Show Silver Quotations Corrected daily by Wells Fargo Col Silver New York 100 Silver lx > udon 49d 1 t Load New York per looms 370 4 BULLION SHIPMENT 1 bar Christy M Co loo H See Tills Gentlemen Yonmans Celebrated New York Hats which lead the fashion in New York as well as in all cities in the United States also zThos Townseud Cos English Hate NontE WOOD Co i Sole Agents I IF you want choice groceries go to G F Potter corner State Road and Third I South I e Onward I Onward To the rescue The Blue Ribbon Temperance Tem-perance Association are proud to state that they have been granted the use of the Federal Courthouse their former haven of rest viz the M E Church having become too small to contain the numbers flowing in They will therefore meet in the Federal courtroom on Mon day evening next March 30th at which I time a good programme will be prepared and broadsides will be poured forth Come one come all Be on time7 30 sharp F GARDINER Secy For Sale I j To a man that understands the restau rant business and catering for parties and I I lodge suppers a well established business I busi-ness for sale Has a fine run of business Can be bought cheap No such chance ever offered in Lake City Enquire H 0 STEARXS 120 Main Street I jI j I A MOST complete line of Double and I single Thick Glass at prices to suit the 1 times at MASON Coji 225 W South Temple Street I The Magnet We are now prepared to accommodate our customers and the general public with fresh Salt Lake City Beer at 5cts a glass I 20cts a quart The Billiard and Pool department I de-partment is separate The bar is well stocked and we will always be pleased to i see our old friends and new ones I S Russsszj Co Props I I 4 j 1 HEESCH ELLERBECK are the agents for the Exeter Heater a sample of which can beseen at their show rooms No 49 E First South Stroete I WHEN the wearyTuingry traveler casts about loris place to1 lay his head he will find the best and Ul satisfactory meal and bed at the Vhite i House t I MOUNTAIN ICE CO i6 and 53 SECOND SOUTH STREET I i Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I O 3EI 2 A large supply of leo of firstclass purity al t trays on hand I Dai1y De1iVerles Promptly attended to Come and see us J HElL Secretary Sugden Johnson Fine Hardwood Finishers STAININGSTORE STORE FITTINGS COUNTERS INLAID WORK Of Every Description Contractors and Builders Basement under he Postoflice Wholesale and Retail SIMON BROS Millinery Fancy Goods We are daily receiving NEVv GOODS I By freight and express MANY NOVELTIES I I Will be found in i our different departments Our friends and patrons are cordially invited to inspect our stock and see for themselves SIMON BROS I JENNINGS BUILDING j I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH s J JONASSON I I Attorney and CoimselloratLmv II I I OFFICE 173 East Second South Street below the Thirteenth Ward Schoolhouse and opposite the Presbyterian Church I F M BISHOP Assayer 161 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITYUTAIL All work Carefully and Promptly Executed jl JRS S SI GOULD Fashionable Dressmaker Up Stairs in the ZEIMEK BCIUHSO Main Street Xorth ofCoop OGDEV UTAH I T JICVICKER J ASSAYER Under McCornicks Bank Main St SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FRANK FOOTE ASSA YEB J 9Q SOUTH MAIN STREET SALT JAKE Ut City Personal attention given to all r business C > USECIJEANI NG Season is now here and TULLIDGE Co Have received their Spring Stock of I WIJI4 Including every design and quality Kahomining House and Sign Painting By the most skilled workmen and at Reasonable Rates I CALIFORNIA WINE CO I WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i Whiskies Wines and Cigars OPPOSITFTIIE WALKER DOUSE Salt Lake City I WOOLF Agent E GILLETTE Civil Engineer and U S Deputy Mineral I Min-eral Surveyor I Contracts taken for all kinds of grading in eluding Railways Canals Tramways and I Wagon Roads OfficeNo 19 Commerce Building II I I I I BONNEKUD FIELDING Contractors Builders I PRESSED BRICK FROSTS A SPECIALTY II I I It Salt Lake City Utah f I Ir r I J LLOYD Custom Boot and Shoe Maker j j No9 East Second South Street j SAISTFACTION GUARANTEED Established 1S69 II I I THE WYOMING t I Hereford Association OF WYOMING J I Have opened a SALES AnD at the place ro merly known as Flits Gardens where Iran always be found HIGH GRADE AND THOROUGHBRED IE3I e r o f o 2 dS FOR SALE GKEO R MORGAN eneratMannues i 10 = = = = n I BOLIVAR ROBERTS A XELt ROBERTS NELDEN j j Da UGS i AND Assayers Goods I I We offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock of I Drugs Assayers Material and Toilet Articles i Druggists Sundries St1rgioa1 Instrl1Jnents E1c Elt 0 Ever Brought to this Market y Iligg We are Agents for all the Leading Lines of Goods we carry and can offer Ee tt I Prices than ever given before Entire Drug Stores Furnished at Five Days Notice We are Never Undersold i VUrite for JPrioos oar s23c3 a Tario rder Of I 220 Main Street Opposite Postofflcc Salt Lake City Utah ii = = II Postoffice Box 973 Telephone No 216 P A PASCOE 0 B DEALER IN Lime Cement Piaster Hair Building Rock Salt TJJRFlA CC > TT A I AGENT FOR I The Utah Lime and Cement Company Sanpete Palace Stone Company UtiL United States Encaustic Tile Company Indianapolis Ind F Beck Cos Lincrusta Hangings New York Manilla Building Material Marbleized Mar-bleized Mantels Grates Architectural Sheet Metal Work VULCAN POWDER COMPANY Etc WARWICK BLOCK First South Street SALT LAKE CITY 1 CLIPT OUSE I SALT LAKE CITY Rates 150 to 2 per Day Corner Main and Third South Sts SMall s c EVVING Prop Mtttl Rates Made Week Poatagf Satisfactory By or Month mndec Rule F E SCHOPPE Wholesale and Retail Dealer inS in-S T 0 V E S L i 4 J I td 4 I I rJ I i I I I I I I I I Cr r r w I C P f tJw I Yol rw I rile nI lag < Cast and Wrought Iron RANGES II I I T XT Copper and SheetIron Work 253 S Main St Salt Lake City MADSENS I Furniture Emporium Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PUBNITURE 1 I Upholstery Carpets Of Every Description I have Just opened in my New Warerooms the los1 E1egant Finest and Complete Stock OF Furniture f 1 Ever brought to Utah Call and examine my Goods and Prices and satisfy yourself and remember I am Never Undersold 51 53 FIRST SOUTH STREET East of Deseret National Bank and 42 S MAIN STREET I P 7 1Iac1sen i EARLY BREAKFAST Cook Stoves I Paris Ranges Store Trimmings I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL x P W MADSEN CO 51 53 E First South St A FISHER BREWING CO I I Brewery near U C R R and D R G Depots Salt Lake City Utah We are now prepared to supply the Public with Keg and Bottled Beer Of Superior Quality 0 At POpu1ar Prioos P 0 Box 1W7 telephone 204 A FISHER BREWING CO i I i Stationers Booksellers w Order your Goods of us by Mail or Telephcne I or call at our store by the PoatolHce i on Main Street i SCHOOL BOOKS De NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES Paid I ARTISTS SUPPLIES Surpli OF EVERY KIND H 8 Elm CIIF Subscriptions taken for any Periodical El-m Jel in the World Feramol John Sh C H Parsons Co Wm L 8 Wj Hf Jas T 3Irs Dr 31 B 3Iallors E 1IIodicaJ Jar1ors Buys a No 21 W Third South Street second d Francil west of Clift House GENERAL PItA don a TIONEU Treats all Diseases Acute or C t Obstetrics Diseases of Women and CLii4 Slakes Pneumonia Scarlet Fever and DIoLtheu Promptlj given special attention by combining intera medication with our New Triple Medicati Vapor Baths Can remove all poIsons mercllri iMc lead syphilitic etc Invaluable to Consump IVCK Oflice Hours 8 to 12 a m and 3 to 7 pLo C W Mallory General Assistant c 9 References Messrs F Foote Assayer George Davis Merchant SALT LAKE CITY rTATT SALT A 27 ELIA SONS Trans 142 MAIN STREET You can 2nd the largest assortment of Gold Silver Watches Jmpo JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS First Corai And everything needed In that line at Chem Very IJWOt Prices Omah First Koun Notice to Creditors State Estate of WILLIAM II PITT Crock PITTS Deceased City NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE D Lii designed administratrix of the E tate of T Is o William H Pitts deceased to the creditor and all persons having claims against the sa tt deceased to exhibit them with the nece < > trt vouchers within ten months after the tip t plJio lication of this notice to the said adrnaia trix at the office of Sheeks Rawlin J1L4 < Temple street In the county of Salt Lake Salt ISABEL M PUTS Administratrix Of the Estate of William H Pitts Deceased Dated at Salt Lake City March 25 1S35 Trafl8 I ESTABLISHED 1864 Dealel Care JOSEPH TAYLOR 9 mittanc Long ates ofl UNDERTAKES acil d p eolluei Adva ind 511 = 5 New Oma A Complete Stock of WOOD METALLIC a Chic San I CLOTHCOVERED Deny COFFINS AND CASKETS Constantly on hand Also a full ihI at BURIAL ROBES Masonic Odd Fellows and pythia Knights of F7t emblems furnished on hearse ALTll OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Faclory and warerooms ware-rooms No 253 E First South street Telephone No 70 Fore Fold THQS W JENNINGSrent I ofl f rent ral REMOVED TO Tele < Princlt No < 35 W First South Street Hay Jpondel First door east of Dinwoodeys store town t Pecialj exceut P D SPRAGUE ACCOU f nd m Passenger and Baggage Transft reedy Irig co To and from all Trains to any Hotel or Private Residence In the City New y Orders received at White House through te 8aQ Fr Dhone No 152 or left on slate Boston i ALL OHDERS GIVEN JTOMPT ATTEST > < Jjplcagd Deuye Heesch Eilsrbeclt 85 iOndo New Omaha Paris o PLUMBERS Op Sole agents for the EXETER UEATE tht most economical and reliable beater in use j j Water Pipes laid on short notice tzt s jail 19 East First SouthStreet SALT LAKE c 1ft Ctga t |