Show I NEWS OF THE DAY i I Over 200 fresh Mormons arrived in New York Wednesday on their way to Utah It is reported that there are some Irish among them I A Madrid dispatch today states that i the action of Premier Canovas has alienated the navy thus adding to the danger of the situation Next week Postmaster Vilas will issue an additional circular to postmasters containing con-taining full and explicit instructions for their guidance in inaugurating the new scheme Tax was paid oil over sixtynine million gallons of whiskey and nineteen million barrels of beer for the last fiscal year Over twenty million gallons of wine were also consumed France lost 15000 men in the Tonquin campaign and her losses in money including includ-ing the cost of building forts hospitals and frontier defenses were 43000000 while Chinias losses were 100000 men and EGS 000000 Some attention is being paid to the Union Iron Works San Francisco it being alleged that several Senarors Democrats and Republicans are stockholders in the concern con-cern The advantage of the firm on naval contracts may readily be seen John L Sullivan writes New York snorting snort-ing editors that he cannot engage in any fight without the consent of the proprietors the minstrel combination by whom he is engaged engag-ed This consent is withheld and the Sullivan Sulli-van and Ryan contest is therefore off At a meeting of the Womans Industrial League held Washington last night resolutions res-olutions were adopted declaring that the good of the public and the health of the country demand that Chinese laundries shall go and denouncing Secretaries Manning Man-ning and Lamar for the encouragement given these Chinese laundries in letting out tho washing of the towels of their Departments Depart-ments by contract The National Coal Miners Convention at Indianapolis yesterday resolved that membership of the association shall be open to all miners and mine laborers in and around the mines of the United States and Territories to rem as far as possible the cause of strikes au adopt wherever and whenever practicable the principles of arbi tration and restriction to obtam legislative enactment for the more efficient management manage-ment of mines whereby the lives and health i of its members may be better preserved to assist all similar organizations which have I the same object in view Massachusetts Prohibitionists in convention con-vention at Worcester yesterday passed a resolution declaring uncompromismg opposition oppo-sition to the importation manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage We demand the enactment and enforcement of rigid prohibitory laws and when such laws have been faithfully enforced we will I be preparedto answer the question whetht prohibItionprohibits The convention also j denounced the murder of peaceful Chinese laborers in Wyoming as an infamous iibel I upon civilization recognized the right of every person on our soil to the equal protection protec-tion of our laws I The Society of the Army of the Tennessee sat down to a banquet at the Grand Pacific Chicago last night A member stated that I the ladies desired to state that for their part they did not wish to infringe on the right of officers to light their cigars A member moved that a voto of thanks be tendered the ladies Another member offered as an amendment that the officers do not smoke General Sherman straightened himself up and said It appears to be the sentiment of the meeting that we smoke at the banquet ban-quet If there is no objection I will declare de-clare the motion carried The toast list was a long one and the responses generally were in a happy vein General M Bane of Washington Territory spoke upon the Army of the Tennessee and General Logan spoke upon Statesmen and Lawmakers Law-makers of the Civil War He cited Lincoln as the greatest statesman developed in the century of American Independence and said that the statesmanship which would give protection to American industries and provide for the maintenance of the free schools of the nation would win in the future One of the important undetermined questions which agitates many Democratic leaders is whether President Cleveland emulating emu-lating the example of his predecessors will cause to be established a central newspaper organ at the national capital Opinions are divided upon the propriety and advisability of this course some insistinp that in these halcyon days of the republic < central organs are rendered wholly unnecessary by advance in the art and science of journalism as demonstrated de-monstrated by the metropolitan and independent inde-pendent press On the other hand it is argued that inasmuch as the Democratic party has been rehabilitated iu power and measures of policy must of necessity be advanced ad-vanced and maintained in order to perpetuate perpetu-ate Democratic ascendancy the national capital is the particular locality where a central organ should be established as a mouthpiece for the Cleveland administration and a textfurnisher for Democratic journals I in other sections of the country During the I quarter of a century which marked Republican Republi-can control that party sustained a central organ at Washington which nourished I apace until the dividing line between stalwarts stal-warts and halfbreeds became too distinctly I drawn I |