Show Mother and Son Team Graduate By Chris Fergeson Staff Writer Mother and son team graduating from at the same same time Pat Pitcher and Jamie Pitcher are mother and son and both of them are graduating graduating graduating with a major in Ethnic Minorities Pat started at in inthe inthe inthe the Summer of 1993 Since the Fall of 1993 she has been a full time student student student stu stu- stu- stu dent aiming for a degree She graduated from high school in 1967 She then spent a years in accounting but her priorities changed in 1992 when her husband passed away The death of her husband husband hus hus- husband band caused her to take a good look at her life and decide what to do with herself Pat said Coming to was the best a place for me to to come Simply because of the instructor sup sup- port She said that with some of her instructors she would tell them she felt like she couldn't do something because she felt like she couldn't learn something that new Her instructors would tell her to take her time and that she could do anything that she set her mind on finishing She decided to restructure herself by going to college She also said that it kept her son Jamie in school She also co commented men ed that You find yourself yourself yourself your- your self doing things not only for yourself yourself yourself your your- self but also for your kids Jamie is currently working with Valley VaHey Mental Health Clinic He works with teenagers that lack male influences in their lives He enjoys his work at Valley Mental Health Pat plans to continue her education at the University of Utah and branch of in to sociology She has the desire to become a bereavement counselor in the future |