Show r PARK CITY NOTES Geo G Barry has taken a lease on the i Pioneer owned by 49er and will put a small force to work immediately I A force of men are now at work tearing 1 and i down the old Utah hoisting works moving the timber and machinery over to 1 the Anchor i The first oysters appeared in the market mar-ket on Wednesday last and two society gents have already assignedtheir best girls to some one with plenty of cash There will be a match game of base wi at ball between the Fats and Leans bal Park City Gardens tomorrow after be looked for noon and rare sport may Captain E B Wilder was up from Salt Lake the first of the week on business connected with the Silver Key and we understand that something will be done in the near future It is regarded as quite possible that Mrs Gen M M Bane of Salt Lake who is known as one of the most talented dramatic drama-tic readers in the Union may favor uL our I citizens with a reading in tine near raiure I A contract has been let on the Wilson I and Barrett property to sink 150 feet Barret expected will connect with the old McHenry tunnel Albert Johnson John-son and Jacob Johnson are the contractors contract-ors Work on the JMarsac mill is being pushed rapidly The new machinery part of which will come from Chicago and part from Salt Lake has nearly all bean ordered and unless some unforseen obstacle ob-stacle arises Mr Joe Galligher feels positive posi-tive that the mill will startup by Thanksgiving Thanks-giving Day On Tuesday morning as a drift was being be-ing run from the old shaft on the Bonanza only 25 feet from the surface a vein of afoot a-foot in width was cut which looks very I i promising No doubt has ever existed in the minds of experienced men that there was good ore in this property I and this adds fresh confirmation to the belefforce A force of men are at work improving the grade of the Crescent tramway between be-tween the concentrator and mine The widened curves are being eased and preparatory to laying heavier rails so that the engine bought for the purpose can be used to haul the cars up to the mine The first car load of rails for the new track arrived last night Situated on Treasure Hill adjoining the city on the west is the Creole lode a large deposit of carbonates The discoverer discov-erer and owner is D F Condon who since the discovery some four years ago has made all the developments almost alone This now consists of a tunnel 150 feet in length to tap the deposit and about 250 feet of workings on the vein Two raises of thirty feet each at different points show the deposit to have that thickness at least The ore is low grade as yet but by concentrating about fifty ounces to the ton are obtained He ships in five and ten ton lots From Simon Bamberger president of the Morgan group of mines we learn the following Official surveys on ten claims have been made and patents applied for A company has been organized having for its officers Simon Bamberger president presi-dent and manager John Groesbeck vicepresident Joseph Barnett treasurer treas-urer Fred K Morris secretary An authorized capital stork of 150000 shares at a par value of 10 each Winter quarters quar-ters are now being erected and it is expected ex-pected that inside of ninety days machinery ma-chinery will be put up for deep sinking a double compartment shaft already having been begun This property is located between be-tween the Daly and the Anchor Mining Companys ground there being a slight conflict between the Daly and this company com-pany which however will be amicably settled Mr Phillip Morgan will be foreman fore-man |