Show I UNDER FOREIGN SKIES 1I I 1 Strong Indications that England and Russia Are Preparing for the Inevitable Struggle f r Cholera Cleaning Out the Spaniards at the Rate of 1000 a Ja > > > t The Pall Mall Gazette Gives to the Public Another Seduction Story Thanks to the Soudan Noliliors LONDON August 12In Houseof Lords this afternoon the Marquis of Salisbury in moving a vote of thanks to the army and j navy for their recent services in Egypt pail pai-l strong tribute ioWolseley md Cengral1 Graham and the other officers soldiers and marines who took part in the Khartoum expedition ex-pedition for their valor perseverance and the high spirit they displayed in the arduous work of the desert campaigns The Prime Minister praised in unmeasured terms the valor and devotion of General Gordon and of Generals Earl and Stewart and other ofli cers and men who lost their lives during the Soudan war and fittingly expressed condolence I condo-lence with their relatives and friends Baron Carrington moderate Liberal warmly seconded the motion which was adopted It was noteworthy that not a single Liberal 1 Lib-eral leader was present in the House of Lords i during the above proceedings Their absence ab-sence was much remarked and considered as a demonstration against the motion Sir Michael HicksBeach Chancellor of I the Exchequer made a similar motion in the Commons I |