pipe the lack of aaccliinna to produce the tlm wounded. Fifteen dead bodies were American Fork, Utah It is pronounced standard amount of 1301 83 buting sum plea about. many of them mangled piled together, City Tax RoR The beets sugar. the best powder on the market. Sold to such an extent that they were not will lit fid to stock. NDRKW ADAMSON, all merchants. identified in the excitement. Tho scene A by s Geo. Alitchell, Tom Crooks and Dave about the explosion was beyond doscrip Jos. R. Keeler line been called to pre Alen and women wrung their lion. lieye returned from quite an Kelly U.8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR side as bislion ot the Fourth ward, cried in ngony. and handa and trip through tlm Southern States. Provo, to succeed John E. Booth. Ills They went along with Joe Kelly and --mNOTABY lTBUC.frCALLED TO THEIR DEATH. confirmation was made at a meeting of Ammon Aliucer, woo took seven car A t 0 ;53 o'clock tlm fire department hinds of hoiea, which weie tor aalc. - Utah the ward last Saturday. Americiui Fork, They report having an interesting and responded to Hie call to death ti nearly Since Una writing, Joe the entire forte. The firemen heard Wm. W, Robinson of this city tins pleaiut trip. COURT LEfLEAlDK M Mmuu ban ulao wm . Vr K.-O.Kel'r Um wm, y l l,ci-MM M Klttlll. appointed wlmliiUlrUr,ow lh (No. 8138.) this was bat and denied, after building, was killed who estate of his son Wid, a moment's they hesitation, began ARMSTROKiI II J. tight come monthi ago by the U. P at the head The juilice department of Provo are Muetiugs held every the fire. Chief Ranger. Aloud y evening at of Water street. time. It seems ingThe having a powder in tlm warehouse blew up, J. L. 8.00 p. in. Visiting t the special police and nightwatch-me- n Dunkley, death and ruin to all who were Financis. lirclhern Invited. Provo's dark streets were lighted Wedhave been, at divers times, mitering spreading Sccy ot bodies were hurled hunnear. Parti ot efforts and the nesday night, saloons alter closing hours and generosity Thornton's Hal!, American Fork. Utah. kind 'u dreds of away. One man near tlm its mayor. He paid (3C0 00 nut of Ins stsiri in'! with the saloon element. Alar-sli- Northern fret Pacific water-tau- k was almost How own pocket nn a yenr'a centre rt. Knight brought charges against struck tty tlm thigh of a human I Oil iV McXIEL, wdfiM our mayor like to do tlmt. A special committee at the lieing, driven hy tlm foice of dynniuita them. - Lsigc pieces of PllECIXCT JUSTICE, cuuncil was appointed to ferret out tlm from the fearful sceneirou were thrown miles. Several bodies 4X1) NOTARY PUBLIC. Mrs T.S. Hawkins, of Chultanoga chartres, and they are now in aiu-a were hurled a longdispinee. All kinds ut L'.gal Work transacted with SAVED Vitalixer ''Shiloh' muddle that someone's head says. Ten:, appoiutavo LATER . mu title r it the bnt rem may drop in the basket. XIV LIVE . promptness. Marriage Licenses ami anything pertaining tu HiiTTK, Mont. Jan. 17-list l edg for a dfbilitntnl tglem I tetr wd. matters, Fur DyiqicpBia, Liver or Kidney trouble Legal tlm as of known Hie result Bps!. dead, Beyond Quenlion Turmlay Utaii it excels. Price 73 cts, night a explosion, has reached a total of American Fork, American Fork, Utah, Jan. 10, The Hat of Las injured Tlm Home Comfort Steele Range placed reached appalling proportions. There R R Close, whom many krow, and who in our kitchen, by N. A. Parks, traveling are fifty-liv- e in the hospitals, end some of American Fork Citv( Utah. for years represented the Life insurance talesman for tlm Wrought Iron Range thirty have been reported from different Creek died at for Cripple Utah, company Mayor Thomas B. Parser. Colo., about'six weeks ago. ' Ilia body Com puny, of St. Louis, AIo. is beyond I aria of the city. This evening parte ot two Councilors James 11. Clark, Robert was shipped to his home in Pennsylvania. question tlm best Range that we know a body was found at Mcaderyillc, miles away. The concussion alook Proctor, Jl. Y. Greenwood, Ilcnry of, and have found after a practical houses n eighty-foBelgrade, miles Millar, James W. Preston. In another column will be seen the test to lie such as represented in every east nf Rutte. Recorder George F. Slml'ey. advertisement ot Dr G W Shores famous Trcomirri Thomna E. Steele. remedies. Thry ran only he hid from pnr'icular by tlm salesman. Good Advice. Collector Nunc: Abel. Mr. C AI Hkce, our xn ular ilr;igq:sl, Thomas E Slurle. Marejia- l- Win. Kimr. Home Comfort Steel We bought Mho. C AI Bixk. of ilie Pence Jorenli J. Jackson. Justice from the Iron Steel Range Wrought Os Monday, Jan. 31, the Utah Fies Tlm Juvenile Di urn Watermabttr John M. Miller. has reorgcorpse an i it entire gives Range Company Association will meet at the Knuisford anized sad are Road Supervisor F. D. Caesity. going to purchase some We sdyise e verjlmdj to get Charles Whitikcr. Bcxton hotel, Salt Lake, lo re organize and tran- new instruments. A paper a Home Comfort, and they will su!iscnpt:nn E, II. Boley. Poundkeeper The come aa sact such business neyer up. may is being circulated Council meets fourth Saturday in earli by tlm little fellowi regret it. We would not part with mine lie force Item there, providing wjll to raise money to mimtn. purchase said initru ours tor anything. subscriber cornea in and pays up their ments. to furni-d- i the They propose Adam 51k. Mrs. Alex and y. Giosiiiff of Maiifi. i:, subscription people of American Fork with pleanly OOIKO NORTH . want a Tiie Item ( in of rub dub music between now . 13:00 a. m. R. G. W S, II Stinson, who has served the R. and after the election next fall. That's every town and hamlet of Utah co-;- nty. U. P 4.43 p.ui, G. W. as station ngent for over three R. G 4:15 p, ui see right, but 'em that drum hoys, you Taste This In Yonr Hat. yeuis at Spanii-l- i Fork, has accepted a up. east. souTn aoixo and tli 10. 3Ve American Fore, Utah, Jin. position as western freight agent tor 8 :o5 a. m , U. P... Alisaouri Pacific. purchased a Home Comfort Steel Range R. G, W Many Spanish Fork-er- a The Co-o- p Drawing. 8:43 a. m. from W. IL Smiths, salesman for the R. G. W will regict the change, is Harry has Last Saturday p. m. night at the Opera formed a large circle of friends during OUR STAR ROUTE. P lId its grand drawing, Wrought Iron Range Company, and we his pleasant stay there. Success, old boy. and distributed its many prix'S. Tlm are perfectly satisfied in every respect, Fur Alpine: incky onn are aa follows: and would not part with it for two of Mondays. Wednesdays end Jake Greenwood, hummer. 3 :30 p. In . " Saturdays the best cud loves made. Subscription papers are all the rage Britr'i-Ilansen, tomahawk. 3 .00 p, in, Arrives ednow. lour having been shoved in the Mrs. Mn. Geo. and IIogoakd. Helier McNicl, carpet sweeper. orrics hours. Jaka Greenwood, keg of syrup. itors face during the week. People ton The Buck Arnica Salve, A. delivery, stamp and regT, general Total Shelley, bread raiser. 1180 00 who visit newspaper offices for donations Jake Greenwood. SO Ibe. flour, Salve world for Cuts, istry windows open at 8.IO a. m. and the in Best The con to charity, carry their gall quite F Banxs, 5 lbs. i.m::i.iTir.s soke. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Suit Rheum, Fever closes at 5:30 p. in. candy. u d. livery nr.d On Sunpays the geut-ia- l ipicinu. Those that lire most respon-aililSores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Cliil- Greenwood, ladle's shoes. Ge. P. Siiej.i.ev, Recorder. Irem are 8:00 n. m. and windows J. E. Greenwood opeu Jake and are stamp for this all Skin Eruptions, Jenson, 5 lbs, baking powder blains, Corns, hl 1000 cures both no reor and were vi'Piles, chair. said Dean. positively Samuel It is pay they cocking "" T B r.'iiKEii, Approved : er- - rocking chair. uuirtd. It is guaranteed to give peitcct thrown from an upper story window and . Brown, Mayor . or Price money refunded, Alpine, rocking chair satisfaction truck upon their cheek, and Dr. Cooper Cliurch Services. Dioi.ias Singleton, rockiug chair. 35 cents per Imx. FOR SALE RY Territory ? I r.n Ii them unhurt, pronounced W- D . Rebioson. COUNTY OK I TA If, & Store. Steele chair. Drag Cos., Pbehtteuian. 10:30 a. m. Sabbat L rocking American Poke Uiv J Jke School. chair. Greenwood, rocking to A Postal Card Phillip Dvlmnre, of Lcld, came 'or Wm. Kelly, Japanese vasts. 11:30 a. m1 Prayer CVu Terence; 4 the to I hereby certify that the foregoing is town las Saturday night loaded ' bY?.06 .A,Pin,i overshoes. with ytur name and address plainly p. m., Junior C. E. Society: (f:43 a full, true and complete statement of neck with fire water, and began to paint written, will bring Turldon, the photo "J; 8I,'c,,ey.Jpair artics. p, m., Senior C. E. Society: 7:30 p. Gunter, dress pattern, the finance! ot American Fork City, for the town red. Almut the second u t graplier, to your house, prepared to m,. Preaching. romPoni pair home-madphotograph yminMfor any member nf Wednesday .7:30 p. m., Prayer the year ending Dec. 31, 1891. Marshal King got on to tlm racKti. but blank t family, in your own parlor day or your when Meeting. Mrs. S. Dean, aet of Witness my hand and flic corporate did not catch him till Monday, Before silver knives and night. No pay in adyanee. 7 30 Bible study. sral of said city this 31rt day of he was brought before Justice Jsckson firka. have any work done lie iro lo see Friday you Mrs. Minnie J. A. Livincston Smith, seat. who gave him five days or f 3. Delmore December, 1894. Satisfaction Turblcna one Ilansen, samples. guargentlemans Pastor took the former, he thinning a dollar a ilver watch. anteed. Geo. F. SnELLEY, School at Latter-DaSaints Sunday day is mighty gooJ pny, working on the TIrt "t"1, 0D Turldon, tho Photographei, cight day clock. Meet10 a. m. in the Meeting House. E. Jenson, inbr stave. City Recorder. highway. P. O, Box 183, American Fork, Utah. ing at 3 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m. s.ri l.p-d- r t so. Dr. , - lvtj. -- i, SI.25 Cet Handsome nAndReturns- I llmsrisanFejkSita un r a d . titt? DENTIST. o - t . I pro-cu'ri- Tlie fllty-ihrc- CITY CPFICER3 ur to-da- corn-sponde- .................. 3.-1- 0 The committee on Bobby I! urn s biith Jav parties, which come off on next Pbumlay and Friday nights, are George Crookstnn, James T. Gardner, and Alma Kowlcy. Curler the supervision of this c nimittee a good time will he had. Besides the grand hall, there will lie a program carried nut, consisting of singing, recitations, fancy step dancing, etc. 1 1 will lit the event nf the Reason, Quite a social event took place at the residence of Louis Garff, Lelii, Monday evening. It was a surprise of largo proportion and was upon Mr. Garff. Those (hat attended from American Fork were: 8 LChipman ami wife. . R Ilimlley and wife. Will (Tiipnmn mul write, John Grant and wife. Airs. Rosens Ilicmlej, Misses Ida, Eliza, 8yd. Martha nnd Amanda Chipman, Cady Dunkley Messrs, (quire Chipman, Dr. A. Christensen, Ersstu Green, Jos. Jsrknn, Will Myers, Wm. Bromley nnd others. A line program was rendered, materially, toasts by Wm Br.nnlev, A. J. Evan, and others. Mrs. Garff. ths liostrta nf the occasion, rendered Madeline." secinl ly selected by thn guests, Mrs. Laura Salzner also sang, ......... ........ ni -- v" e y |