Show i l Z j SALT LAKES MINERAL MARKET Ore Shipments Fully Up to the Average I Aver-age Nevada and California Ores Co mi 11 fr to This Market Ii i A DEMOCRAT reporter in skirmishing around town this morning encountered L I same of our smelting men and gleaned I I from them some items of mining interest The market i a little quiet at present but is not however affected by Mr Shepherd Shep-herd who some time ago caused such consternation among buyers by giving a better price for ores for Pueblo and Omaha Oma-ha than the home companies could afford I aford to offer lie apparently has dropped I I out of the competitive line and is not pay I ing the high prices he did but is still making considerable shipments on contracts I I con-tracts He says his companies are pretty I well stocked now and dont care to buy I I a great deal at up present Mr Conklin has sampling works also I I in Idaho which lie says are doing a good business He is also working five mines i in Wood River They are making an I i excellent yield and look very promising rl for the future j J C Conklin reports things moving along smoothly About seventyfive tons per day on an average are handled I at the Conklin works in this city The I principal supply of ore comes from Stockton Stock-ton Dry Canyon and Ophir in Utah and considerable shipments are made from Nevada much ot which is brought clear from the western extremity of the State I I which being so near to the California I i works seems a little strange The reason fnr this IR the fact that the lead orp 13 nf I higher grade and found in greater quhn tities in Utah than in California which has actually to ship lead from this Terri tory to use in the reduction works of that State Therefore the Utah mills and smelters can pay a better figure than can be had in California and so the Nevada miners ship here Frank Foote says things are somewhat quieter this week than usual The ore for his mill down at the Utah Central or depot is received from Stockton Bing ham and Nevada The work being done by him is giving excellent satisfaction and he consequently expects a rush in the future Mr Scott of Scott Anderson with a smile on his face said smie he didnt know about giving facts and figures to newspaper news-paper reporters any more because inmost in-most instances where he had the facts and figures would be reversed and the contrary of the truth published and this had made him dubious of the ability and honesty of the reporters Being assured from the honest physiognomical expression expres-sion on the face of the DEMOCRAT reporter re-porter he finally consented to say that the companys works of Scott Anderson Ander-son were doing all that they could and that there has not been so much ore on the market for five years as now They have sampled fortyfive lots of ore since i the 1st inst That ranged from one car load to 200 tons They receive ore from a large range of country embracing the principal camps in this Territory and from many of the great mining districts distr t in Nevada This company is among the oldest and most reliable in the Territory having been in existence for ten years on I the 1st of this month TIm amount of ore that is shipped from abroad to the sampling mills mentioned in this aiticle is proof of their reliability and speaks well for the enterprise of Utah and the mining interests of our mountain regions The improved facilities of recent years for working low grade ores and the late raise in the price of lead have so r duced the cost of handling them that vast quantities which heretofore could not be handled are now being worked to advantage both to the miners and the Ihiyers awl therefore shipments are much I more plentiful than plentnl formerly for the reason rea-son that mines or a very low grade can now be made to pay a decent margin of I profit I |