Show TWO TO WRECKS ON Ii I tr B i- i mm Limited and American Ex Express Express' Express Express' Express Express' Ex- Ex press' press Wrecked on the West WestEnd End Loa Ios Angeles Cal Cat Doc Dec 17 Word Won was received recel h hero r tonight that th the tue Salt l Limited ll of oC the time lx lo Los s An Angelos clos tan San an Pedro c Sa Salt 11 Lake Luke railroad wa was derailed near near Mannix fifteen miles mile e east cast t t of or Da cU this afternoon about abou izO O o'clock and ami tho the conductor t two mail mall clerks and two cooks In the dining dining din din- in ing car were slightly injured Th rho rhoen en engine a ba baggage car a diner and a tourist sleep are arc reported to have let left tho rails A merlean s l-s Wrecked San Cal Cat Dec l 17 how lIo How the time American express train of ot tho the Salt Sal Il Lake Route TIo was partly wrecked am and more than a score of ur persons injured bv lIy It Ha Its own en engine was tol told b by th the passengers when that thin train arrived here at 1 1210 10 o'clock this morning The Thc accident occurred at S 8 o'clock Saturday l morning el eight ht miles south soul of o Las t. Vegas egas as Nov Ne- e Because of oC ol oil which ha had on the track from fron frona a U preceding train tho the ln engine of or the lie American express was as unable to draw Its Us train up the hea heavy grade ru c. c It cu cut cutoff off from froum rom Its train and steamed about abou six miles along to get et tho time aid of or a l freight ht cn engine ne On the tho wa way back the thc passenger en engine engino en- en gine gino broke awa away from t Clel freight I en-I ht dashed down th tie the grade rade nt nl a speed pec o of oC fifty Uty miles an mum hour un und and cra crashed Into Its own train The baJ baggage aJo and tn the Ito mall cars carf were wre tIny badly sma smashed hell a n score of oC passengers were vere slightly hll Injured an and a train porter por por- ten ter suffered a broken a arm 1111 Among lie Iho vas passengers ln was 1 15 U. P P. White former governor gO of oC Montana who was In llio dining tuning car at breakfast break break- fust fast at the and who was wag ts hurled across the ho car but not hurt aside e from fron minor bruises bruise I L I |