Show f JUTS I HATS HATS I l Fan am Winter Style Jnat Arrived i ioiss5iaii s This celebrated hat is light and flexible i and the nobbiest hat worn the leader in j New York City f M SilvcrmaHfr Fine flexible hat we arc making a specialty spec-ialty of and will sell it cheaper than any house west of New York Stetsons We carry the largest and most complete com-plete line in the city both in soft and stiff hal md at low prices NODE WOOD Co The exclusive Haters corner west of Opera House How to Eat nn Oyster L Lont drown him deep in vinegar Or season him at nil o TDont cover up his shining form With pepper like a pal But gently lift him from his shell r r And Sriuly hold your shel Tiion with jour eager tongue find teeth Just tickle him to death Ar Y Morniwi 0 Journal Mrs 51 G Laplmni S Co i I Have received the Queens and Bazar i i D slimiiker ana a full line of new put j sternsor September Dressmaking in ali j I al its < branches filled at the shortest notice i Orders solicited at 42 and 57 W First I South Street Fit I f II Democrats Peoples party and Repub I licans are invited to avail themselves of the very low prices prevailing in every department of the Mammoth Establishment Establish-ment of lAuerbach Bro They say they are ngver undersold Tnc Famous Cigar is known by ton noisseurs to be the best in the city 0 w I i PENcILS INK and all the articles the pupils need should be bought of I C II PAKSOVB Co I T COAL OIL and Fluid at Pioneer Lamp Store 57 E First South Street I SiiOKn the Celebrated Famous Cigar manufactured by Sam Levy I j I I 1S7S Established 1878 Jos Baum arten the Fashionable i Fahionable Tailor mil use the i only latest London and New York Fashions and Styles and j also the 1 a finest Imported and Domestic Cloths I defy any house west of Chi i ago to compare with my tailor depart m nf Call and he taior i i i Note Books Note Books We can show you the best Hue of all kinds of Note Books lne C I PAHSOKS Co White House For the bent meals and rooms go to the White house Everything firstclass and low rates frstcass a HOT to Consult Dr Foote Sr by Mail Dr Foote Senior author of Plain PIin Home Talk Medical Common Sense 1u etc 1 etc would say to those who would I iinv w consult mm by mail that they can have a list of questions and lst an a circular of gratuitous advice addressing Box 414 Salt Lake City The doctor has to have arranged such information supplied in this way to save time Receiving such printed his matter the correspondent can describe I I or her case fully and dirert it to the doctor in New York Dr t Foote is I t successfully treating all forms of chronic j diseases a ecialty to which he has de j i voted thirty years of study and practice tvHicnccs pmctce 1 Eviences of his success can also be had l by addressing Box 414 a above but all letters a1 of consultation and orders for I remedies should be addressed to Dr E B F ° ° te > Sr 120 Lexington Avenue New ew York City N Y Consultation free An Consulation I advertisement of Dr Foote Sr in another place deserves attention I SCHOOL BOOKS at C II Parsons Co South JohnTnylor Street have SonN 43 and 45 Second Street just jut received a choice lot of Spring and I Sprng Summer Yolem which they oflbr to thcyoflertomakeupm firstclass I at greatly reduced rates frRtclass style i h i I is the Protect duty Your of every Family man rich I il poor who has or some created a home to make for those provisions who are against dependent the inevitable I and this most depndent upon him timed by desirable result can be ob Life Insurance procuring a polic in the Mutual Company the oldest of New York active the largest actve le insurance company in America and world Rates etc company in the Hyams Aent 55 furnished by Louis Eldrirge Block Salt Main Lake Street City Hooper f Arrival We are now opening and receiving daily a full line of Fall Clothing for Mens and Boys wear GOLDSJIITH Co 1 FOR a good smoke try the Famous Cigar for sale by Sam Levy Boys and Girls i Will find Reading Books Arithmetics Grammars and Geographies atc I II at-c G II PARSOXS Co I j Great Redaction l in Livery j At Mark McKimmins Livery Stable I Salt Lake City Brewing Company I 1r CULILN H W MOUSE President VicePresident I We are now prepared to receive orders I for our CKMHKATEO BUWVEISEU LAGER BEER Special inducements < given to purchasers I pur-chasers of carload lots Having given our careful attention to the selection of the finest material for the manufacture of beer after the Budweiser I I urocess we are in a situation to tliee be fore the public an article superior to any hitherto offered in this market Orders by telephone promptly attended to JACOB MORITZ Sec Treas EDUCATIONAL SAT LAE ACADEMY PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC DEPART i ments at HAMMOND HALL i INTERMEDIATE and PRIMARY DEPART i I MENTS with KINDERGARTEN rt INDEPENDENCE HALl I WILL OPEN 1 I 2VEoZ3c3ct3 > aSegstr 7h Classical Scientific and English courses of Instruction Full faculty the same as for the pat four years Academic instruction per term instructou tlrm S50 Preparatory I 5 Intermediate and Primary I 62 Prmary joo For informatton fO Tl rJnforinatcm and calendars apply to E I 331 Third East strecet I SaJtiake Seminary I r j I TIE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION WILL Iii j I September 71885 i With u full Faculty of 1 ful > Seven Flcu1 Instructors stuJ I dents will be 8tu denti wi prepared for the gland collegesPrCPnrCd ° best New En tI t I I COMPETENT TEACHERS i Will preside over the several department wellgraded course Kindergarten include of I J JI i HOMES KWSTODENTS j lost excellent accommodations IndIes in for Davis Hal flTlfl f young and for ir vtn 41 r in thC joinlug young gentemen buhldiiig All vIsiou of the PrinCipal lJidIng Ittder ihe super > Far information I address i I HEY 4 ity Ulim HHTLY Principal I j EUREK ADVERTISEMENTS KEYSTONE HOTEL i EUREKA I i TINrc lest Accommodations in Camp j i I I Terms 150 per Day j S jer Wpel i fllsi Ei si IIOIJAWI > l I I p j t M G ROT PT ii i i i Contractor for i i Lumber and Shingles J And Dealer inGRAIN > I GRAIN FLOUR AND PRODUCE i un Supply of FAMILY GROCERIES on hand EUREKA I TINTIC i E ROYAL BAKING POWD I I i I j I j I I i i I I I I OWDER AbsoUteIY Puree This Powder never varies Amartelofpurhr strength and wholespmeness More economlU purfty than the ordinary kinds and cannot ba with the multitude sold in competition of loir short weight alum or phosphate Powders teaf only in cans ROYAL Wivo POWDEU GO Sold Wall street New York iw MEDICAL Dr1TOOTE Senior Of 120 Lexington Avenue7ovr York Hereby cautions the public HOT 01 to Employ or Communicate with a man styllnff Iiirnsolf Dr Foot jr without maKlnff due Inquiry This man came to Salt Lake Citr repreaentla himself a tho son of Dr E B FOOTH ot New V York tho well known specialist aa abundantly abundanty proved by affidavlte Aa rumors camo into 2a ft I Lake City from Dakota and Montana from Sai expose made there he changed his base ant A represented himself a the son of a more noted specialist In Now York City than Dr E J FOOTE the well known author Mr JaR F TROW of the well known Trows Directory Ii i New York City forty years In the directory busIness ExGovernor FRANK FoiiERof RANK FULEn of Utah and the Hon ABEAM WAKEXAH for many yean Postmaster in Now York City also Surveyor of tho Port gave their affidavits that there are no other doctors In New York by the name of Poor or FOOTE excepting Dr B B FOOT the author of Medical Common Sense etc and his two ions Dr E B FOOTE Jrr and Dr HUBERT T FOOTK The genuine Dr FOOTE Jr will here after always employ the Initials E Bln desig nating his name Heretofore ElhIn beeu known not only at home but wherever his pub lications have been circulated by the namo of Dr FOOTE Jr Greater care win be taken here after in view of the fact that an unprincipled person fathers has reputation assumed to profit by his and hU ThOiO d iirin flrthr Inll rnrl 1lnUr formation In respect to this matter will receive I by addressing Box 414 Salt lake City Utah Persons having Information of advantage to plaintiffs will kindly communicate the same to J W Ivey with Sutherland McBride Salt Lake City Those desiring to consult DR FOOTB profe atonally or to order remedies should address either Dr E B FOOTESror Dr E B FOOTE Jr 120 Lexington Ave New York Consultation Free ifti > erson or by letter 1 JEWELRY w O BD WATOHES L I j I j I i HOLLANDERS JEWELRY STORE I 148 JTIain Street Salt Lake City T ELIASONS 142 MAIN STREET YOU can fln1 the Internet assortm mt sf Gold Silver Watches j JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS And everything needed In that line a I c7x 3 LOes Prj oes I Sacred HeanAcademy OGDEN CITY UTAH qo 4oe i9 THE SrSTERS OF TRE hOLY CROSS THE COURSE OF STUDY IS THOROUGH L and embracing nil the branches of a solid and I sold oral accomplished vocal and education Languages gel voca drasvingIeson free of charge to chnrae up the i age of twelve reeotyed In a separate yours rerolred building School II Open Sept mDer 1stJ 15 1 51 Half fare ticket can be procured for pupiH I For terms and IoU particulars addrc The Sisters of the partcular mdro3l Holy Cross Ogden Utah I Uah I i ST MARYS ACAE1UY Salt Lake City Utah CONDUCTED BY THE i SISTERS JOF THE HOLY CROSS Classes for Hoarders snracd and day pupil wilt he r snTec KOJTDAY AUGUST 31ST 1885 of Tho a thorough courseo study embraces Hthe branckst and aUf accomplished education LtNUUOES GKXEKAL DUAWLVU nUll VOCAL I J t Being included in extra the English course form norm will no-rm be btlrk ready for September aadltl011 charge The to the Academy s team pressure apparatus rillbe in basement of SAle TERMS MODERATE department Small boy boarder received in a separate p upils HalHare tickets caa be progur r d for the For Ctalo Catalogue address ai above |