Show The Salt Lake City Directory The DEMOCRAT acknowledges a copy Of the Salt Lake City Directory through the agent Mr II Pembroke the Main street stationer An examination of the work shows it to be in getup of general appearance comprehensiveness and au thenticity the most complete directory ever compiled of this city The work was produced bv Messrs It E Douglas L E Fitch and T 1 W Smith of the U S Directory Publishing Company I commences with residents of Salt Lake August 1st 1885 and 1lt embraces an accurate ac-curate index of residences and business houses A guide to streets public offices publc ofces etc as well as the names of the Municipal Munici-pal Federal and Territorial officers are ofcer tabulated for convenience While the Whie Directory is not a reading book or gazet I teer of information it is indispensable I as a reference to courts officers precincts schools banks churches societies libraries cemeteries and in short all pub county lie items of interest about the city and The book is oi the best material ever I seen in 1 work of the kind and is handsomely hand-somely bound in leather It contains I several thousand more names than any I other Directory of Salt Lake existing |