Show LOCAL JO is Materna at the Theatre tonight Judge Powers holds out cold comfort to the polygamists in the pen The Clay tonLynch case AVIS din d-in tlm police court this morning until Thursday the 13th inst Mr Cullins Superintendent of the Emma at Alta says the mine is now drained and everything is in running order Patrons of the DEMOCRAT wiil find the office in its new quarters Monday just east of the Eagle Foundry Second South Street Geo A Mcears has leased the east portion por-tion of Ordncr Jones place on Second South If he adds another chime another an-other fire may be expected Religious services at St Marks Cathedral Cathe-dral tomorrow Holy Communion 730 a in Sunday school 9 45 morning service ser-vice with sermon 11 evening prayer 7 pm The Tribune specials says the morning morn-ing journal are the admiration of > the public and the despair of its contemporaries contempo-raries Oh Modesty what a Harte hast thou Five Pullman coaches bearing 200 Iowa editors and their friends left Omaha on the Dili for the purpose of doing the Northwest Salt Lake will be included in their tour A dead dog lying in the ditch at the corner of Second South and Third East streets quietly but rather strongly invites in-vites the attention of the inspector of nuisances Mgr Capel the distinguished Catholic prelate having been detained in Salt Lake till tomorrow evening will preach at tho Catholic Church at 11 oclock tomorrow to-morrow morning The Madison Square Company have dates at the Theatre for four nights commencing com-mencing June 24th The engagement is divided between The Private Secretary and The Professor The concert at Fort Douglas will commence com-mence at 6 oclock tomorrow evening Dress parades will till further notice take place on Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings at 730 oclock Mgr Capel was an interested spectator at the circus last night He made a pleasant call on the DEMOCRAT this morning morn-ing looking none the worse for his encounter I en-counter with the prehistoric conundrums of the clown On the 15th inst the Ogden Athletics will arrive in this city and play match game of base ball with the Red Boys This will prove the most interesting contest con-test seen here this season as the clubs are so evenly matched A correspondent of the Provo Enquirer gives tho lottery sheet a pointed thrust when he says Suppose we compare the JTcrald with either of the other dailies of Salt JJakeit is far behind them both in reading and appearance Mr J B Hunt one of the victims of the Snake rivor casualty mentioned elsewhere else-where was a wellknown placer miner and had recently sold out a claim on Snake river for 150000 His sad fate will be regretted by his many friends At the Germania smelter yesterday a Cottonwood lad struck Superintendent Austin over the head with the butt end of a whip in settling the management of a yellow dog The cur ran away the boy followed suit and Mr Austin laments l a sore head The Virginia Montana Madisoniat says Placer mining is in full blast in Old Alder and neighboring gulches and if the boys can only get a good head of water for the balance of the groundsluic ing season there will be slathers of dust next fall The Old Folks excursion to Black Rock will take place on the 23d inst Allover All-over 70 years of age will be furnished a free ride over the Utah Western line and refreshments and amusements will be furnished them by the kindness of the committee in charge Childrens Day will be observed in the Presbyterian Church tomorrow by special services at 11 a m and 745 pin p-in Parents arc requested to come with their children In the morning there I will be baptisms the presentation of Bibles and a brief address by the ptstor In the evening there will be three short addresses specially for the children and young people Denman Thompson in his inimitable creation of Uncle Josh will hold the boards next Monday and Tuesday night at the Theatre Thompson is one of the truest comedians in America and of his play it is said that it is as much a boon to the cloyed theatergoer as is a summer run into the pleasant country to the overworked I over-worked appetiteless and enervated city man Uncle Josh means two hours of rippling laughter I |