Show Will IMPROVE SERVICE r c Central Will UI UIe He e Followed d h by Greater Police Po Iu lice When tho time new police patrol alarm S system Is installed In Salt Lake It U Is probable hat the tIme greyhound and pa patrol patrol patrol pa- pa wagon chauffeurs and the motorcycle motor motor- cycle men will Ill bo located In the tho Jarn garage o back bacle of he city Jail The TIme now new system tem tern Includes s a telephone alarm In the time garage g As soon Joon as us a call reaches the time desk sergeant cant he ho can immediately communicate cate cab It to the garage and b by tho tim time tho the wagon wason sergeant has reached therewith there thero therewith with complete completo details from froni rom tho tIm station aLa sta tion the time automobile can be cranked up Ut and ready to run At present when a telephone call forthe forthe for forthe the police conies comes In the desk sor sergeant remains it t tilt tho telephone until he re receives receives re- re full tull Information Then Timen ho goes oes or 01 sends to o time thc rear room of ot the station sta sta- lion tion for tho automobile lle driver cr That officer comes conies to 10 the office for tor his coat hat and glove Io e then timen goes to tho garage garage garage gar gar- age for tor hi his machine In this wa way several sev SIH era eral minutes are arc lost |