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Show Application for Patent. Notice No. 1316.1 United States Land Office, Salt Lake Citt, Utan, July 25, 1885. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DE2I-nis DE2I-nis C. Murphy and the heirs of Samuel Kahn, decsased, whose postoffice address is Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, haveemade application ap-plication for a United States patent for the River Lee mining claim, situate in Little Cottonwood Cot-tonwood Mining District, Salt Lake county. Utah Territory, consisting of 1,305 linear feet of the lode, and surface ground 100 feet wide, being be-ing Lot No. 171, and described in the field notes and plat of the offieial survey on file ia this office, with magnetic variation at 18 degrees 19 minutes east, as follows: Commencing at the discovery point of the said mining elaim, and running S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 775 feet to the center of the westerly end line of the claim, and thence S 7 degrees 50 minutes B 50 feet to Post No. 1; theuce N 7 degrees 50 minutes W 109 feet to Post No. 2; thence N 82 degrees 10 minutes min-utes E 1,305 feet to Post No. 8; thence 8 7 degrees de-grees 50 minutes E 100 feet to Post No. 4; thenee S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 1,305 feet to Post No. 1 of the exterior boundary lines of the surfaee ground of this elaim, embracing an area of 2.701 acres, after excluding therefrom the area in conflict with Lot 70, the Live Yankee mining claim, 0.061 acres, and Lot 138, the Alta minicg claim, 0.234 acres. From Post No. 1 U. S. M. M. No. 3 bears S 66 degrees 27 minutes Vf 1,550 feet distant. The said mining claim being of reeord in the office of the Recorder of said mining district, dis-trict, at Alta, in Salt Lake county. Utah. The nearest known locations being the Murphy, Live Yankee and Alta mining claims. I direct that this notice be published In the Salt Lake Evening Democrat, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the period of sixty days. H. McMASTER. Register. Bird & Lowe, Attorneys for Applicants. |